The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

It’s not just the fringe anymore. Mainstream conservatives are trying to bring America’s laws into agreement with ‘God’s law.’

The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?

To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, "a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, "Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”

More: The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

The founding fathers gave us a secular government and a Godless Constitution. We must protect them from religious zealots.
It's bizarre that "Christian" mostly quote archaic hebrew tribal law about cleanliness and sanitation (abomination = unclean) re: seafood, clothing, and yes anal sex.
The founding fathers gave us a secular government and a Godless Constitution. We must protect them from religious zealots.
The Founding Fathers were, for the most part, devoted Christians.

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Frequently Asked Questions Founding Fathers

The author of the article you linked to is delusional. He wrote: "then we won’t be surprised when they push to pass laws to silence women or stone women to death who aren’t virgins on their wedding night." If you really think any politician is pushing for stoning in the U.S. you are insane. Anyway stoning is a Jewish punishment, Jesus preferred forgiveness.
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Wild-eyed conspiracy theorists who wail about an imminent American Theocracy are good for a laugh.

Sociologist Peter Berger compared America to a nation of Indians ruled by Swedes, given that India is supposedly the most religious nation and Sweden the most secular.

In reality the U.S. is no theocracy. The real danger is our secular elites who are too often anti-religious bigots.


1) Abortion - The U.S. has some of the most extreme pro-abortion laws in the world - far more pro-abortion than many European countries for example.

When Is a Ban on Abortions ‘Extreme’?

And thousands of late term unborn babies are tortured to death every year: Like Gosnell, Abortion Doctors Fine With Killing Late-Term Babies

Torture is the right word.

Doctors on Fetal Pain

2) Homosexuality - Secular regimes have opposed the homosexual lifestyle more than any Republican.

Quote about Castro's Cuba: LGBT persons were imprisoned frequently, particularly effeminate males, without charge or trial, and confined to forced labor camps.


Numerous societies, both religious and secular, have failed to celebrate the gay lifestyle. Why? Perhaps because homosexual coupling doesn't produce life, but all too often a painful death. Homosexuality has also been long associated with pedophilia.

We are not free to refrain from celebrating or normalizing the homosexual/transgender lifestyle.

New Mexico Court: Christian Photographer Cannot Refuse Gay-Marriage Ceremony

Gay marriage incompatible with religious freedom

Lawyer: Constitution Requires Taxpayers Pay for Wikileaker's Sex Change

3) Education - The government-funded educational establishment discriminates against religious parents, students, teachers.

Compromising Scholarship: Religious and Political Bias in American Higher Education

Defending Religious Liberty in America

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Can't wait until we can deport the non-believers

Non-believers of what?

Your bible?

It condones incest, rape, polygamy and lots and lots of bastards.

Is that what you mean?

Nope. You phony "christians" pick and choose according to your Westboro agenda.

But serious question: how long before you want to force those things on us too?
It's so easy to mistake a Progressive for an illegal.

Ask them how many states are in the USA.

An illegal will answer "Che?" And a Progressive will say either 57 or the USA is evil
Why don't you educate yourself on what Sharia Law is advocating. If you did that, then you would realize how stupid it is to even remotely compare Sharia Law to the Bible. And no I'm not a Christian and I am certainly not a Muslim. I just call it like it is.
The founding fathers gave us a secular government and a Godless Constitution. We must protect them from religious zealots.
The Founding Fathers were, for the most part, devoted Christians.

WallBuilders - Issues and Articles - Frequently Asked Questions Founding Fathers

The author of the article you linked to is delusional. He wrote: "then we won’t be surprised when they push to pass laws to silence women or stone women to death who aren’t virgins on their wedding night." If you really think anybody is pushing for stoning in the U.S. you are insane. Anyway stoning is a Jewish punishment, Jesus preferred forgiveness.

It is totally irrelevant what the founding fathers "were" - because they gave us a secular government and Godless Constitution.
Why don't you educate yourself on what Sharia Law is advocating. If you did that, then you would realize how stupid it is to even remotely compare Sharia Law to the Bible. And no I'm not a Christian and I am certainly not a Muslim. I just call it like it is.

Sharia law - laws based on religion.

And really, with all the murder, incest, polygamy, rape - the christian bible isn't exactly a blueprint for morals and ethics.

Although, I will admit to one huge difference between "god" and ISIL.

ISIL burns their victims to death in less than 5 minutes. God makes the fun last for eternity.
Why don't you educate yourself on what Sharia Law is advocating. If you did that, then you would realize how stupid it is to even remotely compare Sharia Law to the Bible. And no I'm not a Christian and I am certainly not a Muslim. I just call it like it is.
Sharia law is law based on one's religion...for what some on the religious right are trying to do, it is an appropriate term.

Selective adherence to religion is both funny and scary. Under God's law - Sarah and Bristol would be long gone.

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