The Coronavirus: What They’re Not Telling You

People need to calm the heck down.

The death rate for coronavirus for people under 50 is 0.1%, or 1 out of 1000 infections

They can’t calm down when the media is inflaming them and our government health officials are completely incompetent.

From Dr Brownstein...a very effective protocol.

Intravenous nutrient therapies are wonderful treatments, but there are other oral natural therapies that are effective against viral infections including coronavirus. Vitamins A, C, and D along with iodine have proven benefit. At the first sign of any illness, I suggest my patients take 100,000 U of vitamin A (NOT beta-carotene), 50,000 U of vitamin D3 and 5-10,000 mg of vitamin C per day for four days. Pregnant women should not take high doses of vitamins A and D. Vitamin C can be increased to bowel tolerance.
Coronavirus VII: We Are Ready and You Can Be Ready Too!

That guy is a fringe practitioner just looking to make a buck on a scam.
I believe that the mortality rate for Covid-19 is premature and will prove to be less deadly than H1N1, and MRSA.

"The best estimates for South Korea put COVID-19's fatality rate at 0.6%, and a recent study released on the death the rate in China -- but outside hard-hit Wuhan -- hovered just above that, at 0.7%."
"H1N1 influenza (swine flu) tends to cause high morbidity but low mortality rates (1%-4%)."
"Recovery from mild sepsis is common, but mortality rates are approximately 15% and mortality rate for severe sepsis or septic shock is approximately 50%. For MRSA patients the mortality rate is 20 – 50%." Both endemic during the Obama administration."
"The mortality rate for SARS was 9.6%, whereas COVID-19 seems to kill between 1% and 2% of those infected."​

Hmm...., Why weren't Progressive Marxist Socialists so concerned when the H1N1, SARS, MRSA hit the U.S. during the Obama administration?

I think and believe Medical Professionals / Scientists

Yep. Medical professionals who kill more people than anything, and scientists who had us going into an ice age in the 1970s?
Medical professionals kill people more than anything else?

You’re perfectly welcome not to participate.

98,000 people per year do not lie.

Consumer Information for Safe Medication Use

Then don’t go to doctors. See how far that gets you.

My buddy was given 6 months to live in 2006 if he gave up everything and lived a dull, sedentary life.

He quit seeing that doctor, went out, got two live-in girl friends instead, lived a very full life, his happiest years in fact and lived another ten years.
You aren’t capable of talking about topics. You just want to goad people into personal attacks.

I’m done with this waste of time.

What personal attacks? I just stated facts and you took them as a personal attack? Interesting.

You must have questioned leftist dogma. That alone qualifies as an attack.
I’ve been called every name in the book by Azog. He will deny it minutes later.

It goes something like this.

Azog: You’re an idiot
Colfax: Personal attack?
Azog: Not a personal attack, it’s just an objective fact

Some people, ya know?

But you are an idiot. Far far worse. That is simply a statement of fact. You've already proven that. You've got bad wiring in your brain. Why else do you think I sometimes call you Cold Facts or Cold Case? It's not meant as an insult, but as an attempt to maybe get you to reexamine some of your views before you totally go over the edge.

Like I said, you’re in the same tribe. About what I expected.

Protect the tribe.

Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
This OP which started this thread belongs in the Rubber Room. Calling this virus a hoax is not only absurd, it is dangerous. That fact stated, President Trump was likely exposed to the virus at the CPAC Conference and/or being on the same plane with Rep. Matt Gaetz the day after the conference:

Current and former Trump officials say CPAC failed to offer useful coronavirus updates, leaving them confused and angry about their level of exposure

Meadows, Other Members Of Congress Self-Quarantine After CPAC Coronavirus Exposure

Since trump refuses to take the test, and may continue to expose others, he is by far a singular worst example of a leader; one who gives false information in direct conflict to medical professionals will exacerbate what is already a pandemic, and is criminal.

Moron: The virus is real. The Left's politicization of it as yet one more Trump-bashing attempt to stir the public into a panic of fear IS THE HOAX.
I think and believe Medical Professionals / Scientists

Yep. Medical professionals who kill more people than anything, and scientists who had us going into an ice age in the 1970s?
Medical professionals kill people more than anything else?

You’re perfectly welcome not to participate.

98,000 people per year do not lie.

