The Cowardly Liberals on USMB

Well now that you destroyed our financial markets which would severely impact our economy, moved millions of jobs overseas, told our foreign terrorist enemies not to deal us in on anything (including nuclear Iran) how do you suppose we will pay the new debt with much less tax money?
No one is going to stop trading over a 0.003% tax on each traded share. That's just ridiculous. And capital gains has nothing to do with job creation. All the money I would save from halving the defense budget, could be used for infrastructure projects.

And bringing all our troops home, will stop the creation of terrorism all over the world. Because terrorism is created by this bullshit neocon foreign policy.

And lastly, unless you can pony up the smoking gun showing Iran has weaponized its nuclear program, you need to shut your fucking mouth!

Well........we did bring the troops home, remember? Then ISIS took over Iraq and now we have a bigger problem.

You do know that many of us have our retirement in the market, don't you? And I'm sure you also know that when people buy stock, they buy part of a company. The company then has money to spend such as expanding their business which in turn causes employment, don't you? And when people make profits from the market, they also pay taxes on those profits. When people decide the market is not profitable enough due to taxation, they find other investments....sometimes overseas.

So what was the Iran deal? It's a deal where Iran is allowed to make nuclear weapons, just not on DumBama's watch. And when they do, what threat will we be when we are no longer friends with Israel and have half the military strength?
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
I'm a liberal, but I ain't no coward. I'll tell you exactly how to fund her spending.

  1. Raise capital gains tax to 25%
  2. Raise tax on dividends to 25%
  3. Submit a bill to Congress for a Financial Transactions Tax for every share traded on Wall Street
  4. Cut the defense budget in half
  5. Close all the over 800 bases around the world
  6. End the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and all the countries in Africa
  7. End the drone program
  8. End all welfare payments to Israel

That ought to do it.

BTW, I'm not going to vote for Hillary.

That should send the economy right into the toilet. Then how will you fund it?
Well........we did bring the troops home, remember?
Then why does Iraq want out of the SOFA agreement? Why do we still have that huge embassy there? The truth is, we never should have been in Iraq in the first place. Us going into Iraq was no different than the Germans going into Poland.

Now the Iraqis want us out and the Russians in.

Then ISIS took over Iraq and now we have a bigger problem.
ISIS is a CIA creation and is funded by the US government.

You do know that many of us have our retirement in the market, don't you? And I'm sure you also know that when people buy stock, they buy part of a company.
Yeah and the tax on that stock dividend, should be the same as what the rest of us pays.

The company then has money to spend such as expanding their business which in turn causes employment, don't you?
Businesses don't expand until demand increases. And demand doesn't increase until consumer spending increases. Consumer spending is 70% of the economy. It doesn't care if its a public dollar, or a private one, all that matters is spending occurs.

And when people make profits from the market, they also pay taxes on those profits. When people decide the market is not profitable enough due to taxation, they find other investments....sometimes overseas.
Corporations already off-shore a lot of their profits to avoid paying taxes in this country. We need to close those loop holes allowing them to do that and offer tax incentives for company's wanting to do business in the United States.

So what was the Iran deal? It's a deal where Iran is allowed to make nuclear weapons, just not on DumBama's watch. And when they do, what threat will we be when we are no longer friends with Israel and have half the military strength?
Listen, you're getting ahead of yourself. We can't even have this conversation. No one has proven their nuclear program has been weaponized. Until someone does, their nuclear program is for peaceful energy use, which they have every right to have.

But I'll tell you this, any country smart enough to build "the bomb", is also smart enough to know, that if they use that "bomb", their country will glow in the dark. I'm sure we can guarantee that.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
I'm a liberal, but I ain't no coward. I'll tell you exactly how to fund her spending.

