The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

The reasoning for this is simple...... What most people want is a MORAL nation and the majority if Americans improperly equate Christianity with MORALITY. If we could properly educate people that Universal Morality supercedes any particular religion we'd be much better off.
The reasoning for this is simple...... What most people want is a MORAL nation and the majority if Americans improperly equate Christianity with MORALITY. If we could properly educate people that Universal Morality supercedes any particular religion we'd be much better off.

Amen! Human morality predates the Bible.

Morality evolved first, long before Religion
Aw, gee, and you were doing so well - until you went political.

Not political.... Cultural and Social. Our ancient ancestors didn't have time or energy for feel good crap. Choices were few. You did what you needed to and whst you were built for or you died. The concept of what you want to do was non-existent.

A place for everyone and everyonein their place. Its a concept we'd be smart to bring back.
Aw, gee, and you were doing so well - until you went political.

Not political.... Cultural and Social. Our ancient ancestors didn't have time or energy for feel good crap. Choices were few. You did what you needed to and whst you were built for or you died. The concept of what you want to do was non-existent.

A place for everyone and everyonein their place. Its a concept we'd be smart to bring back.

I don't think I'd like to live in the world you describe. It sounds very fundamentalist to me.

Selective adherence to religion is both funny and scary. Under God's law - Sarah and Bristol would be long gone.
Meanwhile, her daughter keeps producing bastards.
I don't think I'd like to live in the world you describe. It sounds very fundamentalist to me.

No you wouldn't. Nor would most people. Life isn't fair ir fun and,was never intended to be. It sucks. Those are the breaks if you want to live in a Moral society.
Christian sharia as proposed by the right: Control uteruses, utilize the government to maintain the largest military in the world, so much for being safe from the government.. How do these loons propose we rise up if needed? Deport children, refuse Syrian refugees, deny free birth control to poor mothers and then proceed to tell them it's they're fault for having a child, claim to be pro life while war mongering and wanting to tell mothers of kids that's it's their fault and they deserve no help, while wanting to save the fetuses, guess it doesn't Matter once a baby is born.. After all, it's the mothers fault.. These nutty rwers drive me insane. What else.. Shut down the government and achieve nothing, utilize the government to restrict gay marriage while claiming to be a small government proponent.. I could go on forever.

It’s not just the fringe anymore. Mainstream conservatives are trying to bring America’s laws into agreement with ‘God’s law.’

The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?

To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, "a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, "Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”

More: The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

The founding fathers gave us a secular government and a Godless Constitution. We must protect them from religious zealots.
Take this up with Muslims first. Then bitch about Christians, hypocrite.
"The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law"

Actually it's the same old tedious nonsense we've been dealing with for the last 45 years – Christian fundamentalists and the social right angry about an American society changing for the better, a society more inclusive, more diverse, and more accepting of expressions of individual liberty.

And as a consequence of the social right's unwarranted fear of change and diversity, typical of reactionaries, they sought to codify religious dogma into secular law in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, in an effort to force compliance with their errant perception of how America 'should be,' and to disadvantage those whom the believed to be 'sinners' and 'wicked.'

As their efforts hostile to the Constitution continued to fail over the decades, as women retained their right to privacy and gay Americans realized recognition of their right to equal protection of the law, the social right has become even more desperate and extreme in its efforts to disadvantage those whom they fear, contriving and propagating the lie that Christianity is 'under attack,' and that Christians' religious liberty is being 'violated,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
It's so easy to mistake a Progressive for an illegal.

Ask them how many states are in the USA.

An illegal will answer "Che?" And a Progressive will say either 57 or the USA is evil

There are 48 states.

(Two are actually commonwealths.)
I don't think I'd like to live in the world you describe. It sounds very fundamentalist to me.

No you wouldn't. Nor would most people. Life isn't fair ir fun and,was never intended to be. It sucks. Those are the breaks if you want to live in a Moral society.

That sounds scary. Is that where the Christian Taliban are trying to take us?

It’s not just the fringe anymore. Mainstream conservatives are trying to bring America’s laws into agreement with ‘God’s law.’

The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?

To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, "a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, "Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”

More: The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law

The founding fathers gave us a secular government and a Godless Constitution. We must protect them from religious zealots.
Take this up with Muslims first. Then bitch about Christians, hypocrite.

Muslims have never bothered me. It's just those fucking Christians.
That sounds scary. Is that where the Christian Taliban are trying to take us?

I don't know where they're looking to go. I doubt it's about morals with them. With me it's about Morals, which most religions seem to totally ignore these days.
people should to keep their religion at home or in church
It does not belong in government or law (business, civil or federal)

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