The Comrade turns GOP into the Party of Eugenics

With Session's smiling his "whitey wins one" grin, the US is approaching the ideals of Nazi Germany's super race. The Comrade has been signaling the theory of a Masted Race for years.
And with Obama, and his shit-eating, kill-the-white-people, I-hate-british racist grin, he is trying to run his communist revolutionary coup and overthrow/undermine the POTUS after leaving America in death spirals.
With Session's smiling his "whitey wins one" grin, the US is approaching the ideals of Nazi Germany's super race. The Comrade has been signaling the theory of a Masted Race for years.

Immigrants are fine as long as they are not black or brown.
You are such an imbecile.
Immigrants are fine as long as they are not black or brown.
Look at that "race card" spin. You intellectual midget.

Immigrants are fine if the have some useful skills, speak English, make America economically better by being here, and are not filthy, goose-stepping commies. Many who would not qualify are white motherfuckers.

I don't give half a fuck what color you are. Come here. Assimilate. Be an American. Speak English. Don't be a fucking commie. Support liberty and capitalism.

I think we should deport all the AMERICAN fuckers who can't do the above. Like you.
The only sure thing about the contemporary American Nazis is they lie. They are damn liars, or too stupid to check the validity of the bullshit they read on Brietbart or other infamous sources hate. It is likely most of them are both mentally retarded and damn liars.
Don't call me a nazi, motherfucker. You can go fuck yourself. I have never once supported any white supremacy ideology and wholly condemn it.

If your goal was to incite people to violence, making that accusation sure is working, bitch.

A bitch is a female dog, or a pejorative used by dirt bags. Calling me a MFer and a bitch are fighting words, words I heard quite often when putting some low life in a cage. Grow up!
A bitch is a female dog, or a pejorative used by dirt bags. Calling me a MFer and a bitch are fighting words, words I heard quite often when putting some low life in a cage. Grow up!
Then, stop calling me a nazi...ASSHOLE. That fake accusation is used by rapists and murderers.
The Comrade: when referring to Nazi and KKK torch bearers: " there were good people on both side."

Yeah, Hitler had his lovable side, didn't he?
Yeah, because NOBODY protesting the removal of the Lee statue could POSSIBLY be doing so for any other purpose BUT racism and white supremacy. They were ALL KKK nazis.

And the other side was full of treasonous, communist, white-hating, child molesters, who rape, murder, and masturbate in public. EVER GODDAMN ONE OF THEM. See how that works, motherfucker.

For the record, I WANT all those statues taken down and all the names changed, regardless of the attempted peace offering and reconciliation after the war, because I WANT ANOTHER WAR. I WANT TEXAS INDEPENDENCE FROM YOU WORTHLESS IDIOTS!!!

Dude, the majority of them were shouting Nazi slogans and many of the other were carrying KKK insignia. They were scum piled on scum. And the Comrade, soon to be jailed comrade, wrapped his arms around them and called them good people.

He has rolled back racial tensions to the 1960's and hoping the US can go white like the 1930'. That is when his dad was blocking briwn people from renting his properties.
While the KKK used to be members of the Democratic Party, that is no longer true. What has always held true, regardless of political ideology is that they have been primarily made up of white, southern, Christian males. That holds true to this day.
Therefore, all white, southern, Christian males are in the Klan or are racist? What about just white, southern males?

We're all in the klan, right?
So that wasn't you posting in support of eugenics?
Once again, ass clown. One of your date-raping, criminal, murdering communist leftists stated that eugenics was scientifically debunked. I was NOT supporting it. I was merely stating (once again) a fact that eugenics is scientifically sound. Otherwise, dog breeding is a myth.

But your generalization sounds about right and is part for the course with you commie leftists. Stating facts = supporting racism. Being against destruction of historical memorials = lynching. Being white = in the klan/racist

That isn't what I said. I said that the Klan was and is made up primarily of white, southern, Christian males. Before 1964, they were Democrats. I did not come close to saying all southern, white, Christian males are or were members of the KKK. That particular hyperbole is all you.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

That isn't what I said. I said that the Klan was and is made up primarily of white, southern, Christian males. Before 1964, they were Democrats. I did not come close to saying all southern, white, Christian males are or were members of the KKK. That particular hyperbole is all you.
But, you have no problem painting an entire group of people as racist without batting an eyelash, like you did earlier.
Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics

Yes, the GOP is desperately trying to return the US to a lilly white nation, cause we all know the white race is superior to any other race, right?

PS: If you fervently believe this, don't watch the beginning of the NFL season on Thursday night, YOU RACIST BASTARD!

