The Communist Party USA endorses Bernie Sanders.


There's nothing "murderous" or "destructive" in communism. It's an economic structure philosophy.

I can point you to a particular religious sect that's been living and breathing communism for their entire existence, which is five hundred years. In all that time they've had one murder and two suicides. Total. In five hundred years.

None of that has anything to do with Sanders, who is a Democratic Socialist --- not a "communist".

Learn to read.

Lol. Millions have died under communist rule. You cant be serious.

Millions have died under totalitarian rule. For example Joe Stalin taking Ukraine's food in the 1930s.
But Stalin is responsible for that personally -- not "communism".
And Lenin and Mao and Ho chi Minh, and Kim Jong-il and so on. What did they all have in common? They were leaders of Communist regimes.

Adolf Hitler, Leopold II and Ismail Enver Pasha each killed millions too. What did they have in common with the above?

Despots. That's it.

Answer my question. WHAT is the point of this thread?
Hitler was a Socalist the other two where leaders of their countries who mudered their own people put together they don't equal the number of deaths caused by the USSR alone.

Bull Shite. Hitler was no "socialist", but socialists were in the first group of "guests" taken to Dachau.
The word was a trendy new term when Hitler joined the party, which he objected to, but went along with for its marketing power. And he certainly was no communist either.

You don't know a damn thing about history, do ya?

Answer the damn question. Actually.... strike that. Here's a better one, since you're incapable of articulating what your point is... answer this -- it will be even funnier:

What exactly do you mean by "communism"?

Last edited:
Lol. Millions have died under communist rule. You cant be serious.

Millions have died under totalitarian rule. For example Joe Stalin taking Ukraine's food in the 1930s.
But Stalin is responsible for that personally -- not "communism".
And Lenin and Mao and Ho chi Minh, and Kim Jong-il and so on. What did they all have in common? They were leaders of Communist regimes.

Adolf Hitler, Leopold II and Ismail Enver Pasha each killed millions too. What did they have in common with the above?

Despots. That's it.

Answer my question. WHAT is the point of this thread?
Hitler was a Socalist the other two where leaders of their countries who mudered their own people put together they don't equal the number of deaths caused by the USSR alone.

Bull Shite. Hitler was no "socialist", but socialists were in the first group of "guests" taken to Dachau.
The word was a trendy new term when Hitler joined the party, which he objected to, but went along with for its marketing power. And he certainly was no communist either.

You don't know a damn thing about history, do ya?

Answer the damn question. Actually.... strike that. Here's a better one, since you're incapable of articulating what your point is... answer this -- it will be even funnier:

What exactly do you mean by "communism"?

Goverment controls the means of production AKA Socialism. I may get my history wrong from time to time but at least I don't try and rewrite it to fit my world view.
I suggest that you read a Communist manifesto they are always full of violent revolution and what should be done with the dissidents,
Millions have died under totalitarian rule. For example Joe Stalin taking Ukraine's food in the 1930s.
But Stalin is responsible for that personally -- not "communism".
And Lenin and Mao and Ho chi Minh, and Kim Jong-il and so on. What did they all have in common? They were leaders of Communist regimes.

Adolf Hitler, Leopold II and Ismail Enver Pasha each killed millions too. What did they have in common with the above?

Despots. That's it.

Answer my question. WHAT is the point of this thread?
Hitler was a Socalist the other two where leaders of their countries who mudered their own people put together they don't equal the number of deaths caused by the USSR alone.

Bull Shite. Hitler was no "socialist", but socialists were in the first group of "guests" taken to Dachau.
The word was a trendy new term when Hitler joined the party, which he objected to, but went along with for its marketing power. And he certainly was no communist either.

You don't know a damn thing about history, do ya?

Answer the damn question. Actually.... strike that. Here's a better one, since you're incapable of articulating what your point is... answer this -- it will be even funnier:

What exactly do you mean by "communism"?

Goverment controls the means of production AKA Socialism. I may get my history wrong from time to time but at least I don't try and rewrite it to fit my world view.
I suggest that you read a Communist manifesto they are always full of violent revolution and what should be done with the dissidents,

So you think "communsim = socialism".

Thanks. I knew you wouldn't let me down for my entertainment dollar.

"'a' Communist Manifesto"?
How many do you think there are?

There's nothing "murderous" or "destructive" in communism. It's an economic structure philosophy.

I can point you to a particular religious sect that's been living and breathing communism for their entire existence, which is five hundred years. In all that time they've had one murder and two suicides. Total. In five hundred years.

None of that has anything to do with Sanders, who is a Democratic Socialist --- not a "communist".

Learn to read.

Lol. Millions have died under communist rule. You cant be serious.

Millions have died under totalitarian rule. For example Joe Stalin taking Ukraine's food in the 1930s.
But Stalin is responsible for that personally -- not "communism".
And Lenin and Mao and Ho chi Minh, and Kim Jong-il and so on. What did they all have in common? They were leaders of Communist regimes.

Adolf Hitler, Leopold II and Ismail Enver Pasha each killed millions too. What did they have in common with the above?

Despots. That's it.

Answer my question. WHAT is the point of this thread?
Hitler was a Socalist the other two where leaders of their countries who mudered their own people put together they don't equal the number of deaths caused by the USSR alone.
As already correctly noted: this is as ignorant as it is wrong.

This notion that Hitler was a ‘socialist’ is true idiocy.
we can all be like the person who said, the "right" wingers are afraid of their own shadows and just bury our heads up our ass and pretend none of those things exist.
Communism is the most murderous and destructive sociopolitical entity in history and now the US wing is endorsing the Bern. The party has placed its hopes on the Democratic nominee in every presidential election going back to the 80's.

When Sanders looses the nomination to Clinton will the Communist Party turn its support to Clinton or will they support the Bern going full on Commie and running as a third party candidate.

Bernie Sanders 'political revolution' » cpusa
ummm..... who else are they going to endorse Captain Obvious?
They run their own candidate until the 80's. Realizing they could never win they started backing the party that was more in tune with their manifesto, The Democratic party.
ummm.....NEWSFLASH!!! Sanders is a Socialist. He only caucuses w/ the Dems and runs under their label because otherwise he would be ignored by the media. Glad to help.
Communist Party Feels the Bern
U.S. communists couldn’t be happier about the Democratic Party’s direction than Bernie himself.
May 4, 2016
Paul Kengor

Reprinted from

As it has for months now, People’s World again this past week carried a headline hailing Bernie Sanders “revolution.” As the successor to the Soviet-funded and directed Daily Worker, and as ongoing house organ of Communist Party USA, People’s World is pleased with the long march of “progress” in the Democratic Party. The far-left lurch of today’s Democratic Party is lovingly in line with what the comrades have long desired. These inheritors of the Soviet experiment see Bernie Sanders as an exciting culmination of what they have been fighting for. And they view Barack Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of the Democratic Party as having made a candidate like Bernie possible.

If you think this is hyperbole on my part, you should educate yourself by reading what today’s communists are writing. As the latest exhibit, consider the instructive words of John Bachtell, Communist Party USA chair, in the latest valentine to Bernie in People’s World:


There we are, ladies and gentlemen. The new political revolution that “will continue” must come either with a breakaway from the Democratic Party or with a “takeover of the Democratic Party.” Once upon a time in America, it seemed it could have only come with a breakaway. But now, in the Obama-Bernie America, a takeover of the Democrats has greater promise than ever. Just ask the literal millions of modern Democrats pulling the lever for a 74-year-old socialist as their next president. And just ask Bernie Sanders’ advocates in Communist Party USA. They, too, feel the Bern.

Communist Party Feels the Bern

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