Consumer Information for Safe Medication Use

Then don’t go to doctors. See how far that gets you.

My buddy was given 6 months to live in 2006 if he gave up everything and lived a dull, sedentary life.

He quit seeing that doctor, went out, got two live-in girl friends instead, lived a very full life, his happiest years in fact and lived another ten years.
That’s nice.
What personal attacks? I just stated facts and you took them as a personal attack? Interesting.

You must have questioned leftist dogma. That alone qualifies as an attack.
I’ve been called every name in the book by Azog. He will deny it minutes later.

It goes something like this.

Azog: You’re an idiot
Colfax: Personal attack?
Azog: Not a personal attack, it’s just an objective fact

Some people, ya know?

But you are an idiot. Far far worse. That is simply a statement of fact. You've already proven that. You've got bad wiring in your brain. Why else do you think I sometimes call you Cold Facts or Cold Case? It's not meant as an insult, but as an attempt to maybe get you to reexamine some of your views before you totally go over the edge.

Like I said, you’re in the same tribe. About what I expected.

Protect the tribe.

Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
There you go again.
You must have questioned leftist dogma. That alone qualifies as an attack.
I’ve been called every name in the book by Azog. He will deny it minutes later.

It goes something like this.

Azog: You’re an idiot
Colfax: Personal attack?
Azog: Not a personal attack, it’s just an objective fact

Some people, ya know?

But you are an idiot. Far far worse. That is simply a statement of fact. You've already proven that. You've got bad wiring in your brain. Why else do you think I sometimes call you Cold Facts or Cold Case? It's not meant as an insult, but as an attempt to maybe get you to reexamine some of your views before you totally go over the edge.

Like I said, you’re in the same tribe. About what I expected.

Protect the tribe.

Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
There you go again.

Why are you dodging the quesiton?
I’ve been called every name in the book by Azog. He will deny it minutes later.

It goes something like this.

Azog: You’re an idiot
Colfax: Personal attack?
Azog: Not a personal attack, it’s just an objective fact

Some people, ya know?

But you are an idiot. Far far worse. That is simply a statement of fact. You've already proven that. You've got bad wiring in your brain. Why else do you think I sometimes call you Cold Facts or Cold Case? It's not meant as an insult, but as an attempt to maybe get you to reexamine some of your views before you totally go over the edge.

Like I said, you’re in the same tribe. About what I expected.

Protect the tribe.

Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
There you go again.

Why are you dodging the quesiton?

I’ve already explained why.
This OP which started this thread belongs in the Rubber Room. Calling this virus a hoax is not only absurd, it is dangerous. That fact stated, President Trump was likely exposed to the virus at the CPAC Conference and/or being on the same plane with Rep. Matt Gaetz the day after the conference:

Current and former Trump officials say CPAC failed to offer useful coronavirus updates, leaving them confused and angry about their level of exposure

Meadows, Other Members Of Congress Self-Quarantine After CPAC Coronavirus Exposure

Since trump refuses to take the test, and may continue to expose others, he is by far a singular worst example of a leader; one who gives false information in direct conflict to medical professionals will exacerbate what is already a pandemic, and is criminal.

Moron: The virus is real. The Left's politicization of it as yet one more Trump-bashing attempt to stir the public into a panic of fear IS THE HOAX.
Trump has been downplaying the risk for weeks and weeks. He’s been telling us it was no big deal, it was going away, it was under control.

He’s been wrong the whole time.

There is no hoax.
But you are an idiot. Far far worse. That is simply a statement of fact. You've already proven that. You've got bad wiring in your brain. Why else do you think I sometimes call you Cold Facts or Cold Case? It's not meant as an insult, but as an attempt to maybe get you to reexamine some of your views before you totally go over the edge.

Like I said, you’re in the same tribe. About what I expected.

Protect the tribe.

Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
There you go again.

Why are you dodging the quesiton?

I’ve already explained why.
Hmmm....well let me say this. I think the most important aspect is communication and that is something the Left in my opinion vilified so I responded in kind. Rightly or wrongly. When you curb communication you basically in my view become a Fascist.
The beauty of all the Left's railing against Trump is that
  • THEY created him!
  • THEY put him in office!
  • THEY empower him!
  • And now they will make his reelection inevitable.
If Democrats weren't such total flaming asshats, we'd have no need for the Donald's of the world, because we wouldn't have the Nancys, the Obamas nor the Hillarys neither.

