The Coming Democratic Meltdown: AG Barr Says He Found A Way to Get Key Citizenship Question OnCensus

Gold too.
Gold too.
I dob't know what senile old Eddie's ramblin' about, but you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico.

Cherokee had long called western Georgia home. The Cherokee Nation continued in their enchanted land until 1829. It was then that the Georgia Gold Rush became common knowledge.

The Cherokees in 1828 were not nomadic savages. In fact, they had assimilated many European-style customs, including the wearing of gowns by Cherokee women. They built roads, schools and churches, had a system of representational government and were farmers and cattle ranchers. A Cherokee alphabet, the "Talking Leaves" was created by Sequoyah.

Cherokee Trail of Tears

Georgia Gold Rush
So white people wanted Cherokee women's gowns?! And here I thought Joey was whacked out.

You said "you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico."

Gold was the reason they were removed. It set up Jackson to defy the SC ruling too!
Where did the Injuns get the gold? First land was their stuff now something they did. know existed was. Alas, I am virtually surrouneded by dimwits of various degree.

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.

Yes, there's no possible reason why we might want to know the citizenship status of people living in our country other than "xenophobia" - if you're a PC lackwit who's programmed to see everything in the spectrum of race.
I dob't know what senile old Eddie's ramblin' about, but you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico.

Cherokee had long called western Georgia home. The Cherokee Nation continued in their enchanted land until 1829. It was then that the Georgia Gold Rush became common knowledge.

The Cherokees in 1828 were not nomadic savages. In fact, they had assimilated many European-style customs, including the wearing of gowns by Cherokee women. They built roads, schools and churches, had a system of representational government and were farmers and cattle ranchers. A Cherokee alphabet, the "Talking Leaves" was created by Sequoyah.

Cherokee Trail of Tears

Georgia Gold Rush
So white people wanted Cherokee women's gowns?! And here I thought Joey was whacked out.

You said "you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico."

Gold was the reason they were removed. It set up Jackson to defy the SC ruling too!
Where did the Injuns get the gold? First land was their stuff now something they did. know existed was. Alas, I am virtually surrouneded by dimwits of various degree.

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?
Cherokee had long called western Georgia home. The Cherokee Nation continued in their enchanted land until 1829. It was then that the Georgia Gold Rush became common knowledge.

The Cherokees in 1828 were not nomadic savages. In fact, they had assimilated many European-style customs, including the wearing of gowns by Cherokee women. They built roads, schools and churches, had a system of representational government and were farmers and cattle ranchers. A Cherokee alphabet, the "Talking Leaves" was created by Sequoyah.

Cherokee Trail of Tears

Georgia Gold Rush
So white people wanted Cherokee women's gowns?! And here I thought Joey was whacked out.

You said "you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico."

Gold was the reason they were removed. It set up Jackson to defy the SC ruling too!
Where did the Injuns get the gold? First land was their stuff now something they did. know existed was. Alas, I am virtually surrouneded by dimwits of various degree.

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?

Um, they are, particularly if they live in the general population, rather than on a reservation.
So white people wanted Cherokee women's gowns?! And here I thought Joey was whacked out.

You said "you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico."

Gold was the reason they were removed. It set up Jackson to defy the SC ruling too!
Where did the Injuns get the gold? First land was their stuff now something they did. know existed was. Alas, I am virtually surrouneded by dimwits of various degree.

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?

Um, they are, particularly if they live in the general population, rather than on a reservation.
So. it's OK to ask a person in The US if they are a member of another Nation?


Apparently it's also ok to ask what sex or race you are too.
You said "you have you Indians confused. Gold was mostly in Mexico."

Gold was the reason they were removed. It set up Jackson to defy the SC ruling too!
Where did the Injuns get the gold? First land was their stuff now something they did. know existed was. Alas, I am virtually surrouneded by dimwits of various degree.

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?

Um, they are, particularly if they live in the general population, rather than on a reservation.
So. it's OK to ask a person in The US if they are a member of another Nation?


Apparently it's also ok to ask what sex or race you are too.

