The creationists are BACK

I'm pretty hard core conservative and I fuckin hate all this religious crap. I actually avoid people that are active "god believers" if I can. Religious nuts attached themselves to a party and can't grasp the concept that Religion has no place in how Government works.

This is where they claim "morals!" Yes, because without God I can't have morals... I like it when soldiers say they believe in God then go kill people in other countries, I'm sure God appreciates their hard work.

Lets keep fighting about how to get more God involved in schools for the reason of, well who the fuck knows....

You would have avoided the founding fathers?

If they were active religious nuts yes, but from what I know, they were not... Some people just want them to be.

George Washington was kinda nutty. When he took his oath of office he grabbed a bible to take his oath on.
Someone should have informed Einstein himself about this...

"I received your letter of June 10th. I have never talked to a Jesuit priest in my life and I am astonished by the audacity to tell such lies about me. From the viewpoint of a Jesuit priest I am, of course, and have always been an atheist."

Where is the link?
Here's your link.
Great Minds: Atheist Quotes

Touche. Although, I find this quote to be telling:
"I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one.You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from religious indoctrination received in youth."

Being an atheist--one who knows for sure there's no god--is a lot different than being an agnostic--one who admits he does not know one way or the other.

This is why I wouldn't object to teaching creationism in public school. As long as it was taught as the belief that it is, and not as scientific fact--or religious truth.

Besides, we all know the real God left town a long time ago when TV was invented. How could he compete?
edit: along?
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The far left hates God. If it wasn't for those damn Christians and Jews, they would have their uptopia.

I'm pretty hard core conservative and I fuckin hate all this religious crap. I actually avoid people that are active "god believers" if I can. Religious nuts attached themselves to a party and can't grasp the concept that Religion has no place in how Government works.

This is where they claim "morals!" Yes, because without God I can't have morals... I like it when soldiers say they believe in God then go kill people in other countries, I'm sure God appreciates their hard work.

Lets keep fighting about how to get more God involved in schools for the reason of, well who the fuck knows....

You would have avoided the founding fathers?
Thomas Jefferson and religion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From 1784 to 1786, Jefferson and James Madison worked together to oppose Patrick Henry's attempts to assess general taxes in Virginia to support churches. Instead, in 1786, the Virginia General Assembly passed Jefferson's Bill for Religious Freedom, which he had first submitted in 1779. It was one of only three accomplishments he put in his own epitaph. The law read:
“ No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise diminish, enlarge, or affect their civil capacities.[23] ”
In his 1787 Notes on the State of Virginia, Jefferson stated:
“ Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth... Our sister states of Pennsylvania and New York, however, have long subsisted without any establishment at all. The experiment was new and doubtful when they made it. It has answered beyond conception. They flourish infinitely. Religion is well supported; of various kinds, indeed, but all good enough; all sufficient to preserve peace and order: or if a sect arises, whose tenets would subvert morals, good sense has fair play, and reasons and laughs it out of doors, without suffering the state to be troubled with it. They do not hang more malefactors than we do. They are not more disturbed with religious dissensions. On the contrary, their harmony is unparalleled, and can be ascribed to nothing but their unbounded tolerance, because there is no other circumstance in which they differ from every nation on earth. They have made the happy discovery, that the way to silence religious disputes, is to take no notice of them. Let us too give this experiment fair play, and get rid, while we may, of those tyrannical laws.[24]
Why would the concept of creationism bother libs so much when (mandatory?) muslem studies teach jihad craziness as well as racism and sexism? Libs are amused when grade school kids are taught about sodomy and masturbation but they are shocked, I say shocked that creationsim might be mentioned. Go figure.

I'm not a lib, but I'm one who doesn't want religion taught in science classes.

Science is about facts, scientific theories, and the scientific method. No religion passes any of those tests.

If you want a separate religion class taught, I take no issue with that, as long as all prominent religions are taught.
The far left hates God. If it wasn't for those damn Christians and Jews, they would have their uptopia.

I'm pretty hard core conservative and I fuckin hate all this religious crap. I actually avoid people that are active "god believers" if I can. Religious nuts attached themselves to a party and can't grasp the concept that Religion has no place in how Government works.

This is where they claim "morals!" Yes, because without God I can't have morals... I like it when soldiers say they believe in God then go kill people in other countries, I'm sure God appreciates their hard work.

Lets keep fighting about how to get more God involved in schools for the reason of, well who the fuck knows....

