The Comrade turns GOP into the Party of Eugenics

Obama brought in millions of Browns, increased welfare that mostly benefited the Blacks and allowed hundreds of thousands of those Muslims shitheads to come in. If that asshole Crooked Hillary had been elected she would have had open borders and a million more of those Muslim shitheads.

It is about time we got back to looking out after Whites. That is a good thing.

The big unacceptable problem with Browns, Blacks and Muslims is that all those shitheads normally join the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, welfare queens a, illegals and Feminazis to vote for Democrats and that is always a disaster.
Strom Thurmond and the KKK all left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party for good when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. That's a fact of history, and no effort by the dishonest RW to revise it only fools the biddable.
Robert Byrd?


Snopes (hardly a right-wing operation) confirms.

But for the Democrat Party, there would be no KKK. The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party. The KKK is the SPAWN of the DNC. Don't re-write history. The DNC is a racist organization that created racist organizations.

You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.
Strom Thurmond and the KKK all left the Democratic Party for the Republican Party for good when LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act. That's a fact of history, and no effort by the dishonest RW to revise it only fools the biddable.
Robert Byrd?


Snopes (hardly a right-wing operation) confirms.

But for the Democrat Party, there would be no KKK. The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party. The KKK is the SPAWN of the DNC. Don't re-write history. The DNC is a racist organization that created racist organizations.

You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.

Ooops, I was infected by PoliticalChic, maybe there needs to be a vaccine to protect us from her disease, i.e. the logical fallacy.
You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.
I am biddable because:

FACT: The Democrat Party organized the KKK

FACT: The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party.

FACT: Robert Byrd was a Klansman.

FACT: There would be no KKK if the Democrat Party had not created it.

Am I "biddable" for stating the truth? Can you deny any of the above statements? Don't deny the truth. There is not much good about the DNC, past or communist present.

There's not much good about the gay-hating, Theocrat, Christo-nazi GOP, so take heart.
You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.
I am biddable because:

FACT: The Democrat Party organized the KKK

FACT: The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party.

FACT: Robert Byrd was a Klansman.

FACT: There would be no KKK if the Democrat Party had not created it.

Am I "biddable" for stating the truth? Can you deny any of the above statements? Don't deny the truth. There is not much good about the DNC, past or communist present.

There's not much good about the gay-hating, Theocrat, Christo-nazi GOP, so take heart.

But you conclude by claiming the Democratic Party of the late 20th and 21st Century is the same is was when Strom Thurmond was a member, and that makes you a liar.

IKE Federalist the National Guard and sent regular Army Troops to quell the riot in Little Rock when black children were admitted to public school due to Brown v. BoEd. The last time a Republican President stood up for the rights of African American citizens.

When LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act the Dixiecrats left the Democatic Party and became Republicans. Do you continue to believe racist American's support the Democratic Party? If so you are the fool I believe you to be.
You need to read. Science has disproven the principles of eugenics. Again, Grow a Brain.
Oh, good. So, we can stop paying huge stud fees for pedigree dogs, horses, bulls, and other livestock/domesticated animals. Eugenics doesn't work. Breeding is irrelevant. We're saved by science. :lol:

Regardless of whether Eugenics is scientific fact (it is), only the hardest of hardcore neo-nazis would support breeding a super race to dominate the world to the exclusion and extermination of all other "inferior" races. That is where Eugenics goes awry.

Hooking up with hot chicks is nature putting Eugenics into practice. Nobody wants to fuck an uggo.


Bad genes. Fat, deformed, unhealthy people (ugly people) are less fuckable, naturally. Are we now denying natural physical attraction?

I am sure there are plenty dog kennels that will let u procreate...
You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.
I am biddable because:

FACT: The Democrat Party organized the KKK

FACT: The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party.

FACT: Robert Byrd was a Klansman.

FACT: There would be no KKK if the Democrat Party had not created it.

Am I "biddable" for stating the truth? Can you deny any of the above statements? Don't deny the truth. There is not much good about the DNC, past or communist present.

There's not much good about the gay-hating, Theocrat, Christo-nazi GOP, so take heart.

The Comrade: when referring to Nazi and KKK torch bearers: " there were good people on both side."

Yeah, Hitler had his lovable side, didn't he?
You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.
I am biddable because:

FACT: The Democrat Party organized the KKK

FACT: The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party.

FACT: Robert Byrd was a Klansman.

FACT: There would be no KKK if the Democrat Party had not created it.

Am I "biddable" for stating the truth? Can you deny any of the above statements? Don't deny the truth. There is not much good about the DNC, past or communist present.

There's not much good about the gay-hating, Theocrat, Christo-nazi GOP, so take heart.

