The creationists are BACK

You are anti-Christian. Of course you will deny it, because it's not a nice thing to be an anti-Christian fascist.
I know no science?

Where did that come from? I have a full year of college biology under my belt, as well as full terms of archaeology and anthropology.

So I think it's a safe bet I know more than you. You've proven yourself over and over to be a self-aggrandizing douche that knows about 1/10 of what he thinks he knows.
And truthfully, probably less.

I do have a question..are you the poste who said that he'd "studied" wolves? Was that you?
I know no science?

Where did that come from? I have a full year of college biology under my belt, as well as full terms of archaeology and anthropology.

So I think it's a safe bet I know more than you. You've proven yourself over and over to be a self-aggrandizing douche that knows about 1/10 of what he thinks he knows.

LOL, how many times do I have to tell you I am educated far beyond my intelligence.
Don't you know, all men are!
And truthfully, probably less.

I do have a question..are you the poste who said that he'd "studied" wolves? Was that you?

Not me but we have a very bad coyote problem on my property. Killed 2 of my dogs and a 3rd I had to shoot because she was so torn up.
I am not pretending: this is a Christian nation.

This is not a Christian Nation. It is a nation.

Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.
This is not a Christian Nation. It is a nation.

Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

The majority were christian;

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America

The majority were christian then and the majority of this nation is christian now.

The majority of Americans (76%) identify themselves as Christians (Most recent survey).
Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

The majority were christian;

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America

The majority were christian then and the majority of this nation is christian now.

The majority of Americans (76%) identify themselves as Christians (Most recent survey).

Thank you for the sanity. In facrt, all were baptized Christian. In fact, all the Virginians had to remain Anglican formally because to be county commissioners they had to be members of their parish's vestry. Yes, we are a nation of Christians generally in a country with a secular government and charter.
Non sequitur, Allie. Stay on point, please.

Everything I said is true. And I am white, Christian, American, and certainly not an extremist.

Anyone who wishes to teach ID in the science classroom is an extremist, out of the mainstream, and a danger to public education.

No, the logical fallacy is your statement which says that people who don't agree that the imaginary wall between religion and government (school) are necessarily extremists or right wing whackos.

My statement was a response to that. So when you stop pretending that the argument is between the anti-Christian whackos and right wing whackos, we'll have a real conversation.

The argument is between the anti-Christian wackos...and everybody else. You guys are the minority. Sorry.

Most people I've read (including myself) say ID should be taught in public classrooms, so this sounds like another victim scenario you've created in your head.

The only argument is whether to have something with no science backing in taught in a science class or a religious type class.
This is not a Christian Nation. It is a nation.

Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

Lincoln was a christian. He was against organized christianity.
Lincoln himself read the Bible throughout his life, quoted from it extensively... during his years as president he did regularly attend the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington.
Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

Lincoln was a christian. He was against organized christianity.
Lincoln himself read the Bible throughout his life, quoted from it extensively... during his years as president he did regularly attend the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington.

Never will you ever find that he held himself out as a Christian. He never made a profession or confession of faith. It took decades to pass for him to overcome his visceral dislike of Christianity because of the deaths of so many who meant so much to him as a boy, youth, and young man. His closest friends had to strongly urge him to not publish a pamphlet against Christianity if he wanted a political career. Nothing he ever said would give anyone the slightest idea that he believed in Jesus as Christ and Savior. Nothing he ever wrote would indicate he would live beyond the grave or be reunited with his loved ones. He was truly an amazing individual.
Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

The majority were christian;

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America

The majority were christian then and the majority of this nation is christian now.

The majority of Americans (76%) identify themselves as Christians (Most recent survey).

The majority of Southerners when I grew up favored segregation.
Therefore the South was founded on segregation.
When will you ever admit that this nation was not founded on majority ANYTHING.
Something about THE LAW, which is what this nation was founded on.
Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.

Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

Lincoln was a christian. He was against organized christianity.
Lincoln himself read the Bible throughout his life, quoted from it extensively... during his years as president he did regularly attend the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington.

