The Conservative Victimhood Complex Has Made America Impossible To Govern

Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.
Trump is the Victim In Chief. This then allows the Trumpsters to defend his childish behavior as "fighting back".

They clearly think that behaving like a spoiled, petulant child is the one and only way to fight back.

Trumpism, 2020. We'll get past this.
Childish behavior?
When did this happen?

Pelosi ripping gif.gif
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Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.

View attachment 337273

So true.
The libs really haven't made a case, instead they just said "don't you believe in science"…

That from the side that pushes the “Global Warning/Climate Change” hoax, along with the premise that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

I think very, very, very few sane people are any more swayed when a LIbEral tries to make any claim on “science”.

…and try to humiliate those who would dissent.

And shamefully, the left wrong has gained a lot of traction with this Emperor's New Clothes tactic, of shaming people to go along with what everyone knows is wrong. I think this is becoming less and less effective, these days.
Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.

im a political hobbyist

But are you fucking retarded? What rights do we have if the flu can mean we lose them all for months every year?

You fucking dolt, imagined tyranny, lol.

Conservatives look like geniuses next to the absurd hyper feminine democrats who can't even match the good sense of SWEDES. This is a low point in our history, and certainly is a sign of our declining civilization. A flu can bring us to our knees
Yes, he is fucking retarded.

I'm here to help.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
Can you give us some examples of what you mean? What have people in red states done to make themselves miserable? What opportunities have they missed?

People in red states voted for Trump and continue to support him out of a sense of outrage at the shittiness in their lives. Make America great again, remember? if things were just awesome in these states that never really elected a liberal for anything a president Trump would have never happened. These states and areas that consistently lag behind in economic development have only themselves to blame for their relative poverty yet it is mighty handy to fool people into believing it's all someone else's fault. Keep voting for the same old plutocrats with the same old trickle down ideals and you will never run out of that delicious outrage at being fucked out of the kind of economy they have in all the places you hate.
TDS lefties want to keep Americans under house arrest forever because they are apparently afraid to breathe outside their own homes and yet they claim conservatives are playing the victims. Read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" to get some insight on left wing strategy.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
Can you give us some examples of what you mean? What have people in red states done to make themselves miserable? What opportunities have they missed?

People in red states voted for Trump and continue to support him out of a sense of outrage at the shittiness in their lives. Make America great again, remember? if things were just awesome in these states that never really elected a liberal for anything a president Trump would have never happened. These states and areas that consistently lag behind in economic development have only themselves to blame for their relative poverty yet it is mighty handy to fool people into believing it's all someone else's fault. Keep voting for the same old plutocrats with the same old trickle down ideals and you will never run out of that delicious outrage at being fucked out of the kind of economy they have in all the places you hate.


Yet there's millions who vote Democrat who live and flock to those blue areas you admire who live in ghettos or are homeless.


The right wants you to succeed, the left wants you to obey.

Reminds me of a distantly-remembered quote. I think it was Ronald Reagan who said it, something to the effect that the Democrats measure success by government “helping” people, while Republicans measure success by people not needing any “help” from government.
We have idiots comparing themselves to Kulaks and Ann Frank over temporary public health measures. If you want to argue economic impact, that is valid. But what these history-deficient whiners are arguing about is a temporary suspension of some rights in the middle of a pandemic. OMG, I gotta wear a face mask!

Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.
Eventually the Corona Crisis statistics will show that we over-reacted and that we were misled.
The Dems are trying to exploit the Corona Crisis to expand their far left wing agenda and to loot the taxpayers.
Just a practical kind of person, going out when needed staying home when not. covering up when going out in the hope that I will have less of a chance of getting or giving the virus to anyone else. everything about this virus is a bummer, this is the best I can do till they find a cure.
Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.
Trump is the Victim In Chief. This then allows the Trumpsters to defend his childish behavior as "fighting back".

They clearly think that behaving like a spoiled, petulant child is the one and only way to fight back.

Trumpism, 2020. We'll get past this.
Childish behavior?
When did this happen?

View attachment 337325
Virtually every day.

Obviously you haven't noticed. He's at your level, cool!

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