Your "facts" aren't...well, factual.

A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
Obama brought in millions of Browns, increased welfare that mostly benefited the Blacks and allowed hundreds of thousands of those Muslims shitheads to come in. If that asshole Crooked Hillary had been elected she would have had open borders and a million more of those Muslim shitheads.

It is about time we got back to looking out after Whites. That is a good thing.

The big unacceptable problem with Browns, Blacks and Muslims is that all those shitheads normally join the queers, environmental wackos, anti gun nuts, welfare queens a, illegals and Feminazis to vote for Democrats and that is always a disaster.

Post the evidence that "Obama brought in millions of Browns, increased welfare that mostly benefited the Blacks and allowed hundreds of thousands of those Muslims shitheads to come in."

The only asshole in your post is YOU!
You're one of the biddable, and one of the dumber ones.
I am biddable because:

FACT: The Democrat Party organized the KKK

FACT: The KKK owes its existence to the Democrat Party.

FACT: Robert Byrd was a Klansman.

FACT: There would be no KKK if the Democrat Party had not created it.

Am I "biddable" for stating the truth? Can you deny any of the above statements? Don't deny the truth. There is not much good about the DNC, past or communist present.

There's not much good about the gay-hating, Theocrat, Christo-nazi GOP, so take heart.

Your "facts" aren't...well, factual.

A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -

The only sure thing about the contemporary American Nazis is they lie. They are damn liars, or too stupid to check the validity of the bullshit they read on Brietbart or other infamous sources hate. It is likely most of them are both mentally retarded and damn liars.
With Session's smiling his "whitey wins one" grin, the US is approaching the ideals of Nazi Germany's super race. The Comrade has been signaling the theory of a Masted Race for years.

Immigrants are fine as long as they are not black or brown.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.
The only sure thing about the contemporary American Nazis is they lie. They are damn liars, or too stupid to check the validity of the bullshit they read on Brietbart or other infamous sources hate. It is likely most of them are both mentally retarded and damn liars.
Don't call me a nazi, motherfucker. You can go fuck yourself. I have never once supported any white supremacy ideology and wholly condemn it.

If your goal was to incite people to violence, making that accusation sure is working, bitch.
The Comrade: when referring to Nazi and KKK torch bearers: " there were good people on both side."

Yeah, Hitler had his lovable side, didn't he?
Yeah, because NOBODY protesting the removal of the Lee statue could POSSIBLY be doing so for any other purpose BUT racism and white supremacy. They were ALL KKK nazis.

And the other side was full of treasonous, communist, white-hating, child molesters, who rape, murder, and masturbate in public. EVER GODDAMN ONE OF THEM. See how that works, motherfucker.

For the record, I WANT all those statues taken down and all the names changed, regardless of the attempted peace offering and reconciliation after the war, because I WANT ANOTHER WAR. I WANT TEXAS INDEPENDENCE FROM YOU WORTHLESS IDIOTS!!!
The only sure thing about the contemporary American Nazis is they lie. They are damn liars, or too stupid to check the validity of the bullshit they read on Brietbart or other infamous sources hate. It is likely most of them are both mentally retarded and damn liars.
Don't call me a nazi, motherfucker. You can go fuck yourself. I have never once supported any white supremacy ideology and wholly condemn it.

If your goal was to incite people to violence, making that accusation sure is working, bitch.

So that wasn't you posting in support of eugenics?
Your "facts" aren't...well, factual.

A group including many former Confederate veterans founded the first branch of the Ku Klux Klan as a social club in Pulaski, Tennessee, in 1866.

Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary -
Did you even read what you linked? :lol:

Yup...that's how I know that the very first "fact" you provided wasn't a fact.

While the KKK used to be members of the Democratic Party, that is no longer true. What has always held true, regardless of political ideology is that they have been primarily made up of white, southern, Christian males. That holds true to this day.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?
While the KKK used to be members of the Democratic Party, that is no longer true. What has always held true, regardless of political ideology is that they have been primarily made up of white, southern, Christian males. That holds true to this day.
Therefore, all white, southern, Christian males are in the Klan or are racist? What about just white, southern males?

We're all in the klan, right?
So that wasn't you posting in support of eugenics?
Once again, ass clown. One of your date-raping, criminal, murdering communist leftists stated that eugenics was scientifically debunked. I was NOT supporting it. I was merely stating (once again) a fact that eugenics is scientifically sound. Otherwise, dog breeding is a myth.

But your generalization sounds about right and is part for the course with you commie leftists. Stating facts = supporting racism. Being against destruction of historical memorials = lynching. Being white = in the klan/racist

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