The cops used a Bomb to kill the guy....anyone curious about that tactic?

This is a guy who showed an ability to shoot cops from a distance, and run around and ambush them (from reports). he had to be neutralized, he was too big of a risk if he managed to get out.
I agree.

This guy was Army-trained in infantry tactics, possibly with some sniper training tossed in. He had demonstrated an exceptionally dangerous potential, placing himself in the mad-dog category, so taking him out by any means necessary was acceptable by my standards.

What I'm concerned about is how many more of our trained military veterans have adopted the Allahhu Akhbar persuasion and are poised to launch a suicide mission like this fellow.

White Americans need to wake up to a new reality. They are despised by some very dangerous, committed individuals who are eminently capable of and predisposed to killing them. This fellow was just one.

He was in an engineering job.He learned at a private self-defense class.

Dallas shooter learned tactics at Texas self-defense school
It would be illegal for President Obama to knowingly target innocent civilians. But it isn't illegal for President Obama to order attacks on enemies who threaten Americans.

And it is legal for the Dallas Police Department to use the necessary force to prevent violence against Americans.

Obama Issues Rare Apology Over Bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan


What a mistake, wouldn't you say?


War is tragic- and one of the realities of the tragedy of war is that innocent civilians will end up dying- and usually when they die at the hands of U.S. military- usually that is by mistake.

Targeting of a medical clinic should be a war crime.

If it was done intentionally, it already is.
The cops put C-4 on the robot and blew him up......where did the Dallas police get C-4.....?

What makes you think that they used C-4?

What makes you think that cops wouldn't have C-4?

As I think this through more- 'bomb disposal robot'.....what do bomb disposal units use to take care of bombs they can't safely defuse?

They blow them up.

What do they use to blow up the bombs?

Probably whatever they used to blow up this asshole.

The Police Chief said they used C-4...and you are right... the bomb disposal unit would probably have it......

So you are okay that the cops shot the guy in Baton Rouge...right? And the Gentle Giant? And the Martin kid?

I am okay with police taking out armed suspects who are endangering others.

So are you okay with the police taking out this suspect?

Or do you have a problem just because you prefer police to shoot suspects?

I don't think it was justified....he was contained and not a threat to anyone.....but....if he was a threat then no, I don't care about him.....

If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?
When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

Rarely disagree with you dude, but on this I do.

What's next? Airstrikes?

Civilian police should not be using military tactics or ordinance no matter what.

If a person or group is so well armed the civilian authorities cannot bring them in, the state needs to mobilize it's military.

In this case a blast of tear gas would probably have done the trick. Failing that wait until dehydration and hunger work in your favor.


The military cannot be used for law enforcement.

How do you know he didn't have a gas mask and plenty of water?
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

Rarely disagree with you dude, but on this I do.

What's next? Airstrikes?

Civilian police should not be using military tactics or ordinance no matter what.

If a person or group is so well armed the civilian authorities cannot bring them in, the state needs to mobilize it's military.

In this case a blast of tear gas would probably have done the trick. Failing that wait until dehydration and hunger work in your favor.

I am curious why tear gas wasn't used. I expect that will come out.

The problem with Monday morning quarterbacking when you don't have all the facts.

Tear gas requires a closed environment. He was in a parking garage.
Rarely disagree with you dude, but on this I do.

What's next? Airstrikes?

Civilian police should not be using military tactics or ordinance no matter what.

If a person or group is so well armed the civilian authorities cannot bring them in, the state needs to mobilize it's military.

In this case a blast of tear gas would probably have done the trick. Failing that wait until dehydration and hunger work in your favor.
The method usually deployed in standoffs is to set fire to the barricaded premises, such as took place at Waco. While I was, and still am, angered and outraged by that act of contemptuous tyrannical brutality, the reason for my negative disposition is the subjects of that action, especially the 21 wholly innocent children, did absolutely nothing to deserve what was done to them.

However, Mikah Johnson certainly did deserve to be killed by any means necessary. If not by bullet, then by bomb. Why not? What would be the reason to sustain the slightest risk or inconvenience for the purpose of preserving his life?

Killing Johnson avoided the cost of his trial and decades of confinement.

Wrong. Where did you get a silly idea like that? It is dead wrong!
Obama Issues Rare Apology Over Bombing of Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan


What a mistake, wouldn't you say?


War is tragic- and one of the realities of the tragedy of war is that innocent civilians will end up dying- and usually when they die at the hands of U.S. military- usually that is by mistake.

Targeting of a medical clinic should be a war crime.

If it was done intentionally, it already is.

Was it a tactical mistake?
The cops put C-4 on the robot and blew him up......where did the Dallas police get C-4.....?

What makes you think that they used C-4?

What makes you think that cops wouldn't have C-4?

As I think this through more- 'bomb disposal robot'.....what do bomb disposal units use to take care of bombs they can't safely defuse?

They blow them up.

What do they use to blow up the bombs?

Probably whatever they used to blow up this asshole.

The Police Chief said they used C-4...and you are right... the bomb disposal unit would probably have it......

So you are okay that the cops shot the guy in Baton Rouge...right? And the Gentle Giant? And the Martin kid?

I am okay with police taking out armed suspects who are endangering others.

So are you okay with the police taking out this suspect?

Or do you have a problem just because you prefer police to shoot suspects?

I don't think it was justified....he was contained and not a threat to anyone.....but....if he was a threat then no, I don't care about him.....

If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?
When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

Rarely disagree with you dude, but on this I do.

