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The Coronavirus is not as bad as we thought when you look at the demographics of the situation.

Because all lovers have a pet name for their significant other.

But I never claimed to be a lover, YOU did. Another example of the mental illness that TDSers exhibit, projecting their illness on others. Get back when you're finished licking Schumer's ass.
Because all lovers have a pet name for their significant other.

But I never claimed to be a lover, YOU did. Another example of the mental illness that TDSers exhibit, projecting their illness on others. Get back when you're finished licking Schumer's ass.
You dont have to claim anything. I can tell by your anger about me calling him Drumpf that you two are sexually involved.
The coronavirus has just started to hit. We don't know how many will die. So it's stupid to make comparisons to the swine flu like trump is somehow doing a better job than Obama when in reality he is not.

trump has failed in his leadership. It's easy to stand in rallies giving people nicknames but this is what defines a president, not standing behind podiums talking stupid while blaming the other political party for his fuck ups. The NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAA, Broadway and almost everything in America did not close because of the swine flu.

This great American saved lives today.

This is leadership.

Admit it, you want people to die so it hurts the economy because you hope it gets Trump out of the White House.

If you think people will vote Drumpf out because of a bad economy caused by a virus youre more of a fucking idiot than I thought. Dont you think people can figure out the economy tanked because of the virus?

To be fair, I didn't call him the Orange Virus (before Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed)) for nothing. It was a twofor.
The death rate of infected babies is less than .1%. This roughly carries through until about the age of 50. Then, the death rate skyrockets. However, the death rate doesn't approach 15% until about the age of 80. I'm sure we can all agree that even a 15% death rate of infected is not that high for a disease and nothing to worry about when you look at the big picture. Even if tens of millions of Americans do die, it won't hurt our productivity as much as previously thought when you look at the demographics of the situation.

Additionally, we already have a massive problem with the rising expenses of the number of aging baby boomers that are gradually losing their ability to contribute to society and are a burden to the system. The coronavirus did not create this problem, except merely brings it to our attention.

The democrats are using a natural process to try and create problems. Let nature run its course.
Junk science.
Yes Drumpf is his name. If you want to call him lover instead of Drumpf I am sure he is ok with that.

Why would I call him anything but his name? God knows I don't want to sink into the mental illness that you are experiencing which is TDS.
You don't want to make up words and claim they represent the President?

They make up a lot of stuff about President Trump.

The Media Has "Reported" A Hundred Times that Trump "Dissolved" the NSC Epidemic Unit.
This Is a Lie.

Shocking, I know.

Tim Morrison is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council. President Trump's critics have chosen curious ground to question his response to the coronavirus outbreak since it began spreading from Wuhan, China, in December.​

It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, "dissolved the office" at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness. Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.​

He notes that Trump did shrink the NSC -- because Obama had bloated it from 100 persons to 400 in just a few years.

But the NSC retained its epidemic personnel -- just merged with biodefense and counterprolifereation.

One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.​

So you can see how the media eagerly misleads the public -- yes, an "office" was dissolved. But most of the personnel making up that office were retained, and added to a new, merged office.

So they say "the office" was dissolved and intend you to take that to mean that the epidemic unit was disbanded.

That's a lie, but that's what they want you to believe.

They are the enemy of the people and a reckoning is coming. They fool no one!
What value do you see in such racist crap?

Racists always see value in making racist arguments. Most are too stupid to know that they really are racists. No matter what color their skin happens to be.
Racism is a sign of a very low IQ. Most of us are post-racial.


Thinking about Trump's 2nd Glorious Term
Bush, Obama, Clinton and other leaders reacted LATE to these and the press barely pushed the panic button..

They all acted quicker than trump has.

Not really.. Millions of Americans were infected before his CDC got their act together on H1N1.. In fact, FOCUSING the response ONLY thru the CDC slowed things down immensely... That's why the TESTING on COVID was taken from the CDC this time around.. On COVID -- the CDC had a VERY QUICK time to get a test out -- but it was RECALLED and did not work.. At the same time, Trump canceled the Obama era restrictions that ALL testing would be done thru CDC and PROHIBITED private companies from helping or competing..

Not criticizing much actually.. It's normal bureaucratic bloat and slowness.. But THIS TIME -- there was NO TIME to wait on the CDC...
Yes Drumpf is his name. If you want to call him lover instead of Drumpf I am sure he is ok with that.