“You have to be born lucky,” President Donald Trump told Oprah Winfrey in 1988, “in the sense that you have to have the right genes.” His biographer Michael D’Antonio explained to Frontline that Trump and his family subscribe “to a racehorse theory of human development. They believe that there are superior people and that if you put together the genes of a superior woman and a superior man, you get a superior offspring.”

Nazis believe the same, I had not known Trump was so.......hard right wing.
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A bitch is a female dog, or a pejorative used by dirt bags. Calling me a MFer and a bitch are fighting words, words I heard quite often when putting some low life in a cage. Grow up!
Then, stop calling me a nazi...ASSHOLE. That fake accusation is used by rapists and murderers.

Someone who might be a fascist wrote this:

"Immigrants are fine if the have some useful skills, speak English, make America economically better by being here, and are not filthy, goose-stepping commies. Many who would not qualify are white motherfuckers.

"I don't give half a fuck what color you are. Come here. Assimilate. Be an American. Speak English. Don't be a fucking commie. Support liberty and capitalism."

"I think we should deport all the AMERICAN fuckers who can't do the above. Like you."

For the record I served in the U.S. Navy on surface ships (1967-1969) and was honorably discharged. How about you Mr. self described American? I spent a career enforcing the laws of California for 32 years, Coached Little League, soccer, and basketball, have been married for 47 years and owned dogs and minivans. How much more American can I be? BTW, I'm White (German, French, Italian and Romanian). What have you done to claim to be a patriot and an American.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

Glad you do not fly the US flag, you are not American at heart.
A bitch is a female dog, or a pejorative used by dirt bags. Calling me a MFer and a bitch are fighting words, words I heard quite often when putting some low life in a cage. Grow up!
Then, stop calling me a nazi...ASSHOLE. That fake accusation is used by rapists and murderers.

Someone who might be a fascist wrote this:

"Immigrants are fine if the have some useful skills, speak English, make America economically better by being here, and are not filthy, goose-stepping commies. Many who would not qualify are white motherfuckers.

"I don't give half a fuck what color you are. Come here. Assimilate. Be an American. Speak English. Don't be a fucking commie. Support liberty and capitalism."

"I think we should deport all the AMERICAN fuckers who can't do the above. Like you."

For the record I served in the U.S. Navy on surface ships (1967-1969) and was honorably discharged. How about you Mr. self described American? I spent a career enforcing the laws of California for 32 years, Coached Little League, soccer, and basketball, have been married for 47 years and owned dogs and minivans. How much more American can I be? BTW, I'm White (German, French, Italian and Romanian). What have you done to claim to be a patriot and an American.

Sounds fascist, but I do not know; I do know the writer uses a flag not of the USA in it's posts.

This land is tour land, this land is my land........................beautiful, isn't she?
Someone who might be a fascist wrote this:

"Immigrants are fine if the have some useful skills, speak English, make America economically better by being here, and are not filthy, goose-stepping commies. Many who would not qualify are white motherfuckers.

"I don't give half a fuck what color you are. Come here. Assimilate. Be an American. Speak English. Don't be a fucking commie. Support liberty and capitalism."
What about that is fascist?

Fascism: a form of radical authoritarian nationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce.

Is that not an accurate definition of fascism?

The type of immigration policy I expect is LESS stringent that MOST of the world. How is it radical authoritarian?

Why is it fascism to look out for our own interests first?

What about that is suppressing the opposition (other than hoping that they don't vote for commies)?

How is that controlling industry?

What's wrong with making sure that immigrants have useful skills, and ADD to our prosperity?

What's wrong with making sure they can communicate when they get here?

What's wrong with making sure they are not communist operatives here to help start the communist revolution?

What's wrong with making sure they are CAPITALISTS?

You fucking cocksuckers....BITCHES....are so quick to use your little pejorative buzzwords that you don't stop to think what they mean. You're just obeying your commie masters giving you your goose-stepping marching orders, driving that sickle and hammer narrative.

I spent a career enforcing the laws of California for 32 years,
Oh, I found the problem. You worked for the People's Republik of California. I'm sure you were a faithful little proletariat, doing your duty to uphold the collectivist ideal.

In all that time, you certainly have developed a very warped sense of what it means to be American. You would be happier in, fucking, France or....California....
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Who is Sarah Jones? Does she speak for the democrat party? Citizen Trump probably employed more Hispanic and Black people than the Hussein administration ever dreamed of. The "alternate energy" corporations that Hussein funded with taxpayer money were predominantly lilly white Ca. based surfer dude junk before they failed. Democrats will continue to lose elections as long as they think that Alinsky arguments are still viable in the age of information and "eugenics" is a republican idea when a hundred years of information indicates otherwise.

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