The creationists are BACK

I'm not going in that circle again, as long as you're conceding that creationism shouldn't be in science classes, that's good enough for me at this point.

Creationism shouldn't be taught because scientfically we know next to nothing about it, not because there are religious overtones about it. And of course you're not going to concede anything, you're too much of a legend in your own mind to do that. :lol:

So your convinced man has learned pretty much everything about the universe. I don't think you'd get very many scientists to agree with that.

Jack seems a little confused?
Creationism shouldn't be taught because scientfically we know next to nothing about it, not because there are religious overtones about it. And of course you're not going to concede anything, you're too much of a legend in your own mind to do that. :lol:

So your convinced man has learned pretty much everything about the universe. I don't think you'd get very many scientists to agree with that.

Jack seems a little confused?

I could be. I'm old and I smoke weed.
Backed by YOUR science. We believe ID is science also. There are scientists who believe in ID.

Show ONE SINGLE PIECE or evidence for ID. Now you are pushing again that it should be taught alongside evolution even though it is NOT science.

:lol: Are you serious? It's everywhere you look. You will note that everything that man has 'scientifically' discovered has order, purpose and reason, down to the content of a single cell. Is it a coincidence that we have the 'solar system', the 'nervous system', the 'eco system', etc... There is order and design everywhere you look. I think it's far more likely from a logical viewpoint to believe that it was designed to happen that way than just some one in a billion cosmic coincidence.
Again, ID is a good philosophical theory but it lacks ANY EVIDENCE. Looking around you and seeing complexity, beauty or whatever you think makes the world tick is meaningless in science. You need actual evidence.
You have no logical reason to put ID in religion class. Looks to me that you have a bias. Isn't it wrong to have a bias as far as education?

The belief in something for which there is zero evidence is either an exercise in delusion or faith (not to assume that the two are mutually exclusive). Faith is a component of religion, therefore, if ID belongs in any class, it would be one of religion.

Faith is a component in your religion. I don't believe in religion. Your faith is that evolution is true. Everyone has the right to believe according to their own evidence. You can't control that. That's what schools are for, learning. You aren't the one who determines what is correct.
I have zero faith in evolution. It is not faith. I have evidence that evolution is likely. Again

Did you make up a god that all is your own? Aren't you a Christian? I know who the Christians pray to. the Triune God. The Father, the son, and the holy spirit. It sounds like paganism to me, but... yeah, those three

So? As far as I know I can believe whatever I want to in the USA and there is nothing you can do about it. You don't even know my God. Grow up.

Um..........quick question........are you stating that there is more than 1 God? If so, you're bordering on blasphemy and idol worship.

HaShem has many different names, Adonai, ElOhim are just a couple.

Question is, do you recognize those various attributes in just 1 diety, or, do you let your own myopic vision of God blind you to the others?

There is no question. There is what we know and we know that you have run out of arguments because you have made me the topic. You lose.
Is this a theory of creation worthy of treating as science?

Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived. They lived quietly and happily. No one ever died or was born or experienced sadness. However one day one of the Sky Women realized she was going to give birth to twins. She told her husband, who flew into a rage. In the center of the island there was a tree which gave light to the entire island since the sun hadn't been created yet. He tore up this tree, creating a huge hole in the middle of the island. Curiously, the woman peered into the hole. Far below she could see the waters that covered the earth. At that moment her husband pushed her. She fell through the hole, tumbling towards the waters below.
Water animals already existed on the earth, so far below the floating island two birds saw the Sky Woman fall. Just before she reached the waters they caught her on their backs and brought her to the other animals. Determined to help the woman they dove into the water to get mud from the bottom of the seas. One after another the animals tried and failed. Finally, Little Toad tried and when he reappeared his mouth was full of mud. The animals took it and spread it on the back of Big Turtle. The mud began to grow and grow and grow until it became the size of North America.

Then the woman stepped onto the land. She sprinkled dust into the air and created stars. Then she created the moon and sun.

...more here...

Is the "Sky Woman" telling the story? Has she done any works for humans since then?
So every Biology teacher in high schools, universities and colleges world wide teach evolution as fact "for the money"?
All a great scam to make $$$.:cuckoo:
You have it backwards. Many on your side use RELIGION as a great scam for the $$$.
That is why facts scare the hell out them and you buy it HOOK, LINE AND SINKER.
Science is a threat to organized religion and always has been.
You are the one not interested in the truth.

Do teachers get paid? They teach what the gov't tells them to teach (the same gov't paying grants for those scientists interested in 'proving' evolution). If you want to provide facts (other than "imagine"), I will listen. If you want to declare that a species adapting is evolution, I really don't want to hear it.

You never went to college and that is your problem.
They do not teach what government tells them to there.

How do you know I never went to college??? I actually had a professor that had Einstien as a teacher. He said all the students would rush to class so they could sit in the back. It seems that some times 'intelligence', replaces some of the common sense in some people. In Einstien's case, he was so preoccupied with 'science', he forgot to bathe.

Colleges are worse than public schools, they try to indoctrinate students away from the Lord to the point of humiliating them or giving bad grades if the student does not repeat the hogwash the teacher 'teaches'.

How very snobbish of you, to pretend you have some great intelligence when dealing with those that do not accept evolution as "fact". We keep repeating that it is a theory, and not enough evidence has been found to 'prove' or even strongly support that 'theory'. You want to tell us we are not being scientific. I have stated that 'science' does support the order of creation stated in Genesis. Rather than consider this "fact", you want to rant. That is okay. That is what this board is about, to be able to have conversations with those that believe differently.