You would have avoided the founding fathers?
"...the number, the industry, and the morality of the priesthood, and the devotion of the people, have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the church from the State - James Madison

"Every new and successful example, therefore, of a perfect separation between the ecclesiastical and civil matters, is of importance; and I have no doubt that every new example will succeed, as every past one has done, in showing that religion and Government will both exist in greater purity the less they are mixed together" - James Madison
You have to laugh at the arguments one of the funnest is the use of Gravity to prove the existence of evolution. Unbeknownst to those using that example is the little fact of they hit upon the best example of how both sides have no proof to support their arguments.

You see life like Gravity which is an observable phenomenon we have no idea how it started or why but we can all see the results. Gravity is the same thing we can see the results but have utterly no idea how or why it happens Its all theory. So saying someone else is wrong because they believe or don't believe is beyond absurd. Your both wrong and both right.
I am a Christian and I don't want Creationism taught in Science Class. I believe in God, I believe he is the Creator.

But that doesn't mean that evolution is wrong. I believe that both are right... in the form of intelligent design. He made the world what it is and left it simmer... much like a pot on a stove. The way I see it is that God has many worlds to tend to... not just ours. As our world "cooked", he kept on Creating.

Who's to say that this world was the first he created? Who's to say it's the last? There are billions upon billions of stars out there. How many of those solar systems are capable of life?

You can't just close the book on curiosity and wonder just because the bible doesn't say so. We may as well still be tilling the earth with wooden plows behind a mule if that's the way Christians are supposed to believe. Yep... that's it. If you are that devout, There is a place for you... the Amish order. Then you can become "Real" Christians.
You have to laugh at the arguments one of the funnest is the use of Gravity to prove the existence of evolution. Unbeknownst to those using that example is the little fact of they hit upon the best example of how both sides have no proof to support their arguments.

You see life like Gravity which is an observable phenomenon we have no idea how it started or why but we can all see the results. Gravity is the same thing we can see the results but have utterly no idea how or why it happens Its all theory. So saying someone else is wrong because they believe or don't believe is beyond absurd. Your both wrong and both right.

The point is... there have been many phenomena that couldn't be explained and were attributed to God... or Gods, depending on the time in History... It was quite vogue to have multiple Gods before monotheistic cultures arose. Most of those phenomena have explanations now.... Comets, eclipses, meteor showers, Earthquakes, etc.

Gravity and evolution are much the same. I personally like the idea of Intelligent design as an answer. I don't believe that God Created the heaven and the Earth in 6 of our Earth Days. I do believe that he created everything by way of intelligent design and left things grow... much like a garden.

Do I want that taught in School as mainstream Science? No... However, in a religious studies class... or in a Social Studies environment? Yes.
You have to laugh at the arguments one of the funnest is the use of Gravity to prove the existence of evolution. Unbeknownst to those using that example is the little fact of they hit upon the best example of how both sides have no proof to support their arguments.

You see life like Gravity which is an observable phenomenon we have no idea how it started or why but we can all see the results. Gravity is the same thing we can see the results but have utterly no idea how or why it happens Its all theory. So saying someone else is wrong because they believe or don't believe is beyond absurd. Your both wrong and both right.

Actually it's a perfect comparison. Gravity and evolution are facts, they both happen, we know that for certain beyond any doubt.

Why or How they happen is where the theory comes in. Theory of gravity, theory of evolution, besides scientific theories are believed to be fact by defintion. There just aren't enough facts yet to call it a scienfitic law.
You have to laugh at the arguments one of the funnest is the use of Gravity to prove the existence of evolution. Unbeknownst to those using that example is the little fact of they hit upon the best example of how both sides have no proof to support their arguments.

You see life like Gravity which is an observable phenomenon we have no idea how it started or why but we can all see the results. Gravity is the same thing we can see the results but have utterly no idea how or why it happens Its all theory. So saying someone else is wrong because they believe or don't believe is beyond absurd. Your both wrong and both right.

Actually it's a perfect comparison. Gravity and evolution are facts, they both happen, we know that for certain beyond any doubt.

Why or How they happen is where the theory comes in. Theory of gravity, theory of evolution, besides scientific theories are believed to be fact by defintion. There just aren't enough facts yet to call it a scienfitic law.

As the old saying goes Science is the assumption of fact when the facts no longer fit the science we change the science to fit the facts.

Creation or Evolution is an argument that will go on forever its an unknowable condition we can assume all we like but I strongly doubt either will be proven in anyone life time.

As far as education goes I feel strongly that both should be taught since neither are provable both are based upon faith.
You have to laugh at the arguments one of the funnest is the use of Gravity to prove the existence of evolution. Unbeknownst to those using that example is the little fact of they hit upon the best example of how both sides have no proof to support their arguments.

