The confederates were assholes but knocking down their statues makes you an asshole too

That argument went out the window when the left went after all statues including those of our founding fathers.
How come? It's not as if the founding fathers didn't keep blacks enslaved, after a rebellion that enabled them to keep blacks enslaved.
Because you are obviously ignorant of American history.
You are too uneducated to know that the founding fathers DESIGNED the new America with ending slavery in mind. If you knew how to read and comprehend - you would know this.
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My view is that you should look at confederate monuments on a case by case basis. Many were erected for the sole purpose of sticking a finger in the eye of the African America community; others are monuments to the dead and locals killed.

If some communities in the south want civil war monuments let’s erect them to the Union generals. I mean how about a statue of Sherman in Atlanta.
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What in the fuck is a "community" of ethnic, religious or qu33r basis? The "community" is supposed to be America. Otherwise go the fuck back to your home shithole.

cnm, the "Union" was based on a legal document in which states agreed to in which Blacks were enjoying "slavery" which meant being cared for, housed and fed and waste products addressed in a civilized manner in exchange for picking cotton a few hours a day.
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The interpretation that "Blacks caused" the Union Army to "kill its own" has got to be a contender for "unique historical revision" awards. Even Tarantino couldn't outdo this.
There is no need to ask, "How did "Blacks" cause this?", for the statement is so boldly absurd that discussion could only lead to more amusement, but no clarity.
That argument went out the window when the left went after all statues including those of our founding fathers.
How come? It's not as if the founding fathers didn't keep blacks enslaved, after a rebellion that enabled them to keep blacks enslaved.
You idiots even went after the memorial for the black union officers fighting against the confederate army. You have no credibility.
Nice fake out there, there there4eyeM. :p Lincoln or his financiers caused the Union to kill its own. Nobody in the North could give a shit about Blacks in the slave states while the silly Whites were actually busting their asses working for a living.
cnm, the "Union" was based on a legal document in which states agreed to in which Blacks were enjoying "slavery" which meant being cared for, housed and fed and waste products addressed in a civilized manner for picking cotton a few hours a day.
While there is no mention of work hours for slaves in the Constitution, the desire to make the Perpetual Union more perfect was clearly expressed. No union could be perfect where so much of a population is considered "owned" by others. Seeking to renege on the Constitution's provision for Union rather than abide by its provisions for change led to the resolution of the slavery issue by extremely unfortunate means.
That's the way I look at it.

For the most part they were also forgiven and rehabilitated assholes. If the Union wanted to execute them for treason, they could have, but that might have started a gorilla campaign we could still be fighting today.

They surrendered, they came back to the Union, and in return the people who beat them forgave them and allowed them to honor the loss and their dead as they saw fit.
What in the fuck is a "community" of ethnic, religious or qu33r basis? The "community" is supposed to be America. Otherwise go the fuck back to your home shithole.

cnm, the "Union" was based on a legal document in which states agreed to in which Blacks were enjoying "slavery" which meant being cared for, housed and fed and waste products addressed in a civilized manner in exchange for picking cotton a few hours a day.
Pure ignorance on display.... :rolleyes:
cnm, the "Union" was based on a legal document in which states agreed to in which Blacks were enjoying "slavery" which meant being cared for, housed and fed and waste products addressed in a civilized manner for picking cotton a few hours a day.
While there is no mention of work hours for slaves in the Constitution, the desire to make the Perpetual Union more perfect was clearly expressed. No union could be perfect where so much of a population is considered "owned" by others. Seeking to renege on the Constitution's provision for Union rather than abide by its provisions for change led to the resolution of the slavery issue by extremely unfortunate means.
Anyone beyond a 4th grade American History class knows this. Of course today it is likely they don't teach this anymore
Most confederate monuments were placed by the KKK or some other such white supremacist group 50-70 years after the war ended. It's telling that the men who fought the war had to die before someone felt the need to memorialize the generals and politicians who promised soldiers the moon and gave then nothing but defeat.
What about all the others they have wanted to remove?
You think Columbus was a civil war hero?
Thomas Jefferson?
You realize they vandalized Lincoln center?
The right moved to defend those monuments with far more zeal than they ever defended the rights of any American. All this strife is because every time an American fought for their rights conservatives acted like they were trying to take something away from them.
So, when do they go after this monument?


Washington and Jefferson were slave owners, and I've seen people post on here about Lincoln being less than honorable.
There's no way I can relate either way to what some see in a confederate statue. My understanding is that to one it represents heritage and to the other it would be how I'd feel about a tribute to the unholy. Based on that assumption my sympathy leans towards the latter over the former.
This post sounds too much like something like a conservative would make. Meaning, with this attitude nothing gets conserved. Not any of the amendments and not the nation, nor its relics.

They have destroyed and looted businesses, destroyed a statue of THOMAS JEFFERSON, and yet you believe it is about bad confederate statues?

Wake the fuck up. They want to destroy the entire nation because they are not Americans. Most of the black people are African Americans acting as if they were in Africa.
We should put up thousands of Obama statues as a historical marker of the first Black US president. Let you lovely people on here and your kids gaze on his greatness for the next 100 years to remind you of your place.
My view is that you should look at confederate monuments on a case by case basis. Many were erected for the sole purpose of sticking a finger in the eye of the African America community; others are monuments to the dead and locals killed.

If some communities in the south want civil war monuments let’s erect them to the Union generals. I mean how about a statue of Sherman in Atlanta.
Why do suppose there ISN'T one of those?
We should put up thousands of Obama statues as a historical marker of the first Black US president. Let you lovely people on here and your kids gaze on his greatness for the next 100 years to remind you of your place.
We have enough monuments to globalism/corporatism.
I am sure China would be glad to erect one showing their greatness overcoming American industry with his help
My view is that you should look at confederate monuments on a case by case basis. Many were erected for the sole purpose of sticking a finger in the eye of the African America community; others are monuments to the dead and locals killed.

If some communities in the south want civil war monuments let’s erect them to the Union generals. I mean how about a statue of Sherman in Atlanta.
Why do suppose there ISN'T one of those?
There needs to be one up. I’d like to see a March to the Sea hiking trail.
That's the way I look at it.

Why are there statues honouring the assholes who tried to destroy the country? No other country in the world build statues to insurrectionists and losers. They commit treason and were traitors to the nation.

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