The cops used a Bomb to kill the guy....anyone curious about that tactic?

Another bullshit opinion!

All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.

Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.

Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.

It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.
Blame rests with whoever decided to breach that building, knowing there were innocent children there and the adults probably were suicidal.

If you were in charge at Waco, and if you knew there were innocent children in that premises, and if you also knew the elders of the cult had threatened mass suicide if any attempt to breach was made, would you disregard the safety of those innocent children and order the breach?

If so, your experience as a cop has seriously damaged you and you are one more example of the exceptionally high percentage of alcoholism, suicide and divorce among ex-cops: Alcoholism Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Its Unique Challenges | Milestone Group

If so, you are to be pitied.
Last edited:
Danger to others? He already killed several cops........ You don't make sense at all. You don't make sense at al.

So what? IF he was no longer a danger, the police are supposed to deescalate as well. Then if he presents a danger again, do what you have to do. This to me just sounds like the guy was holed up, not a present danger to anyone, but the police were tired of wating for him to surrender.

I mean I don't care that he's dead, but it's very disturbing that many people believe the police should be able to blow suspects up
Tough shit what you "believe"! Real people live in the real world.
Give it a try sometime jerk!
I had the misfortune to come across you hundreds of times. Absolutely ZERO grounding in what was reality and what was not.
You live in a fucking pansy-ass coward dreamworld.

What the fuck are you talking about? Pansy? Do you think it takes a tough guy to post on the internet "hell yeah cops should blow people up?" You're as stupid as the black lives matter idiots. No , the cops don't get to just kill someone simply b/c that someone killed cops earlier in the day. Now , a shoot out , or shooting a fleeing suspect who poses a danger to others? Tough shit, they get what they get. But a suspect who killed people hours ago and was no holed up where he couldn't hurt anyone else? No, the cops shouldn't be blowing that guy up with a bomb.

The same robot that carried a bomb could have been equipped with a tranquilizer dart. That's not an option if the guy has hostages or what have you, but if he is alone and has no way to harm others, it is.

You watch too much TV. Grow up, go out and live in the real world.

Where are you getting he was "holed up" from? If someone has to go in there and get him, wherever he is, they are putting their life in jeopardy trying to arrest him. Send in a robot and blow his ass to smithereens was an acceptable alternative, no matter how much it makes you want to piss your tighty-whiteys!

Tranquilizer darts? Are you that stupid?
Yes the fucking moron is THAT stupid!
I doubt the asshole has ever held a BB gun in his useless life.
God I'd LOVE to watch this asshole put in charge of a police standoff with a multiple murderer with the victims families gathered around and the shooter claiming he has planted bombs he can detonate wit his cellphone.
The little creep would be fucking kicked to death.

ROFL, okay Barney Fife

I'll compare the number of times I've been face to face with someone who had a gun with the number of times you have any time.
Another bullshit opinion!

All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.

Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.

Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.

It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.
Blame rests with whoever decided to breach that building while knowing there were innocent children were there and the adults probably were suicidal.

If you were in charge at Waco, and if you knew there were innocent children in that premises, and if you also knew the elders of the cult had threatened mass suicide if any attempt to breach was made, would you disregard the safety of those innocent children and order the breach?

If so, your experience as a cop has seriously damaged you and you are one more example of the exceptionally high percentage of alcoholism, suicide and divorce among ex-cops: Alcoholism Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Its Unique Challenges | Milestone Group

If so, you are to be pitied.

Danny is obviously an idiot. I doubt he was ever a cop , maybe a jail dispatcher.
Another bullshit opinion!

All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.

Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.

Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.

It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.
Blame rests with whoever decided to breach that building while knowing there were innocent children were there and the adults probably were suicidal.

If you were in charge at Waco, and if you knew there were innocent children in that premises, and if you also knew the elders of the cult had threatened mass suicide if any attempt to breach was made, would you disregard the safety of those innocent children and order the breach?

If so, your experience as a cop has seriously damaged you and you are one more example of the exceptionally high percentage of alcoholism, suicide and divorce among ex-cops: Alcoholism Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Its Unique Challenges | Milestone Group

If so, you are to be pitied.

Danny is obviously an idiot. I doubt he was ever a cop , maybe a jail dispatcher.
I served two tours in VN. Front line battalions.
Two decades as a LEO.
Born in Chicagoland. I crap bigger than you pansie.
Another bullshit opinion!

All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.

Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.

Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.

It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.
Blame rests with whoever decided to breach that building while knowing there were innocent children were there and the adults probably were suicidal.

If you were in charge at Waco, and if you knew there were innocent children in that premises, and if you also knew the elders of the cult had threatened mass suicide if any attempt to breach was made, would you disregard the safety of those innocent children and order the breach?

