The Cowardly Liberals on USMB

Democrats understand they're running the most despicable corrupt candidate in the race. So they have to desperately try to make others look worse. Hence all the hateful smear campaigns.

They can't defend Hillary Clinton. They knew she's a corrupt lying asshole. So expect lots more petty smear campaigns. It is what it is.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.

The problem with less government is that we have less people enforcing the laws which means more people can escape the law if they wanted to. We can't have that! Everyone must be watched...every ticket issued...every minuscule little law enforced...fear will keep the systems inline.
Democrats understand they're running the most despicable corrupt candidate in the race. So they have to desperately try to make others look worse. Hence all the hateful smear campaigns.

They can't defend Hillary Clinton. They knew she's a corrupt lying asshole. So expect lots more petty smear campaigns. It is what it is.

Somebody's been nominated on your planet already?

How's the weather there? Do you have that stuff we call "air"?
Yanno if you sit down and squint, and hold your breath, and grunt really hard, you might be able to get a brain cell to kick into action and figure out that "Liberal" is not necessarily the same thing as "Hillary Clinton supporter". I know blanket statements are just so much easier because they involve no brain sweat but .... just a thought.

The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

So you want to pretend that you are above the fray by withholding your vote? What an admirable evasion of personal responsibility for your political beliefs. :clap:

Withholding my vote?

I have been told by both the left and right for years now that if I do not vote for their candidate then I am wasting my vote or withholding it according to you.

No, here in America I have the right to support the Candidate I feel that would be best suited to do the job, and should not be told by some simple minded individual that my vote is wasted because I did not vote for their candidate.

I am not questioning your rights, only your willingness to take responsibility for your political beliefs. Have you ever voted for a successful candidate? If so, which one?

P.S. I am not opposing the secret ballot (if you are planning to go off on that tangent).

Reagan twice.

George H.W. Bush

Sometimes I vote for the GOP candidate when it is someone I believe can handle the job and if not third party vote.

Also if you believe that supporting Trump is going to win a National Election when you have him pissing off the Hispanic, African American, and Jewish vote, well he is not.

The Hispanic vote alone could sink the GOP this coming election because Texas is a Minority-Majority state and the white population is lower than the combined amount of minorities within the state and the second largest population is the Hispanic community and combined with the African American community they outnumber the white vote, and if the Democrat base with Clinton money behind them could swing this state blue in the Presidential Election.

I have not even touched on the Muslim population within the borders of this nation that will also vote against him and you can not suspend their vote so you have a good majority of the minority community that will not support him, so how will he win?

You have to have a certain amount of their votes to carry certain states in the Electoral College, and this is where Trump supporters are failing to understand...

Trump's electability is a separate, but legitimate question. I think the 2016 Presidential election will be decided by three main issues, in descending order: 1) national security; 2) a referendum on Obama/Clinton; and 3) the economy. Unfortunately, the longer term issues of debt, deficits and the size/overreach of the federal government are receding from the public consciousness.

For the record, I have voted straight Republican with the exception of Perot in 1992. (I correctly predicted that Clinton's election would lead to a GOP Congress in 1994.) I fault Bush 43 for not addressing the housing bubble and mishandling the Iraq war. Dole and especially McCain were simply the lesser of evils (I didn't vote for either in the Primaries). I am undecided about the current GOP candidates, but I would vote for any of them over a criminal like Hillary.
Yanno if you sit down and squint, and hold your breath, and grunt really hard, you might be able to get a brain cell to kick into action and figure out that "Liberal" is not necessarily the same thing as "Hillary Clinton supporter". I know blanket statements are just so much easier because they involve no brain sweat but .... just a thought.

The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

I swear some of Trump supporters are living proof that they can be dumber than a Albino Chimp with down syndrome!
OP is "dopey" (Trump phrase ;) )
The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

So you want to pretend that you are above the fray by withholding your vote? What an admirable evasion of personal responsibility for your political beliefs. :clap:

Withholding my vote?

I have been told by both the left and right for years now that if I do not vote for their candidate then I am wasting my vote or withholding it according to you.

No, here in America I have the right to support the Candidate I feel that would be best suited to do the job, and should not be told by some simple minded individual that my vote is wasted because I did not vote for their candidate.

I am not questioning your rights, only your willingness to take responsibility for your political beliefs. Have you ever voted for a successful candidate? If so, which one?

P.S. I am not opposing the secret ballot (if you are planning to go off on that tangent).

Reagan twice.

George H.W. Bush

Sometimes I vote for the GOP candidate when it is someone I believe can handle the job and if not third party vote.

Also if you believe that supporting Trump is going to win a National Election when you have him pissing off the Hispanic, African American, and Jewish vote, well he is not.

The Hispanic vote alone could sink the GOP this coming election because Texas is a Minority-Majority state and the white population is lower than the combined amount of minorities within the state and the second largest population is the Hispanic community and combined with the African American community they outnumber the white vote, and if the Democrat base with Clinton money behind them could swing this state blue in the Presidential Election.