Why would I call him anything but his name? God knows I don't want to sink into the mental illness that you are experiencing which is TDS.
You don't want to make up words and claim they represent the President?

They make up a lot of stuff about President Trump.

The Media Has "Reported" A Hundred Times that Trump "Dissolved" the NSC Epidemic Unit.
This Is a Lie.

Shocking, I know.

Tim Morrison is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council. President Trump's critics have chosen curious ground to question his response to the coronavirus outbreak since it began spreading from Wuhan, China, in December.​

It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, "dissolved the office" at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness. Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.​

He notes that Trump did shrink the NSC -- because Obama had bloated it from 100 persons to 400 in just a few years.

But the NSC retained its epidemic personnel -- just merged with biodefense and counterprolifereation.

One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.​

So you can see how the media eagerly misleads the public -- yes, an "office" was dissolved. But most of the personnel making up that office were retained, and added to a new, merged office.

So they say "the office" was dissolved and intend you to take that to mean that the epidemic unit was disbanded.

That's a lie, but that's what they want you to believe.

They are the enemy of the people and a reckoning is coming. They fool no one!

It is not a lie.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.

When President Trump took office in 2017, the White House’s National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense survived the transition intact. Its mission was the same as when I was asked to lead the office, established after the Ebola epidemic of 2014: to do everything possible within the vast powers and resources of the U.S. government to prepare for the next disease outbreak and prevent it from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

One year later, I was mystified when the White House dissolved the office, leaving the country less prepared for pandemics like covid-19.

The U.S. government’s slow and inadequate response to the new coronavirus underscores the need for organized, accountable leadership to prepare for and respond to pandemic threats.

In a health security crisis, speed is essential. When this new coronavirus emerged, there was no clear White House-led structure to oversee our response, and we lost valuable time. Yes, we have capable and committed global and national disease-prevention and management organizations, as well as state and local health departments, all working overtime now. But even in prepared cities like Seattle, health systems are struggling to test patients and keep pace with growing caseloads. The specter of rapid community transmission and exponential growth is real and daunting. The job of a White House pandemics office would have been to get ahead: to accelerate the response, empower experts, anticipate failures, and act quickly and transparently to solve problems.

It’s impossible to assess the full impact of the 2018 decision to disband the White House office responsible for this work. Biological experts do remain in the White House and in our government. But it is clear that eliminating the office has contributed to the federal government’s sluggish domestic response. What’s especially concerning about the absence of this office today is that it was originally set up because a previous epidemic made the need for it quite clear.


Now you trump lovers can try to ignore this story because it's published in the Washington Post. But what you cannot ignore is the fact that this Op ed was written by Beth Cameron who previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council. She is not employed by the Washington Post and she worked directly on the pandemic response team trump shut down.
Bush, Obama, Clinton and other leaders reacted LATE to these and the press barely pushed the panic button..

They all acted quicker than trump has.

Not really.. Millions of Americans were infected before his CDC got their act together on H1N1.. In fact, FOCUSING the response ONLY thru the CDC slowed things down immensely... That's why the TESTING on COVID was taken from the CDC this time around.. On COVID -- the CDC had a VERY QUICK time to get a test out -- but it was RECALLED and did not work.. At the same time, Trump canceled the Obama era restrictions that ALL testing would be done thru CDC and PROHIBITED private companies from helping or competing..

Not criticizing much actually.. It's normal bureaucratic bloat and slowness.. But THIS TIME -- there was NO TIME to wait on the CDC...

Yes they did. But I agree with what you're saying, there would be no fast enough time, but trump consistently ignoring the health factor and focusing on the stock market is the major problem I have with his response.

In 2009, a new H1N1 influenza virus cropped up out of season, in late spring. Because of genetic similarities to influenza viruses in pigs, it became known as a “swine flu,” even though there is no evidence the virus spread between pigs or pigs to humans.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were about 60.8 million cases of infection with the novel type of influenza virus in the U.S. between April 2009 and April 2010, with a total of approximately 274,304 hospitalizations and 12,469 deaths.

While that death toll may sound high, it’s over an entire year and, in fact, ended up being far lower than was initially expected. The strain of influenza also turned out to have a case fatality rate of just 0.02% — well below even many typical seasonal influenzas.

