The Cost of Refusing

That's why I always like following up her posts.
(Being that next post)
It is written:
So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

that is the only sentence you have ever displayed that is authentic, to bad you did not write it yourself or believe it - the spoken parable of Noah as an example of the true religion for Admission to the Everlasting.

by the way, there is no guarantee how long a Spirit may survive even when set free.

Jeremiah you never were able to refute the fact Jesus was the fulfilled Lucifer, in fact you kept proving
it instead. The reason you can't refute that Jesus is Lucifer is because he fulfilled all verses on Lucifer and you'd be denouncing the Bible and your own faith's expectations on the figure. You'd also be opposing Jesus who said he was Lucifer while telling you he was not Messiah.
Notice when you replied to Iffy you left out Ezekiel 28 which Preachers use to refer to Lucifer, it's becausr everything in Ez28 refers to Jesus being Lucifer including calling him Christ (anointed)Nazarene(cherub=guardian) deemed perfect(sinless). -Ezekiel 28:14-15
The only prophet ever claimed the first and fallen messiah (lucifer comes first) and called Christ nazarene and sinless is Jesus and he fell to the pit acts 2:27
1 peter 3:19 &apostles creed, perdition=fall to the pit thus the only one who can fulfill the son of perdition Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 is Jesus which means you lied to Iffy and me both.

Iffy Rome made Jesus an image of a man made of many plagiarized stories. They made his image adversary to the temple priests -adversary=sawtawn.
Their imposter Temple was adversary (satan) to the Holy Temple. The fallen morning star (Lucifer-rev 22:16) was the false prophet lifted as a god by rome as even Christians claim would occur as the first messiah using preJesus text which means Jesus first who fell & failed to liberate was that fallen false messiah.
This is why the Bible has the story of
the Shiloh (i.e. one who's right it is) over turning the imposter messiah, if Jesus was messiah there would be no Shiloh (one whos actual right it is.)
Jeremiah admits The RCC is the great harlot who will get the 1/3 fall with them in the false prophet yet She still bought their idol and refuses to count the 1/3 the earth that fell with the fallen Christ.

Actually it was you who was not able to explain how you could believe that Ezekiel 28 was speaking of Jesus Christ when the scriptures clearly identify the "cherub" (angel) as Lucifer the fallen angel. While I know the Roman Catholic Church is the great harlot identified in Scripture you must understand that the Jesus they preach is Tammuz - the sun god and son / husband of Semiramis who was called the Queen of Heaven.
The RCC has taught and lifted up a false Christ and his "mother" - not Jesus Christ in the Bible nor Mary of the Bible, HaShev.


Semiramis was a powerful witch and her husband was Nimod. They sacrificed babies to Baal, drinking their blood and eating their flesh. They are the instruments Satan used to bring his Babylonian religion of the occult to earth. The child in Semiramis's hands is not Nimrod but Tammuz whom she said was a sun god and the reincarnation of her husband Nimrod. She married her own son - such was the perversion of this woman's mind. It was completely taken over by Satan. Her husband Nimrod was put to death by Noah's son because of his practice of sacrificing infants to Baal and eating their flesh -drinking their blood. Catholicism is founded on Baal worship. It is a pagan religion. Pray for the Catholic people because many of them do not realize what they are doing having been brought up in the religion for many generations. They have no idea the worship of the Queen of heaven is an abomination to God. Constantine was a sun god worshipper until his death. He is the one who invented Catholicism in order to give his pagan religion a cover to hide under and deceive multitudes by calling it a Christian religion.
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See you are lying and set yourself a standard that you can't fulfill when placing Jesus in the Bible as Messiah.
You shot Jesus in the foot again to try and save face for your insistance in missleading people.
I MOST CERTAINLY PROVED JESUS FULFILLED LUCIFER IN EZEKIEL using christian standards, so to say I did not admits you and everyone else did not prove Jesus was messiah which in turn makes him false messiah=lucifer.

Cherub means guardian, angel means messenger and you call Jesus both. In Hebrew Guardian is Nazarei, They were called Nazarene meaning guardians of the NT.
For crying out loud the 2 cherubs on the ark of the covenant represent the 2 messiahs ben Joseph and ben David guarding the Law and Hashevet that lay inside.
You can wiggle and missdirect people all you want but you can't ever refute the facts Jesus was 100%
fulfilled in Lucifer prophecy and nobody else could ever be since Jesus came first only he can be the first falken imposyer messiah....guys coming second no longer qualify.

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