The COVID Revolt!

Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
Use my brain? Use just throw out the stats you don;t like.
I throw out stats that are irrelevant like the ones you are using. Nothing is more relevant that hospital capacity and total number of deaths.

your death rate calculations based on cases really doesnā€™t mean much of anything. I guess it shows we have improved our treatments which is great but again not really relevant if hospitalizations and deaths are surging
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples ā€” what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers ā€” many coming from miles away ā€” just to support the defiance. Itā€™s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ā€˜to all government officialsā€™. It gives them a warning: ā€˜You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.ā€™ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

Awesome!! Keep up the fight as over 3000 a day die and hospitals continue to get overwhelmed. Yā€™all are wonderful Americans!! *thatā€™s sarcasm
Baloney and more bs propaganda from the libbers....
Whatā€™s BS? That more people are dying or that hospitals are filling up? Please explain why youā€™re calling it BS
Since only .19% of the US is currently infected with Covid and .46% of that total has a critical case, BS. So "hospitals" are not filling up and the Covid "related" deaths don't mean the person died because of Covid. BS.
You are claiming that hospitals are lying based on stats your getting from case studies? Do you understand what kind of vast conspiracy that would need to be afoot by thousands of independently run hospitals to make your claims a reality? How utterly unrealistic that is?! You should really think more before you make such idiotic claims
Isolated specific hospitals I am sure are busy, like in the illegal sanctuary city of El Paso....of course there are others. But overall, in the breadth of the US, the hospitals are quiet and the actual statistics bear that out. You libbers all say statistics are idiotic, but only because you refuse to look them up and only want to go by your propagandized media. You are the one who should do the thinking, for me its easy, I simply go to where they keep the actual facts and statistics.
I very much doubt you have spent any time really looking at the status of hospitals... your posts reek of political reactions and not thoughtful analysis. Where do you live?
Sure I do....whenever I see or hear one of these propaganda pieces I look at hospital occupancy rates in that area and also the volumes of tests run and positives, and critical cases. I look at all the stats. Plus the contacts we have in many hospitals across the US, and the 102 people I personally know who have had Covid add to my informational background. How bout you?
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.
No I get it. So in your opinion, many millions more had or have it, seems right. That would significantly lower the mortality and critical case rates then wouldn't it? But I have to say 214 million tests is not bad and its getting there.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
Use my brain? Use just throw out the stats you don;t like.
I throw out stats that are irrelevant like the ones you are using. Nothing is more relevant that hospital capacity and total number of deaths.

your death rate calculations based on cases really doesnā€™t mean much of anything. I guess it shows we have improved our treatments which is great but again not really relevant if hospitalizations and deaths are surging
The Worldmeters statistics are by far the most accurate metrics we have on Covid and/or the really harmful diseases. And nothing is simpler or more accurate than dividing deaths into cases.....that's how we know how deadly killer Cuomo and his band of Gruesome Governors in 5 other states contributed nearly half the US deaths. And hospitalizations are not surging nationally, just locally. And many deaths are not caused by Covid.
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples ā€” what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers ā€” many coming from miles away ā€” just to support the defiance. Itā€™s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ā€˜to all government officialsā€™. It gives them a warning: ā€˜You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.ā€™ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

