The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question OnCensus

And Barr thinks Trump should get a do over from Roberts for failing to come up with a non-discriminatory reason for the question in the first place. LOL

And I think Roberts will give him his mulligan.
What Barr thinks is irrelevant.

The ruling itself required the lower court to conduct an evidentiary hearing regarding a non-discriminatory reason, so yeah.

But, that's not a mulligan. It's a remand for further findings.

Well, it was an instruction for the district court to give him a do over in stating a non-discriminatory basis for the question. And the Trumpbots were all aghast at the 'traitor' Roberts. LOL
Slaves affected representation. Non-citizens are supposed to be counted too, according to the constitution.
But that excludes "Indians" who are not taxed.

Art. 1, Sec. 2:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons
Indians not taxed would include illegal aliens of Indian decent. Those people would neither be taxed under Art.1, Sec. 2, nor the subsequent 16th Amendment.

So, based on that, the Census MUST include a question about citizenship (for a taxation determination) AND specific questions about heritage (to see if they are "Indians").

We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

And Barr thinks Trump should get a do over from Roberts for failing to come up with a non-discriminatory reason for the question in the first place. LOL

And I think Roberts will give him his mulligan.
What Barr thinks is irrelevant.

The ruling itself required the lower court to conduct an evidentiary hearing regarding a non-discriminatory reason, so yeah.

But, that's not a mulligan. It's a remand for further findings.

Well, it was an instruction for the district court to give him a do over in stating a non-discriminatory basis for the question. And the Trumpbots were all aghast at the 'traitor' Roberts. LOL
That's is so typical of everyone. They think a remand is final.

Slaves affected representation. Non-citizens are supposed to be counted too, according to the constitution.
But that excludes "Indians" who are not taxed.

Art. 1, Sec. 2:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons
Indians not taxed would include illegal aliens of Indian decent. Those people would neither be taxed under Art.1, Sec. 2, nor the subsequent 16th Amendment.

So, based on that, the Census MUST include a question about citizenship (for a taxation determination) AND specific questions about heritage (to see if they are "Indians").

We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

Oh I agree there were justifications that should have been obvious to the Trump admin. I'm just amused the Trump admin couldn't find them. And, if that doesn't show a racist bent, nothing does. LOL
...and if we want to get really shitty, and Indian of Indian decent who is not taxed may not be counted either.


But, that's hardly the case. Indians of India are typically tax-paying LEGAL immigrants.

Slaves affected representation. Non-citizens are supposed to be counted too, according to the constitution.
But that excludes "Indians" who are not taxed.

Art. 1, Sec. 2:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons
Indians not taxed would include illegal aliens of Indian decent. Those people would neither be taxed under Art.1, Sec. 2, nor the subsequent 16th Amendment.

So, based on that, the Census MUST include a question about citizenship (for a taxation determination) AND specific questions about heritage (to see if they are "Indians").

We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

Oh I agree there were justifications that should have been obvious to the Trump admin. I'm just amused the Trump admin couldn't find them. And, if that doesn't show a racist bent, nothing does. LOL
They probably thought they were going to win without further findings.

That's not necessarily a racist bent. More likely a shitty lawyering bent.

I think Trump should order it asked anyhow and then deport the ones who answer "non".

"“John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it”.

You cant stop Trump from doing it. Its that simple. His natural decorum may constrain him...but Democrats cant. There isnt a thing they can do about it.
Slaves affected representation. Non-citizens are supposed to be counted too, according to the constitution.
But that excludes "Indians" who are not taxed.

Art. 1, Sec. 2:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons
Indians not taxed would include illegal aliens of Indian decent. Those people would neither be taxed under Art.1, Sec. 2, nor the subsequent 16th Amendment.

So, based on that, the Census MUST include a question about citizenship (for a taxation determination) AND specific questions about heritage (to see if they are "Indians").

We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

Oh I agree there were justifications that should have been obvious to the Trump admin. I'm just amused the Trump admin couldn't find them. And, if that doesn't show a racist bent, nothing does. LOL
They probably thought they were going to win without further findings.

