The creationists are BACK

Sigh. The original law of this land is the U.S. Constitution. Nothing before it counts. We are a secular nation, generally Christians in numbers, who live in a Republic that operates by generally democratic procedures. This is not a Christian nation under the law. End of story. Everything else is fable.
Sigh. The original law of this land is the U.S. Constitution. Nothing before it counts. We are a secular nation, generally Christians in numbers, who live in a Republic that operates by generally democratic procedures. This is not a Christian nation under the law. End of story. Everything else is fable.

Now, why don't you say that about evolution (call it a fable and declare everything that happened before "now" to be irrelevant)?

I am just amused by how much of our history is from Christianity, yet, the "yahoos" want to declare their intellectual superiority by pretending that part of our history doesn't exist.
The creationists are BACK
.....But, the scientists are WINNING!!!!!

"Surgeons in Sweden performed the world’s first synthetic organ transplant, using an artificial windpipe coated in the recipient’s own stem cells.

Because the artificial organ was produced from the patient’s own cells, there is believed to be no possibility of the donation being rejected. And perhaps most significantly, this marks the world’s first organ donation that doesn’t actually require a donor."

There goes the ol' Organ$ For Profit marketplace!
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So we can create life from rocks and water?
abiogenesis =/= evolution

Observed Instances of Speciation

Some More Observed Speciation Events

Birth of New Species Witnessed by Scientists | Wired Science |

The last one's almost biblical

All evolution proves is that WITHIN a mammal species evolution occurs.
Bacterial don't evolve? How do you explain MRSA?

Plants and Bacteria, virus and such are NOT mammals. They do not function nor act the same.

Once again provide evidence a single species of Mammals ever evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species.

I try and keep it simple and ask if man evolved from Apes, why do we still have Apes?
Sigh. The original law of this land is the U.S. Constitution. Nothing before it counts. We are a secular nation, generally Christians in numbers, who live in a Republic that operates by generally democratic procedures. This is not a Christian nation under the law. End of story. Everything else is fable.

Now, why don't you say that about evolution (call it a fable and declare everything that happened before "now" to be irrelevant)?

I am just amused by how much of our history is from Christianity, yet, the "yahoos" want to declare their intellectual superiority by pretending that part of our history doesn't exist.

Now that is exactly why you don't make the rules. Evolution is scientific theory, which is close as we get to actual fact in the empirical world. Religion is for value, not for national governance, unless one wants a theocracy. I for one don't.
I try and keep it simple and ask if man evolved from Apes, why do we still have Apes?
I'll try and keep it simple enough for a simpleton and ask, If CON$ are so smart, why are you so dumb?

To answer your stupid question, evolution does not say that man evolved from apes, that is a Creationist Straw Man. Evolution says that apes and man have a COMMON ANCESTOR.

One more question, if Adam was made from dirt, why do we still have dirt? :lol:
Too Tall, listen up, please.

Evolution is about the origin of species, not the origin of life.
Now wait a minute...there is absolutely no evidence that any new species came about due to evolution. All that has been shown is that evolution occurs WITHIN a species.
So one wonders, always, why the retards insist on bringing evolution into the discussion of creation.
Please don't use such language, Allie, because it describes you perfectly.

You clearly do not understand evolution, origins, empirical testing, and so forth. A degree in science from Bob Jones U is not going to get you too far.
abiogenesis =/= evolution

Observed Instances of Speciation

Some More Observed Speciation Events

Birth of New Species Witnessed by Scientists | Wired Science |

The last one's almost biblical

Bacterial don't evolve? How do you explain MRSA?

Plants and Bacteria, virus and such are NOT mammals. They do not function nor act the same.

Once again provide evidence a single species of Mammals ever evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species.

I try and keep it simple and ask if man evolved from Apes, why do we still have Apes?

This is an example of someone who doesn't understand Evolution.
The opposition claims that evolution is an evil liberal attempt to teach science to make people hate and deny God. Evolution is only believed by Christian haters.
We have seen posts claiming liberal intervention into all colleges and universities.
All engineering and all science, research, design, study and teaching techniques are all influenced by liberal dogma.
You people are sheeple, led by the religous right that are liars, phoneys and frauds.
As proven in open court.
abiogenesis =/= evolution

Observed Instances of Speciation

Some More Observed Speciation Events

Birth of New Species Witnessed by Scientists | Wired Science |

The last one's almost biblical

Bacterial don't evolve? How do you explain MRSA?

Plants and Bacteria, virus and such are NOT mammals. They do not function nor act the same.

Once again provide evidence a single species of Mammals ever evolved into 2 or more distinctly different species.

I try and keep it simple and ask if man evolved from Apes, why do we still have Apes?
Yeah....that's pretty simple, alright.

I guess we could always discuss the alternative-theory.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Betty Bowers Explains Traditional Marriage to Everyone Else‬‏[/ame]​
I try and keep it simple and ask if man evolved from Apes, why do we still have Apes?
I'll try and keep it simple enough for a simpleton and ask, If CON$ are so smart, why are you so dumb?

To answer your stupid question, evolution does not say that man evolved from apes, that is a Creationist Straw Man. Evolution says that apes and man have a COMMON ANCESTOR.

One more question, if Adam was made from dirt, why do we still have dirt? :lol:

Consistency; the Bane of "conservative" thought-process.​
So one wonders, always, why the retards insist on bringing evolution into the discussion of creation.

The exact opposite is true, read the thread.

No one says, "since evolution is happening, it proves no god exists."

However others are saying, "since God created everything, evolution doesn't happen."
Still, if you aren't trying to use it to explain away God, then why on earth do you bring it up every time the topic of creation comes up?

Then whine that it has nothing to do with creation?
The opposition claims that evolution is an evil liberal attempt to teach science to make people hate and deny God. Evolution is only believed by Christian haters.
We have seen posts claiming liberal intervention into all colleges and universities.
All engineering and all science, research, design, study and teaching techniques are all influenced by liberal dogma.
You people are sheeple, led by the religous right that are liars, phoneys and frauds.
As proven in open court.

Complete fabrication. Gadawg again spins off into left field, spouting nonsense.
Please don't use such language, Allie, because it describes you perfectly.

You clearly do not understand evolution, origins, empirical testing, and so forth. A degree in science from Bob Jones U is not going to get you too far.
....EXCEPT, possibly, a management-position (thru the RNC).

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bill Maher on elites‬‏[/ame]​
So one wonders, always, why the retards insist on bringing evolution into the discussion of creation.

The exact opposite is true, read the thread.

No one says, "since evolution is happening, it proves no god exists."

However others are saying, "since God created everything, evolution doesn't happen."
....And, who (in their Right-mind) is going to argue with....


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