The cops used a Bomb to kill the guy....anyone curious about that tactic?

As swipe, not all of them........and they didn't have shotguns with them.....they were in their cars...asswipe.
They could not take him. We saw him outduel them. He was better. 12 to 0.
You are an uninformed asshole............
Asswipe, you can't handle the heat, can you? He took them down, and then they blew him up.

You are an idiot......he had a rifle, firing from a distance from a position with cover and concealement...the cops were mostly initially armed with pistols.......and were more concerned with protecting civilians.......

I tried explaining this to him. I have to wonder what he did in the military to be so unaware of how combat works.

We used to joke about the MOS...Mess Kit repair...when we still had Mess Kits.......something tells me our joke was actually real.....
He was a construction worker in the Reserves.......he had some basic training in shooting in basic.....but that would be it.....even if he went to PLDC...primary leadership development school the little bit of infantry training isn't meant to stick......

He was a construction worker....not a Ranger...
He went to Afghanistan, he did the training, he took them down 12 to 0. Yeah, he was better.

No..he wasn't he had a rifle, cover and distance...they had pistols.........and had to find where he was shooting from....
They had rifles and shotguns along with side arms, you clown.

As swipe, not all of them........and they didn't have shotguns with them.....they were in their cars...asswipe.
They could not take him. We saw outduel cops. He was better. 12 to 0.


Not even sure what point you are trying to get at.

A gunman with a rifle behind cover, who had time to scout out his shooting positions firing into a crowd that included police officers. The police officers who were shot weren't better or worse- they were ambushed by someone from a prepared position with a long gun.

Once the shooting started, police were trying to protect the civilians and didn't know the shooter was targetting them specifically. Once they did, they had to call in cops with appropriate weaponry and training to take him out.

The shooter was an asshole murderer- and also had a rifle and was a good shot.
The cops died doing their job.
I simply don't see the difference between cops blowing a guy up or shooting him. Remember at this time they thought they had other shooters. bringing him in for questioning was something they may have wanted, but after a while they had a choice, breach or bomb. Each would have resulted in this guys death.

This wasn't blow em up without warning, he was probably told repeatedly, "come out or else".

A question, would you have had an issue with the remote controlled device (it wasn't a robot) shooting him instead of blowing him up?

Civilian police using explosives against civilians crosses a line IMO.

I haven't gotten into all the details, but indeed the story I recall was that a robot had been deployed with explosives. In any case I don't want that sort of tactic becoming a go-to option for local LEO or the next thing you know they will be taking out crack houses and meth labs with hellfires.

I hate monday morning QB'ing such things because I wasn't there and don't have all the facts, but give a fascist pig like obozo the authority to use explosives on civilians and we may as well embrace a modern gestapo.

All of us know the 2nd Amendment is in place so that civilian authority can not get to far out of line. Give civilian authority military grade killing power and little or no oversight and all bets are off.

As much as I hate BLM fascists, they have decided it's time to start a shooting war. Let them bring it on and see it to it's inevitable resolution. I don't want the result to be a civilian population subjugated by a police force that can call upon airstrikes and shit. Cops and the rest of us will have to risk our own lives to protect our liberty.

I tried explaining this to him. I have to wonder what he did in the military to be so unaware of how combat works.

If Jerkoff Fakey was in the military, he probably got kicked out of the navy for being too flamboyantly queer. Whatever MOS he had probably involved laundry or sewing.

I haven't gotten into all the details, but indeed the story I recall was that a robot had been deployed with explosives. In any case I don't want that sort of tactic becoming a go-to option for local LEO or the next thing you know they will be taking out crack houses and meth labs with hellfires.

I fully agree with your concern with abuse potential, and I believe there should be strict preventive regulations imposed on the tactical use of explosives by police. But I also believe the Dallas example was well conceived, well executed and appropriate under the circumstances.