If so, your experience as a cop has seriously damaged you and you are one more example of the exceptionally high percentage of alcoholism, suicide and divorce among ex-cops: Alcoholism Among Law Enforcement Personnel: Its Unique Challenges | Milestone Group

If so, you are to be pitied.

Danny is obviously an idiot. I doubt he was ever a cop , maybe a jail dispatcher.
I served two tours in VN. Front line battalions.
Two decades as a LEO.
Born in Chicagoland. I crap bigger than you pansie.

Oh, are we going to have a dick measuring contest now?

Two decades as a cop after Vietnam eh? Well then, that settles the matter, you are at least 65 years old and suffering from dementia.

Sorry about that.
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.
It doesn't matter. You know very well that instinct is never lost. Responding to an ambush, according to US military doctrine, entails immediately rushing toward the enemy instead of loitering in the kill zone. You know this. And that's exactly what the cops did.
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.
It doesn't matter. You know very well that instinct is never lost. Responding to an ambush, according to US military doctrine, entails immediately rushing toward the enemy instead of loitering in the kill zone. You know this. And that's exactly what the cops did.
The bad guy outdid the cops 12 to 1, bright eyes.
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.
It doesn't matter. You know very well that instinct is never lost. Responding to an ambush, according to US military doctrine, entails immediately rushing toward the enemy instead of loitering in the kill zone. You know this. And that's exactly what the cops did.
The bad guy outdid the cops 12 to 1, bright eyes.
Anyone with military training can do the same. Do you remember watching "The Rock" when a SEAL team attempted entry on Alcatraz Island? They were all killed because the Marines they were sent to stop had them covered from an elevated position. It has nothing to do with training, it has to do with which position you're in. Any of those veteran cops could have done what this guy did and the result would have been the same. Snipers always have the advantage initially.
Why do you think a parking garage is anywhere near "contained"? The tear gas would just blow away through the open air.

I don't think it was justified....he was contained and not a threat to anyone.....but....if he was a threat then no, I don't care about him.....

If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.

He was a construction worker in the Reserves.......he had some basic training in shooting in basic.....but that would be it.....even if he went to PLDC...primary leadership development school the little bit of infantry training isn't meant to stick......

He was a construction worker....not a Ranger...
Why not? It's as good a way as any.

Because , ultimately the police are SUPPOSED to try to bring suspects in alive. Not just say "well he won't give up " and then bomb them, sheesh.

When a suspect is barricaded in, and refuses to give up, and is known to be heavily armed, this tactic is justified.

No it isn't. Just wait his ass out. Where is he going to go? Police should NEVER go tactical unless a person is a danger to others. PERIOD

Danger to others? He already killed several cops........ You don't make sense at all. You don't make sense at al.

So what? IF he was no longer a danger, the police are supposed to deescalate as well. Then if he presents a danger again, do what you have to do. This to me just sounds like the guy was holed up, not a present danger to anyone, but the police were tired of wating for him to surrender.

I mean I don't care that he's dead, but it's very disturbing that many people believe the police should be able to blow suspects up

Yeah tight.,They negotiated with this murderer for hours. Blowing him up is justifiable.
The fires in Waco was started INSIDE the compound. Not by those assaulting the compound. Take that up in the conspiracy thread.
Even if that were true, which I'm not convinced it was, the cops were well aware that there were dozens of children in there, and that Koresh was believed to be insane, and that Koresh had warned that he would kill everyone if any attempt to breach was made. Knowing that, they broke down a wall using a tank retriever and inserted pounds of highly flammable, military-grade tear gas.

Again, they knew there were innocent kids in there. They knew Koresh was unstable. They knew Koresh had threatened mass suicide. So does it matter who started the fire? It is undeniably obvious who was responsible for it.

Remember -- 21 children. Some as young as two. Innocent tots. The impatient cops ignored that and sealed their fate.
Another bullshit opinion!
All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.
Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.
Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.
It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.

We don't kill children put in harms way by their parent's...well....Clinton did.......but normal,people don't.
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.

He was a construction worker in the Reserves.......he had some basic training in shooting in basic.....but that would be it.....even if he went to PLDC...primary leadership development school the little bit of infantry training isn't meant to stick......

He was a construction worker....not a Ranger...
He went to Afghanistan, he did the training, he took them down 12 to 0. Yeah, he was better.
If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....
I was beginning to panic, but then my battle buddy panicked first and I had to keep my wits to get him through it.
He was in an engineering job.He learned at a private self-defense class.

Dallas shooter learned tactics at Texas self-defense school
One does not obtain sniper training at a civilian self-defense school.

My MOS was Engineer (heavy equipment) in the Marine Corps, but because I qualified as Expert Rifleman on the range I received two additional weeks of specialized sniper training -- as did all qualified Expert Riflemen.
USMC is way different. They/we train all their people to be good shots.

