The Comrade turns GOP into the Party of Eugenics

No one is a communist, Dupe. Socialism is just fair capitalism. Look at every other modern country.
Fuck that. Socialism is the result of communism. Fuck socialism. It is the most un-American, anti-Constitutional ideology one can possess.

Get the fuck out and go live in the already set up communist/socialist goose-stepping modern countries available to you. Don't take away the only place left on earth for free enterprise.

But, that won't work, will it? Because, socialism/communism only works when there is no free-market choice. It fails when people see how great America is and want to come here. You commies will never succeed until you get rid of competition.

So, the solution is WAR, I we are ITCHING for a bloody fight. We're tired of you goose-steppers trying to fuck up the only free nation on earth. We are tired of people not getting dead. We are tired of not killing a commie for mommy. It is time for blood.
The shitheads are not "Dreamers". That is just a stupid label that the asshole Obama gave them.

They are "Illegals".

If they were real dreamers they would be dreaming of how they could do a regime change in Mexico and other Central American countries that would do away with corrupt governments that ruin the economies and exports their poverty to the US.

Instead of being courageous like our Founding Fathers were to stand up to tyranny they are cowards. Fuck the little shitheads. They need to go be poor someplace else.

You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

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The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

If you don't like illegals then you must hate Obama and didn't vote for Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform of open borders.
You mean like they did in Cuba and Nicaragua?

Where were the filthy bleeding heart Liberals when a Democrat President was rounding up a refugee child and deporting him?

View attachment 148093

The law was followed; the child's father was the surviving parent and had legal custody. Once again you've proved to be a damn liar.

That would be the one and only time a Democrat enforced our immigration laws.
Hardly so since during Clinton I lived two blocks from a poultry processing plant, you could hear the helicopters hovering over the area looking for running illegals when the INS raided the plant...The worst time the illegals took our work away was during the Bush jr years...During the time that the fatass gov. named Huckabee opened up a Mexican consulate in Little Rock...

If you don't like illegals then you must hate Obama and didn't vote for Crooked Hillary that ran on a platform of open borders.
Obama was weak I could see that during his campaign run and Hillary?
Oh hell no, and Reagan pissed me off for ten years after his amnesty, then you had GW Bush's era amnesty for Hispanics and Clinton did also...You could tell that something was rotten in Danemark with the system that allowed many people to come here and work for cheap...
Whats wrong with having a country of White people?

No, no, no, eugenics does not stop at white. The characteristics of a superior race are the goals of eugenics. Things like race, looks, intelligence, religion, and even ancestry are figured in to the "selection process."

You got any black ancestors? If you do and the GOP finds out, forget an invite to the WH. YOU ARE IMPURE!

You got any black ancestors? If you do and the GOP finds out, forget an invite to the WH. YOU ARE IMPURE!
Oops :rolleyes:

Capitalism only works with a healthy dose of socialism....and vice versa.
Bullshit. The more socialism, the worse it works.
Nope. Right amount of each. Too much capitalism is bad. Same goes for too much socialism. Ya gotta have a balance.
There is no "right amount" of socialism. That's like saying there is a right amount of poison in your food.

They always consider any government whatsoever to be SOCIALISM so they can point to it and say "ah ah ah!!! it's working!!!"

Socialism requires government command of at least some part of the economy. Not regulation, not oversight, command.
You really should get out more... travel -idiotic...
That's your counter-argument? That I should travel? :lol:

Why? So I can see how great socialism works around the world?:lol: I've already done that. Why do you think I hate it?

You think you want universal healthcare...until you see it in action. You want government controlling the means of production....until it happens. Then, all competition is squashed and jobs are further limited.

Socialism is fundamentally discredited when currency is removed from the equation, and we work on a barter system. The differing values of different types of labor and goods becomes shockingly obvious.

You cannot control human nature (7 deadly sins, greed, vanity, pride, sloth...etc) You can only attempt to harness it.

William Bradley learned the hard way at Plymouth that socialism does not work. They ended up moving to a free-market system that rewards hard work and innovation.

Obama was weak I could see that during his campaign run and Hillary?
Oh hell no, and Reagan pissed me off for ten years after his amnesty, then you had GW Bush's era amnesty for Hispanics and Clinton did also...You could tell that something was rotten in Danemark with the system that allowed many people to come here and work for cheap...

Reagan was snookered by the Democrat with his amnesty plan and Bush was a disaster. That has a lot to with the fact I gave up on the Republicans a long time ago.

