The Common Denominator: Islam

You notice what else these terrorists all have in common?

They all have guns. Every last one of them.

We should start taking a real close look at people who own guns. They all have a lot in common, you know.

What do the people here who own a lot of guns want to do about these terrorists?

Yeah, they want to go out and shoot them. You don't hear them preaching pacifism.

It is blazingly obvious that owning a gun makes you violent.

Look at the T-shirts they wear, and the other paraphernalia that gun owners have. It's all violence related. It's all about killing other living things.

They go to camps and learn how to gut and shoot and slaughter and they buy camo ball caps and cups and even camo diapers for their kids.

Yep. There's your common denominator.
200 million Muslims in Indonesia. That is more Muslims than in all of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Gulf states put together.

165 million Muslims in India.

Fundamentalist terrorism has failed to get a good foothold in either place, and not for lack of trying, either. They tried, and failed.

Arab problem. Not a Muslim problem.

Political problem. Not a religious problem.

WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.
It runs far deeper than that.

Islam has been dormant for centuries and has only begun re-awakening and re-militarizing within living memory.

We have only witnessed the opening act.

There's an entire play to come.

The end of Muslim-centric monarchism will be one more act in that play.

But there's a lot to come - much of it mortally dangerous to The West - beyond that point.
200 million Muslims in Indonesia. That is more Muslims than in all of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Libya and the Gulf states put together.

165 million Muslims in India.

Fundamentalist terrorism has failed to get a good foothold in either place, and not for lack of trying, either. They tried, and failed.

Arab problem. Not a Muslim problem.

Political problem. Not a religious problem.

Religious problem, too, unfortunately.

Their philosophy and dogma are far more susceptible to use as a rationalizing basis for violence and war than those of its counterparts in our present age.
You notice what else these terrorists all have in common?

They all have guns. Every last one of them.

We should start taking a real close look at people who own guns. They all have a lot in common, you know.

What do the people here who own a lot of guns want to do about these terrorists?

Yeah, they want to go out and shoot them. You don't hear them preaching pacifism.

It is blazingly obvious that owning a gun makes you violent.

Look at the T-shirts they wear, and the other paraphernalia that gun owners have. It's all violence related. It's all about killing other living things.

They go to camps and learn how to gut and shoot and slaughter and they buy camo ball caps and cups and even camo diapers for their kids.

Yep. There's your common denominator.
Why don't you start with bomb-vests, get rid of them first and work your way back to guns.

That should keep you busy.
Sort of like saying the Westboro Baptist Church and the fun family Phelps are not Christian

Those idiots do claim to be doing what they do in the name of Christianity. But there are only a tiny number of them, compared to millions of radical muslims.

the other difference is that all Christians from the pope to Billy Graham to the preacher at a tiny church in appalachaia openly condemn and disavow those fools from Christianity.
If there were millions of radical Muslims engaging in a war on us it would be horrific. Thank gawd in the real world there are relatively few.

Point taken on Islam response to radicals, but it's much easier to condemn people who will not Fatwah your ass.

And ask gays and abortion clinics, and Jews, and Immigrants about Christian shooters and bombers, and thugs who have maimed and killed many here at home

how do gays, abortionists, jews and immigrants fare in muslims countries? Much worse than here. Not even close. Would you like to be a gay Christian in Iran or Egypt right now? But if you are a muslim father and choose to genitally mutilate your daughter, you are doing the will of allah. sick, sick, sick.
Worse, but what is your point?

earlier in the thread all the libs were defending islam and downing Christianity.
Hmm, defending Islam against attacks that link a small radical group within it to the larger group? How damn effin liberal!!!
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?

If you're going to lecture please -- please do a better job: Oligarchy

"Although Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy; but oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group, and do not have to be connected by bloodlines as in a monarchy. Some city-states from ancient Greece were oligarchies."
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?

If you're going to lecture please -- please do a better job: Oligarchy

"Although Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy; but oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group, and do not have to be connected by bloodlines as in a monarchy. Some city-states from ancient Greece were oligarchies."

My post was correct.

Yours, bloviation.
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?
You must be quite used to that peculiar sound you hear whooshing over your head so frequently by now.
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?
You must be quite used to that peculiar sound you hear whooshing over your head so frequently by now. have no intention of following my instructions,and obtaining an education?

Did you know that library cards are free?

Do you know what a 'library' is?
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?

If you're going to lecture please -- please do a better job: Oligarchy

"Although Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy; but oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group, and do not have to be connected by bloodlines as in a monarchy. Some city-states from ancient Greece were oligarchies."

