The Constitution Prohibits Trump From Ever Being President Again

Im just explaining why it’s impossible… either Trump tried an illegal coup and isn’t eligible for election or Kamala can do exactly what Trump instructed Mike Pence to do. Either way, logically Trump cannot be president.
Interesting. Option 1 is a non-starter as the SCOTUS will soon settle and Kamala isn't going going to do diddly. That is my logic.
What about them? You mentioned Confederates and Democrats, as though they're the same party today. They're not.
Yes. The Confederates did not pander to Fags ,trannies , baby murder ,and all the other crackpot groups that are Dems today.
Shit pants says nothing.
Hour late for dinner in Italy......Oh Shit.

biden diaper.jpeg
Like I said he contribute nothing , shit pants is this forums ultimate loser.

Your boy is about a loser....

Confounding leftists in and outside of major media who've spent years portraying Donald Trump as a racist, Hispanic support for the former president continues to surge -- to the point that Trump is now the first choice among the increasingly significant US demographic.

Meanwhile, black enthusiasm for Biden has plummeted since 2020, leaving many in the Democrat electoral cornerstone eager to vote for a third-party candidate. These are among several findings of a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll that are sure to compound Democrats worries about the 2024 election.

Your boy is about a loser....

Confounding leftists in and outside of major media who've spent years portraying Donald Trump as a racist, Hispanic support for the former president continues to surge -- to the point that Trump is now the first choice among the increasingly significant US demographic.

Meanwhile, black enthusiasm for Biden has plummeted since 2020, leaving many in the Democrat electoral cornerstone eager to vote for a third-party candidate. These are among several findings of a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll that are sure to compound Democrats worries about the 2024 election.

Loser…zerohedge is a far right libertarian shit spewing blog.
They do no research themselves…nothing.
And your solution is, to hand it over to a puppet of Putin.

Putin is far less corrupt than any US president after Carter.
The US is constantly lying to start illegal wars over things like stealing oil or making munitions profits.
The only wars Putin is involved with are when the US takes over countries like the Ukraine with a bribed military coup, and then tries to put US nukes on Russia's border.
Which is all very justifiable.
None of the US wars are remotely justifiable.
Not Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, Shock and Awe, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, the Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, etc.
It was either a coup attempt by Trump or Biden can do the exact same thing through Kamala. Your choice.

There is nothing remotely wrong with having a VP delay certification.
That should always be the expected norm, if there is even a hint of voter fraud.
The 2000 election was ridiculous.
The SCOTUS essentially said that the delay tactics were valid and no investigation was needed because it timed out.
That is NOT how you run a country and pretend to instill confidence in the republic.
That was rewarding out and out fraud at the highest level.
It was not just the FL sec. of state who was guilty, but the whole SCOTUS.
Putin is far less corrupt than any US president after Carter.
The US is constantly lying to start illegal wars over things like stealing oil or making munitions profits.
The only wars Putin is involved with are when the US takes over countries like the Ukraine with a bribed military coup, and then tries to put US nukes on Russia's border.
Which is all very justifiable.
None of the US wars are remotely justifiable.
Not Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, Shock and Awe, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, the Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, etc.
Let’s see.
A fact check by PolitiFact in early 2020 recorded 142 indictments——related to three recent Republican administrations (Nixon, Reagan, Trump) versus two indictments during three recent Democratic administrations (Carter, Clinton, Obama).

And, we aren’t even talking about Trumps admin indictments and charges and all that transpired in the the last three years.
Putin is far less corrupt than any US president after Carter.
The US is constantly lying to start illegal wars over things like stealing oil or making munitions profits.
The only wars Putin is involved with are when the US takes over countries like the Ukraine with a bribed military coup, and then tries to put US nukes on Russia's border.
Which is all very justifiable.
None of the US wars are remotely justifiable.
Not Vietnam, Panama, Grenada, Desert Storm, Shock and Awe, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, the Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, etc.
Ha ha
What anmilliterate . Russian economy couldn't support wars. They even need financing now from China North Korea and help from Iran to struggle with Ukraine. YOU WORSHIP a third world dictator who’s economy is less than three of our states. What a bozo.

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