I have not even touched on the Muslim population within the borders of this nation that will also vote against him and you can not suspend their vote so you have a good majority of the minority community that will not support him, so how will he win?

You have to have a certain amount of their votes to carry certain states in the Electoral College, and this is where Trump supporters are failing to understand...

Trump's electability is a separate, but legitimate question. I think the 2016 Presidential election will be decided by three main issues, in descending order: 1) national security; 2) a referendum on Obama/Clinton; and 3) the economy. Unfortunately, the longer term issues of debt, deficits and the size/overreach of the federal government are receding from the public consciousness.

For the record, I have voted straight Republican with the exception of Perot in 1992. (I correctly predicted that Clinton's election would lead to a GOP Congress in 1994.) I fault Bush 43 for not addressing the housing bubble and mishandling the Iraq war. Dole and especially McCain were simply the lesser of evils (I didn't vote for either in the Primaries). I am undecided about the current GOP candidates, but I would vote for any of them over a criminal like Hillary.

That is your choice and I support your right.

Trump words will alienate too many minorities and states that are red to purple could swing the way of blue if he is the GOP candidate because of their massive amount of minorities within their border and Texas is one.

The Economy is a disaster to me, and national security is a joke but the reality is I will be killed by someone like Adam Lanza before some nutter from Syria.

Obama has been a disaster and I am sorry he ever got elected.

Trump will hand the Presidential Election to Clinton with a smile on his face...
So you want to pretend that you are above the fray by withholding your vote? What an admirable evasion of personal responsibility for your political beliefs. :clap:

Withholding my vote?

I have been told by both the left and right for years now that if I do not vote for their candidate then I am wasting my vote or withholding it according to you.

No, here in America I have the right to support the Candidate I feel that would be best suited to do the job, and should not be told by some simple minded individual that my vote is wasted because I did not vote for their candidate.

I am not questioning your rights, only your willingness to take responsibility for your political beliefs. Have you ever voted for a successful candidate? If so, which one?

P.S. I am not opposing the secret ballot (if you are planning to go off on that tangent).

Reagan twice.

George H.W. Bush

Sometimes I vote for the GOP candidate when it is someone I believe can handle the job and if not third party vote.

Also if you believe that supporting Trump is going to win a National Election when you have him pissing off the Hispanic, African American, and Jewish vote, well he is not.

The Hispanic vote alone could sink the GOP this coming election because Texas is a Minority-Majority state and the white population is lower than the combined amount of minorities within the state and the second largest population is the Hispanic community and combined with the African American community they outnumber the white vote, and if the Democrat base with Clinton money behind them could swing this state blue in the Presidential Election.

I have not even touched on the Muslim population within the borders of this nation that will also vote against him and you can not suspend their vote so you have a good majority of the minority community that will not support him, so how will he win?

You have to have a certain amount of their votes to carry certain states in the Electoral College, and this is where Trump supporters are failing to understand...

Trump's electability is a separate, but legitimate question. I think the 2016 Presidential election will be decided by three main issues, in descending order: 1) national security; 2) a referendum on Obama/Clinton; and 3) the economy. Unfortunately, the longer term issues of debt, deficits and the size/overreach of the federal government are receding from the public consciousness.

For the record, I have voted straight Republican with the exception of Perot in 1992. (I correctly predicted that Clinton's election would lead to a GOP Congress in 1994.) I fault Bush 43 for not addressing the housing bubble and mishandling the Iraq war. Dole and especially McCain were simply the lesser of evils (I didn't vote for either in the Primaries). I am undecided about the current GOP candidates, but I would vote for any of them over a criminal like Hillary.

That is your choice and I support your right.

Trump words will alienate too many minorities and states that are red to purple could swing the way of blue if he is the GOP candidate because of their massive amount of minorities within their border and Texas is one.

The Economy is a disaster to me, and national security is a joke but the reality is I will be killed by someone like Adam Lanza before some nutter from Syria.

Obama has been a disaster and I am sorry he ever got elected.

Trump will hand the Presidential Election to Clinton with a smile on his face...

Republicans Need to Get Real About the 2016 Elections
Discussion in 'Election Forums' started by jwoodie, Oct 13, 2015.
Yanno if you sit down and squint, and hold your breath, and grunt really hard, you might be able to get a brain cell to kick into action and figure out that "Liberal" is not necessarily the same thing as "Hillary Clinton supporter". I know blanket statements are just so much easier because they involve no brain sweat but .... just a thought.

The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

I swear some of Trump supporters are living proof that they can be dumber than a Albino Chimp with down syndrome!

Judging by the avatar the poster may not have been born yet, so that would explain the limited intellect.
It's rampant on this board, this binary thinking that sees only two possibilities and if you're not in "my" camp, then you must be in the only other one I can see. Then they want to blame everybody else for the fact that they're not bothering to look any deeper than their own tiny little vision. :rolleyes:

What horse shit this is.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.