I have a question about the mechanics of the operation: I'm told these IED robots cost $15k apiece so I'm wondering how the C4 is deployed. Is it detonated while still attached to the robot, or does the robot deposit it then back away leaving the C4 to be detonated remotely when the robot is clear? The radio apparatus needed to achieve such short-range remote detonation is rather basic and inexpensive (about $10) -- compared with destroying a $15k robot.

I know these robots are used by military anti-ordnance specialists to remotely destroy IEDs, but am I correct in assuming they don't destroy a robot each time?
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To me the risk of collateral damage is way too high. What if he had hostages that the cops didn't know about? It's nuts. If the cops get bombs we should too. There should be nothing a civilian LEO can have that a law abiding citizen cannot without the proper license or permits. But it should be possible, and legal.
Why I didn't shed a tear when this happened:

I could a fill a thread with videos like this. He told the guy to get his license and he turns around to get it and the next thing he knows he's being shot at. He's even shot after putting his hands up!!

Yea, I hate cops. I only have about 500 reasons to hate them. And get this, I'm white as a mutha fucka. But I'm tired of blacks AND whites being mowed down by these rambos in blue. Yea, blue lives splatter. So anyone who loves cops, go suck cop dick. I know I sure won't. I have a brain and wasn't raised to think cops are these all knowing beautiful wonderful people. They're fucking idiots who are cops because they couldn't get a real job that requires a college education.
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“The cops used a Bomb to kill the guy....anyone curious about that tactic?”


It was perfectly appropriate.

That the lives of officers were not placed in danger trying to apprehend the shooter was paramount.

Where feasible, bombs should be used to neutralize other dangerous suspects who refuse to surrender to police.
But.....but....but they are saying that it was a lone gunman and not three......what gives?
Today the police chief said they were still trying to determine if it was one shooter or two.

Actually it was three shooters. One on each side of the street on the second or third floor and one on the ground. It reeks of a CIA psy-op. It certainly took Hitlery off of the front page and the fact that the FBI dressed her down but then didn't charge her. The elites will do anything, murder/sacrifice anyone for their purpose. Remember how Trump was going to give a detailed speech about Hitlery the Monday before the fake Orlando shooting that happened over the weekend before? It's so obvious to me as to what is going on. This hit in Dallas was very professional and well coordinated. The FBI was "Johnny On the Spot" DURING the shooting in Dallas and it's not even their jurisdiction. It reeks and it reeks BIG time.
Why I didn't shed a tear when this happened:

I could a fill a thread with videos like this. He told the guy to get his license and he turns around to get it and the next thing he knows he's being shot at. He's even shot after putting his hands up!!

Yea, I hate cops. I only have about 500 reasons to hate them. And get this, I'm white as a mutha fucka. But I'm tired of blacks AND whites being mowed down by these rambos in blue. Yea, blue lives splatter. So anyone who loves cops, go suck cop dick. I know I sure won't. I have a brain and wasn't raised to think cops are these all knowing beautiful wonderful people. They're fucking idiots who are cops because they couldn't get a real job that requires a college education.

Do you hate doctors and nurses too. Probably many more people die due to medical errors than by cops. In spite of the errors, society is much better off because of doctors, nurses, and cops even though it can be tragic when they skew up.
If he wasn't dead, he was still a threat. Why are you claiming this ridiculous line of reasoning?

Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....

We did the training in basic, and had the gas chamber every time we went to GTMO for refresher training. Not once did it burn my skin. I think you are just an Army wimp. :D

We were also used to the masks because we trained with them constantly when underway and wore firefighting equipment with masks about every three to four days.
The fires in Waco was started INSIDE the compound. Not by those assaulting the compound. Take that up in the conspiracy thread.
Even if that were true, which I'm not convinced it was, the cops were well aware that there were dozens of children in there, and that Koresh was believed to be insane, and that Koresh had warned that he would kill everyone if any attempt to breach was made. Knowing that, they broke down a wall using a tank retriever and inserted pounds of highly flammable, military-grade tear gas.