  1. Raise capital gains tax to 25%
  2. Raise tax on dividends to 25%
  3. Submit a bill to Congress for a Financial Transactions Tax for every share traded on Wall Street
  4. Cut the defense budget in half
  5. Close all the over 800 bases around the world
  6. End the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and all the countries in Africa
  7. End the drone program
  8. End all welfare payments to Israel

That ought to do it.

BTW, I'm not going to vote for Hillary.

Well now that you destroyed our financial markets which would severely impact our economy, moved millions of jobs overseas, told our foreign terrorist enemies not to deal us in on anything (including nuclear Iran) how do you suppose we will pay the new debt with much less tax money?
While I can't say I agree with the previous posters plans, the truth is Republicans helped move millions of jobs overseas from 2001 to 2008 under Bush. They helped close more than 40,000 factories. Told our foreign terrorists enemies to "bring it on". When Republicans invaded Iraq, Iran had zero centrifuges. At the end of Bush's term, Iran had over 6,000. While fighting two wars, Bush cut taxes by trillions.
Why we continue to listen to suggestions from the GOP, I'll never know.
While I can't say I agree with the previous posters plans...
What are you talking about, my plans are kick-ass!

That's okay. This is just another example of how liberals are not afraid to disagree with each other. How many times do you see conservatives do that?
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
I just like Hillary
That should send the economy right into the toilet. Then how will you fund it?
No actually, my plan would create so much revenue and boom to the economy, that we could pay down the entire deficit and provide free healthcare to everyone in the country.

How would raising taxes "boom the economy?"

Are you telling me our economy didn't boom from the 1940's through around 1970??? The reason for this is government invested huge sums of resources ino our country with paving the highways, funding r&d at over 70% of all funding for new innovations and pumping huge amount of funding into science.

The rich paid their fair share and our economy kicked ass!

What do we have today? Oh'yess, our anti-trust laws are shit on by the rich as they merge into massive corporations that cheat our country and destroy small business all around!!! Our roads are turning to shit, our ability to innovate and discover is at its lowest rate in the last 120 years. Yep, those huge tax breaks really are so good for America.

Look in the mirror.
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That should send the economy right into the toilet. Then how will you fund it?
No actually, my plan would create so much revenue and boom to the economy, that we could pay down the entire deficit and provide free healthcare to everyone in the country.

How would raising taxes "boom the economy?"

Are you telling me our economy didn't boom from the 1940's through around 1970??? The reason for this is government invested huge sums of resources ino our country with paving the highways, funding r&d at over 70% of all funding for new innovations and pumping huge amount of funding into science.

We had those same high tax rates all throught the 1930s, so why didn't the economy boom then? There seems to be a flaw in your post hoc, ergo propter hoc "logic." The economy boomed after the war because Congress dropped all the price controls and government interference the reigned all through the 30s and during the war. There's also the fact that the rest of the world had just been bombed into the stone age. We had no competitors in a number of major industries like aircraft, computers, heavy equipment, etc., Notice that you said it boomed through 1970, not 1980. We had those same high tax rates in the 1970s. Why didn't the economy boom then as well?

The rich paid their fair share and our economy kicked ass!

The rich pay more now than they did in the 1960s.

What do we have today? Oh'yess, our anti-trust laws are shit on by the rich as they merge into massive corporations that cheat our country and destroy small business all around!!! Our roads are turning to shit, our ability to innovate and discover is at its lowest rate in the last 120 years. Yep, those huge tax breaks really are so good for America.

Look in the mirror.

The anti-trust laws haven't changed, so whose to blame if they aren't being enforced? How do corporations "cheat the country?" Our ability to innovate is as good as ever. You've heard of PCs, cell phones, flat screen televisions and super computers, haven't you? Have you heard of fracking? Have you heard of the internet?

Neither you or Mr. Oreailly have explained how higher taxes benefit the economy.
How would raising taxes "boom the economy?"
More revenue for the government. The more money the government has, the more they can pump that money back into the systems via construction and infrastructure projects. Nothing has a bigger and more immediate impact on the economy than construction projects.

