The Coming Recession

Even if we did a 180 on everything today, it's too late to stave off the coming collapse.
The dollar is no longer the exclusive reserve currency. Energy & other products are being traded in the Yuan & Rubles now.
The special standing of our currency is collapsing across the world & that spells huge problems in the very near future. Much worse than anything we have seen so far & maybe worse than the great depression era.
No more printing ourselves out of stupid financial decisions.
The chickens are coming home to roost but most deny there are any chickens
It’s almost as if this was all planned.
We had a saying when I was on active duty and we found ourselves in a clusterfuck, "It's a real shit sandwich and everybody has to take a bite."

Our national motto should be, "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it."

We are ALL responsible for this mess. We all demand our government give us gifts and make someone else pay for it.

Gimme a tax deduction. Gimme a tax credit. Gimme a tax exemption. Gimme welfare. Gimme gimme gimme.

If you want to know who is to blame, look in the mirror.
There are some people who will forever be stuck in partisan hackery. It is impossible for them to realize this mess was a long term bipartisan effort.
Very true. We see them on this forum every day. Unfortunately they aren’t smart enough to see the elite and their media push divisive policies on purpose. They need us divided so they can continue to enrich and empower themselves. If we could come together, we might take out the power structure altogether.
It’s almost as if this was all planned.
It wasn't planned. This all came about because of laziness and a national entitlement mindset.

We get the politicians we deserve. Our politicians only do what we demand they do.

That's what pandering is. A politicians sticks his finger in the wind, and then begins saying what the rube herd wants to hear.

Any politician with a spine is rapidly crushed by the mob.
What Biden policy is responsible for inflation?

Only a straight up retard would think our problems were all created in the past year.
All our problems have been building for MANY years, starting with Woodrow Wilson and continuing today. EVERY president and all of congress is responsible.

The last president interested in fiscal responsibility was Calvin Coolidge.

I bet you want to blame this shit on Trump, don't you?
Yes this should be something everyone can agree on yet many on both sides still pretend like fiscal irresponsibility only happens when the other sides is in control. When politicians on either side start talking about being fiscally responsible I pretty much tune them out as I know it’s all bullshit.
One of my favorite examples is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Remember that? It's been around since 1986.

Republican strategist Grover Norquist came up with it, and a Republican could not get elected unless they signed it, just like no Republican can get elected now unless they say Trump won the 2020 election.

Here's the text that a federal officeholder must sign:

1. oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and
2. oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rate.

Sounds great, right? Sounds really fiscally conservative/responsible, right?

But take a good look at it.

It says NOTHING about opposing any increases in SPENDING.

Every time the Republicans have controlled both Congress and the White House, they massively increased spending.
All our problems have been building for MANY years, starting with Woodrow Wilson and continuing today. EVERY president and all of congress is responsible.

The last president interested in fiscal responsibility was Calvin Coolidge.

I bet you want to blame this shit on Trump, don't you?
No one president is responsible for all of it. As I have said repeatedly, this was a long term bipartisan effort. Not just presidents, but almost every member of Congress, too.

But most of all, the blame falls squarely on ourselves.

All caught up now?
...are you now conceding that Trump actually had a spine (even though he was too inexperience [or dumb] to be effective)?
Trump had a spine? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

$8 trillion of debt in four years! He and the GOP congress doubled the federal deficit BEFORE the pandemic.

Were you in a coma?

A spine. The man's signature line during the campaign was "You're fired!" from his game show. And yet he never had the balls to actually fire anyone to their face as president. The man is the biggest coward ever.
What Biden policy is responsible for inflation?

Only a straight up retard would think our problems were all created in the past year.
It was the over 4 years of buildup that the Progs had every answer in human history with the endless Trump bashing by most of the media, entertainers, and politicians. With the Prog judges making their own laws to keep us moving left and to hurt Trump. It's still going on. Progs own this. Using Covid, anarchy in the streets and cheating to install their people into office.
So long as partisan hacks keep falling for the hoax fed to them by their propagandists that this is the fault of the other party, our country's future will be in peril.

It's time to start holding our politicians' feet to the fire, no matter which party they belong to.
Trump had a spine? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

$8 trillion of debt in four years! He and the GOP congress doubled the federal deficit BEFORE the pandemic.

Were you in a coma?
Okay. He at least bitched about the multi-trillion dollar omnibus BOTH PARTIES coerced him into signing. It does not excuse him ONE BIT. But he is the first president in a generation who appears to give a fuck about that ridiculous treasury raid.

Your beloved Reagan was not only a racist gun-grabbing motherfucker. He was the first uber-spendthrift absolutely adored by the military-industrial complex.
It was the over 4 years of buildup that the Progs had every answer in human history with the endless Trump bashing by most of the media, entertainers, and politicians. With the Prog judges making their own laws to keep us moving left and to hurt Trump. It's still going on. Progs own this. Using Covid, anarchy in the streets and cheating to install their people into office.
Who made Trump submit a record spending budget? Explain how a bunch of groomers, pedophiles, and Satan worshippers did that.

As I said to the tard who calls himself "Thinker", only a real tard would bleev this shit all came about as the result of one year.
You know who Brandon is, right? He managed to fuck everything up in less than two years. the economy is surely next.

Look, I don't blame you for trying, transparent as it is.
So long as partisan hacks keep falling for the hoax fed to them by their propagandists that this is the fault of the other party, our country's future will be in peril.

It's time to start holding our politicians' feet to the fire, no matter which party they belong to.
It sounds like the people to hold responsible are those currently in power. All of them. Regardless of their part in the current shit sandwich.
Okay. He at least bitched about the multi-trillion dollar omnibus BOTH PARTIES coerced him into signing. It does not excuse him ONE BIT. But he is the first president in a generation who appears to give a fuck about that ridiculous treasury raid.

Your beloved Reagan was not only a racist gun-grabbing motherfucker. He was the first uber-spendthrift absolutely adored by the military-industrial complex.
Wait. You said Trump had a spine and then say he was coerced? Are you schizophrenic?

Trump asked for more stimulus spending than even the Democrats wanted!

One of my favorite examples is the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. Remember that? It's been around since 1986.

Republican strategist Grover Norquist came up with it, and a Republican could not get elected unless they signed it, just like no Republican can get elected now unless they say Trump won the 2020 election.

Here's the text that a federal officeholder must sign:

1. oppose any and all efforts to increase the marginal income tax rates for individuals and/or businesses; and
2. oppose any net reduction or elimination of deductions and credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further reducing tax rate.

Sounds great, right? Sounds really fiscally conservative/responsible, right?

But take a good look at it.

It says NOTHING about opposing any increases in SPENDING.

Every time the Republicans have controlled both Congress and the White House, they massively increased spending.
Both sides do the only time they care about massive government spending is when they aren’t the ones doing it.

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