The creationists are BACK

Still, if you aren't trying to use it to explain away God, then why on earth do you bring it up every time the topic of creation comes up?

Then whine that it has nothing to do with creation?

I'm not whining, stating a basic fact, evolution has nothing to do with creation.

It's (not all, a certain group) creationists who want basic elementary science like evolution thrown out because of their beliefs. I've never heard a single person who understands evolution want a biology textbook to say "evolution happens so no god exists." Like I said, the opposite is happening, and you know that.

I've even stated repeatedly on this very thread religions should be taught in school, including your religion.

Maybe some of you guys are doing it for budget reasons. I'm sure biology books with one page that says "GOD DID IT. THE END" would be a lot cheaper.
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Again, for the umpteen millionth time, I've never said that evolution has anything to do wtih creation. In fact, I've stated,every time you yahoos introduce it into a convo about creation, that it doesn't.

My question stands unanswered...why do the anti-Creationists bring it up every time there is a discussion about creation?

And why does Gadawg make shit up?
Still, if you aren't trying to use it to explain away God, then why on earth do you bring it up every time the topic of creation comes up?

Then whine that it has nothing to do with creation?

I've even stated repeatedly on this very thread religions should be taught in school, including your religion.
How could that (possibly) be managed....without the direct-participation of the (respective) Clerics????


They've already got their (own) "turf"; void of any and all educators.​
Again, for the umpteen millionth time, I've never said that evolution has anything to do wtih creation. In fact, I've stated,every time you yahoos introduce it into a convo about creation, that it doesn't.

My question stands unanswered...why do the anti-Creationists bring it up every time there is a discussion about creation?

And why does Gadawg make shit up?

Your question is loaded, you're doing the standard AllieBaba invent a scenario in your head, then ask questions about it as if anyone knows what you're talking about.

It's the minority group of creationists who think evolution is a plot against their god, no evolutionist I've ever talked to feels believing in god is a plot against evolution.
The overwhelming majority of those that teach and believe in evolution believe in God.
Our faith is so strong and not so shallow as to allow a proven scientific theory to interfere with it.
It is the anti science crowd that make the claim that those that state you can not believe in evolution and be a Christian.
You keep saying that but it's still the anti-creation crowd who insists on inserting evolution into every discussion about creation.

So why do you do that?

You still haven't answered the question.
You keep saying that but it's still the anti-creation crowd who insists on inserting evolution into every discussion about creation.

So why do you do that?

You still haven't answered the question.

When you want to force feed creation as science instead of as a religous belief you open the door to evolution entering the discussion.
Not us.
Creationism is not science. That is the point of this entire thread. You are the one straying off into Lah Lah land.
You keep saying that but it's still the anti-creation crowd who insists on inserting evolution into every discussion about creation.

So why do you do that?

You still haven't answered the question.

Of course I haven't answered it, and never will.

I don't do that, I don't insert evolution into every creation discussion, again that's a story that's going on in your head and your head alone.

You need to ask this particular group of your fellow believers, why their faith is so weak that they have to stoop to desperately denying low levels of basic proven science.
You keep saying that but it's still the anti-creation crowd who insists on inserting evolution into every discussion about creation.

So why do you do that?

You still haven't answered the question.

When you want to force feed creation as science instead of as a religous belief you open the door to evolution entering the discussion.
Not us.
Creationism is not science. That is the point of this entire thread. You are the one straying off into Lah Lah land.

So why are you promoting evolution in this thread if it has nothing to do with creation?
You keep saying that but it's still the anti-creation crowd who insists on inserting evolution into every discussion about creation.

So why do you do that?

You still haven't answered the question.

Of course I haven't answered it, and never will.

I don't do that, I don't insert evolution into every creation discussion, again that's a story that's going on in your head and your head alone.

You need to ask this particular group of your fellow believers, why their faith is so weak that they have to stoop to desperately denying low levels of basic proven science.

And you just did it again.

What does evolution have to do with creationism?
You keep saying that but it's still the anti-creation crowd who insists on inserting evolution into every discussion about creation.

So why do you do that?

You still haven't answered the question.

Of course I haven't answered it, and never will.

I don't do that, I don't insert evolution into every creation discussion, again that's a story that's going on in your head and your head alone.

You need to ask this particular group of your fellow believers, why their faith is so weak that they have to stoop to desperately denying low levels of basic proven science.

And you just did it again.

What does evolution have to do with creationism?

It has nothing to do with it, which I'll repeat as many times as you like.

It's YOUR crowd that includes the 2 in the same discussion, it's YOUR crowd that gets their motivation to deny evolution from creationism. Not the other way around like you keep trying to pretend.
Still, if you aren't trying to use it to explain away God, then why on earth do you bring it up every time the topic of creation comes up?

Then whine that it has nothing to do with creation?

Because you don't think it exists, and because you want to teach faith in a science class.

I do believe that ID and or are creationism should be taught in public school, in the humanities.
Who denied evolution?

Sunni Man-"Good for the people of Georgia!!!

Kids should not be taught the quack theory of evolution as a fact."

Right on page 1, a comment that you liked, Newby liked, Peach174 liked, The T liked.

Shall I go on passed the 2nd post in the thread? I can if you like, I'm sure the next instance will be very easy to find.
And they should also be taught that evolution does not explain species origin.

BTW, Drock, I wish you would change your name! I get you confused with Dr. Grump all the time...too many Drs & rs and such...and I loathe that dimwit. So if I come across as unduly snarky or dismissive, that's it. All you drs look alike to me.
And they should also be taught that evolution does not explain species origin.

BTW, Drock, I wish you would change your name! I get you confused with Dr. Grump all the time...too many Drs & rs and such...and I loathe that dimwit. So if I come across as unduly snarky or dismissive, that's it. All you drs look alike to me.

Myth 2: Darwin did not explain the origin of species in The Origin of Species

Here's some folk claiming just that:

One of the ironies of the history of biology is that Darwin did not really explain the origin of new species in The Origin of Species, because he didn’t know how to define a species. [Futuyma 1983: 152]

… The Origin of Species, whose title and first paragraph imply that Darwin will have much to say about speciation. Yet his magnum opus remains largely silent on the “mystery of mysteries,” and the little it does say about this mystery is seen by most modern evolutionists as muddled or wrong. [Coyne and Orr 2004: 9]

Myths 2: The origin of species : Evolving Thoughts

It's balderdash. I sometimes wonder if the scientists who repeat these claims ever actually read Darwin. Darwin's book is a long argument against the fixity of species and for the evolution of species via the selection of varieties, which his publisher John Murray called "favoured races" in the subtitle he added to the book, for adaptive features that had as a side effect isolation from the ancestral forms.
yea we should stop teaching theories in school...

lets stop teaching cellular theory, the theory of electricity, the theory of gravity, atomic theory, lets stop teaching it all. Maybe electricity is the movement of tiny little gnomes.

And maybe its just a coincidence that genetics, geology, anatomy, geography, and biology all agree on the exact same progression through species. maybe is a coincidence that the circulatory system, nervous system, and skeletal system all have a predictable evolution through the animal kingdom that matches time lines based on several different methods of radiological dating, as well as genetics. Maybe its all just a coincidence that we have a progression of skeletons from chimp to human, from austrolipithicus, to homo hablius, to homo erectus, to hamo sapiens.

I guess those arent real things least if your a creationist.
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