Again, they knew there were innocent kids in there. They knew Koresh was unstable. They knew Koresh had threatened mass suicide. So does it matter who started the fire? It is undeniably obvious who was responsible for it.

Remember -- 21 children. Some as young as two. Innocent tots. The impatient cops ignored that and sealed their fate.
Another bullshit opinion!
All those children were in the care and custody of their parents. Their parents happened to be insane fucking zombies, much like the Bob Jones zombies and the current Hillary zombie negro 'base'. Not a fucking brain cell between them when it comes to taking responsibility for their lives.
Blame the zombie parents for the death of their children.
Blame the males who impregnate thirteen year olds in the inner city shitholes and never take responsibility as the father for over seventy percent of inner city shithole children guaranteed to grow up to behave just like their never to be known fathers.
It's ALWAYS the parent's responsibility to 'parent'. A concept totally foreign to the minds, such as they are, of innercity Negroids.

We don't kill children put in harms way by their parent's...well....Clinton did.......but normal,people don't.

So what was your solution?
But.....but....but they are saying that it was a lone gunman and not three......what gives?
Today the police chief said they were still trying to determine if it was one shooter or two.

Actually it was three shooters. One on each side of the street on the second or third floor and one on the ground. It reeks of a CIA psy-op. It certainly took Hitlery off of the front page and the fact that the FBI dressed her down but then didn't charge her. The elites will do anything, murder/sacrifice anyone for their purpose. Remember how Trump was going to give a detailed speech about Hitlery the Monday before the fake Orlando shooting that happened over the weekend before? It's so obvious to me as to what is going on. This hit in Dallas was very professional and well coordinated. The FBI was "Johnny On the Spot" DURING the shooting in Dallas and it's not even their jurisdiction. It reeks and it reeks BIG time.

And now come the Konspiracy Kooks.......
Because they could have used CS-gas and smoked him out.....or just waited till he gave himself long as he was contained, was there a need to use lethal force?

Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....

We did the training in basic, and had the gas chamber every time we went to GTMO for refresher training. Not once did it burn my skin. I think you are just an Army wimp. :D

We were also used to the masks because we trained with them constantly when underway and wore firefighting equipment with masks about every three to four days.
You're lying. Even in MOPP 4, there's no way to keep the fine CS powder off your skin. Part of the training requires everyone to break the seal of the pro-mask for 10 seconds and then re-establish the seal, thus exposing the entire head to CS powder. The burning irritation affects the mouth, nostrils, lungs, eyes and tear ducts and every portion of skin it comes in contact with. You can't avoid further exposure when taking off your MOPP gear because the fine powder becomes airborne again.

That's what everyone knows who actually went through US Army NBC training and isn't just fibbing about it.
Ever had tear gas used on you? It works best in a closed environment, which a parking garage is NOT!

Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....

We did the training in basic, and had the gas chamber every time we went to GTMO for refresher training. Not once did it burn my skin. I think you are just an Army wimp. :D

We were also used to the masks because we trained with them constantly when underway and wore firefighting equipment with masks about every three to four days.
You're lying. Even in MOPP 4, there's no way to keep the fine CS powder off your skin. Part of the training requires everyone to break the seal of the pro-mask for 10 seconds and then re-establish the seal, thus exposing the entire head to CS powder. The burning irritation affects the mouth, nostrils, lungs, eyes and tear ducts and every portion of skin it comes in contact with. You can't avoid further exposure when taking off your MOPP gear because the fine powder becomes airborne again.

That's what everyone knows who actually went through US Army NBC training and isn't just fibbing about it.

You are confused. You should have paid better attention. CS is a gas, not a powder. It is not an irritant to the skin, but the mucous membranes. I will await your apology.

CS gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes...I have, in both an open and enclosed environment.....they could have brought in tear gas sprayers and just kept it on him........

I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....