Johnson in Dallas was an Army engineer -- demolition and construction. He would only have gotten basic rifle training. But their training is not bad.

I would not call Johnson a "sniper" per se. He never received sniper training. But he did learn how to aim a rifle and shoot at people.

It surprises me more that he was able to kill is fellow citizens so easily, shooting 14 of them (12 cops on purpose and 2 civilians by accident or collaterally).

It takes a very hard heart to kill. It takes an especially hard heart to kill innocent people.

After the shots started the cops probably grouped up...
The fires in Waco was started INSIDE the compound. Not by those assaulting the compound. Take that up in the conspiracy thread.
Even if that were true, which I'm not convinced it was, the cops were well aware that there were dozens of children in there, and that Koresh was believed to be insane, and that Koresh had warned that he would kill everyone if any attempt to breach was made. Knowing that, they broke down a wall using a tank retriever and inserted pounds of highly flammable, military-grade tear gas.

Again, they knew there were innocent kids in there. They knew Koresh was unstable. They knew Koresh had threatened mass suicide. So does it matter who started the fire? It is undeniably obvious who was responsible for it.

Remember -- 21 children. Some as young as two. Innocent tots. The impatient cops ignored that and sealed their fate.
Another bullshit opinion!
All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.
Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.
Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.
It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.

We don't kill children put in harms way by their parent's...well....Clinton did.......but normal,people don't.
Bush and Obama have.
It will not, unfortunately, dissuade others if it is the inevitable death awaiting the terrorist.

Johnson proved that an armed veteran with a tactical sense in a built up environment is worth several officers in a combat situation.

Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.

He was a construction worker in the Reserves.......he had some basic training in shooting in basic.....but that would be it.....even if he went to PLDC...primary leadership development school the little bit of infantry training isn't meant to stick......

He was a construction worker....not a Ranger...
He went to Afghanistan, he did the training, he took them down 12 to 0. Yeah, he was better.

No..he wasn't he had a rifle, cover and distance...they had pistols.........and had to find where he was shooting from....
He was in an engineering job.He learned at a private self-defense class.

Dallas shooter learned tactics at Texas self-defense school
One does not obtain sniper training at a civilian self-defense school.

My MOS was Engineer (heavy equipment) in the Marine Corps, but because I qualified as Expert Rifleman on the range I received two additional weeks of specialized sniper training -- as did all qualified Expert Riflemen.
USMC is way different. They/we train all their people to be good shots.

Johnson in Dallas was an Army engineer -- demolition and construction. He would only have gotten basic rifle training. But their training is not bad.

I would not call Johnson a "sniper" per se. He never received sniper training. But he did learn how to aim a rifle and shoot at people.

It surprises me more that he was able to kill is fellow citizens so easily, shooting 14 of them (12 cops on purpose and 2 civilians by accident or collaterally).

It takes a very hard heart to kill. It takes an especially hard heart to kill innocent people.

After the shots started the cops probably grouped up...
That's the exact opposite of infantry doctrine.
The fires in Waco was started INSIDE the compound. Not by those assaulting the compound. Take that up in the conspiracy thread.
Even if that were true, which I'm not convinced it was, the cops were well aware that there were dozens of children in there, and that Koresh was believed to be insane, and that Koresh had warned that he would kill everyone if any attempt to breach was made. Knowing that, they broke down a wall using a tank retriever and inserted pounds of highly flammable, military-grade tear gas.

Again, they knew there were innocent kids in there. They knew Koresh was unstable. They knew Koresh had threatened mass suicide. So does it matter who started the fire? It is undeniably obvious who was responsible for it.

Remember -- 21 children. Some as young as two. Innocent tots. The impatient cops ignored that and sealed their fate.
Another bullshit opinion!
All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.
Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.
Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.
It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.

We don't kill children put in harms way by their parent's...well....Clinton did.......but normal,people don't.
Bush and Obama have.

not in a law enforcement situation.......war and collateral damage are not even close to being the same.....twit.
Yep. Police are heroes in society but they are not as well trained in tactics as a military member. That said, those brave souls were ambushed too & did not have the element of surprise.

The vast majority of those police officers are veterans too!
Years removed. Johnson was 12 months removed. Watch the vids. Small forward steps, shoot and move, swing wide for cover and concealment, aggressive when needed.

He was a construction worker in the Reserves.......he had some basic training in shooting in basic.....but that would be it.....even if he went to PLDC...primary leadership development school the little bit of infantry training isn't meant to stick......

He was a construction worker....not a Ranger...
He went to Afghanistan, he did the training, he took them down 12 to 0. Yeah, he was better.

No..he wasn't he had a rifle, cover and distance...they had pistols.........and had to find where he was shooting from....
They had rifles and shotguns along with side arms, you clown.

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