Lay down your case....provide Hillary's exact proposal and over how many years and we can discuss the merits

apparently that won't ever happen. Just another whining RW'r pay no attention.
Democrats understand they're running the most despicable corrupt candidate in the race. So they have to desperately try to make others look worse. Hence all the hateful smear campaigns.

They can't defend Hillary Clinton. They knew she's a corrupt lying asshole. So expect lots more petty smear campaigns. It is what it is.

The clowns on the right are smearing themselves. If they are embarrassed to have their stupid ideas and remarks discussed, then they need to quit saying them.
Yanno if you sit down and squint, and hold your breath, and grunt really hard, you might be able to get a brain cell to kick into action and figure out that "Liberal" is not necessarily the same thing as "Hillary Clinton supporter". I know blanket statements are just so much easier because they involve no brain sweat but .... just a thought.

The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

I swear some of Trump supporters are living proof that they can be dumber than a Albino Chimp with down syndrome!

Judging by the avatar the poster may not have been born yet, so that would explain the limited intellect.
It's rampant on this board, this binary thinking that sees only two possibilities and if you're not in "my" camp, then you must be in the only other one I can see. Then they want to blame everybody else for the fact that they're not bothering to look any deeper than their own tiny little vision. :rolleyes:

Ok, lovely, we get your point --- i.e., even if Hillary wants to spend two million on programs does not mean you are in favor of it just because you are far more liberal than conservative on most social, moral or political matters. Got it. Big deal.

You would still vote for her over any republican, or wouldn't you?
In other words, a huge deficit is not a major issue for you or for those who will vote for Hillary. And that was his point about the careless and misguided Hillary fans.
Democrats understand they're running the most despicable corrupt candidate in the race. So they have to desperately try to make others look worse. Hence all the hateful smear campaigns.

They can't defend Hillary Clinton. They knew she's a corrupt lying asshole. So expect lots more petty smear campaigns. It is what it is.

The clowns on the right are smearing themselves. If they are embarrassed to have their stupid ideas and remarks discussed, then they need to quit saying them.

Says the far left drone with a clown avatar!
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.

what 2 trillion ?

need a link or a crystal ball ..

So you openly admit that you have absolutely zero idea of what your own Party's leading contender proposes. Pathetic.
OP- Of course that spending is over many years and is for for programs (training, education, infrastructure etc) that will make our economy a helluva lot more prosperous, brainwashed shortsighted functional MORON lol. Your greedy idiot billionaire heroes/brainwashers have been turning us into a banana republic oligarchy for thirty years now...Any money won't be coming from you (as the GOP has done, fool) but from the bloated rich and giant corps who've been getting away with murder under Raygun tax rates for 30 years...

Link?? She was part of the Administration in power for the last seven years. Where's all the infrastructure, training, etc.? Oh, I forgot all those "shovel ready jobs" and the failed bankrupted Solendra types of companies that the Administration wasted so much taxpayer money on.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.

Lay down your case....provide Hillary's exact proposal and over how many years and we can discuss the merits

She's YOUR poster girl. Get off trashing the Republican candidates and research and become informed about the policies your own candidate is proposing. You're pathetic.
While your bought off party plans to continue screwing the nonrich and pander to greedy idiot billionaires and giant corps....Pub dupes, everything you know is lies and bs- but thanks for 9/11 thru sheer incompetence, the stupidest wars ever, the corrupt world depression, and 7 years of mindless obstruction, functional morons.

A plan to raise American incomes
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.

Why don't you detail that spending proposal.

Why don't you simply try to see what your own candidate proposes since you are obviously so informed concerning Trump and Carson?
Yanno if you sit down and squint, and hold your breath, and grunt really hard, you might be able to get a brain cell to kick into action and figure out that "Liberal" is not necessarily the same thing as "Hillary Clinton supporter". I know blanket statements are just so much easier because they involve no brain sweat but .... just a thought.

The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

I swear some of Trump supporters are living proof that they can be dumber than a Albino Chimp with down syndrome!

Judging by the avatar the poster may not have been born yet, so that would explain the limited intellect.
It's rampant on this board, this binary thinking that sees only two possibilities and if you're not in "my" camp, then you must be in the only other one I can see. Then they want to blame everybody else for the fact that they're not bothering to look any deeper than their own tiny little vision. :rolleyes:

Ok, lovely, we get your point --- i.e., even if Hillary wants to spend two million on programs does not mean you are in favor of it just because you are far more liberal than conservative on most social, moral or political matters. Got it. Big deal.

You would still vote for her over any republican, or wouldn't you?
In other words, a huge deficit is not a major issue for you or for those who will vote for Hillary. And that was his point about the careless and misguided Hillary fans.

The deficit has dropped drastically since Obama has been in office. The drastic increase in his first year was caused by the previous president's actions.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.

I am not sure how she proposes to do it but apparently it has something to do with getting rid of hate and increasing love.

There are only two ways she can accomplish it. (1) raise taxes on everyone including the middle class, or (2) Borrow the money and increase the national debt by $2 Trillion. There simply are no other ways to accomplish it.

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