Now that I have pointed out that those that believe in creation do believe that evolution is a theory and are waiting for more 'scientific' evidence (not that imagine stuff, that would be superstitious), why don't you put on your 'scientific' hat and consider that if the order of creation has been proved by science, might there not be more 'scientific' knowledge available for those willing to look into the Bible (I am not claiming that it is a science book, but I am stating there is a WHOLE lot of knowledge (and wisdom) that can be found in the Bible?
Gadawg has nothing to recommend him to anyone, Logical. There's no point in putting much time or effort into trying to figure out why he is like he is, he's not smart enough for it to matter.
You don't know who my God is. Who in the hell do you think you are to assume such a thing? I thought liberals were supposed to be open minded, tolerant of other views and inclusive? Are you confused.

Did you make up a god that all is your own? Aren't you a Christian? I know who the Christians pray to. the Triune God. The Father, the son, and the holy spirit. It sounds like paganism to me, but... yeah, those three

So? As far as I know I can believe whatever I want to in the USA and there is nothing you can do about it. You don't even know my God. Grow up.

Did I ever say you COUDLN"T? Why are you assuming that I am saying these things? You are really weird. I know you're god... I think his name is Jesus Christ. I hear about him often.
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You have no logical reason to put ID in religion class. Looks to me that you have a bias. Isn't it wrong to have a bias as far as education?

The belief in something for which there is zero evidence is either an exercise in delusion or faith (not to assume that the two are mutually exclusive). Faith is a component of religion, therefore, if ID belongs in any class, it would be one of religion.

Faith is a component in your religion. I don't believe in religion. Your faith is that evolution is true. Everyone has the right to believe according to their own evidence. You can't control that. That's what schools are for, learning. You aren't the one who determines what is correct.

I had faith years ago that if I was clipped or held and the play went by me that the MLB or S would come up and make the tackle.
I have religous faith.
Faith in a scientific theory is not based on belief or football. If you do not know any science quit posting. That fact is taught in high school.
ID does not belong in the biology classroom, because it cannot be validated by empirical data.

ID does belong in a comparative beliefs or religion classroom.

Religious indoctrination is not permitted in our school district. We had to let a principal go last year because she simply can't get that through her head.

Religious indoctrination is the role of family and church, not public schools.
ID does not belong in the biology classroom, because it cannot be validated by empirical data.

ID does belong in a comparative beliefs or religion classroom.

Religious indoctrination is not permitted in our school district. We had to let a principal go last year because she simply can't get that through her head.

Religious indoctrination is the role of family and church, not public schools.

So I guess he doesn't like the religious indoctrination of in God we Trust on our coins and paper money.
Or that we have rights from God - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Or we are one nation under God.
Religious indoctrination is better than social indoctrination that is being taught in schools now.
Mentioning of a creator is not indoctrination.
ID does not belong in the biology classroom, because it cannot be validated by empirical data.

ID does belong in a comparative beliefs or religion classroom.

Religious indoctrination is not permitted in our school district. We had to let a principal go last year because she simply can't get that through her head.

Religious indoctrination is the role of family and church, not public schools.

So I guess he doesn't like the religious indoctrination of in God we Trust on our coins and paper money.
Or that we have rights from God - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Or we are one nation under God.
Religious indoctrination is better than social indoctrination that is being taught in schools now.
Mentioning of a creator is not indoctrination.

The Founders didn't.
Ask the slaves about their rights from God for 400 years here.
Why is it wrong to teach anything? The best schools in the world, historically, have been religious schools. If you are only teaching it as a possible explanation for the Creation, where is the problem? It's just another possibility.

I'd love to know when liberals decided that NOT teaching things was a way to ensure well rounded, well educated individuals. No wonder our education system is fucked. Between not teaching this and not teaching that, it's a miracle our children know how to wipe their own asses.
ID does not belong in the biology classroom, because it cannot be validated by empirical data.

ID does belong in a comparative beliefs or religion classroom.

Religious indoctrination is not permitted in our school district. We had to let a principal go last year because she simply can't get that through her head.

Religious indoctrination is the role of family and church, not public schools.

So I guess he doesn't like the religious indoctrination of in God we Trust on our coins and paper money.
Or that we have rights from God - Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Or we are one nation under God.
Religious indoctrination is better than social indoctrination that is being taught in schools now.
Mentioning of a creator is not indoctrination.

The Founders didn't.
Ask the slaves about their rights from God for 400 years here.

Another retarded post from the thread retard supreme.

Don't you have any new material? And are you ever going to actually try to educate yourself on debate, instead of just stupidly applying the same logical fallacies over and over and over and over and over...?
The kids do know how to wipe their butts and other hygenic practices because of public schools.

Public schools do teach ID in the right classroom.

Folks get to home school in order to indoctrinate their little darlings.

The far right wacks are simply pissed they don't get to indoctrinate everybody else's little darlings.
Quit pretending that Christians are far right, extremist, or even a minority.

They aren't.
Non sequitur, Allie. Stay on point, please.

Everything I said is true. And I am white, Christian, American, and certainly not an extremist.

Anyone who wishes to teach ID in the science classroom is an extremist, out of the mainstream, and a danger to public education.
Non sequitur, Allie. Stay on point, please.

Everything I said is true. And I am white, Christian, American, and certainly not an extremist.

Anyone who wishes to teach ID in the science classroom is an extremist, out of the mainstream, and a danger to public education.

He has a right to teach his child whatever he believes is important, even though it may be pure nonsense.



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