The creationists are BACK

A little background. We have had many school boards in Georgia cave in to the religous whackos in the last decade over putting labels on all Biology books concerning evolution.
"Evolution is a theory only and there are other theories that are in the scientific community concerning the origins of life" type BS was on all Biology in many school districts.
I know, this stuff is so crazy but remember we are in Georgia where folks would believe the Spaghetti Monster is to be worshipped first and foremost if their preacher or Republican representative told them so. Science be damned.
Well sports fans, the creationists are backagain under the disguise of "intelligent design" claiming that there beliefs are science.
Now anyone with just a high school education knows full well, yet many will not publicly admit it because of worrying about getting the business in Sunday school, that creationism and intelligent design is not science but they keep plowing forward even if it is with a one legged mule after the Dover Pa. case.
Yesterday our Governor Sonny "Doesn't" Perdue announced that he, and his power house Republican buddies in the Legislature, want to make the State School Superintendent an appointed position. The religous right is behind it. Evolution is and has been their main target.
More to come folks.

Amazing really I believe in in neither of the two dogma's for one very simple reason neither of you can prove the existence or the lack of evidence of the others belief.

Its all conjecture and theory. The very same can be and is being said of the Big Bang Theory. Both are theory's neither can be proven one way or the other.

Until there is some sort of proof you're both idiot's

Actually, once again you are wrong.

Several of those 'theory's' have been tested and proven to be correct - not all however.

Creationism is based purely on faith. Nothing more. There is no empherical or iota of evidence that a god created the Earth/Universe or whatever...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a creationist in the true sense of the word but there is no empirical evidence to support evolution. There is observable phenomenon and interpretation of said phenomenon which frequently is based on earlier interpretations.
I base this on the pure following of the scientific method not the bent and stretched versions.
so are you gonna continue to ignore that fact the supreme court has ruled you cant teach creationism in school? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

and rights are determined by the Constitution. the constitution is interpreted by the supreme court. and the supreme court has ruled that everyone has a right to an education. so you are correct in that the fed didnt make the decision. but the supreme court has ruled on it. apparently you are a failure of that education system.

Education is not a right. Health care is not a right.

You lost the argument when you said this: "apparently you are a failure of that education system."

Looks like you ran out of talking points and had to resort to a personal insult. That makes you a loser.

just because you fail to accept them as rights doesnt mean they arent rights. they have been rules to be rights by the courts.

you probably think freedom of speech isnt a right, nor is the right to privacy, or the right to choose. yet all of these things have been determined to be rights. :cuckoo:

Government does not give you freedom of speech. The Constitution says government cannnot restrict your speech. If government cannot prohibit it then government doesn't give it. If government gives you a right then government can take it away. You can't take away my freedom of speech or religion because you didn't give it to me. It is my right, not yours or governments to give. I was born with it.
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[Gravity is a 100% proven theory that has been scientifically verified and can be repeated.

The so called pseudo theory of evolution has not been proven, nor is it a verifiable fact that can be repeated in the lab..

Certainly, creationism has not been proven in a lab, but rather it comes from folk tales.
I believe that God made the world, the universe, the galaxy, etc. But I do not care what they teach in school Evolution wise.

I am more concerned with the efficiency the teachers are teaching.

Really? It would concern me if they were efficiently treating something false.
This is stupid. You do realize that most of us so called "creationists" accept both creation and the theory of evolution?

And a final question... can you tell us what caused the "big bang"? I know I can't, but I know what I believe.

You're assuming the big band had a cause.

Also, if you believe God sparked evolution, that would make you a theistic evolutionist.

Someone should have informed Einstein himself about this...

"I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist."
Einstein was a pretty smart guy and he said there was an intelligence to the universe.

Einstein was an atheist...

Was Einstein an Atheist? « The Latest News and Opinion on Intelligent Design and Creationism
Great Minds: Atheist Quotes

From a correspondence between Ensign Guy H. Raner and Albert Einstein in 1945 and 1949. Einstein responds to the accusation that he was converted by a Jesuit priest: "I have never talked to a Jesuit prest in my life. I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist." "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one.You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from religious indoctrination received in youth." Freethought Today, November 2004

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." From a letter Einstein wrote in English, dated 24 March 1954. It is included in Albert Einstein: The

"Thus I a deep religiosity, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached a conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true....Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this attitude which has never left me." The Quotable Einstein
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Why would the concept of creationism bother libs so much when (mandatory?) muslem studies teach jihad craziness as well as racism and sexism? Libs are amused when grade school kids are taught about sodomy and masturbation but they are shocked, I say shocked that creationsim might be mentioned. Go figure.

