The Coming Recession

g5000 wants this to be a Trump bash, but he doesn't have the fact to support it and won't admit that we cannot be held to blame when politicians do NOT do the job they promised.

"Kick the bums out" and never vote for Rs or Ds again is the ONLY real strategy.
I have repeatedly said it started way before Trump. YOU are the one who keeps insisting on making this about Trump.

Trump merely continued a long bipartisan practice of overspending to artificially juice the GDP figures.

As for "kick the bums out", I voted for Jo Jorgensen in 2020. And yes, I know she is pro-abortion and I am pro-life.

However, it is my deeply held belief our debts are a much greater threat to the unborn than abortion is. And if there is one thing you can count on from Libertarians, it is debt and government reduction. I am 100 percent for that.

Debt is future spending brought forward. Our debt is going to have profound effects on EVERY unborn child.

Our descendants will curse our names.
Cool words bro….Meanwhile, you filthy America hating globalist Leftists continue to train and cultivate a government dependent society…you continue to beg millions of Mexico’s filth to invade and destroy our education, healthcare and social services….AND THEN you have the balls to post here and claim to be fiscally responsible. HOW AND THE FUCK can we maintain and sustain a civil first world society full of disgusting lowlife degenerates without spending the fuck out of money?

It always amuses me when a bigoted tard calls me a leftist.
Deficits Don’t Matter.

The ultimate duopoly truism…..
Americans need to unite and go after the politicians and government. We need to get in the streets and rise hell. We need to make them afraid of us.

The potential problem with this approach is the government has become so big, powerful, and authoritarian that they likely resort to massacring the people, as many historical governments have done.
We don't need to burn our cities down. That never works.

But we do need to go to town halls, and vote in primaries, and make our voices heard. We need to tweak the noses of the retards in our ranks and shut them up with facts and logic.

You know why we keep ending up with a choice between the lesser of two evils every election? Because turnout at primaries is extremely low. The thing about partisan retards is that they have a lot of energy and turn out in disproportionate numbers in our primary elections. So they get to decide which of the two evils we will have to choose from on election day.

Our country is dying from laziness.

And maybe, just maybe, the old days where party leaders in smoke-filled rooms decided who the candidates would be should come back. We had better presidents back then, and more positive bipartisanship.

Trump only had the support of one third of the Republican electorate. But he was in a field of 19 competitors. If he was competing against only one or two other candidates, he would have been wiped out at the very beginning.

These clown cars are producing the biggest, noisiest clown as the nominee.
Is that a concession…does that mean you know you can’t logically refute the total context of my post?
There is no need to waste time refuting 2+2=5 and no need to refute your retarded posts, either.
Check there lifestyle background any thing that tells you that they relate in anyway to the average American? Why are 90% of our leaders part of the top 5% money holders, Why so many inherited there great start? Do you need to have gone to the most expensive colleges in America to be smart? would it be better if we picked people by there experience & education in the job they want? instead of the political party they join?
Check there lifestyle background any thing that tells you that they relate in anyway to the average American? Why are 90% of our leaders part of the top 5% money holders, Why so many inherited there great start? Do you need to have gone to the most expensive colleges in America to be smart? would it be better if we picked people by there experience & education in the job they want? instead of the political party they join?
Well, if someone works at the Fed, I would like them to at least have a PhD in economics. :lol:

As for the Senate, they are supposed to be a superior breed, unlike the rabble-rousers in the House.

Sadly, the performative artists in the assisted living facility we call the Senate are no longer distinguishable from the whackjob low IQ members of the House.

Any sane, logical, informed person who runs for Congress is steamrolled by the rube herd nowadays. We don't want uppity smart people running the show, for some reason.
Cool words bro….Meanwhile, you filthy America hating globalist Leftists continue to train and cultivate a government dependent society…you continue to beg millions of Mexico’s filth to invade and destroy our education, healthcare and social services….AND THEN you have the balls to post here and claim to be fiscally responsible. HOW AND THE FUCK can we maintain and sustain a civil first world society full of disgusting lowlife degenerates without spending the fuck out of money?
if you what to discuss racist shit like immigration or social services, thats a subject for a different thread. The subject here is uncoming recession

corporate profits are good. How to have staglflation under high corporate profits?

Nice work. The fed waited far too long to raise rates. And we had a round of ill advised tax cuts. So we are running out of tools in our toolbox to combat recession.
corporate profits are good. How to have staglflation under high corporate profits?
They're hoping for the worst, of course.

This could go in a number of different ways. The best hope is for inflation to level off (which it may be doing) and receding before too much damage is done to the economy. The worst, yeah, quick deterioration of the economy and continued inflation. Stagflation.

The best minds in the industry couldn't tell you what's going to happen, so we can just hope for the best.
I wonder if there is one thing we can all agree on.

If there is, it should be the fact that neither of the major parties is fiscally responsible.

No matter which party controls Congress, no matter what letter is after the name of the president, the federal debt climbs faster and faster with each succeeding administration. It is as if every president is trying to beat the previous president's record.

Strangely enough, the Antichrist Bill Clinton turns out to be the most fiscally responsible president in the modern era. Bush added $5 trillion to the debt in eight years, Obama added $8 trillion in eight years, Trump added $8 trillion in four years, and it looks like Biden wants to add $12 trillion in four years.

But perhaps the greatest criminal enterprise since 2008 has been the Federal Reserve.

The Fed has been keeping interest rates near zero (ZIRP) for way too long. They enacted ZIRP to rescue the economy from the Great Recession. But once the economy began to recover, they did not discontinue the program. Even worse, they enacted QE1, then QE2, then QE3 and we have been under QE4ever since.

This has resulted in a massive increase in the money supply.

