The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question OnCensus

The census Citizenship question is essential in order to preserving White European heritage and culture in America. The question is a key ingredient to making America great again! Without White people in charge, as we have been since our country's founding, America will slip into the abyss of doom and destruction and we will cease to be a nation with borders, language, and culture created by White European Americans.

Exactly what a white supremacist would say.
Huh! Do you disagree this country was originally founded by White people of European heritage for White people?
Huh! Do you disagree this country was originally founded by White people of European heritage for White people?


It was never 'losted' native American ancestors were already here...

Just sayin'... :p

We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

"Beginning with the 1900 census, Indians are enumerated on reservations as well as in the general population."

Censuses of American Indians - History - U.S. Census Bureau
That's unconstitutional.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

I don't give a fuck if they have been conducting the Census in an unconstitutional fashion.

It says "excluding Indians not taxed" which give Trump all the cover he needs to specifically NOT count MANY (99%) of illegals who came here from south of the border.

I will be glad to watch California lose at least 5 EVs. I will laugh my fucking ass off.


American Indians pay federal taxes on their income and capital gains, just as any other American does.
But, illegals of Indian decent do not. They should not count.

I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.

UNORIGINAL DIVISIVE PAP. Do you ever actually have an original idea or are you just a sock puppet plant sent here by the DNC to spew your prefab socialist agenda crap? The census is for counting ALL people and as many times in the past, for knowing how many are actual citizens and who are not. It does not say anything about whether you are a LEGAL or ILLEGAL non-citizen, so those that choose not to answer it do so at their own free choice.


You know, like you CLAIM Russia tried to do.
Are you actually stupid or do you just play stupid on the forum?
You seriously don't understand the issue here?
If you are that hopelessly misinformed the issue is this -- IF there is the citizenship question Latino people in massive numbers, both citizens and not, will simply not fill out the forms. That will cause a massive undercount. That will benefit the vicious white nationalists and hurt most urban areas. Duh. Double duh. Got it now?

FO, pig dropping. No one will refrain from not filling it out just as in the many other times the same question was on the census, UNLESS they are hiding from the law. If you weren't such a colossal jackass lying idiot, you'd know that Latinos CAN also be citizens. Brainless twit.

You GOTTA be a sock puppet for Oreo, Deanturd, Skews13, or one of the other stupendous imbeciles active or formerly banned. Who are you really?

Why do Democrats think the United States has no right to know how many illegals are in the United States?

What makes you think Democrats think that?

The Census is to provide an accurate count of the people living here.
We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

"Beginning with the 1900 census, Indians are enumerated on reservations as well as in the general population."

Censuses of American Indians - History - U.S. Census Bureau
That's unconstitutional.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

I don't give a fuck if they have been conducting the Census in an unconstitutional fashion.

It says "excluding Indians not taxed" which give Trump all the cover he needs to specifically NOT count MANY (99%) of illegals who came here from south of the border.

I will be glad to watch California lose at least 5 EVs. I will laugh my fucking ass off.


American Indians pay federal taxes on their income and capital gains, just as any other American does.
But, illegals of Indian decent do not. They should not count.


How about if they were of European decent?

How about if they were of European decent?
Hey, I am only going with what the Constitution art 1 sec 2 says. If you want Euro illegals to not count, I have no problem with that either.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.

The 14th Amendment contains NOTHING that Barr can use. Not even semi-colons. You really need to read the shit you're trying to hang your hat on because it doesn't say what you've been told it says.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.

The 14th Amendment contains NOTHING that Barr can use. Not even semi-colons. You really need to read the shit you're trying to hang your hat on because it doesn't say what you've been told it says.
We’ll see.
I read it, did you?
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.

The 14th Amendment contains NOTHING that Barr can use. Not even semi-colons. You really need to read the shit you're trying to hang your hat on because it doesn't say what you've been told it says.
We’ll see.
I read it, did you?

Yes. I requires a count of voting eligible citizens in the event that it is proven that voters in any state are denied the right to vote. But that count would be required AFTER it has been determined that voters were denied their legal right to vote, not before.
The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.

The 14th Amendment contains NOTHING that Barr can use. Not even semi-colons. You really need to read the shit you're trying to hang your hat on because it doesn't say what you've been told it says.
We’ll see.
I read it, did you?

Yes. I requires a count of voting eligible citizens in the event that it is proven that voters in any state are denied the right to vote. But that count would be required AFTER it has been determined that voters were denied their legal right to vote, not before.
Why not before?

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census

The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question On Census
July 8, 2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Cue the meltdown because one looks like one could hit liberal America very soon. We’ve been haggling over the citizenship question in the 2020 census. It’s been asked before in past surveys. As the Department of Justice was ordered to look into ways to include the key question, AG Barr recently announced that a path might have been found (via Post and Courier ): Attorney General Barr tells SC reporters he's found a legal recourse on Census question | News |
Again, the Democrats are going to go ballistic, so grab some popcorn. We’ll see what happens.

I have no problem with illegals being counted... it's nice to know where they're at so we can direct our ICE resources to the right areas. I have a problem with illegals being used for apportionment of Congressional Districts. Besides... Progressive Marxist Socialists/DSA Democrats shouldn't need the illegals with all the dead people they have voting. The Constitution demands that a citizenship question be included on the decadal census. (See: Article 1, Section 2, "The 3/5ths Compromise"). Now, this might seem a strange place to start, but bear with me because the 3/5th compromise is relevant to the constitutional amendment which articulates the need for the citizenship question. That amendment is the 14th Amendment which provided full citizenship for everyone regardless of race. Section '1' of the 14th Amendment defines the criteria for being a U.S. citizen and also states that anyone who is a U.S. citizen is a citizen in all states.

The courts will bar Barr from doing so. There is no way it will happen. The Constitution does not require a citizenship question as it has not been asked since 1950.
The 14th Amendment contains semi-colons between sentences, not periods.
Thus, the clauses contained within concern those legally within the US.
The Fed cannot blithely Tax US citizens and visa holders to support trespassers.

The 14th Amendment contains NOTHING that Barr can use. Not even semi-colons. You really need to read the shit you're trying to hang your hat on because it doesn't say what you've been told it says.
We’ll see.
I read it, did you?

Yes. I requires a count of voting eligible citizens in the event that it is proven that voters in any state are denied the right to vote. But that count would be required AFTER it has been determined that voters were denied their legal right to vote, not before.
“eligible”...which to you means breathing.
If we have to answer how many TV's we have in our home we should be able to know how many non citizens are in country....its that simple....

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