But then, being a resident of the Boston area, I don't need to tell you anything about liberal-progressive asshats.

Wow. It is a very bad sign that you are blaming the left as the reason Trump is in office.
Really, stoolbrain? You don't realize EVEN TO THIS DAY that it was the response to having Obama shoved down our throats for 8 years when he never should have even won reelection, told at every turn that our every disagreement with his pitiful policies were wholly RACIST is origin that drove the country to pull democrats from the House, pull democrats from the Senate, then to put the most anti-Obama person imaginable in the WH to replace him?

No one forced you to vote for the guy. Don’t try blaming the left for the result of your actions.

Me? I never voted for Donald. Gee, are you ever right about anything? But there is absolutely no doubt that the entire Tea Party populist movement that swept Trump into office was fueled and flamed by anger over the Left. And now you will reelect him. The impeachment pretty much sealed it.


View attachment 312179

She's about 3-4 plastic surgeries past good taste on her way to another Michael Jackson.
I can’t help that the right is irrational.

The easiest way to avoid ass rash is to stop
That stupid buggering.

Like I said, you’re in the same tribe. About what I expected.

Protect the tribe.

Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
There you go again.

Why are you dodging the quesiton?

I’ve already explained why.
Hmmm....well let me say this. I think the most important aspect is communication and that is something the Left in my opinion vilified so I responded in kind. Rightly or wrongly. When you curb communication you basically in my view become a Fascist.

I chose not to let you drag me down to your level. Sorry if that upsets you, but my personal choice not to engage in such behavior does not make me a Fascist.
Tribe? Tool is not Jewish as far as I know. What do you have against Jews?
There you go again.

Why are you dodging the quesiton?

I’ve already explained why.
Hmmm....well let me say this. I think the most important aspect is communication and that is something the Left in my opinion vilified so I responded in kind. Rightly or wrongly. When you curb communication you basically in my view become a Fascist.

I chose not to let you drag me down to your level. Sorry if that upsets you, but my personal choice not to engage in such behavior does not make me a Fascist.

Case in point...your post is 100% subjective. What behavior? Blaming Trump for all the world's problems? For the 100th time he is the effect not the cause.
10 Mar 2020 ~~ By Christopher A. Ferrara
Never Let a Good Coronavirus Go to Waste. First it was the Russian Collusion Hoax, based upon nothing but a phony dossier paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC in order to promote the media-fueled fever dream that Trump “colluded with Russia” to steal the election of 2016.
~~ snip ~~
None of these hoaxes have accomplished anything but a rise in Trump’s approval numbers. Every “bombshell” has ended with the sound of the DMC sitting on a whoopee cushion.
But now the DNC really thinks it has him. The Coronavirus Hoax, the latest attempt to undo Trump, is actually based upon something that exists: a virus that makes people sick. The trick here is to turn what is essentially a flu-like illness, whose effects on most people are minor, into the Black Plague so as to provoke worldwide panic, tank the Stock Market, cause a drastic slowdown of the American and global economies, and then blame it all on Trump.
But let’s look at the facts the Fake News shock troops deliberately hide while promoting a “get Trump at all costs” panic narrative.
First of all, they tell us to fear “the Coronavirus,” as if it were some ominous new pathogen of which medical science has no understanding. What they don’t tell us is what even the leftist-controlled World Health Organization (WHO)—now also fanning the flames of fear—explained on its own website: “Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously identified in humans.”
Got that? Even the common cold is caused by a corona virus.
~~ snip ~~
Fear, not force, is the demagogue’s most powerful prod. A show of force can disperse a crowd, but fear can move entire populations in a specific direction. And the source of fear need be nothing more significant than a virus whose effects are dwarfed by the annual flu season.

What is really terrifying is not COVID-19, but rather the prospect that the demagogues might well succeed in exploiting it to achieve their end. They are not about to let a good coronavirus go to waste.

Coronaviruses were first identified in the 1960s so I think most of us already had a taste of it. Isn't it odd that the Chinese Level 4 bio lab is located just outside the city of Wuhan where this virus made it's first appearance?
Americans have to learn that they are being manipulated by the self serving MSM, misinformed propagandized and politicized instead of being informed.
The list of fraudulent MSM narratives listed by Ferrara in just the last few years makes one wonder just how naïve the U.S. citizens really are.
You have to wonder where the PMS Leftist were when these coronaviruses were spreading during the Obama administration. Were H1N1, MRSA, and SARS just as, or more than virulent than the Wuhan Covid-19? Yes I'd say so... Therefore this outbreak is being overblown and used by the Left as terror weapon...