You see life like Gravity which is an observable phenomenon we have no idea how it started or why but we can all see the results. Gravity is the same thing we can see the results but have utterly no idea how or why it happens Its all theory. So saying someone else is wrong because they believe or don't believe is beyond absurd. Your both wrong and both right.

Actually it's a perfect comparison. Gravity and evolution are facts, they both happen, we know that for certain beyond any doubt.

Why or How they happen is where the theory comes in. Theory of gravity, theory of evolution, besides scientific theories are believed to be fact by defintion. There just aren't enough facts yet to call it a scienfitic law.

As the old saying goes Science is the assumption of fact when the facts no longer fit the science we change the science to fit the facts.

Creation or Evolution is an argument that will go on forever its an unknowable condition we can assume all we like but I strongly doubt either will be proven in anyone life time.

As far as education goes I feel strongly that both should be taught since neither are provable both are based upon faith.

I think you've got it backwards. Religion is about assumption, science is about fact. You have to assume a lot in order to believe the Bible, even assume things to be true that are totally impossible. Science has to test itself, over and over and over again in a million different ways.

Again, evolution is a fact. There is no doubt in the scientific community that evolution happens, they're way beyond that.

Creationism taught in a religion class is fine, until there's any shred of scientific evidence backing creationism it can't be taught in a science class.
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It's freedom of religion.
Not freedom from religion.
It's a violation of our constitutional rights for the left to try and shut up religious voices.
This is why so many are fed up with it. They want their rights restored.
If they taught adaptation instead of evolution then I think there would be more of a compromise.
It's freedom of religion.
Not freedom from religion.
It's a violation of our constitutional rights for the left to try and shut up religious voices.
This is why so many are fed up with it. They want their rights restored.
If they taught adaptation instead of evolution then I think there would be more of a compromise.

Science is about teaching scientific facts, evolution is a scientific fact, creationism isn't.

I agree on religion though, if a child wants to bring a Bible to school, read it on their free time, pray, wear religious clothes/items, no one should stop them. I also take no issue with a religion class in public schools that teaches students about all the main religions of the world.
Actually it's a perfect comparison. Gravity and evolution are facts, they both happen, we know that for certain beyond any doubt.

Why or How they happen is where the theory comes in. Theory of gravity, theory of evolution, besides scientific theories are believed to be fact by defintion. There just aren't enough facts yet to call it a scienfitic law.

As the old saying goes Science is the assumption of fact when the facts no longer fit the science we change the science to fit the facts.

Creation or Evolution is an argument that will go on forever its an unknowable condition we can assume all we like but I strongly doubt either will be proven in anyone life time.

As far as education goes I feel strongly that both should be taught since neither are provable both are based upon faith.

I think you've got it backwards. Religion is about assumption, science is about fact. You have to assume a lot in order to believe the Bible, even assume things to be true that are totally impossible. Science has to test itself, over and over and over again in a million different ways.

Again, evolution is a fact. There is no doubt in the scientific community that evolution happens, they're way beyond that.

Creationism taught in a religion class is fine, until there's any shred of scientific evidence backing creationism it can't be taught in a science class.

No, evolution is not a fact. Until they find the missing link, evolution is still just a theory.
Actually it's a perfect comparison. Gravity and evolution are facts, they both happen, we know that for certain beyond any doubt.

Why or How they happen is where the theory comes in. Theory of gravity, theory of evolution, besides scientific theories are believed to be fact by defintion. There just aren't enough facts yet to call it a scienfitic law.

As the old saying goes Science is the assumption of fact when the facts no longer fit the science we change the science to fit the facts.

Creation or Evolution is an argument that will go on forever its an unknowable condition we can assume all we like but I strongly doubt either will be proven in anyone life time.

As far as education goes I feel strongly that both should be taught since neither are provable both are based upon faith.

I think you've got it backwards. Religion is about assumption, science is about fact. You have to assume a lot in order to believe the Bible, even assume things are totally impossible. Science has to test itself, over and over and over again in a million different ways.

Again, evolution is a fact. There is no doubt in the scientific community that evolution happens, they're way beyond that.

Creationism taught in a religion class is fine, until there's any shred of scientific evidence backing creationism it can't be taught in a science class.

Again, evolution is a fact
LOL Evolution is a theory as is Creation both are based upon assumptions both claim to be fact's yet neither have any fact's to back them up.

Science sport is not a condition of consensus Evolution has not been proven Evolution is a theory.

You're not paying attention both Creation and Evolution are both wrong and right for the moment this will change when one or the other becomes a proven fact and not just a theory.