Someone should have informed Einstein himself about this...

"I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist."

Where is the link?
Great Minds: Atheist Quotes

From a correspondence between Ensign Guy H. Raner and Albert Einstein in 1945 and 1949. Einstein responds to the accusation that he was converted by a Jesuit priest: "I have never talked to a Jesuit prest in my life. I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist." "I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one.You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from religious indoctrination received in youth." Freethought Today, November 2004

"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." From a letter Einstein wrote in English, dated 24 March 1954. It is included in Albert Einstein: The

"Thus I a deep religiosity, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of 12. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached a conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true....Suspicion against every kind of authority grew out of this attitude which has never left me." The Quotable Einstein

In a 1930 essay entitled "What I Believe," Einstein wrote:
To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is something that our minds cannot grasp, whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly: this is religiousness. In this sense, and in this sense only, I am a devoutly religious man (ibid. 47).
He also made the following statement in an essay entitled "The Religiousness of Science," which appeared in a collection of his essays published in English under the title "The World As I See It":
The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation....His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an INTELLIGENCE of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection. This feeling is the guiding principle of his life and work, in so far as he succeeds in keeping himself from the shackles of selfish desire (Updike 2007: 77 [emphasis added]). These statements are highly significant, considering that no scientist of any worth would dismiss Einstein as superstitious or unscientific. Moreover, the above quotes can't be dismissed as the product of a religious bias on Einstein's part, because, except for a brief period of "deep religiousness" when he was twelve, Einstein rejected organized religion (ibid.).

Einstein and Intelligent Design
Why would the concept of creationism bother libs so much when (mandatory?) muslem studies teach jihad craziness as well as racism and sexism? Libs are amused when grade school kids are taught about sodomy and masturbation but they are shocked, I say shocked that creationsim might be mentioned. Go figure.

The far left hates God. If it wasn't for those damn Christians and Jews, they would have their uptopia.
Why would the concept of creationism bother libs so much when (mandatory?) muslem studies teach jihad craziness as well as racism and sexism? Libs are amused when grade school kids are taught about sodomy and masturbation but they are shocked, I say shocked that creationsim might be mentioned. Go figure.

The far left hates God. If it wasn't for those damn Christians and Jews, they would have their uptopia.

I'm pretty hard core conservative and I fuckin hate all this religious crap. I actually avoid people that are active "god believers" if I can. Religious nuts attached themselves to a party and can't grasp the concept that Religion has no place in how Government works.

This is where they claim "morals!" Yes, because without God I can't have morals... I like it when soldiers say they believe in God then go kill people in other countries, I'm sure God appreciates their hard work.

Lets keep fighting about how to get more God involved in schools for the reason of, well who the fuck knows....
Why would the concept of creationism bother libs so much when (mandatory?) muslem studies teach jihad craziness as well as racism and sexism? Libs are amused when grade school kids are taught about sodomy and masturbation but they are shocked, I say shocked that creationsim might be mentioned. Go figure.

The far left hates God. If it wasn't for those damn Christians and Jews, they would have their uptopia.

I'm pretty hard core conservative and I fuckin hate all this religious crap. I actually avoid people that are active "god believers" if I can. Religious nuts attached themselves to a party and can't grasp the concept that Religion has no place in how Government works.

This is where they claim "morals!" Yes, because without God I can't have morals... I like it when soldiers say they believe in God then go kill people in other countries, I'm sure God appreciates their hard work.

Lets keep fighting about how to get more God involved in schools for the reason of, well who the fuck knows....

You would have avoided the founding fathers?
Well played. Well played indeed.


Someone should have informed Einstein himself about this...

"I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist."

Where is the link?
Here's your link.
Great Minds: Atheist Quotes
The far left hates God. If it wasn't for those damn Christians and Jews, they would have their uptopia.

I'm pretty hard core conservative and I fuckin hate all this religious crap. I actually avoid people that are active "god believers" if I can. Religious nuts attached themselves to a party and can't grasp the concept that Religion has no place in how Government works.

This is where they claim "morals!" Yes, because without God I can't have morals... I like it when soldiers say they believe in God then go kill people in other countries, I'm sure God appreciates their hard work.

Lets keep fighting about how to get more God involved in schools for the reason of, well who the fuck knows....

You would have avoided the founding fathers?

If they were active religious nuts yes, but from what I know, they were not... Some people just want them to be.

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