The Country Was Built On The Rule Of Law But Democrats / Biden Tearing That Apart At The Seams

The U.S. Justice System is redressing the various predations enumerated above.

Your emotional regard for the Cry Baby Loser is irrelevant in that ongoing pursuit of justice. You shouldn't indulge him in his tantrum over the National Archives recovering the documents with which he had absconded.

You keep referencing 'crybaby losers' when it is the Democrats who have tried everything from failed coup attempts, to defrauding the FISA Court, to failed criminal Impeachment attempts, and too many failed 'We got him this time' attempts to count for going on 7 years now...and can't accept defeat yet continually whine, obsess, and keep going.

'Crybaby losers'?

Do I really have to remind you who that REALLY is, snowflake?




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You keep referencing 'crybaby losers' when it is the Democrats who have tried everything from failed coup attempts, to defrauding the FISA Court, to failed criminal Impeachment attempts, and too many failed 'We got him this time' attempts to count for going on 7 years now...and can't accept defeat yet continually whine, obsess, and keep going.

'Crybaby losers'?

Do I really have to remind you who that REALLY is, snowflake?

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Your hyper-partisan fantasies fail as a desperate diversion from the legal reckonings in the offing. The Loser's various legal reckonings are impervious to the blowhard's lickspittles parroting him and his media entertainers.

Trump is facing legal battles on multiple fronts, ranging from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot all the way to the FBI raid at his Florida estate, forcing him to seek an unlikely batch of attorneys to aid him.
A report by the Washington Post summarized that the former president is represented by a defense team that includes a past general counsel for a parking garage company, a Florida insurance lawyer who has never had a federal case, and a former host on a right-leaning news network. The outlet also reported Trump and his aides keep hearing "no" from seasoned attorneys as his team gears up for a possible felony indictment.
For Trump, finding top-level legal representation has been a struggle since at least the 2018 investigation into the Russia scandal.
Classified documents investigation
Jan. 6 hearings
Election interference in Georgia
Business handling in New York
Efforts to shield tax returns from Congress
Defamation suit over Trump's denial of rape claims
Litigation with niece Mary Trump
Michael Cohen's claims of retaliation against Trump and former attorney general

He is the man on the way down, courtesy of America's respect for law and order.
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You snowflakes always claim 'fake news' when you see facts you don't like but can't debunk while preferring to create proven fake news sites like MSNBC, ABC, & CNN.

You confuse a strongly anti-Rumpian stance with Leftist 'snowflake' status.

MSNBC strikes me as a Left-Wing yellow-journalism rag --- rarely to be trusted without taking a long, hard second look at what's being said.

I don't watch ABC enough nowadays to form an opinion of them one way or another... haven't watched free commercial-laden channels much in recent years.

CNN strikes me as almost - not quite - MSNBC in disguise - making more of a pretense of Centrism while still mostly taking sides with the Left.

Fox strikes me as a Right-Wing yellow-journalism rag --- rarely to be trusted without taking a long, hard second look at what's being said.

You confuse me with someone else... I see them all as largely full of <bleep>... which is why I toggle between all of them, the BBC, News-Nation, etc., daily.

Oh, and, by the way... your "fake news" punditry is truly ironic, given that your Orange Baboon largely coined the phrase... takes one to know one, I guess :laugh:
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Nope. We are not yet at the point where we start a new civil war. Peaceful change through elections is still possible and at this moment it looks like the Democrats are going to lose big time in the upcoming Midterms. If conservatives can also win big in 2024 we will have reduced the Democratic Party’s control significantly so we can make the changes necessary to right the ship of state.

Of course we have to make damn sure the elections are not rigged.
Too bad, cause I was hoping that while you were shooting each other the rest of the world could heave a sigh of relief and live peacefully for a while. Anyway, if it doesn't come to that I wish Democrats were reduced to non existence because that bunch is the ugliest of them all. It pains even me, not a well-wisher to America in light of the recent anti-Russian hysteria, to see what the crips are doing to you.
Too bad, cause I was hoping that while you were shooting each other the rest of the world could heave a sigh of relief and live peacefully for a while. Anyway, if it doesn't come to that I wish Democrats were reduced to non existence because that bunch is the ugliest of them all. It pains even me, not a well-wisher to America in light of the recent anti-Russian hysteria, to see what the crips are doing to you.
Oh, that's rich, coming from a Putin supporter...
Your hyper-partisan fantasies fail as a desperate diversion from the legal reckonings in the offing. The Loser's various legal reckonings are impervious to the blowhard's lickspittles parroting him and his media entertainers.

Trump is facing legal battles on multiple fronts, ranging from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot all the way to the FBI raid at his Florida estate, forcing him to seek an unlikely batch of attorneys to aid him.
A report by the Washington Post summarized that the former president is represented by a defense team that includes a past general counsel for a parking garage company, a Florida insurance lawyer who has never had a federal case, and a former host on a right-leaning news network. The outlet also reported Trump and his aides keep hearing "no" from seasoned attorneys as his team gears up for a possible felony indictment.
For Trump, finding top-level legal representation has been a struggle since at least the 2018 investigation into the Russia scandal.
Classified documents investigation
Jan. 6 hearings
Election interference in Georgia
Business handling in New York
Efforts to shield tax returns from Congress
Defamation suit over Trump's denial of rape claims
Litigation with niece Mary Trump
Michael Cohen's claims of retaliation against Trump and former attorney general

He is the man on the way down, courtesy of America's respect for law and order.
MY hyper-partisanship?