Um, why wouldn't it be? It's not like any of those is inherently offensive or insulting. They're all just basic demographic information - which we do already ask people, FYI.
Where did the Injuns get the gold? First land was their stuff now something they did. know existed was. Alas, I am virtually surrouneded by dimwits of various degree.

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?

Um, they are, particularly if they live in the general population, rather than on a reservation.
So. it's OK to ask a person in The US if they are a member of another Nation?


Apparently it's also ok to ask what sex or race you are too.

Um, why wouldn't it be? It's not like any of those is inherently offensive or insulting. They're all just basic demographic information - which we do already ask people, FYI.
Only asking if someone is a citizen from another nation is insulting? Then why do we ask people if they are Native Americans?

Just Trying to understand Left Tard Logic.
Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?

Um, they are, particularly if they live in the general population, rather than on a reservation.
So. it's OK to ask a person in The US if they are a member of another Nation?


Apparently it's also ok to ask what sex or race you are too.

Um, why wouldn't it be? It's not like any of those is inherently offensive or insulting. They're all just basic demographic information - which we do already ask people, FYI.
Only asking if someone is a citizen from another nation is insulting? Then why do we ask people if they are Native Americans?

Just Trying to understand Left Tard Logic.

First of all, I'm not a leftist, nor have I said anything to indicate that I'm a leftist, so thanks for being insulting yourself by firing before identifying your target.

Second of all, I said NONE of them were inherently offensive or insulting, and that includes citizenship. Emote less, comprehend more.
Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
You cocksucking bitches refused to stop with the "collective right" on keeping and bearing arms.


We are NOT counting illegal Mexicans (Guatemalans, etc.). We are shooting them.

I don't give a rat fuck if the question scares them.

I want those fuckers scared shitless.

I want them to run and hide.

I want California to get an honest count and not be allowed to inflate their motherfucking numbers by being sanctuary kunts.


We're using the Indian exception. I don't give a fuck.

Here's to California losing power.


Why aren't Native Americans included in The Census?

Um, they are, particularly if they live in the general population, rather than on a reservation.
So. it's OK to ask a person in The US if they are a member of another Nation?


Apparently it's also ok to ask what sex or race you are too.

Um, why wouldn't it be? It's not like any of those is inherently offensive or insulting. They're all just basic demographic information - which we do already ask people, FYI.
Only asking if someone is a citizen from another nation is insulting? Then why do we ask people if they are Native Americans?

Just Trying to understand Left Tard Logic.

First of all, I'm not a leftist, nor have I said anything to indicate that I'm a leftist, so thanks for being insulting yourself by firing before identifying your target.

Second of all, I said NONE of them were inherently offensive or insulting, and that includes citizenship. Emote less, comprehend more.
I didn't say you were a leftist. I am having a conversation with you.

The conversation regards The False Narrative of The Left and how they feel that asking a person if they are a citizen is some how insulting.
Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
You cocksucking bitches refused to stop with the "collective right" on keeping and bearing arms.


We are NOT counting illegal Mexicans (Guatemalans, etc.). We are shooting them.

I don't give a rat fuck if the question scares them.

I want those fuckers scared shitless.

I want them to run and hide.

I want California to get an honest count and not be allowed to inflate their motherfucking numbers by being sanctuary kunts.


We're using the Indian exception. I don't give a fuck.

Here's to California losing power.


I agree with the premise if the criminally corrupt trump regime manages to get this xenophobic racist question put on for his obvious dark reasons, yeah, decent Americans will definitely freak out. The census is for counting all people living in the USA, not only citizens. Getting the question put on will result in a massive undercount. trump knows that and so does his largely white nationalist base.
...and take your Frankfurt Cultural Marxism and shove it up your commie ass. You can call us whatever the FUCK you want.

We're not inflating California/Democommie power by counting the 10 million illegal Mexicans the commies invited and harbored, to give CA more EVs and house seats.


Lick my butt and suck on my balls...

Can we just stop with this Indian nonsence? it has nothing to do with illegals and census.
You cocksucking bitches refused to stop with the "collective right" on keeping and bearing arms.


We are NOT counting illegal Mexicans (Guatemalans, etc.). We are shooting them.

I don't give a rat fuck if the question scares them.

I want those fuckers scared shitless.