And that puts people back to work. Who spend that money they earned. Which drives up demand. And when demand is up, the private sector kicks in and starts investing again.

That's how.
How would raising taxes "boom the economy?"
More revenue for the government. The more money the government has, the more they can pump that money back into the systems via construction and infrastructure projects. Nothing has a bigger and more immediate impact on the economy than construction projects.

And that puts people back to work. Who spend that money they earned. Which drives up demand. And when demand is up, the private sector kicks in and starts investing again.

That's how.

It seems to me you know nothing about the economy.

You can't initiate a good economy by funding one small sector of it. To move the economy, money has to be widespread and not contained. Example: when did our economy show some real movement? It was after fuel prices began to fall. When fuel prices fall, EVERYBODY has more money and everybody spends, saves, pays off bills or invests.

Depending on how far you and your family drive, how large of a home you have to heat, people had an extra $100.00, $200.00 and even $300.00 a month. That's not a few dollars. That's money that makes the economy move.

Secondly is that all constructions jobs are temporary. Trust me, I'm from a construction family. When the job is complete, everybody goes home, so those infrastructure jobs are temporary and have no sustainability.

Next of course is the fact that government jobs don't have a domino effect. Why? Because the government doesn't create profit. Government doesn't create any sellable products or services.
While I can't say I agree with the previous posters plans...
What are you talking about, my plans are kick-ass!

That's okay. This is just another example of how liberals are not afraid to disagree with each other. How many times do you see conservatives do that?

You don't pay attention to politics do you? What party is united and what party is divided?

The Democrat debates were boring, why, because they all think alike. The first debate was mostly about who could create the larger welfare state. They all agreed.

Look at this forum, what do you see? You see half of the topics about Trump alone. The Republicans are very critical of each other between the Establishment and the Tea Party types. We disagree with each other ten times more than Democrats ever would.
I have repeatedly invited the cowardly Liberals on USMB to explain how their leading candidate, Hillary Clinton proposes to pay for her $2 Trillion dollars in additional spending. I can not get a single cowardly Liberal to respond. It appears all the cowardly Liberals on USMB care to engage in are cheap little smear campaigns against whoever the leading candidate of the Republican Party happens to be at any particular moment. This truth can be readily seen by the number of posts attacking Donald Trump that are currently running on the Board.

One should rightfully expect that the Liberals on USMB, even though cowards, might at least exhibit the class enough to shout the praises of their leading contender and the virtues of her $2 Trillion in new spending and explain to us just exactly how she intends to fund this new and additional expenditures.

Once again, I invite you Liberals to show your class and defend your own candidate instead of simply continuing your impotent little nonsensical smear campaigns against the opposition party candidates.
I'm a liberal, but I ain't no coward. I'll tell you exactly how to fund her spending.

  1. Raise capital gains tax to 25%
  2. Raise tax on dividends to 25%
  3. Submit a bill to Congress for a Financial Transactions Tax for every share traded on Wall Street
  4. Cut the defense budget in half
  5. Close all the over 800 bases around the world
  6. End the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and all the countries in Africa
  7. End the drone program
  8. End all welfare payments to Israel

That ought to do it.

BTW, I'm not going to vote for Hillary.

Well now that you destroyed our financial markets which would severely impact our economy, moved millions of jobs overseas, told our foreign terrorist enemies not to deal us in on anything (including nuclear Iran) how do you suppose we will pay the new debt with much less tax money?
While I can't say I agree with the previous posters plans, the truth is Republicans helped move millions of jobs overseas from 2001 to 2008 under Bush. They helped close more than 40,000 factories. Told our foreign terrorists enemies to "bring it on". When Republicans invaded Iraq, Iran had zero centrifuges. At the end of Bush's term, Iran had over 6,000. While fighting two wars, Bush cut taxes by trillions.
Why we continue to listen to suggestions from the GOP, I'll never know.