What's more, when you keep interests rates too low, you encourage high risk investments. If interests rates are low, the only decent returns you can get from an investment is to invest in high risk vehicles. Like, say, cryptocurrency. And corporate junk and near-junk bonds.

One definition of inflation is "too many dollars chasing too few goods".

Take a look at this chart of the M2 money supply:


There are way too many dollars out there.

You may notice a sudden uptick in the chart at the beginning of 2020. That is because the Fed changed the definition of M1 (which is part of M2) in May 2020. The reasons for this are nefarious. I can go into that later.

Nevertheless, you can see with your own eyes there is too much money in our economy.

Back in the 2000 presidential campaign, Darth Cheney ominously stated, "Deficits don't matter." That may be true so long as our economy grows faster than our debt.

But look at this chart of debt-to-GDP:


Since the Great Recession, our debt has been growing much faster than our economy.

More in the next post.

Making excuses for Biden & Democrats already huh G5000?
This was written in 1834, but could have been written yesterday:

Upon my arrival in the United States, I was struck with surprise to find out how common merit was among the governed and how uncommon it was among those governing. Today it is a constant fact in the United States that the most outstanding men are rarely called to public office, and we are forced to recognize that this has occurred as democracy has gone beyond all its former limits. Clearly the race of American statesmen has grown singularly smaller over the past half century.

Several causes of this phenomenon can be indicated.

It is impossible, no matter what you do, to raise the enlightenment of the people above a certain level. Whatever you do to make human learning more accessible, improve the methods of instruction and make knowledge more affordable, you will never be able to have men learn and develop their intelligence without devoting time to the task.

So the greater or lesser facility that the people have for living without working sets the necessary limit to their intellectual progress.


As a result, charlatans of all types know very well the secret of pleasing the people, while their true friends most often fail. In most of the states of the Union I saw positions occupied by men who had succeeded in gaining them only by flattering the slightest passions and bowing before the smallest caprices of the people.

Reagan was the first president to submit a trillion dollar budget. Fortunately, our economy grew faster than his debt.

Reagan had the balls to stand firm when Paul Volker raised interest rates through the ceiling to get inflation under control. The country went into a deep recession and the resultant unemployment. But Reagan knew it was right for the country, and he was proven correct. The economy came roaring back.

Reagan also had the humility to admit his tax cuts had been too deep and he raised them back up.

Reagan also knew that tax expenditures were adding to our debt and he made deep cuts to them. Unfortunately, our politicians began putting more back into the tax code after he left. They now add up to $1.4 trillion in annual costs.

Reagan also had the balls to stand firm against the Soviets, and ignored all the lefties whining that he was going to start WWIII and get us all nuked, much like the KGB Putin bootlickers in the party of Trump do today.

Reagan's firmness led to the collapse of the USSR. Hopefully, NATO's firmness will lead to the collapse of Putin.

So all in all, Reagan's greatness far exceeded his weaknesses.
Reagan also had "the balls" to enact SWEEPING anti-gun legislation in California because he hated black people and freedom.

Reagan didn't collapse the USSR. At best, he sped it up a few years. They were on the verge of collapse decades before.

Communism/Socialism does not work long-term.

Reagan sped it up the collapse a little, but in doing so, he lit the tender that will result in the housefire of our collapse. So....FUCK REAGAN. He was NO BETTER than any of them, save Jimmy Carter's worthless ass.
Now we need to stop the partisan hackery, stop listening to the propagandists, and start holding our politicians accountable in our own parties.

I have frequently made the analogy that if your neighbor took in a guest, and that guest started shitting all over your neighbor's furniture, you would speak very ill of that person.

But if you took in a guest, and he started shitting all over YOUR furniture, what kind of submissive loser cuck would you be if you said nothing? What if you just whined about your neighbor's guest constantly, but offered to extend your own guest's invitation to stay?

That's what is going on today.
So....basically.....we need to not accept the gaggle of gutless hacks the GOP or Dems hand us and demand that we accept?

Sort of like.....NOT voting for the establishment Jeb Bush or John Kasich?

So, we should look for an outsider to shake things up?


(I'll wait while you apologize)
Reagan also had "the balls" to enact SWEEPING anti-gun legislation in California because he hated black people and freedom.

Sweeping? :lol:

Reagan signed the Mulford Act which prohibited the carrying of loaded firearms in public in California. Whoop-dee-doo.

But yes, as I have pointed out several times on this forum, he did so because of the Black Panthers on the steps of the state legislature. It's a famous photograph.

Reagan didn't collapse the USSR. At best, he sped it up a few years. They were on the verge of collapse decades before.

Communism/Socialism does not work long-term.

Reagan sped it up the collapse a little, but in doing so, he lit the tender that will result in the housefire of our collapse. So....FUCK REAGAN. He was NO BETTER than any of them, save Jimmy Carter's worthless ass.
If you look at the graph at the bottom of my OP, you will see Reagan did not invent deficits. And you will see the debt-to-GDP ratio stayed relatively constant, with a slight improvement under Clinton, until the Great Recession.

So you can go back to Reagan if you want, just because you are a gun nut with a hardon, but the real spending problem began in 2008.
Sweeping? :lol:

Reagan signed the Mulford Act which prohibited the carrying of loaded firearms in public in California. Whoop-dee-doo.

But yes, as I have pointed out several times on this forum, he did so because of the Black Panthers on the steps of the state legislature. It's a famous photograph.

If you look at the graph at the bottom of my OP, you will see Reagan did not invent deficits. And you will see the debt-to-GDP ratio stayed relatively constant until the Great Recession.

So you can go back to Reagan if you want, just because you are a gun nut with a hardon, but the real spending problem began in 2008.
And you voted for the 2008 regime that currently occupies the White House.

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