The Constitution was not built for this

The Constitution was not built for this

An insane clown posse that cannot accept the constitutional result of an election and fight to overturn it for three years?
In anticipation of the reflexive "Vox, ha ha" response from Trumpists I'll say what I always say, disparaging the source of information loses all credibility if you can't factually refute what they report.
Republicans’ vote against Trump’s impeachment reveals a broken system — and a democracy at real risk of failure.
The Constitution was not built for this

"President Donald Trump deserved to be impeached over his conduct in the Ukraine affair. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did the right thing by pushing for an impeachment vote, and Democrats (all but a handful of them) did the right thing by voting to impeach.

But not a single Republican did. And the GOP’s willingness to back the president to the hilt, in spite of clear and obvious evidence of abuses of power, speaks to an urgent threat to American democracy: Our constitutional system is ill-equipped to withstand extreme polarization.

The framers designed impeachment to be a check on a president who twists the office’s powers for public gain. The system only works, however, under the assumption that members of Congress — particularly in the Senate, which has the power to remove the president — will be capable of separating their interests from those of the president’s.

“Where else than in the Senate could have been found a tribunal sufficiently dignified, or sufficiently independent?” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 65. “What other body would be likely to feel CONFIDENCE ENOUGH IN ITS OWN SITUATION, to preserve, unawed and uninfluenced, the necessary impartiality between an INDIVIDUAL accused, and the REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE, HIS ACCUSERS?”

The highly partisan House vote, and the universal assessment in Washington that the Senate will vote to acquit Trump on party lines, reveals that Hamilton’s assumptions about our institutions no longer hold true. Under conditions of extreme polarization, where at least one party cares more about defeating its political opponents than safeguarding against abuses of power, the impeachment power is neutered unless the president’s opposition has the House and a two-thirds majority in the Senate (an extremely unlikely set of circumstances)."
Clearly the founders did not consider the possibility of infotainment network dedicated to disinformation. Nor did they consider the possibility an entire congressional caucus would abdicate their responsibility to their oath of office, to the Constitution, and to their country by ignoring the overwhelming evidence of a prez's impeachable wrongdoing in order to protect their seat in government. IOW, they never contemplated the cowardice and duplicity of the of Trump.
Vox. Enough said.

The fact that the Dims could conduct a Stalinist show trial in the House shows the problem with the Constitution.
It is time to pass laws governing both Impeachment in the House and Trial in the Senate.

Establishing pre-defined procedures for each that will satisfy the American insistence upon True Justice.

That way, partisan hacks in both House and Senate will be obliged to follow a prescribed set of rules.
Rule #1, witnesses with information pertinent to the charges the prez is facing should be allowed to testify. House Dems were willing to abide by such a rule, McTreason is apparently not.
ROFL! You're joking, right? Who decides what's "pertinent?" You've already shown why you're a fool and a douchebag.
Tell your bitch to hand over the Articles, let's get the trial going.
What witnesses would you like to see in this trial partisan?

For a self ascribed Constitutional Expert you don't seem up to speed here. You do know that just as how Mr. Schiff got to determine how partisan his House "investigation" McConnell has the same authority. You'll just have to live with it.
And see where DEMONRATS stand on other Constitutional issues!


Image from Zogby Analytics....63% want YOUR TAX CUTS BACK....Can't we just offer them suicide pills MANY mental defectives have a need for these before the 2020 election!!!
“The framers designed impeachment to be a check on a president who twists the office’s powers for public gain. The system only works, however, under the assumption that members of Congress — particularly in the Senate, which has the power to remove the president — will be capable of separating their interests from those of the president’s.” ibid


The Framers also intended the impeachment process to be used to safeguard the people from imperious dullards such as Trump – from their arrogance and abuse of power.

Tell your bitch to hand over the Articles, let's get the trial going.
Such is the reprehensible, misogynist right.

Trump has only himself to blame for the disgrace of impeachment.

And it’s incumbent upon the Speaker to make an effort to ensure the Articles of Impeachment are given a fair hearing in a fair trial, however futile those efforts might be in a Senate controlled by blind partisan Republicans.

The Speaker has no authority in the Senate. She gets to sit on her hands on watch. You are inferring that the House was in no way "Partisan". LOL, what a joke.
In anticipation of the reflexive "Vox, ha ha" response from Trumpists I'll say what I always say, disparaging the source of information loses all credibility if you can't factually refute what they report.
Republicans’ vote against Trump’s impeachment reveals a broken system — and a democracy at real risk of failure.
The Constitution was not built for this

"President Donald Trump deserved to be impeached over his conduct in the Ukraine affair. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did the right thing by pushing for an impeachment vote, and Democrats (all but a handful of them) did the right thing by voting to impeach.

But not a single Republican did. And the GOP’s willingness to back the president to the hilt, in spite of clear and obvious evidence of abuses of power, speaks to an urgent threat to American democracy: Our constitutional system is ill-equipped to withstand extreme polarization.

The framers designed impeachment to be a check on a president who twists the office’s powers for public gain. The system only works, however, under the assumption that members of Congress — particularly in the Senate, which has the power to remove the president — will be capable of separating their interests from those of the president’s.