Everything that’s known about the new coronavirus so far suggests that it’s an entirely different beast than its most recent pandemic predecessor. Peter Jay Hotez, a professor and dean of the tropical medicine school at Baylor College of Medicine, told us that the new virus, which is known as SARS-CoV-2, is considerably more transmissible and more lethal than H1N1.

For those reasons, he said, “the urgency to contain this coronavirus is so much greater than the H1N1 2009 one was.”

In the Hannity interview, Trump touted his travel restrictions and noted that Obama “never did close the borders.” Paul A. Offit, chair of vaccinology at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, agreed that Trump’s travel restrictions bought the U.S. time to react, but he said it didn’t make any sense to impose travel restrictions in 2009 since the H1N1 was first reported in North America and the flu is “hard to stop.”

“I don’t think it is a fair comparison,” Offit said. “The flu is constantly mutating – it usually happens in pig and humans in southeast Asia – it is really hard to stop that. Unless you ban all travel anywhere in the world to the United States you would have had trouble. That is true with all flu pandemics. I don’t think a travel ban would have ever made a difference.”

Contrary to Trump’s suggestion that the Obama administration did “nothing,” officials declared a public health emergency early in the H1N1 outbreak, secured funding from Congress and ultimately declared a national emergency, as we’ll explain below.

On top of that, the CDC sequenced the new virus, created testing kits, and the Food and Drug Administration approved multiple vaccines, among other actions.

Rep. Michael Burgess, a Republican from Texas, praised the CDC at a House hearing in 2016 for quickly developing a vaccine for the swine flu in about six months — in time for the start of the school year in September 2009. “So that’s a 6-month time frame if I’m doing my math correctly that you were able to identify the genetic sequence of the virus, reverse engineer a vaccine, test it, assure its safety and efficacy, and get it to school teachers on the second week of school. That’s pretty impressive,” he said.

A New York Times article from January 2010 said that while some mistakes were made, a variety of experts thought the administration had generally handled things well.

William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine told the Times that officials deserved “at least a B-plus,” while Mount Sinai virologist Peter Palese called the overall response “excellent.”

Obama’s Emergency Declarations

In one tweet, Trump quoted Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs as misleadingly claiming that it “took 6 months for President Obama to declare a National Emergency” for the H1N1 “swine flu” outbreak that “killed 12,000 Americans.” It’s true that Obama didn’t declare a national emergency for six months, but that ignores several other steps the administration took, including declaring a public health emergency the same month that the novel H1N1 infections were first reported.

At the time of the tweet, Trump had not yet declared a national emergency for COVID-19.

(Dobbs’ actual quote was slightly different. He said on his March 12 show that it “took six months for President Obama to then declare a national emergency, one that ultimately killed more than 12,000 Americans and infected 60 million more.”)

On April 15, 2009, the first infection was identified in California, according to the CDC, and less than two weeks later, on April 26, 2009, the Obama administration declared a public health emergency. The day before, on April 25, the World Health Organization had declared a public health emergency.

Dr. Richard Besser, then-acting director of the CDC, confirmed to the press on the day of the U.S. declaration that there were 20 cases of H1N1 in the U.S., and that “all of the individuals in this country who have been identified as cases have recovered.”

The same day — April 26 — the CDC began releasing antiviral drugs to treat the H1N1 flu, and two days later, the FDA approved a new CDC test for the disease, according to a CDC timeline on the pandemic.

On April 30, 2009, two days after the public health emergency declaration, Obama formally asked Congress for $1.5 billion to fight the outbreak, and later asked for nearly $9 billion, according a September 2009 Congressional Research Service report. On June 26, 2009, Obama signed Congress’ supplemental appropriation bill that included $7.7 billion for the outbreak.

The U.S. public health emergency was renewed twice — on July 24, 2009, and Oct. 1, 2009.

The WHO declared H1N1 a pandemic on June 11, 2009. Obama declared a national emergency related to the pandemic on Oct. 24, 2009. At the time, the CDC director, Dr. Thomas Frieden, had said millions of people had been infected in the U.S. and more than 1,000 had died. Also about 11.3 million doses of H1N1 vaccine had been distributed, he said.

A month later, on Nov. 12, 2009, the CDC published a report that estimated there had been between 14 million and 34 million H1N1 cases between April 17 and Oct. 17, 2009, and 2,500 to 6,000 H1N1-related deaths.