That's not necessarily a racist bent. More likely a shitty lawyering bent.

eeeeeh, saying they were asking to enforce the voting rights act was at best sarcasm. And I think it stuck in Roberts' craw.
It was on the census since the administration of Lyndon Johnson. Obama removed it to steal congressional seats.
How about if we count everyone and also have the citizenship question? Then we can use the results to determine the actual number of IAs in this country. Then we could finally put that BS estimate of 11 million illegal aliens to rest forever. Logical people know there's more like 30-40 million illegals. Hell, they said there were 8-11 million during the 1986 amnesty. The whole point of a census is to have an accurate count of people. Accurate includes legal status.

Actually, there were about 3 million in the 1986 Amnesty that actually claimed amnesty.

The problem with the citizenship question is that it really doesn't distinguish between illegal aliens and green card holders. It just tells us how many non-citizens we have.

the thing is, the non-citizens will just not turn in their forms, and then someone else will have to figure out who they are and count them with no real idea if they are citizens or not.

Or they can just outright lie and say they are.... Heck, the Census hasn't gotten back to me yet when I listed my race as "Klingon" on the 1990 Census. (I was in a serious Trekkie phase at the time.)
“Trekkie?” Explains much.
It was on the census since the administration of Lyndon Johnson. Obama removed it to steal congressional seats.

Johnson was never President for a Census. (1963-1969)

FACT CHECK: Has Citizenship Been A Standard Census Question?
Thanks. Your “fact check” verifies that in fact it has been on the census since 1950. I stand corrected.
We can assume that "Indians" means anyone from Native American decent, including Aztecs, Mayans, or any other Native American from North or South America.

"Beginning with the 1900 census, Indians are enumerated on reservations as well as in the general population."

Censuses of American Indians - History - U.S. Census Bureau
That's unconstitutional.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

I don't give a fuck if they have been conducting the Census in an unconstitutional fashion.

It says "excluding Indians not taxed" which give Trump all the cover he needs to specifically NOT count MANY (99%) of illegals who came here from south of the border.

I will be glad to watch California lose at least 5 EVs. I will laugh my fucking ass off.

Why? Because the dishonest people who snuck across the border, obtained false or stolen id and got themselves illegally hired, make Trump xenophobicand racist? What a ridiculous assertion. Are you aware that there are roughly a million illegals who have gone through the due process and have deportation orders but refuse to leave? Yep and that costs the taxpayer lots of money! Give America a break.

How are any of those people bothering you?

DId you really have your heart set on that toilet cleaning job they are doing?

You could solve this problem fairly quickly. Instead of trying to catch and deport them, which is like trying to bail out the ocean with a spoon, go after the people who hire them.

Not just the farm owners and sweatshop operators, but the rich asshole who hires Lupe because she's just like a member of the family they don't have to pay.

The asshole who goes to the Home Depot and picks up a truckload of Day Laborers after they find out that DIY project wasn't as easy as Chip and Joanna made it look.

The restaurant owner who hires someone to do the dishes, because teenagers aren't terribly into hard work.

We won't go after these people. We'll just keep enjoying the benefits of the cheap labor and then whine about how those people are in our way.

Totally irrelevant.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is Republicans who cheat in elections by making it difficult for Democrat voters to vote and then find excuses like signature matching to not count their votes.

The fact is that Republicans have not found 100 illegal voters much less than 3 million. You have absolutely no proof for your garbage.
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What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
So move to a Brown nation.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
What trick? This isn’t the first time this question has been asked. What makes it a trick this time?
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
You may as well post an article from "". Its the same thing as huffypuffy.

The fact is that it is in black and white whether you like it or not. Attacking the source will not change it. It wouldn't surprise me if Roberts had read it.
What is stopping anyone being questioned by a census taker to answer the citizenship question with a confident, 'Si'?

Surely that is what community leaders will instruct their citizenly-deprived constituents to do.

I believe including the citizenship question on the census is a largely symbolic move.
The Democrat position is that it will force much of their base to either lie or not respond.

That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
So move to a Brown nation.

I would rather put you racist pigs out of business.

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