The Conservative Victimhood Complex Has Made America Impossible To Govern

The relationship conservatives have with their government is based on political sado-masochism. There always has to be someone whipping or getting whipped or they are not satisfied.
The relationship liberals have with their government is based on political sado-masochism. There always has to be someone whipping or getting whipped or they are not satisfied.
You love you some political cruelty more than just about anyone.
keep babbling on ..babble and more babble
here is what the libs are really saying:
djdfksjhfskj ns fhsfklshmfksv fjfjfm kkskjdjdh sk fsdjndfjjn d kjsjfjngnsjk mfmks,df mfmfmms,sjfknd
Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.

Have 2.2 million US citizens died of this Chinese Plague as projected when this all started?

Does continuing the shut down of all industries and businesses hasten economic recovery?


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The relationship conservatives have with their government is based on political sado-masochism. There always has to be someone whipping or getting whipped or they are not satisfied.
Their Government.............LOL............

Notice how the left make out the gov't to be a person.......

We understand they were hired to do a dang job.......and understand when their sorry butts should be fired...........We don't need nor want to rely on Daddy Gov't .

You not so business is destroyed.....States are bankrupted by loss of revenue....and you don't give a shit.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.
The whole mask issue is hysteria.
The notion of saying you don't care about the elderly is based on victimhood mixed with hysteria and generalizations.
View attachment 337299
You forgot to mention pants-shitting appeals to emotion.

Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.

im a political hobbyist

But are you fucking retarded? What rights do we have if the flu can mean we lose them all for months every year?

You fucking dolt, imagined tyranny, lol.

Conservatives look like geniuses next to the absurd hyper feminine democrats who can't even match the good sense of SWEDES. This is a low point in our history, and certainly is a sign of our declining civilization. A flu can bring us to our knees
The relationship conservatives have with their government is based on political sado-masochism. There always has to be someone whipping or getting whipped or they are not satisfied.
Their Government.............LOL............

Notice how the left make out the gov't to be a person.......

We understand they were hired to do a dang job.......and understand when their sorry butts should be fired...........We don't need nor want to rely on Daddy Gov't .

You not so business is destroyed.....States are bankrupted by loss of revenue....and you don't give a shit.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
I can babble also:
People in blue states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
The relationship conservatives have with their government is based on political sado-masochism. There always has to be someone whipping or getting whipped or they are not satisfied.
Their Government.............LOL............

Notice how the left make out the gov't to be a person.......

We understand they were hired to do a dang job.......and understand when their sorry butts should be fired...........We don't need nor want to rely on Daddy Gov't .

You not so business is destroyed.....States are bankrupted by loss of revenue....and you don't give a shit.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
I found you in a video you are sitting on the cot.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.
Can you give us some examples of what you mean? What have people in red states done to make themselves miserable? What opportunities have they missed?

The relationship conservatives have with their government is based on political sado-masochism. There always has to be someone whipping or getting whipped or they are not satisfied.
Their Government.............LOL............

Notice how the left make out the gov't to be a person.......

We understand they were hired to do a dang job.......and understand when their sorry butts should be fired...........We don't need nor want to rely on Daddy Gov't .

You not so business is destroyed.....States are bankrupted by loss of revenue....and you don't give a shit.
You don't even understand that when you demand every government policy have a victim often the victim will be you. People in red states have voted themselves so much misery and missed opportunity that it is clear on some level that they like to be fucked over.

You're just posting to see your name on the board, aren't you? You actually have nothing to say.
Impossible to govern? What the left means is that it's impossible for democrat governors to govern within the constraints of the Constitution. Democrats have been whining about that stodgy old document for the last hundred years. Do they think the virus might give them a shot at a brave new world without the guarantees of the Bill of Rights?
The Conservative Victimhood Complex Has Made America Impossible To Govern

The problem is not us conservatives.

The problem is that your side wants to “govern” in a corrupt, tyrannical, criminal manner, in blatant disregard for the rules with the Constitution has established regarding how this nation is to be governed. You want to seize power that the Constitution explicitly denies, and abuse this power for your own evil ends, to the detriment of those that you are trying to “govern”.

And the entirely of your complaint about us conservatives is that we resits your attempts at corruption, lawlessness, and criminality.

Shamefully, we are not making it nearly “impossible”[/i[] enough for your kind to seize and abuse the power that you seek. We should be hanging your kind from trees in front of every courthouse and capital building, and leaving your bodies there to rot as a warning to other tyrants and criminals.
Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I wasn't going to go Godwin's Law, but since you already have…

The complaint in the OP is very much comparable to that of the Nazis, if Anne Frank, her family, and other Jews all across Germany and the other territories that Nazis came to control, complaining that the Jews refusing to happily march into the extermination camps, were to complain that the Jews were demonstrating a “victim complex” that was making them impossible to govern”.

It's not a complex. If government deprives us of our essential human rights, then yes, we are victims, and we have every right to resist such abuses, using whatever force is necessary.
Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.
Trump is the Victim In Chief. This then allows the Trumpsters to defend his childish behavior as "fighting back".

They clearly think that behaving like a spoiled, petulant child is the one and only way to fight back.

Trumpism, 2020. We'll get past this.
Trump's appalling failure is only the most visible part of a vast ocean of right-wing dysfunction. For conservative zealots and media figures, the pandemic is quickly becoming just another culture war battleground — an axis of postmodern symbolic conflict, another vent for bottomless grievance, and fuel for a screeching victimhood complex. The practical effect will be to fuel infection and hamstring economic recovery. It's a stark obstacle before fixing this or any other crisis.

Nothing gets their blood flowing like playing martyr before imaginary liberal tyranny. Casting oneself as Anne Frank for having to wear a two-dollar cloth mask at Walmart during the worst pandemic in a century would be a stretch for most people in the world, but not American movement conservatives.

I prefer poutrage industry, but hysteria industrial complex works equally as well.
So you're saying that we really haven't been in lockdown?
We were told at first it would take 2 weeks...then a some Democrats are saying we can't restart the economy till someone comes up with a vaccine.....which means we'll be starving to death by this Winter when the food runs out.
But that's a small price to pay for safety.
During these uncertain times we all have to think about our own safety and stay at home....or we're all a bunch of murderers.


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