Who was the one so triggered they felt the need to call Trump / Trump supporters 'crybabies' when it was LITERALLY Hillary and Hillary supporters crying, weeping openly, and running outside to scream at the sky like psychos?

As for the rest of your post, going on 7 failed years now, yeah, you got him THIS time, snowflake.

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MY hyper-partisanship?

Who was the one so triggered they felt the need to call Trump / Trump supporters 'crybabies' when it was LITERALLY Hillary and Hillary supporters crying, weeping openly, and running outside to scream at the sky like psychos?

As for the rest of your post, going on 7 failed years now, yeah, you got him THIS time, snowflake.

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You are confused. Yes, it was frustrating for Clinton supporters - as for Gore supporters - when more American preferred them to their opponents to be president, but both candidates were gracious in conceding, and preserving America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of power. Trump took a big dump on that tradition, and still hasn't grown a pair and acknowledged reality.

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Trump has more than one rendezvous with the truth and the law in the next few months.

There will be no shortage of whining about it.
You are confused. Yes, it was frustrating for Clinton supporters

I am confused?

Do these look like 'frustrated' Clinton supporters?





They look like a bunch of 'CRYBABY LOSERS' and PSYCHOS SCREAMING AT THE SKY, snowflake.

In light of these photos, your attempt to brand Trump and Trump supporters as such is another prime example of Democrats / snowflakes attempting accuse others of being who THEY are and doing what THEY have done / are doing.

Meanwhile back in reality, your blob was telling Hillary that she was going to be in jail during the debates. She wasn't even indicted for any crime...yet at all of his rallies brainless fuckstains like yourself were chanting "lock her up".

Somehow the "rule of law" was never given a second thought.

Thread per usual.
She should have been indicted, but Comey let her off.
You are confused. Yes, it was frustrating for Clinton supporters - as for Gore supporters - when more American preferred them to their opponents to be president, but both candidates were gracious in conceding, and preserving America's proud tradition of peaceful transfers of power. Trump took a big dump on that tradition, and still hasn't grown a pair and acknowledged reality.

Trump has more than one rendezvous with the truth and the law in the next few months.

There will be no shortage of whining about it.
Was throwing a champaign bottle at the TV and breaking it Clinton's way of being "gracious?"
Your hyper-partisan fantasies fail as a desperate diversion from the legal reckonings in the offing. The Loser's various legal reckonings are impervious to the blowhard's lickspittles parroting him and his media entertainers.

Trump is facing legal battles on multiple fronts, ranging from the Jan. 6 Capitol riot all the way to the FBI raid at his Florida estate, forcing him to seek an unlikely batch of attorneys to aid him.
A report by the Washington Post summarized that the former president is represented by a defense team that includes a past general counsel for a parking garage company, a Florida insurance lawyer who has never had a federal case, and a former host on a right-leaning news network. The outlet also reported Trump and his aides keep hearing "no" from seasoned attorneys as his team gears up for a possible felony indictment.
For Trump, finding top-level legal representation has been a struggle since at least the 2018 investigation into the Russia scandal.
Classified documents investigation
Jan. 6 hearings
Election interference in Georgia
Business handling in New York
Efforts to shield tax returns from Congress
Defamation suit over Trump's denial of rape claims
Litigation with niece Mary Trump
Michael Cohen's claims of retaliation against Trump and former attorney general

He is the man on the way down, courtesy of America's respect for law and order.
What's your point, douchebag?
The dems have found out over the last three dem administrations that when they are in power, they don't need to worry about laws and consequences. Power is everything to them. Leftist policies require authoritarian governance. Everything else is just words to say to stay/get in power.
I am confused?

Do these look like 'frustrated' Clinton supporters?

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They look like a bunch of 'CRYBABY LOSERS' and PSYCHOS SCREAMING AT THE SKY, snowflake.

In light of these photos, your attempt to brand Trump and Trump supporters as such is another prime example of Democrats / snowflakes attempting accuse others of being who THEY are and doing what THEY have done / are doing.

Trump and his cult need to find the testicular fortitude to handle reality.

He lost the 2020 election. The certified electors of 50 states - after recounts, audits, investigations, and dozens of court challenges - confirmed him as a loser.

He is confronted with significant legal problems on several fronts. Throwing ketchup won't make them go "Poof!"

That's the way it is.
Trump and his cult need to find the testicular fortitude to handle reality.

He lost the 2020 election. The certified electors of 50 states - after recounts, audits, investigations, and dozens of court challenges - confirmed him as a loser.

He is confronted with significant legal problems on several fronts. Throwing ketchup won't make them go "Poof!"

That's the way it is.
The reality is that 2020 was a swindle. We will deal with that in the next election and in 2024. Then plenty of progs will start going to jail. The election will be thoroughly investigated, and all the Democrat criminals will go before the klieg lights.
Trump and his cult need to find the testicular fortitude to handle reality. the snowflakes who became so mentally unbalanced they literally ran out into the streets and screamed at the sky


The reality is that 2020 was a swindle. We will deal with that in the next election and in 2024. Then plenty of progs will start going to jail. The election will be thoroughly investigated, and all the Democrat criminals will go before the klieg lights.

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