The H1N1 2009 flu pandemic ultimately did kill 12,000 Americans — the figure Dobbs used — according to the midrange estimate from CDC for April 12, 2009, to April 10, 2010. The number of cases totaled an estimated 60.8 million people. To be clear, that strain of the flu continues to cause infections and deaths, at least 75,000 deaths from 2009 to 2018, the CDC says.

In the case of that pandemic, the outbreak began in Mexico and spread quickly to the United States. The first cases in Mexico were identified in March and early April 2009, with the Mexican government reporting an outbreak to the Pan American Health Organization on April 12, 2009, according to a CDC report.

In the case of COVID-19, the earliest known instances of the disease occurred in early December in Wuhan, China, and officials reported an outbreak to the WHO on Dec. 31. The CDC announced the first American case on Jan. 21. The Trump administration declared a public health emergency on Jan. 31, one day after the WHO did so, and announced a national emergency on March 13. Two days before, the WHO had declared the global outbreak a pandemic.

Trump’s H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin
Yes Drumpf is his name. If you want to call him lover instead of Drumpf I am sure he is ok with that.

Why would I call him anything but his name? God knows I don't want to sink into the mental illness that you are experiencing which is TDS.
You don't want to make up words and claim they represent the President?

They make up a lot of stuff about President Trump.

The Media Has "Reported" A Hundred Times that Trump "Dissolved" the NSC Epidemic Unit.
This Is a Lie.

Shocking, I know.

Tim Morrison is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and former senior director for counterproliferation and biodefense on the National Security Council. President Trump's critics have chosen curious ground to question his response to the coronavirus outbreak since it began spreading from Wuhan, China, in December.​

It has been alleged by multiple officials of the Obama administration, including in The Post, that the president and his then-national security adviser, John Bolton, "dissolved the office" at the White House in charge of pandemic preparedness. Because I led the very directorate assigned that mission, the counterproliferation and biodefense office, for a year and then handed it off to another official who still holds the post, I know the charge is specious.​

He notes that Trump did shrink the NSC -- because Obama had bloated it from 100 persons to 400 in just a few years.

But the NSC retained its epidemic personnel -- just merged with biodefense and counterprolifereation.

One such move at the NSC was to create the counterproliferation and biodefense directorate, which was the result of consolidating three directorates into one, given the obvious overlap between arms control and nonproliferation, weapons of mass destruction terrorism, and global health and biodefense. It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented. If anything, the combined directorate was stronger because related expertise could be commingled.​

So you can see how the media eagerly misleads the public -- yes, an "office" was dissolved. But most of the personnel making up that office were retained, and added to a new, merged office.

So they say "the office" was dissolved and intend you to take that to mean that the epidemic unit was disbanded.

That's a lie, but that's what they want you to believe.

They are the enemy of the people and a reckoning is coming. They fool no one!

I just put Asclepias on 'ignore' because of the idiotic responses and the 'last word' idiocy that they posted. Fuck it. Waste of time.
Per the CDC the number of CONFIRMED seasonal flu cases this year in the US is 222,552 with 22,000 deaths. This calculates to a mortality rate of ~10%.

The number of confirmed coronavirus case in the US is 4743 with 93 deaths. Using the same math, the mortality rate is 1.9%.

Based on these calculations coronavirus appears no more lethal that the seasonal flu and may in fact be significantly less so. Again, this calculation is void of opinion and hysteria and simply relies on data that is known (confirmed cases and confirmed deaths). No estimates, no models, no Chinese data, Iranian data, Italian data, South Korean, etc...
Per the CDC the number of CONFIRMED seasonal flu cases this year in the US is 222,552 with 22,000 deaths. This calculates to a mortality rate of ~10%.

The number of confirmed coronavirus case in the US is 4743 with 93 deaths. Using the same math, the mortality rate is 1.9%.

Based on these calculations coronavirus appears no more lethal that the seasonal flu and may in fact be significantly less so. Again, this calculation is void of opinion and hysteria and simply relies on data that is known (confirmed cases and confirmed deaths). No estimates, no models, no Chinese data, Iranian data, Italian data, South Korean, etc...

Oh more phony excuses! Listen, why don't you go get yourself infected with COVID-19 to prove to us all that it's nothing, mkay?

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