Coronaviruses: An Overview of Their Replication and ...
It is likely that these viruses will continue to emerge and to evolve and cause both human and veterinary outbreaks owing to their ability to recombine, mutate, and infect multiple species and cell types. Future research on coronaviruses will continue to investigate many aspects of …


COVID19 only rarely causes diarrhea?

Thats weird, cause I get it every day from reading people dumbass responses to the dangers of this disease AND they think they are helping Trump somehow by raising the bar for what to expect (by claiming it is just a flu).
There you go again.

Why are you dodging the quesiton?

I’ve already explained why.
Hmmm....well let me say this. I think the most important aspect is communication and that is something the Left in my opinion vilified so I responded in kind. Rightly or wrongly. When you curb communication you basically in my view become a Fascist.

I chose not to let you drag me down to your level. Sorry if that upsets you, but my personal choice not to engage in such behavior does not make me a Fascist.

Case in point...your post is 100% subjective. What behavior? Blaming Trump for all the world's problems? For the 100th time he is the effect not the cause.

I haven’t blamed Trump for all the worlds problems. Far from it. He’s in a position of responsibility and subject to criticism based on his performance.
Why are you dodging the quesiton?

I’ve already explained why.
Hmmm....well let me say this. I think the most important aspect is communication and that is something the Left in my opinion vilified so I responded in kind. Rightly or wrongly. When you curb communication you basically in my view become a Fascist.

I chose not to let you drag me down to your level. Sorry if that upsets you, but my personal choice not to engage in such behavior does not make me a Fascist.

Case in point...your post is 100% subjective. What behavior? Blaming Trump for all the world's problems? For the 100th time he is the effect not the cause.

I haven’t blamed Trump for all the worlds problems. Far from it. He’s in a position of responsibility and subject to criticism based on his performance.

Which is fair and I criticize him too. But you also must be fair and laud him for the good that he does.
I’ve already explained why.
Hmmm....well let me say this. I think the most important aspect is communication and that is something the Left in my opinion vilified so I responded in kind. Rightly or wrongly. When you curb communication you basically in my view become a Fascist.

I chose not to let you drag me down to your level. Sorry if that upsets you, but my personal choice not to engage in such behavior does not make me a Fascist.

Case in point...your post is 100% subjective. What behavior? Blaming Trump for all the world's problems? For the 100th time he is the effect not the cause.

I haven’t blamed Trump for all the worlds problems. Far from it. He’s in a position of responsibility and subject to criticism based on his performance.

Which is fair and I criticize him too. But you also must be fair and laud him for the good that he does.

Didn't Obama wait until 1,000 people died? Trump has already pulled out all the stops on only 38 people!

What's your "data" say about the 42 million deaths last year caused by abortions?

Abortion Was the Leading Cause of Death Worldwide in 2019, Killing 42 Million People

no. obama did not wait until 1000 died.
4000 died under Obama's failure and no big media hype. Goes to show how despicable you people are.

i know that this your current narrative. several other mindless drones have told me this tale already.

Proves you loons are trying to use this to make Trump look bad and it's failing, big time.

regurgitating lies does not prove anything. feel free to fuck off.

Obama declares H1N1 emergency
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -
Oct 24, 2009 · Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus. "The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to …
"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement..... "Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response."
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Obviously you don't believe one of your main sources of information.
no. obama did not wait until 1000 died.
4000 died under Obama's failure and no big media hype. Goes to show how despicable you people are.

i know that this your current narrative. several other mindless drones have told me this tale already.

Proves you loons are trying to use this to make Trump look bad and it's failing, big time.

regurgitating lies does not prove anything. feel free to fuck off.

Obama declares H1N1 emergency
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -
Oct 24, 2009 · Washington (CNN) -- President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus. "The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to …
"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement..... "Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response."
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Obviously you don't believe one of your main sources of information.
you morons just throw the same shit again and again. if you were interested, you would know by now at the latest what was going on in 2009. it has been posted many times.
but you are not interested in facts, or honest discussion.

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