We did the training in basic, and had the gas chamber every time we went to GTMO for refresher training. Not once did it burn my skin. I think you are just an Army wimp. :D

We were also used to the masks because we trained with them constantly when underway and wore firefighting equipment with masks about every three to four days.
You're lying. Even in MOPP 4, there's no way to keep the fine CS powder off your skin. Part of the training requires everyone to break the seal of the pro-mask for 10 seconds and then re-establish the seal, thus exposing the entire head to CS powder. The burning irritation affects the mouth, nostrils, lungs, eyes and tear ducts and every portion of skin it comes in contact with. You can't avoid further exposure when taking off your MOPP gear because the fine powder becomes airborne again.

That's what everyone knows who actually went through US Army NBC training and isn't just fibbing about it.

You are confused. You should have paid better attention. CS is a gas, not a powder. It is not an irritant to the skin, but the mucous membranes. I will await your apology.

CS gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CS is a powder. Now I know for sure you're talking out of ignorance. Stop pretending you're military. It's demeaning to those of us who really served.
I'm sorry. I am not buying your "experience". Tear gas in an open environment like used in a riot is to make people leave the area. All he had to do was move. Also, how do you know he didn't have a gas mask?

I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....

We did the training in basic, and had the gas chamber every time we went to GTMO for refresher training. Not once did it burn my skin. I think you are just an Army wimp. :D

We were also used to the masks because we trained with them constantly when underway and wore firefighting equipment with masks about every three to four days.
You're lying. Even in MOPP 4, there's no way to keep the fine CS powder off your skin. Part of the training requires everyone to break the seal of the pro-mask for 10 seconds and then re-establish the seal, thus exposing the entire head to CS powder. The burning irritation affects the mouth, nostrils, lungs, eyes and tear ducts and every portion of skin it comes in contact with. You can't avoid further exposure when taking off your MOPP gear because the fine powder becomes airborne again.

That's what everyone knows who actually went through US Army NBC training and isn't just fibbing about it.

You are confused. You should have paid better attention. CS is a gas, not a powder. It is not an irritant to the skin, but the mucous membranes. I will await your apology.

CS gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CS is a powder. Now I know for sure you're talking out of ignorance. Stop pretending you're military. It's demeaning to those of us who really served.

CS is a gas. Did you read the link? Obviously not, or you would know you are WRONG!

I am not pretending about anything and have said nothing wrong. Remove your head from your ass and stay in your pay grade groundpounder!
I was in the infantry...we did nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training in basic........the Drill sergeants liked to test our mask donning ability...if you didn't panic your mask would clear out the CS as you still burned the skin......

And that was in the open the gas house was much less fun....

We did the training in basic, and had the gas chamber every time we went to GTMO for refresher training. Not once did it burn my skin. I think you are just an Army wimp. :D

We were also used to the masks because we trained with them constantly when underway and wore firefighting equipment with masks about every three to four days.
You're lying. Even in MOPP 4, there's no way to keep the fine CS powder off your skin. Part of the training requires everyone to break the seal of the pro-mask for 10 seconds and then re-establish the seal, thus exposing the entire head to CS powder. The burning irritation affects the mouth, nostrils, lungs, eyes and tear ducts and every portion of skin it comes in contact with. You can't avoid further exposure when taking off your MOPP gear because the fine powder becomes airborne again.

That's what everyone knows who actually went through US Army NBC training and isn't just fibbing about it.

You are confused. You should have paid better attention. CS is a gas, not a powder. It is not an irritant to the skin, but the mucous membranes. I will await your apology.

CS gas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
CS is a powder. Now I know for sure you're talking out of ignorance. Stop pretending you're military. It's demeaning to those of us who really served.

CS is a gas. Did you read the link? Obviously not, or you would know you are WRONG!

I am not pretending about anything and have said nothing wrong. Remove your head from your ass and stay in your pay grade groundpounder!
Read your own link, dipshit. It says it's a crystalline powder. You aren't military. Walk in the light.

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