The Founders were against organized Christianity.
They defeated it's influences in government here and the vast majority of those that supported church control and influence in government drawing from the monarchial divine right from God left and fled back to England or Canada.
Over 100,000 of them.
Colleges are worse than public schools, they try to indoctrinate students away from the Lord to the point of humiliating them or giving bad grades if the student does not repeat the hogwash the teacher 'teaches'.

Speaking of hogwash. That is hogwash.

How very snobbish of you, to pretend you have some great intelligence when dealing with those that do not accept evolution as "fact". We keep repeating that it is a theory, and not enough evidence has been found to 'prove' or even strongly support that 'theory'. You want to tell us we are not being scientific. I have stated that 'science' does support the order of creation stated in Genesis. Rather than consider this "fact", you want to rant. That is okay. That is what this board is about, to be able to have conversations with those that believe differently.

More hogwash in bold.

Now that I have pointed out that those that believe in creation do believe that evolution is a theory and are waiting for more 'scientific' evidence (not that imagine stuff, that would be superstitious), why don't you put on your 'scientific' hat and consider that if the order of creation has been proved by science, might there not be more 'scientific' knowledge available for those willing to look into the Bible (I am not claiming that it is a science book, but I am stating there is a WHOLE lot of knowledge (and wisdom) that can be found in the Bible?

There will never be enough scientific evidence to support evolution for you. That's okay, you are an outlier. The people that matter to the debate, the scientific community, are blinded by their own bias.

Your statements are clear as mud. It seems you might be lacking in scientific (factual) presentation.
Franklin, Jefferson, Allan, and Paine were not Christians. Adams was not your kind of Christian. Madison was some kind of Christian most days. Washington was a weak Christian, wouldn't take communion. Lincoln was not a Christian.

Please read.

The majority were christian;

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America

The majority were christian then and the majority of this nation is christian now.

The majority of Americans (76%) identify themselves as Christians (Most recent survey).

The majority of Southerners when I grew up favored segregation.
Therefore the South was founded on segregation.
When will you ever admit that this nation was not founded on majority ANYTHING.
Something about THE LAW, which is what this nation was founded on.

Where did the LAW originate? (Notice that was not the law.)
The majority were christian;

Religion of the Founding Fathers of America

The majority were christian then and the majority of this nation is christian now.

The majority of Americans (76%) identify themselves as Christians (Most recent survey).

The majority of Southerners when I grew up favored segregation.
Therefore the South was founded on segregation.
When will you ever admit that this nation was not founded on majority ANYTHING.
Something about THE LAW, which is what this nation was founded on.

Where did the LAW originate? (Notice that was not the law.)

The law in the South reflected majority white opinion. Thus, segregation.
The majority of Southerners when I grew up favored segregation.
Therefore the South was founded on segregation.
When will you ever admit that this nation was not founded on majority ANYTHING.
Something about THE LAW, which is what this nation was founded on.

Where did the LAW originate? (Notice that was not the law.)

The law in the South reflected majority white opinion. Thus, segregation.

Grew up in it in the 50s and 60s.
Saw it first hand and it had the full, 100% support of the church and the majority.
The Bible was quoted to back it up.
Idiots can use the script of Seinfeld to support nuclear war. So what? Did you listen? If you did, then you're the idiot.
Where did the LAW originate? (Notice that was not the law.)

The law in the South reflected majority white opinion. Thus, segregation.

Grew up in it in the 50s and 60s.
Saw it first hand and it had the full, 100% support of the church and the majority.
The Bible was quoted to back it up.

"Where did the LAW originate? (Notice that was not the law.)" So that you understand, where did "LAW" originate?
Ancient history was according to the 'leader's pleasure'. The Commandments were the original LAW (that applied to everyone, equally). It didn't take long for men to twist them to their own purposes, but the Commandments were the original "LAW". (for those of you that believe in intellect over wisdom, that would be a "religious" origin).

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