I want them to run and hide.

I want California to get an honest count and not be allowed to inflate their motherfucking numbers by being sanctuary kunts.


We're using the Indian exception. I don't give a fuck.

Here's to California losing power.


WTF? The const says count em, so count em. If you don't like it, elect people who will deport them. This is not new stuff or rocket science.

But Trump could have advanced a possibly believable and legal rational for the question, but he didn't because …. incompetence.

The question remains whether Barr's attempt to "amend" the reason for the question is going to sway the district court judge. And ultimately I suppose it could wind up in front of Roberts again
WTF? The const says count em, so count em. If you don't like it, elect people who will deport them. This is not new stuff or rocket science.
But, it says DON'T count them.

Article 1, Section 2:
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

99% of all Illegal Mexicans, Guatamalans, El Salvadorians, Peruvians, etc. are of "Indian" decent. They are not taxed because they are here illegally.

I will be dead fucking honest. I KNOW this was not the intent of the Art 1, Sec 1. I just don't give a fuck. I don't want those shits to count, and I will do ANYTHING to make sure that California's sanctuary asses cannot benefit from aiding and abetting in illegal immigration for the sole purpose of getting even MORE EVs and Representation in the House.

This is a dishonest push by the communists to overthrow our nation. You know it is. I know it is. Everybody gets it.

They are fucking cheating. We will cheat back until it comes to a fucking head and this "union" comes to a fucking end.

Look. We are already there. A bunch of people want communism here. A bunch of others will kill and die to prevent it. Why don't we save all those lives and break up now. California can be a goose-stepping "utopia" and Texas can continue with capitalism (the ONLY system that has ever worked and ever will work).

The left has, for decades now, made it clear that the ends justify the means and nothing is off the table. So, cheating, lying, killing, and stealing should ALL be available on all sides.


Please you'll give yourself a hernia with that stretch. There's a reason we operate by rule of law, and the sc has repeatedly said that if we don't like illegal aliens, our remedy is to elect those who will deport them. Trump promised to do so, and has not.
Which leaves only ONE sane reason to add the new question - surpression of participation.

HEY DUMBASS, when someone is here ILLEGALLY, it means they've committed a CRIME. They only need

Great point...thats has exactly nothing to do with Census's constitutional mandate to accurately count population.

Try again dummy.

The point of the census is to determine representation and other resources. Illegal people aren't "represented,"

Thats is 100% false, Constitution is very clear that the entire population counts, no matter the citizenship status.

Conservatives don't like that fact? Go ahead and amend the Constitution instead of trampling it.

If it is so clear, Antonio, why don't you prove it to us?
folks are making this out to be a craven power grab when its the opposite. this is the patriotic thing to do. there's not a racist bone in Trump's body, my friends!
That also is the Republican position which is why the question is being asked. This is nothing but a political power grab.

"A Republican consultant involved in the Trump administration’s plan to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census believed that adding the question would pave the way for redistricting that would increase the political power of “Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,” according to explosive documents revealed in federal court Thursday.

The consultant, Thomas Hofeller, ghostwrote at least portions of what would later become the Justice Department’s formal request to add the citizenship question to the census, according to the court documents."

Census Citizenship Question Was Meant To Aid Whites And GOP, New Documents Suggest | HuffPost
Democrats are afraid of losing 10% of their base.
I figure the only reason Democrats like sanctuary cities is because it allows them to cheat in elections and increase their influence in Congress.
Imagine what will happen if 30% of their voters turn out not to be citizens and 10% of them are actually criminal aliens.

You are nonsense. Republicans and white men are desperate to hold onto their political power so they resort to this trick to intimidate respoindents. It is
What trick? This isn’t the first time this question has been asked. What makes it a trick this time?

Because the motive behind it is political.

No it isn’t.

Yes it is. The evidence is provided by the deceased GOP consultant who sold Trump on it. He even provided the lie about it having to do with the Voting Rights Act which was a lie.
The NY judge handling the "citizenship" case just said that Trump could not change his legal team. WTF?? They lost.
Trump wants Barr to handle it, and he should insist on Barr. Trump should just add the question based on his Article-2 powers, period.

He cannot defy a court order.

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