What's next? Airstrikes?

Civilian police should not be using military tactics or ordinance no matter what.

If a person or group is so well armed the civilian authorities cannot bring them in, the state needs to mobilize it's military.

In this case a blast of tear gas would probably have done the trick. Failing that wait until dehydration and hunger work in your favor.


The military cannot be used for law enforcement.

How do you know he didn't have a gas mask and plenty of water?

Although it is an armed service, the U.S. Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not restricted by the Posse Comitatus Act. The Coast Guard enforces federal laws within its jurisdiction, even when operating as a service within the U.S. Navy
In Southern California when the sheriffs had surrounded the rogue cop who was shooting other cops, they set fire to his hideout and burned it and him to the ground.
You're right. I'd forgotten that one. Thanks for reminding me

Using a bomb diffusing robot to blow up a perp is a new first.
Not really. The Philadelphia police used a bomb to displace the MOVE group standoff back in 1985. Not only did it work, it started a fire that ultimately burned down an entire neighborhood.

This is going to make national headlines and raise all sorts of SCOTUS issues.
If burning down an entire neighborhood in Philadelphia and burning 21 innocent children to death at Waco didn't raise any significant issues, don't expect this comparatively righteous event to. I doubt you will find too many ordinary people who have a problem with the police sticking a bomb in Mikah Johnson's ear.

The fires in Waco was started INSIDE the compound. Not by those assaulting the compound. Take that up in the conspiracy thread.
What makes you think that they used C-4?

What makes you think that cops wouldn't have C-4?

As I think this through more- 'bomb disposal robot'.....what do bomb disposal units use to take care of bombs they can't safely defuse?

They blow them up.

What do they use to blow up the bombs?

Probably whatever they used to blow up this asshole.

The Police Chief said they used C-4...and you are right... the bomb disposal unit would probably have it......

So you are okay that the cops shot the guy in Baton Rouge...right? And the Gentle Giant? And the Martin kid?

I am okay with police taking out armed suspects who are endangering others.

So are you okay with the police taking out this suspect?

Or do you have a problem just because you prefer police to shoot suspects?

Why do you think a parking garage is anywhere near "contained"? The tear gas would just blow away through the open air.

I don't think it was justified....he was contained and not a threat to anyone.....but....if he was a threat then no, I don't care about him.....

If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!
It's so funny the media says the guy was a coward. The guy ran up to a cop behind a pillar and opened fire face to face.

The cops used a remote control robot with a bomb to kill the guy when he was cornered in a building.

Sounds to me like the cops were the cowards.

Yeah, tell us how they should have run in and punched him out to prove their bravery! That's idiotic!
The Police Chief said they used C-4...and you are right... the bomb disposal unit would probably have it......

So you are okay that the cops shot the guy in Baton Rouge...right? And the Gentle Giant? And the Martin kid?

I am okay with police taking out armed suspects who are endangering others.

So are you okay with the police taking out this suspect?

Or do you have a problem just because you prefer police to shoot suspects?

Why do you think a parking garage is anywhere near "contained"? The tear gas would just blow away through the open air.

I don't think it was justified....he was contained and not a threat to anyone.....but....if he was a threat then no, I don't care about him.....

If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........
Blue lives splatter.

Cops need to realize they are NOT in charge. WE are. They unjustifiably shoot someone, they put all cops at risk. If cops would take care of their own like gangs do in prison, you wouldn't have this issue. But when us mere "citizens" expect the police to police the police we know it's a waste. Amazingly, rarely, are cops found in the wrong. I wonder why.

Congrats! Your idiocy outweighs any value your comments may have had! Goodbye!
I am okay with police taking out armed suspects who are endangering others.

So are you okay with the police taking out this suspect?

Or do you have a problem just because you prefer police to shoot suspects?

Why do you think a parking garage is anywhere near "contained"? The tear gas would just blow away through the open air.

I don't think it was justified....he was contained and not a threat to anyone.....but....if he was a threat then no, I don't care about him.....

If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?
And what if he had a remote detonator to the other bombs he planted & threatened to detonate if not released? He was a legit target & I have no issue with the tactic used to take him out.

SWAT Operators should have been able to neutralize the guy without using military force.


They have MRAPs and all sorts of shit at their disposal and if a situation is so fucked up, the Governor can authorize the National Guard to use military tactics.

How many people could have died waiting on that to happen?

What a mistake, wouldn't you say?


War is tragic- and one of the realities of the tragedy of war is that innocent civilians will end up dying- and usually when they die at the hands of U.S. military- usually that is by mistake.

Targeting of a medical clinic should be a war crime.

If it was done intentionally, it already is.

Was it a tactical mistake?

They hit the wrong building.
When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

Rarely disagree with you dude, but on this I do.

What's next? Airstrikes?

Civilian police should not be using military tactics or ordinance no matter what.

If a person or group is so well armed the civilian authorities cannot bring them in, the state needs to mobilize it's military.

In this case a blast of tear gas would probably have done the trick. Failing that wait until dehydration and hunger work in your favor.


The military cannot be used for law enforcement.

How do you know he didn't have a gas mask and plenty of water?

Although it is an armed service, the U.S. Coast Guard, which operates under the Department of Homeland Security, is not restricted by the Posse Comitatus Act. The Coast Guard enforces federal laws within its jurisdiction, even when operating as a service within the U.S. Navy

It is NOT currently a part of the Navy, but is under Homeland Security, but can be during wartime.

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