How did Republicans move jobs overseas? You on the left keep harping on that yet never been able to prove it. And before you say tax-breaks, I will warn you ahead of time I have my FactCheck folder right here and know exactly where the article is on those phony tax break claims.
Well........we did bring the troops home, remember?
Then why does Iraq want out of the SOFA agreement? Why do we still have that huge embassy there? The truth is, we never should have been in Iraq in the first place. Us going into Iraq was no different than the Germans going into Poland.

Now the Iraqis want us out and the Russians in.

Then ISIS took over Iraq and now we have a bigger problem.
ISIS is a CIA creation and is funded by the US government.

You do know that many of us have our retirement in the market, don't you? And I'm sure you also know that when people buy stock, they buy part of a company.
Yeah and the tax on that stock dividend, should be the same as what the rest of us pays.

The company then has money to spend such as expanding their business which in turn causes employment, don't you?
Businesses don't expand until demand increases. And demand doesn't increase until consumer spending increases. Consumer spending is 70% of the economy. It doesn't care if its a public dollar, or a private one, all that matters is spending occurs.

And when people make profits from the market, they also pay taxes on those profits. When people decide the market is not profitable enough due to taxation, they find other investments....sometimes overseas.
Corporations already off-shore a lot of their profits to avoid paying taxes in this country. We need to close those loop holes allowing them to do that and offer tax incentives for company's wanting to do business in the United States.

So what was the Iran deal? It's a deal where Iran is allowed to make nuclear weapons, just not on DumBama's watch. And when they do, what threat will we be when we are no longer friends with Israel and have half the military strength?
Listen, you're getting ahead of yourself. We can't even have this conversation. No one has proven their nuclear program has been weaponized. Until someone does, their nuclear program is for peaceful energy use, which they have every right to have.

But I'll tell you this, any country smart enough to build "the bomb", is also smart enough to know, that if they use that "bomb", their country will glow in the dark. I'm sure we can guarantee that.

You don't seem to realize that Iran is run by a bunch of kooks. They believe in the end of the world by their doing because it's their religious doctrine. Allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons would be like giving murderers in a prison guns. They have this theory that by destroying Israel, it will release the Seventh Imam. These people are nuts.

Nuclear weapons are not about how many people have them, but who has them.

First you say we need to tax businesses more and then say we need tax incentives to encourage investment by businesses. Which is it? You can't have it both ways. Why do you think we keep capital gains taxes lower? Because we want to encourage investment. Increasing taxes discourages investment.
Yanno if you sit down and squint, and hold your breath, and grunt really hard, you might be able to get a brain cell to kick into action and figure out that "Liberal" is not necessarily the same thing as "Hillary Clinton supporter". I know blanket statements are just so much easier because they involve no brain sweat but .... just a thought.

The ignorant OP'er ask me the same stupid question, and I have pointed out countless of time I am not supporting Hillary Clinton and I am voting third party if Trump or Cruz are the GOP candidate, and yet to the OP'er claim I am a Liberal supporter of Hillary Clinton.

I swear some of Trump supporters are living proof that they can be dumber than a Albino Chimp with down syndrome!

Judging by the avatar the poster may not have been born yet, so that would explain the limited intellect.
It's rampant on this board, this binary thinking that sees only two possibilities and if you're not in "my" camp, then you must be in the only other one I can see. Then they want to blame everybody else for the fact that they're not bothering to look any deeper than their own tiny little vision. :rolleyes:

Hillary is the slam dunk Democrat candidate and all liberals with very few exceptions will vote for her. End of story.
Democrats understand they're running the most despicable corrupt candidate in the race. So they have to desperately try to make others look worse. Hence all the hateful smear campaigns.

They can't defend Hillary Clinton. They knew she's a corrupt lying asshole. So expect lots more petty smear campaigns. It is what it is.

"a corrupt lying asshole" You must be a Hillary supporter, posting her good points.

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