Awesome!! Keep up the fight as over 3000 a day die and hospitals continue to get overwhelmed. Yā€™all are wonderful Americans!! *thatā€™s sarcasm
Baloney and more bs propaganda from the libbers....
Whatā€™s BS? That more people are dying or that hospitals are filling up? Please explain why youā€™re calling it BS
Since only .19% of the US is currently infected with Covid and .46% of that total has a critical case, BS. So "hospitals" are not filling up and the Covid "related" deaths don't mean the person died because of Covid. BS.
You are claiming that hospitals are lying based on stats your getting from case studies? Do you understand what kind of vast conspiracy that would need to be afoot by thousands of independently run hospitals to make your claims a reality? How utterly unrealistic that is?! You should really think more before you make such idiotic claims
Isolated specific hospitals I am sure are busy, like in the illegal sanctuary city of El Paso....of course there are others. But overall, in the breadth of the US, the hospitals are quiet and the actual statistics bear that out. You libbers all say statistics are idiotic, but only because you refuse to look them up and only want to go by your propagandized media. You are the one who should do the thinking, for me its easy, I simply go to where they keep the actual facts and statistics.
I very much doubt you have spent any time really looking at the status of hospitals... your posts reek of political reactions and not thoughtful analysis. Where do you live?
Sure I do....whenever I see or hear one of these propaganda pieces I look at hospital occupancy rates in that area and also the volumes of tests run and positives, and critical cases. I look at all the stats. Plus the contacts we have in many hospitals across the US, and the 102 people I personally know who have had Covid add to my informational background. How bout you?
I know many people in the medical field and work with traveling nurses so I get most my trusted intel from people working the front lines.
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples ā€” what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers ā€” many coming from miles away ā€” just to support the defiance. Itā€™s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ā€˜to all government officialsā€™. It gives them a warning: ā€˜You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.ā€™ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

Awesome!! Keep up the fight as over 3000 a day die and hospitals continue to get overwhelmed. Yā€™all are wonderful Americans!! *thatā€™s sarcasm
Baloney and more bs propaganda from the libbers....
Whatā€™s BS? That more people are dying or that hospitals are filling up? Please explain why youā€™re calling it BS
Since only .19% of the US is currently infected with Covid and .46% of that total has a critical case, BS. So "hospitals" are not filling up and the Covid "related" deaths don't mean the person died because of Covid. BS.
You are claiming that hospitals are lying based on stats your getting from case studies? Do you understand what kind of vast conspiracy that would need to be afoot by thousands of independently run hospitals to make your claims a reality? How utterly unrealistic that is?! You should really think more before you make such idiotic claims
Isolated specific hospitals I am sure are busy, like in the illegal sanctuary city of El Paso....of course there are others. But overall, in the breadth of the US, the hospitals are quiet and the actual statistics bear that out. You libbers all say statistics are idiotic, but only because you refuse to look them up and only want to go by your propagandized media. You are the one who should do the thinking, for me its easy, I simply go to where they keep the actual facts and statistics.
I very much doubt you have spent any time really looking at the status of hospitals... your posts reek of political reactions and not thoughtful analysis. Where do you live?
Sure I do....whenever I see or hear one of these propaganda pieces I look at hospital occupancy rates in that area and also the volumes of tests run and positives, and critical cases. I look at all the stats. Plus the contacts we have in many hospitals across the US, and the 102 people I personally know who have had Covid add to my informational background. How bout you?
I know many people in the medical field and work with traveling nurses so I get most my trusted intel from people working the front lines.
And I do wonder why the difference in reality??
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Exactly right.....but even allowing for that the daily mortality rate continues to plunge because of so many tests and resulting cases.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.
No I get it. So in your opinion, many millions more had or have it, seems right. That would significantly lower the mortality and critical case rates then wouldn't it? But I have to say 214 million tests is not bad and its getting there.
Yes many more have had it than recorded which would lower the mortality rate. That is not a very significant stat to me. When hospitals start filling cities start shutting down. I am sick of the shutdowns and Iā€™m even more sick of those fighting against the reality that this virus is real and dangerous. Iā€™m sick of see our doctors and nurses exhausted and in tears as they deal with this sickness at great personal risk while douchebags mock it behind the safety of their troll computers. Itā€™s people not taking it seriously that are the largest contributors to the spread. Idiots
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
Use my brain? Use just throw out the stats you don;t like.
I throw out stats that are irrelevant like the ones you are using. Nothing is more relevant that hospital capacity and total number of deaths.