“Where else than in the Senate could have been found a tribunal sufficiently dignified, or sufficiently independent?” Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist 65. “What other body would be likely to feel CONFIDENCE ENOUGH IN ITS OWN SITUATION, to preserve, unawed and uninfluenced, the necessary impartiality between an INDIVIDUAL accused, and the REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE, HIS ACCUSERS?”

The highly partisan House vote, and the universal assessment in Washington that the Senate will vote to acquit Trump on party lines, reveals that Hamilton’s assumptions about our institutions no longer hold true. Under conditions of extreme polarization, where at least one party cares more about defeating its political opponents than safeguarding against abuses of power, the impeachment power is neutered unless the president’s opposition has the House and a two-thirds majority in the Senate (an extremely unlikely set of circumstances)."
Clearly the founders did not consider the possibility of infotainment network dedicated to disinformation. Nor did they consider the possibility an entire congressional caucus would abdicate their responsibility to their oath of office, to the Constitution, and to their country by ignoring the overwhelming evidence of a prez's impeachable wrongdoing in order to protect their seat in government. IOW, they never contemplated the cowardice and duplicity of the of Trump.

Two can play at that game, Marc! Would you like me to show you, Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler's "opinions" on impeachment during the Clinton era?
Please do. Present them.

on a side note:

Seems they have no intention of stopping their investigation til Trump is removed from office.

"Lawyers for the House of Representatives suggested the lower chamber could take up new articles of impeachment against President Trump if new evidence of the president's conduct emerges."

House lawyers leave door open to new articles of impeachment
“The framers designed impeachment to be a check on a president who twists the office’s powers for public gain. The system only works, however, under the assumption that members of Congress — particularly in the Senate, which has the power to remove the president — will be capable of separating their interests from those of the president’s.” ibid


The Framers also intended the impeachment process to be used to safeguard the people from imperious dullards such as Trump – from their arrogance and abuse of power.

Tell your bitch to hand over the Articles, let's get the trial going.
Such is the reprehensible, misogynist right.

Trump has only himself to blame for the disgrace of impeachment.

And it’s incumbent upon the Speaker to make an effort to ensure the Articles of Impeachment are given a fair hearing in a fair trial, however futile those efforts might be in a Senate controlled by blind partisan Republicans.

The Speaker has no authority in the Senate. She gets to sit on her hands on watch. You are inferring that the House was in no way "Partisan". LOL, what a joke.

She's violating the directive under the Constitution to immediately send the articles to the Senate! She's guilty of Obstruction of Congress
Two can play at that game, Marc! Would you like me to show you, Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler's "opinions" on impeachment during the Clinton era?
Please do. Present them.

on a side note:

Seems they have no intention of stopping their investigation til Trump is removed from office.

"Lawyers for the House of Representatives suggested the lower chamber could take up new articles of impeachment against President Trump if new evidence of the president's conduct emerges."

House lawyers leave door open to new articles of impeachment

The Stalinist democrats already know they're doomed for extinction, might as well impeach Trump a few more times
Clearly the founders did not consider the possibility of infotainment network dedicated to disinformation. Nor did they consider the possibility an entire congressional caucus would abdicate their responsibility to their oath of office, to the Constitution, and to their country by ignoring the overwhelming evidence of a prez's impeachable wrongdoing in order to protect their seat in government. IOW, they never contemplated the cowardice and duplicity of the of Trump.

I sort of agree with your take - the specific characteristics of today's depravity were probably unimaginable back then. Neither was the pervasiveness of entertainment media, and disinformation seeping into every living room.

Let's make the counter-argument, for argument's sake: The Founders were well versed in human affairs, human frailty, fibs, mendacity, and the entire range of dishonorable behavior, intellectual laziness, dupes being easily misled, and not least humans' ability to let ideology blind reason and distort judgment. Not least were they aware of the dangers of partisanship. All that said, how would they plan their Constitution without a proper accounting for all the ways in which things could go wrong? Reading the Federalist Papers you realize they are almost in their entirety a debate about human faults and frailties, and how to safeguard the Republic against being destroyed by them.

The Constitution, I say, was built for that not in the sense that there would be a ready antidote available for misguided and flawed figures in all places of government, and partisanship marring policy-making. It was built for this in the sense that despite all these figures, and the partisanship, the institutions survive, even though crooks and liars would not necessarily be removed immediately, and that the Republic can correct course and heal. That latter would be the duty and obligation of those who participate, and more so those who replace the aforementioned uncanny figures.

Thanks for sticking up for Vox. They usually provide smart commentary and insightful analysis (which is why Rightardia is all irate about the site). On the other hand...

The framers designed impeachment to be a check on a president who twists the office’s powers for public gain. The system only works, however, under the assumption that members of Congress — particularly in the Senate, which has the power to remove the president — will be capable of separating their interests from those of the president’s.

... it sets my teeth on edge to see such sloppy writing. It's a disgrace.
No witnesses, just a directed verdict as the prosecution failed to present a case
A trial w/o a witness?

The "prosecution" presented an iron-clad case, that you're in a fantasy land that has nothing to do w/reality means nothing.

Yes. It's called a directed verdict. It happens when, as here, the prosecution fails to present a case

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