The Coronavirus and the Democratic agenda.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.
The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.
Nice post, thanks!
The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.
there is hope my friend ...many blacks and hispanics are beginning to wake up to the fact that the true racist in this country are members of the democratic party !
The Gates foundation has the vaccine, and this was a bio-weapon engineered by a Phd. that used to work at Harvarrd. I believe that the connections of the theft go through a lab in Canada, and the guy that had information on it wound up in Africa. . . mysteriously dead.

. . . . also, leaked reports are, it has a virulence and mortality worse than anything previously known.

GGI IMPACT: White House To Investigate If Coronavirus Was Weaponized | GreatGameIndia

Canada Investigates China's Biological Espionage | GreatGameIndia

Frank Plummer - Canadian Scientist Key To Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated In Africa? | GreatGameIndia

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The Gates foundation has the vaccine

Gates again !!! , christ on a cracker why can't he stick w/computers ....


The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.

You wrapped the tinfoil around your head particularly tightly today I see.
The Gates foundation has the vaccine, and this was a bio-weapon engineered by a Phd. that used to work at Harvarrd. I believe that the connections of the theft go through a lab in Canada, and the guy that had information on it wound up in Africa. . . mysteriously dead.

. . . . also, leaked reports are, it has a virulence and mortality worse than anything previously known.

GGI IMPACT: White House To Investigate If Coronavirus Was Weaponized | GreatGameIndia

Canada Investigates China's Biological Espionage | GreatGameIndia

Frank Plummer - Canadian Scientist Key To Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated In Africa? | GreatGameIndia

Its way worse than what's being reported. I have some connections in shenzhen who have reported from hubei and the officials have been disposing the deceased non stop for almost three weeks now. Interesting how it just happened in wuhan where there is a level 4 hood. Inlaws from hong kong say the same on the bio engineering of this virus.
The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.

The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.
Conservatives have long abandoned the truth; now they contrive and propagate ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories in an effort to disrupt and undermine the political process – this thread being one of many examples.
The dangerous agenda of the Democratic Party in the United states to shuffle populations from South and Central America across borders to replace white Americans as voters could amount to an inept and inadvertent biological attack against Mexican and US citizens. Deadly viruses are not mobile; they rely on infected hosts to pollenate populations and spread disease. The lethal 1918 H1N1 virus pandemic spread globally as millions of soldiers crossed oceans in World War 1. That virus killed as many as 100 million people worldwide, more than died in WW1, WW2 and the Civil War combined.

Now the virulent Coronavirus is emerging from China and the democrats are still fervently trying to take down Donald Trump so they can throw down the borders and resume the strategic onslaught of interlopers friendly to their cause. The wanton tactics of democrats to regain and maintain power could go from a targeted assault on American voting demographics to a dissemination of lethal biological agents into US and Mexican populations with no defense against them.

This is not surprising considering the odious mischief of democrats over the years. Forty percent of black babies are aborted in the United States with an estimate of 13 million snuffed to cull the African American community. That reveals that more Negroes never drew a breath of air than Hitler killed Jews. Hitler would swoon at the devastatingly efficient eugenics of the American Democratic Party. It’s all about broken eggs to make the omelet of a planned, controlled society.

Of course, broken eggs are ok until we all face a fall from the wall which is entirely likely if toxic microorganisms like Coronavirus fail to bow to the magnificence of the democratic agenda. Perhaps only the deplorable among us will be infected, who knows?

The American Democratic Party is a nasty and evil representation of human political and cultural depravity and the world’s worst germs just wait to capitalize on their folly.
Conservatives have long abandoned the truth; now they contrive and propagate ridiculous lies and conspiracy theories in an effort to disrupt and undermine the political process – this thread being one of many examples.
This story is not about conservatives or liberals, it is about peasants and global elite rulers. The billionaires, the foundation heads, and the elites in charge of everything you see, hear and read. The decision makers.

In the end, it might have either been global war. . . or this.

If you want to believe everything that the six giant global corporate media corporations are telling you as truth, that is your choice buddy.

This has also more than just to do than with a simple natural occurring virus. IT has to do with a bio-engineered weapon, and possibly, a planned strategy to reduced the global population. . . but who can say for sure.

On this, whether the OP is aware, and whether YOU are aware, everyone on this forum is, "on the same side."

Hopefully it does not touch you or your loved ones, or any of us or our loved ones.

I tend to doubt bioengineering is involved though I would not 100% rule it out. The 1918 pandemic is thought to have originated in a bird, then jumped to a pig, then to a human. Viruses don't need to be engineered by humans to reach plague proportions, they evolve and mutate that way on their own.

However, there are things humans can do to exacerbate the effects of viral mass attacks. One of those things would be to move populations en masse for political purposes. Mass death seems like a steep price to pay to alter the cultural makeup of a nation just to get votes.
I tend to doubt bioengineering is involved though I would not 100% rule it out. The 1918 pandemic is thought to have originated in a bird, then jumped to a pig, then to a human. Viruses don't need to be engineered by humans to reach plague proportions, they evolve and mutate that way on their own.

However, there are things humans can do to exacerbate the effects of viral mass attacks. One of those things would be to move populations en masse for political purposes. Mass death seems like a steep price to pay to alter the cultural makeup of a nation just to get votes.

Really, where do you guys get this shit from?
I tend to doubt bioengineering is involved though I would not 100% rule it out. The 1918 pandemic is thought to have originated in a bird, then jumped to a pig, then to a human. Viruses don't need to be engineered by humans to reach plague proportions, they evolve and mutate that way on their own.

However, there are things humans can do to exacerbate the effects of viral mass attacks. One of those things would be to move populations en masse for political purposes. Mass death seems like a steep price to pay to alter the cultural makeup of a nation just to get votes.

Really, where do you guys get this shit from?

I wouldn't laugh if I were you. I would prepare. I worked for the spooks in a lab before switching to exploratory/operations geology and oil. The more precarious our system becomes, the more most people just frolic around and see rainbows and unicorns. It is truly bizarre.
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