My post was correct.

Yours, bloviation.
All these years you have yet to learn anything. You truly are the most conservative of fools here
I think your character was thoroughly revealed yesterday when you lied about never having heard of anti-abortion terrorism.

The poster above said that it's the religion that's the problem, not just the extremists.

So if the religion is the problem, if the religion is the CAUSE of the terrorism, then we should have the right to destroy the religion itself,

which means destroy all of the practitioners of that religion, who are apparently as much a part of the problem as the extremists?

Is that correct?

Anti abortion terrorism? All I asked is that you show facts regarding it, numbers, dates, etc... I still have yet to see any summation. Bombing an abortion clinic or shooting an abortion doctor, both of which happened many years ago, not to mention being isolated indicents is where you are being deceitful in even trying to use such a comparison to islamic terrorism.

What do you see as the 'cause' of the terrorism? Let me guess, American foreign policy? And even if it was that, then why claim everything they do in the name of their religion?

To the extent anyone is -- and it's going way on a limb to accept the premise considering the source -- it would most likely be because organized religion provides an emotional rally flag to unite zealots in a common cause, even if said zealots hail from different countries or regions.

Why do all those abortion terrorists do what they do in the name of the religion? Why did the Klan? Same reason: a common glue to corral a mob in mass hysteria.

Same thing this very thread is doing.

Abortion terrorists? How many of those are there? Where are the quotes that they did what they did in the name of God? Where in the Christian Bible does Jesus say it's okay to murder? Aren't they going against their Christian religion? Doing the exact opposite of what is taught?

How do you know they're not doing it because they find the murder of innocent life to be morally reprehensible, regardless of what religion, if any, they follow?

Wait, whoa whoa, hold up, I missed this part on the first pass....
Did you just make the case of "when "we" do it it's justified; when "they" do it, it's not"? Indeed you did.

Well that cuts right to the freaking chase.

If you can show me where I said their actions were justified by anything, that would be a real feat. Not to mention, you changed it to 'we', not sure who 'we' is supposed to be? All you do is lie. My point, since it apparently went over your pointy little head, is that their motives can't be strictly tied to religion or religious reasons, which is the exact same thing you're saying regarding islamic terrorists. It's not their religion that causes their behavior, it's political motivation. So, I guess using your own 'logic' on your comments, that means that you're saying they are 'justified' in their behavior since it's politically motivated and not religiously motivated? Is that why you side with them, you agree with their 'politics' and what you perceive as their reasoning for their behavior? Nothing else makes sense, so guess that must be it! Pogo sees it completely as a justified political movement in retaliation for our presence in the middle east.

Wow. I had a plate of spaghetti last night that was easier to follow beginning to end. I've heard of circular reasoning but this is a pretzel.

Clue #1 - "We" and "they" can't be more obvious -- the whole purpose of this thread is to draw those imaginary lies lines.
Clue #2 was already bolded.
Clue #3 - you actually just stated the whole point without getting it. I bolded that one here in green.

Voilà. My work is done.

Oh, and on the previous post: "no".

Who should be blame for the rising violence associated with Radical Muslim Groups around the Globe........

Hmmmmmmmmm.........tough one...................

MARTIANS???????? Yeah they did it.........It has nothing to do with Islam or those practicing it..........

Yeah..........ET freakin did it.
WWI ended monarchism in Europe once and for all. It took an unprecedented level of violence and warfare for the transition to occur.

What we are seeing now is the end of monarchism in the Middle East. It is not going to pretty and peaceful, and can't be.

For your remediation....of the several forms of government, monarchism is misapplied.
There is no such thing if it is defined as 'ruled by one'...monarch, king, potentate, dictator, etc.

In actuality, it is always.....always.....a group that includes the above plus advisers, cabinet, bureaucrats, commissars, etc.

Therefore it is really an oligarchy.

Not only is the oligarchy the most common form of government throughout is also the most common form of government today.

So....your entire post is .....absurd.

That, in fact, does seem to be the character of most of your posts.

Have you considered an education?

If you're going to lecture please -- please do a better job: Oligarchy

"Although Aristotle pioneered the use of the term as a synonym for rule by the rich, for which the exact term is plutocracy; but oligarchy is not always a rule by wealth, as oligarchs can simply be a privileged group, and do not have to be connected by bloodlines as in a monarchy. Some city-states from ancient Greece were oligarchies."

My post was correct.

Yours, bloviation.
All these years you have yet to learn anything. You truly are the most conservative of fools here

Alas! My brilliant insights fall like seeds... on stony ground.

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