your death rate calculations based on cases really doesnā€™t mean much of anything. I guess it shows we have improved our treatments which is great but again not really relevant if hospitalizations and deaths are surging
The Worldmeters statistics are by far the most accurate metrics we have on Covid and/or the really harmful diseases. And nothing is simpler or more accurate than dividing deaths into cases.....that's how we know how deadly killer Cuomo and his band of Gruesome Governors in 5 other states contributed nearly half the US deaths. And hospitalizations are not surging nationally, just locally. And many deaths are not caused by Covid.
I donā€™t believe you
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Did you see where Fauci was praising two states for doing such a great job with Covid......New York, what a joke, and the other was Vermont for so few cases and deaths.....and when you look more closely Vermont is 48th out of 50 states in testing.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
Use my brain? Use just throw out the stats you don;t like.
I throw out stats that are irrelevant like the ones you are using. Nothing is more relevant that hospital capacity and total number of deaths.

your death rate calculations based on cases really doesnā€™t mean much of anything. I guess it shows we have improved our treatments which is great but again not really relevant if hospitalizations and deaths are surging
The Worldmeters statistics are by far the most accurate metrics we have on Covid and/or the really harmful diseases. And nothing is simpler or more accurate than dividing deaths into cases.....that's how we know how deadly killer Cuomo and his band of Gruesome Governors in 5 other states contributed nearly half the US deaths. And hospitalizations are not surging nationally, just locally. And many deaths are not caused by Covid.
I donā€™t believe you
Of course not, liberals hate statistics.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples ā€” what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers ā€” many coming from miles away ā€” just to support the defiance. Itā€™s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ā€˜to all government officialsā€™. It gives them a warning: ā€˜You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.ā€™ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

Awesome!! Keep up the fight as over 3000 a day die and hospitals continue to get overwhelmed. Yā€™all are wonderful Americans!! *thatā€™s sarcasm
Baloney and more bs propaganda from the libbers....
Whatā€™s BS? That more people are dying or that hospitals are filling up? Please explain why youā€™re calling it BS
Since only .19% of the US is currently infected with Covid and .46% of that total has a critical case, BS. So "hospitals" are not filling up and the Covid "related" deaths don't mean the person died because of Covid. BS.
You are claiming that hospitals are lying based on stats your getting from case studies? Do you understand what kind of vast conspiracy that would need to be afoot by thousands of independently run hospitals to make your claims a reality? How utterly unrealistic that is?! You should really think more before you make such idiotic claims
Isolated specific hospitals I am sure are busy, like in the illegal sanctuary city of El Paso....of course there are others. But overall, in the breadth of the US, the hospitals are quiet and the actual statistics bear that out. You libbers all say statistics are idiotic, but only because you refuse to look them up and only want to go by your propagandized media. You are the one who should do the thinking, for me its easy, I simply go to where they keep the actual facts and statistics.
I very much doubt you have spent any time really looking at the status of hospitals... your posts reek of political reactions and not thoughtful analysis. Where do you live?
Sure I do....whenever I see or hear one of these propaganda pieces I look at hospital occupancy rates in that area and also the volumes of tests run and positives, and critical cases. I look at all the stats. Plus the contacts we have in many hospitals across the US, and the 102 people I personally know who have had Covid add to my informational background. How bout you?
I know many people in the medical field and work with traveling nurses so I get most my trusted intel from people working the front lines.
And I do wonder why the difference in reality??
What are your nurse and doctor friends telling you? Donā€™t wear a mask itā€™s all a hoax?
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
So do many other things....colds, flu, bronchitis, mersa.....etc, etc.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that can cause pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge.
Americans are revolting against the illegal, unconstitutional shut downs. Apparently "freedom threatens those in authority."

"A diner in Michigan is open for business despite being told to close. A barbershop here, a crafts store there, churches, synagogues, temples ā€” what makes this COVID revolt different is that the businesses that are defying lockdown orders are being swarmed by customers ā€” many coming from miles away ā€” just to support the defiance. Itā€™s the most demonstrative political statement being made today and authorities who would try to enforce their edicts are playing with fire."

"The short notice taped to the door is addressed ā€˜to all government officialsā€™. It gives them a warning: ā€˜You are in violation of your oath of office by trespassing unlawfully on the property of this business establishment and committing an act of terrorism under Section 802 of the Patriot Act.ā€™ Taped up next to it, a longer warning in black and set-off red type, with Title 18 from the United States Code copied out underneath."

