The Comrade turns GOP into the Party of Eugenics

Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics

Yes, the GOP is desperately trying to return the US to a lilly white nation, cause we all know the white race is superior to any other race, right?

PS: If you fervently believe this, don't watch the beginning of the NFL season on Thursday night, YOU RACIST BASTARD!
Limiting immigration to our country is now eugenics, fuck the hell off with this stupid shit.
Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics

Yes, the GOP is desperately trying to return the US to a lilly white nation, cause we all know the white race is superior to any other race, right?

PS: If you fervently believe this, don't watch the beginning of the NFL season on Thursday night, YOU RACIST BASTARD!
Limiting immigration to our country is now eugenics, fuck the hell off with this stupid shit.
Yes, it's the old "everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler" argument.
That isn't what I said. I said that the Klan was and is made up primarily of white, southern, Christian males. Before 1964, they were Democrats. I did not come close to saying all southern, white, Christian males are or were members of the KKK. That particular hyperbole is all you.
But, you have no problem painting an entire group of people as racist without batting an eyelash, like you did earlier.

Which group would that be? The only "group of people" I've called racists the Klan, white supremacists and people that support eugenics.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
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All remarks all rhetorical. However, only some questions are rhetorical, and that wasn't a question. It was a claim. Now support it or admit it isn't true. Why would that be logical?
This is interesting, claiming my rhetorical remark is anything other than I said it was. It shows the length and breath of your unintentional ignorance of the English language. I can excuse that. But now you are claiming yourself as a supernatural clairvoyant as to presume what my comments meant. *Grin* You are a funny lad but you lack the qualifications to enjoin me with in meaningful dialogue. However, please try again someday.
Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics

Yes, the GOP is desperately trying to return the US to a lilly white nation, cause we all know the white race is superior to any other race, right?

PS: If you fervently believe this, don't watch the beginning of the NFL season on Thursday night, YOU RACIST BASTARD!

Yeah, those damned racist bastards. ROFLMFAO

Illegal aliens are creating big problems for us, and we're going to put a lot more border patrol people to support us, and we're not going to have people able to work by coming in illegally, and we're going to cut off their welfare benefits, and we're going to deport people in record numbers.

William Jefferson Clinton
State of the Union Address 1995

The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...
Someone who might be a fascist wrote this:

"Immigrants are fine if the have some useful skills, speak English, make America economically better by being here, and are not filthy, goose-stepping commies. Many who would not qualify are white motherfuckers.

"I don't give half a fuck what color you are. Come here. Assimilate. Be an American. Speak English. Don't be a fucking commie. Support liberty and capitalism."
What about that is fascist?

Fascism: a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce.

Is that not an accurate definition of fascism?

The type of immigration policy I expect is LESS stringent that MOST of the world. How is it radical authoritarian?

Why is it fascism to look out for our own interests first?

What about that is suppressing the opposition (other than hoping that they don't vote for commies)?

How is that controlling industry?

What's wrong with making sure that immigrants have useful skills, and ADD to our prosperity?

What's wrong with making sure they can communicate when they get here?

What's wrong with making sure they are not communist operatives here to help start the communist revolution?

What's wrong with making sure they are CAPITALISTS?

You fucking cocksuckers....BITCHES....are so quick to use your little pejorative buzzwords that you don't stop to think what they mean. You're just obeying your commie masters giving you your goose-stepping marching orders, driving that sickle and hammer narrative.

I spent a career enforcing the laws of California for 32 years,
Oh, I found the problem. You worked for the People's Republik of California. I'm sure you were a faithful little proletariat, doing your duty to uphold the collectivist ideal.

In all that time, you certainly have developed a very warped sense of what it means to be American. You would be happier in, fucking, France or....California....

My concept of an American does not include you. You're deplorable.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

The State Dept. decides where consulates go, not governors.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

The State Dept. decides where consulates go, not governors.

The ex governor went to Mexico and personally negotiated with President Fox for Mexican consulate to open in Little Rock for one dollar a year lease for the building and furniture...At a taxpayer cost of 60k for the building

A governor is not legally allowed to negotiate for a consulate of any foreign nation....
You mean like the Eugenics the "progressives" promoted when the KKK was the terrorist militia of the democrook party?

Eugenics Was a Progressive Cause

The KKK has found a new home in the Republican party has have the Neo-Nazi's.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

White Supremacists were even making Robo calls for Trump during the campaign season.


White Supremacists Praise Trump's Return To Rhetoric Blaming 'Both Sides'


Trump has attracted a lot of new members to the Republican party.
You mean like the Eugenics the "progressives" promoted when the KKK was the terrorist militia of the democrook party?

Eugenics Was a Progressive Cause

The KKK has found a new home in the Republican party has have the Neo-Nazi's.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

White Supremacists were even making Robo calls for Trump during the campaign season.


