The creationists are BACK

Colleges are worse than public schools, they try to indoctrinate students away from the Lord to the point of humiliating them or giving bad grades if the student does not repeat the hogwash the teacher 'teaches'.

Speaking of hogwash. That is hogwash.

How very snobbish of you, to pretend you have some great intelligence when dealing with those that do not accept evolution as "fact". We keep repeating that it is a theory, and not enough evidence has been found to 'prove' or even strongly support that 'theory'. You want to tell us we are not being scientific. I have stated that 'science' does support the order of creation stated in Genesis. Rather than consider this "fact", you want to rant. That is okay. That is what this board is about, to be able to have conversations with those that believe differently.

More hogwash in bold.

Now that I have pointed out that those that believe in creation do believe that evolution is a theory and are waiting for more 'scientific' evidence (not that imagine stuff, that would be superstitious), why don't you put on your 'scientific' hat and consider that if the order of creation has been proved by science, might there not be more 'scientific' knowledge available for those willing to look into the Bible (I am not claiming that it is a science book, but I am stating there is a WHOLE lot of knowledge (and wisdom) that can be found in the Bible?

There will never be enough scientific evidence to support evolution for you. That's okay, you are an outlier. The people that matter to the debate, the scientific community, are blinded by their own bias.
Non sequitur, Allie. Stay on point, please.

Everything I said is true. And I am white, Christian, American, and certainly not an extremist.

Anyone who wishes to teach ID in the science classroom is an extremist, out of the mainstream, and a danger to public education.

No, the logical fallacy is your statement which says that people who don't agree that the imaginary wall between religion and government (school) are necessarily extremists or right wing whackos.

My statement was a response to that. So when you stop pretending that the argument is between the anti-Christian whackos and right wing whackos, we'll have a real conversation.

The argument is between the anti-Christian wackos...and everybody else. You guys are the minority. Sorry.
Non sequitur, Allie. Stay on point, please.

Everything I said is true. And I am white, Christian, American, and certainly not an extremist.

Anyone who wishes to teach ID in the science classroom is an extremist, out of the mainstream, and a danger to public education.

He has a right to teach his child whatever he believes is important, even though it may be pure nonsense.



Non sequitur. Nobody said that he had to teach what the state taught. The state says that he can't tell the state what to teach. That's correct.

Nope. Your thinking could lead to stupidities like lowering the age of consent to ten or eleven. Never going to happen. Those that cross the line will really get reamed by the state.
Non sequitur, Allie. Stay on point, please.

Everything I said is true. And I am white, Christian, American, and certainly not an extremist.

Anyone who wishes to teach ID in the science classroom is an extremist, out of the mainstream, and a danger to public education.

No, the logical fallacy is your statement which says that people who don't agree that the imaginary wall between religion and government (school) are necessarily extremists or right wing whackos.

My statement was a response to that. So when you stop pretending that the argument is between the anti-Christian whackos and right wing whackos, we'll have a real conversation.

The argument is between the anti-Christian wackos...and everybody else. You guys are the minority. Sorry.

The wall is real, evolution is real, ID is not verifiable, and the majority of Christians do not subscribe to your thinking.
I never said evolution wasn't real.
ID has nothing to do with evolution.
And the anti-Christian nutjobs who want every reference to God removed from every public venue are a tiny minority.

So when you start interacting in an honest manner, we'll discuss it.
I wonder why those who want to deny children knowledge refuse to respond to the allegation that they want to deny children knowledge?

I think that's pretty interesting.

They are the same people who also don't want to fully inform women seeking abortions about some of the less positive aspects of abortion....

After all, too much information is a BAAAAADDDD thing. Particularly if it interferes with the Progressive Agenda of reducing the population and eliminating all religion.
Why is it wrong to teach anything? The best schools in the world, historically, have been religious schools. If you are only teaching it as a possible explanation for the Creation, where is the problem? It's just another possibility.

Yes, although its doubtful many of those religious schools (please don't tell me you mean Regent in VA) would have indulged in the literalist fantasism of "Intelligent Design."

I'd love to know when liberals decided that NOT teaching things was a way to ensure well rounded, well educated individuals. No wonder our education system is fucked. Between not teaching this and not teaching that, it's a miracle our children know how to wipe their own asses.

The popularity of creationism is evidence that Americans don't know how to read . . . the Bible.
This is not a Christian Nation. It is a nation.

Well the supreme court, assorted presidents, and all the founding fathers would disagree with you.

But I'm sure you are better informed than they are.
When did the Supreme Court or any founding father state that the US is a Christian nation?

"These and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation."


143 U.S. 457, 12 S.Ct. 511, 36 L.Ed. 226

February 29, 1892

I'm too tired to do the rest of it. You can visit any of the eternathreads on this topic to find that info, however. It is posted time after time after time again.
“The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion”
- George Washington

Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed by inserting "Jesus Christ," so that it would read "A departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;" the insertion was rejected by the great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mohammedan, the Hindoo and Infidel of every denomination.
-Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, in reference to the Virginia Act for Religious Freedom
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"By our own act of assembly of 1705, c. 30, if a person brought up in the Christian religion denies the being of a God, or the Trinity, or asserts there are more Gods than one, or denies the Christian religion to be true, or the scriptures to be of divine authority, he is punishable on the first offence by incapacity to hold any office or employment ecclesiastical, civil, or military; on the second by disability to sue, to take any gift or legacy, to be guardian, executor, or administrator, and by three years imprisonment, without bail."

Source: Thomas Jefferson, "Religion" in Notes on the State of Virginia (1782), pp. 283-284.
I never said evolution wasn't real.
ID has nothing to do with evolution.
And the anti-Christian nutjobs who want every reference to God removed from every public venue are a tiny minority.

So when you start interacting in an honest manner, we'll discuss it.

You are the dishonest one here. Calling us "anti Christian".

One only has to google Woodstock Baptist Church and Cherokee County Graduation and see where our county was going to be sued if we continued to hold high school graduations at the church.
Well, all we do is rent the facility and there is no service during the graduation. And Gadawg73 was one of the lovers of freedom here that stood behind and supported not backing down to the groups that threatened to sue us. We are not anti Christian and a Jewish friend of mine that has a daughter the same age as mine also supported holding the graduations there.
My daughter graduated there May 27, 2011 and we had every graduation ceremony, all 5 high schools, there. You can find her speech on the internet.

We are not anti Christian so quit your childish bull shit. We know that is all you know.
We know you know no science.

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