Awesome!! Keep up the fight as over 3000 a day die and hospitals continue to get overwhelmed. Yā€™all are wonderful Americans!! *thatā€™s sarcasm
Baloney and more bs propaganda from the libbers....
Whatā€™s BS? That more people are dying or that hospitals are filling up? Please explain why youā€™re calling it BS
Since only .19% of the US is currently infected with Covid and .46% of that total has a critical case, BS. So "hospitals" are not filling up and the Covid "related" deaths don't mean the person died because of Covid. BS.
You are claiming that hospitals are lying based on stats your getting from case studies? Do you understand what kind of vast conspiracy that would need to be afoot by thousands of independently run hospitals to make your claims a reality? How utterly unrealistic that is?! You should really think more before you make such idiotic claims
Isolated specific hospitals I am sure are busy, like in the illegal sanctuary city of El Paso....of course there are others. But overall, in the breadth of the US, the hospitals are quiet and the actual statistics bear that out. You libbers all say statistics are idiotic, but only because you refuse to look them up and only want to go by your propagandized media. You are the one who should do the thinking, for me its easy, I simply go to where they keep the actual facts and statistics.
I very much doubt you have spent any time really looking at the status of hospitals... your posts reek of political reactions and not thoughtful analysis. Where do you live?
Sure I do....whenever I see or hear one of these propaganda pieces I look at hospital occupancy rates in that area and also the volumes of tests run and positives, and critical cases. I look at all the stats. Plus the contacts we have in many hospitals across the US, and the 102 people I personally know who have had Covid add to my informational background. How bout you?
I know many people in the medical field and work with traveling nurses so I get most my trusted intel from people working the front lines.
And I do wonder why the difference in reality??
What are your nurse and doctor friends telling you? Donā€™t wear a mask itā€™s all a hoax?
They say do whatever you want to do. Like any reasonable person would suggest.
Pretty much impossible to rid a country of a deadly, highly contagious virus when 40% refuses to take it seriously.
95% survival rate is not 'deadly'
Actually its 98.2% overall and 99% plus if under 65.
Whatā€™s the hospitalization rate?
27,318 cases out of 6,335,867 active for a .43% or less than a half a percent of all active cases. Why, is that math too tough for you??
I donā€™t really care about cases. That number is arbitrary as we arenā€™t testing every citizen. I care about people in the hospital and people who are dying.
You can't care about deaths without comparing them to total cases because the mortality rate continues to drop every day. And the 2 million plus tests a day gives you more cases which gives you some additional deaths. But the overall US numbers are small compared to our population.....a .19% active infection rate is tiny.
You donā€™t know total cases, we donā€™t test everybody. Cases are simply an indicator of whatā€™s to come and a way to slow the spread by triggering quarantines and contact tracing. We have no clue how many actually cases there are or have been. Are you really basing your position on case calculations?! Come on man, use your brain.
And therefore likewise we have no real idea of the actual we go by what we have and they prove the virus to be a big fat hoax.
We have a much more accurate sense of deaths because they most often happen in hospitals and are followed up by death certificates. Cases are only measured by those who get tested which is not a high percentage. Why do I need to explain this to you? This is basic stuff.

Actually we do not have an accurate sense of deaths because they most often are actually pneumonia and are being attributed to covid-19 because the person tested positive. While they most likely would not have died right away if not for contracting covid-19, they likely are over 70 and already very fragile. That does not make covid-19 some dangerous killer.
Covid causes Pneumonia genius. What exactly do you think a COVID death is?
I think Covid is a flu virus and pneumonia is pneumonia. So if you are admitting Covid deaths are really pneumonia deaths then we may be getting somewhere.
Covid is a respiratory virus that causes pneumonia in sever cases and that is often the cause of death. I thought that was common knowledge
And I thought that it was common knowledge that a pneumonia death is a pneumonia death.

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