White Supremacists Praise Trump's Return To Rhetoric Blaming 'Both Sides'


Trump has attracted a lot of new members to the Republican party.
The 100-million-people-murdering communists have found a home in the democratic party.

We seriously need to fucking start shooting to settle this commie v. capitalist dispute once and for all.
Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

The State Dept. decides where consulates go, not governors.

The ex governor went to Mexico and personally negotiated with President Fox for Mexican consulate to open in Little Rock for one dollar a year lease for the building and furniture...At a taxpayer cost of 60k for the building

A governor is not legally allowed to negotiate for a consulate of any foreign nation....

It was hardly a secret trip.

Then Huckabee went to Mexico in October 2003 through his role as president of the Council of State Governments, and made time during that trip to meet with senior officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the consulate issue.

A Mexican consulate for Arkansas?

And no consulate opens without approval by the US Dept. of State. Bush had a bromance with Fox, do you really think his DOS was going to say no? What you should have been upset about was AR had 100,000 mexicans at that time.

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

The State Dept. decides where consulates go, not governors.

The ex governor went to Mexico and personally negotiated with President Fox for Mexican consulate to open in Little Rock for one dollar a year lease for the building and furniture...At a taxpayer cost of 60k for the building

A governor is not legally allowed to negotiate for a consulate of any foreign nation....

It was hardly a secret trip.

Then Huckabee went to Mexico in October 2003 through his role as president of the Council of State Governments, and made time during that trip to meet with senior officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the consulate issue.

A Mexican consulate for Arkansas?

And no consulate opens without approval by the US Dept. of State. Bush had a bromance with Fox, do you really think his DOS was going to say no? What you should have been upset about was AR had 100,000 mexicans at that time.

I was very upset and lost my business due to all the illegals undercutting our labor cost for jobs...I went so far as to search out crews of illegals doing jobs and reported them to ICE, yet nothing ever happened until the crash..I did get a job as a bouncer at a Hispanic nightclub and took out my frustrations by manhandling Hispanics when they screwed up...Them guys are really light and easy to throw around...
You mean like the Eugenics the "progressives" promoted when the KKK was the terrorist militia of the democrook party?

Eugenics Was a Progressive Cause

The KKK has found a new home in the Republican party has have the Neo-Nazi's.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

White Supremacists were even making Robo calls for Trump during the campaign season.


White Supremacists Praise Trump's Return To Rhetoric Blaming 'Both Sides'


Trump has attracted a lot of new members to the Republican party.
The 100-million-people-murdering communists have found a home in the democratic party.

We seriously need to fucking start shooting to settle this commie v. capitalist dispute once and for all.
How many people have the democrats killed?
You mean like the Eugenics the "progressives" promoted when the KKK was the terrorist militia of the democrook party?

Eugenics Was a Progressive Cause

The KKK has found a new home in the Republican party has have the Neo-Nazi's.

As the official start of the “Unite the Right” rally kicked off in Charlottesville, Virginia, former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said the gathering of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far-right individuals pointed to a future fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s “promises.”
Ex-KKK Leader David Duke Says White Supremacists Will 'Fulfill' Trump's Promises

White Supremacists were even making Robo calls for Trump during the campaign season.


White Supremacists Praise Trump's Return To Rhetoric Blaming 'Both Sides'


Trump has attracted a lot of new members to the Republican party.
The 100-million-people-murdering communists have found a home in the democratic party.

We seriously need to fucking start shooting to settle this commie v. capitalist dispute once and for all.
No one is a communist, Dupe. Socialism is just fair capitalism. Look at every other modern country.
That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

The State Dept. decides where consulates go, not governors.

The ex governor went to Mexico and personally negotiated with President Fox for Mexican consulate to open in Little Rock for one dollar a year lease for the building and furniture...At a taxpayer cost of 60k for the building

A governor is not legally allowed to negotiate for a consulate of any foreign nation....

It was hardly a secret trip.

Then Huckabee went to Mexico in October 2003 through his role as president of the Council of State Governments, and made time during that trip to meet with senior officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the consulate issue.

A Mexican consulate for Arkansas?

And no consulate opens without approval by the US Dept. of State. Bush had a bromance with Fox, do you really think his DOS was going to say no? What you should have been upset about was AR had 100,000 mexicans at that time.

I was very upset and lost my business due to all the illegals undercutting our labor cost for jobs...I went so far as to search out crews of illegals doing jobs and reported them to ICE, yet nothing ever happened until the crash..I did get a job as a bouncer at a Hispanic nightclub and took out my frustrations by manhandling Hispanics when they screwed up...Them guys are really light and easy to throw around...

Where in AR do you live, I have a lot of kin there, hell we may be related. LOL


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