Obama was worse and that shithead Crooked Hillary would have been as bad or worse. In addition to open borders she was running on a platform to bring in a million goddamn Muslims. How stupid was that? No wonder she lost.

Trump is the first President to actually seem to get it on illegals. We will see how effective he is.
Trump Has Turned the GOP Into the Party of Eugenics

Yes, the GOP is desperately trying to return the US to a lilly white nation, cause we all know the white race is superior to any other race, right?

PS: If you fervently believe this, don't watch the beginning of the NFL season on Thursday night, YOU RACIST BASTARD!
Just when you think Liberal hypocrisy can't rise to another level you loons strap on a 3 stage rocket and blast that shit into orbit.
Capitalism only works with a healthy dose of socialism....and vice versa.
Bullshit. The more socialism, the worse it works.
Nope. Right amount of each. Too much capitalism is bad. Same goes for too much socialism. Ya gotta have a balance.
There is no "right amount" of socialism. That's like saying there is a right amount of poison in your food.

They always consider any government whatsoever to be SOCIALISM so they can point to it and say "ah ah ah!!! it's working!!!"

Socialism requires government command of at least some part of the economy. Not regulation, not oversight, command.

Like public schools, the military, state and local public works departments, law enforcement, the judiciary, FEMA (lol)

that sort of thing?
Capitalism only works with a healthy dose of socialism....and vice versa.
Bullshit. The more socialism, the worse it works.
Nope. Right amount of each. Too much capitalism is bad. Same goes for too much socialism. Ya gotta have a balance.
There is no "right amount" of socialism. That's like saying there is a right amount of poison in your food.

They always consider any government whatsoever to be SOCIALISM so they can point to it and say "ah ah ah!!! it's working!!!"

Socialism requires government command of at least some part of the economy. Not regulation, not oversight, command.

Like public schools, the military, state and local public works departments, law enforcement, the judiciary, FEMA (lol)

that sort of thing?

All overhead, not part of the private economy. When government starts running factories and refineries, that is socialism.

The rest is just government.
Bullshit. The more socialism, the worse it works.
Nope. Right amount of each. Too much capitalism is bad. Same goes for too much socialism. Ya gotta have a balance.
There is no "right amount" of socialism. That's like saying there is a right amount of poison in your food.

They always consider any government whatsoever to be SOCIALISM so they can point to it and say "ah ah ah!!! it's working!!!"

Socialism requires government command of at least some part of the economy. Not regulation, not oversight, command.

Like public schools, the military, state and local public works departments, law enforcement, the judiciary, FEMA (lol)

that sort of thing?

All overhead, not part of the private economy. When government starts running factories and refineries, that is socialism.

The rest is just government.

lol, some good pretzeling there.

So there's no socialism in America? What are you rightwing nuts crying about then?
Nope. Right amount of each. Too much capitalism is bad. Same goes for too much socialism. Ya gotta have a balance.
There is no "right amount" of socialism. That's like saying there is a right amount of poison in your food.

They always consider any government whatsoever to be SOCIALISM so they can point to it and say "ah ah ah!!! it's working!!!"

Socialism requires government command of at least some part of the economy. Not regulation, not oversight, command.

Like public schools, the military, state and local public works departments, law enforcement, the judiciary, FEMA (lol)

that sort of thing?

All overhead, not part of the private economy. When government starts running factories and refineries, that is socialism.

The rest is just government.

lol, some good pretzeling there.

So there's no socialism in America? What are you rightwing nuts crying about then?

Single payer healthcare would be an example of socialism, i.e. taking over an entire sector of the private economy.

That's what we don't want.
There is no "right amount" of socialism. That's like saying there is a right amount of poison in your food.

They always consider any government whatsoever to be SOCIALISM so they can point to it and say "ah ah ah!!! it's working!!!"

Socialism requires government command of at least some part of the economy. Not regulation, not oversight, command.

Like public schools, the military, state and local public works departments, law enforcement, the judiciary, FEMA (lol)

that sort of thing?

All overhead, not part of the private economy. When government starts running factories and refineries, that is socialism.

The rest is just government.

lol, some good pretzeling there.

So there's no socialism in America? What are you rightwing nuts crying about then?

Single payer healthcare would be an example of socialism, i.e. taking over an entire sector of the private economy.

That's what we don't want.

Why is that socialism and public education is not?

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