As far as Evolution being taught in the Class room it also has not a Shred of Scientific evidence to support its claims, so as far as I can see either both are taught or neither are taught as competing........Pay attention (THEORY'S)
It's freedom of religion.
Not freedom from religion.
It's a violation of our constitutional rights for the left to try and shut up religious voices.
This is why so many are fed up with it. They want their rights restored.
If they taught adaptation instead of evolution then I think there would be more of a compromise.

It's a violation of Constitutional rights for someone to try and put religion in a public school science class. There's going to be no compromise over the wording. Like my high school biology teacher said, "you don't have to believe it, but youy do have to understand it". Good advice for many creationist/IDers. They'd do better, if they understood more about the theory they were disputing, instead of relying on biased right wing religious sites.
It's freedom of religion.
Not freedom from religion.
It's a violation of our constitutional rights for the left to try and shut up religious voices.
This is why so many are fed up with it. They want their rights restored.
If they taught adaptation instead of evolution then I think there would be more of a compromise.

It's a violation of Constitutional rights for someone to try and put religion in a public school science class. There's going to be no compromise over the wording. Like my high school biology teacher said, "you don't have to believe it, but youy do have to understand it". Good advice for many creationist/IDers. They'd do better, if they understood more about the theory they were disputing, instead of relying on biased right wing religious sites.

The Issue idiot has next to nothing to do with Left or Right.
It's freedom of religion.
Not freedom from religion.
It's a violation of our constitutional rights for the left to try and shut up religious voices.
This is why so many are fed up with it. They want their rights restored.
If they taught adaptation instead of evolution then I think there would be more of a compromise.

It's a violation of Constitutional rights for someone to try and put religion in a public school science class. There's going to be no compromise over the wording. Like my high school biology teacher said, "you don't have to believe it, but youy do have to understand it". Good advice for many creationist/IDers. They'd do better, if they understood more about the theory they were disputing, instead of relying on biased right wing religious sites.

Fact: WE have not found the missing link, and untill we do evoulution is still just a theory and should be taught that way, as a theory not a fact.
As the old saying goes Science is the assumption of fact when the facts no longer fit the science we change the science to fit the facts.

Creation or Evolution is an argument that will go on forever its an unknowable condition we can assume all we like but I strongly doubt either will be proven in anyone life time.

As far as education goes I feel strongly that both should be taught since neither are provable both are based upon faith.

I think you've got it backwards. Religion is about assumption, science is about fact. You have to assume a lot in order to believe the Bible, even assume things are totally impossible. Science has to test itself, over and over and over again in a million different ways.

Again, evolution is a fact. There is no doubt in the scientific community that evolution happens, they're way beyond that.

Creationism taught in a religion class is fine, until there's any shred of scientific evidence backing creationism it can't be taught in a science class.

Again, evolution is a fact
LOL Evolution is a theory as is Creation both are based upon assumptions both claim to be fact's yet neither have any fact's to back them up.

Science sport is not a condition of consensus Evolution has not been proven Evolution is a theory.

You're not paying attention both Creation and Evolution are both wrong and right for the moment this will change when one or the other becomes a proven fact and not just a theory.

As far as Evolution being taught in the Class room it also has not a Shred of Scientific evidence to support its claims, so as far as I can see either both are taught or neither are taught as competing........Pay attention (THEORY'S)

Evolution is a fact and a theory. Evolution happening is a fact, just like gravity is a fact, both are observable. And there's also the theory of evolution and gravity, to put it in an overly basic way, they describe how and why evolution and gravity happen.

Evolution has been proven, in many different ways.

Neither evolution or creation have been proven wrong. Evolution has been proven right, creationism is unproven.

If you want to deny the Theory of Evolution and say God has a guiding hand or the Theory of Gravity and say God is shoving everything towards the earth that's fine, but if you deny that evolution or gravity happens you're denying facts, not theories.

If you'd like I can provide links with proof of evolution, but I'm not going to waste time getting them if you won't click on them. Just let me know.
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Evolution is a fact; indeed, it is etched in stone. Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection has been established by proof based upon empirical evidence and verified by genetic experimentation on plants and animals, and overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community. Contrast to this are the claims of "Creationists" paraded as science under the rubric of "Intelligent Design" that is based on the assumption that life was created, which, of necessity, assumes the existence of a "Creator." Such argument is mere speculation and inconsistent with scientific method, for it is nothing more than a presumption that is not evidence, much less proof. The same arguments and challenges to evolution advanced by the proponents of "Intelligent Design" were proved to have no support in the scientific community and ruled to be religious doctrine and not science. See Tammy Kitzmiller, et al. v. Dover Area School District, et al., 400 F.Supp.2d 707 (M.D. Pa. 2005). To posit creationism as a theological explanation is one thing; but to posture it as science is unsupportable if not outright dishonest, and only reflects discredit upon religious belief.

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