The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

Like Trump did when he tried to coerced state officials to disregard their final vote and install a bogus bunch of electors. How many crimes is this ? Oh 91.

More to it than that.
Why did Trump have to impanel "fake" electors. When the republican party already chose the dozen "real" electors. All Trump had to do, was to get the real electors to swear to his victory. But as you can see, they would not do such a thing. So he needed people with so little integrity, not only would they claim to be electors, when they weren't, but that Trump won, when he didn't.
Means nothing till the US SC rules…nothing. You really are naive.
Yeah, what do you think they will say when another state’s Supreme Court tells you to fking pound sand? Hahaha
Why did Trump have to impanel "fake" electors. When the republican party already chose the dozen "real" electors. All Trump had to do, was to get the real electors to swear to his victory. But as you can see, they would not do such a thing. So he needed people with so little integrity, not only would they claim to be electors, when they weren't, but that Trump won, when he didn't.
It’s been that way since the first day
The Colorado supreme based it judgment on that he engaged in insurrection. it is not a conviction of insurrection. This is what the 14th amendment says engage which is not the same as a conviction. It does not mention anything about a conviction.

That is correct

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office​

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

This is disqualification from the office

That is all they can do based on what was presented to them.

Criminal conduct may be addressed at lower courts under different criminal laws that may apply if they were interested in putting Trump in jail but it is not the focus of the Section or of the ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court.


Ok, then please explain section 5…what is that there for?
No, it's not what you said. And yes, you did alter the meaning. You said, "CONGRESS shall enforce." That would Congress has to enforce it. What it really says is what you posted now. That Congress shall have the power to enforce it. Which means they don't have to. It also means they don't have the sole power to enforce it.

The operative word here is “shall”, which means there is a mandate. It doesn’t say “may”, which would imply “they could but don’t have to”

Congress “shall” have the power..


—used to express a command or exhortation
you shall go

—used in laws, regulations, or directives to express what is mandatory
it shall be unlawful to carry firearms

That clause doesn’t imply any shared power with any state. It says that the congress is responsible for creating legislation to enforce the provisions of the article 14

I did not change or alter the meaning. I stated exactly what it says, In proper context, in proper meaning.
Civilly, there are no other penalties.

Criminally, potential prison time and/or fine.

Show me the civil statute for insurrection.

I’ve shown the criminal statute, the only statute I know to exist. So, you show me where there exists a civil law that allows one to commit insurrection, and can be exempt from the criminal penalties.
Means nothing till the US SC rules…nothing. You really are naive.
Same in Colorado, right?

By the way, isn’t Colorado one of the 17 states that signed on to the national popular vote compact? Why..yes, they are. Apparently Colorado doesn’t care about people’s vote all the way around..
Why did Trump have to impanel "fake" electors. When the republican party already chose the dozen "real" electors. All Trump had to do, was to get the real electors to swear to his victory. But as you can see, they would not do such a thing. So he needed people with so little integrity, not only would they claim to be electors, when they weren't, but that Trump won, when he didn't.

But when did Trump impanel ANY electors? He was simply trying to send the election back to those states for reconsideration.
Right…so what are we arguing for? Until he is charged with it, you can’t disqualify him..
Wrong. It’s a political/ civil determination. Like any civil case with no trial , the courts decide if the offenses and punishment is warranted. Geesus,it’s all spelled out in the 14 amendment.
So foolish. Are you denying trump is on trial in several venues that include 91/ indictments ?
Well, if we’re being “technical”…he only has 4 indictments, with 91 underlying charges…just sayin…
But when did Trump impanel ANY electors? He was simply trying to send the election back to those states for reconsideration.
Why don’t you read the charges. We know fix News won’t provide them and you’re not allowed to think for yourself….wtf.
You didn’t finish the statement. Shall: have the power to do what ? It means nothing till you provide the entire provision.

ah no shit.
“shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

That’s pretty clear.

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