The Creepy Joe Picture Show


America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
While many claim to be opposed to sexual predators, they'll immediately overlook the most blatant and obvious sexual pervert in America. There's something wrong with Joe Biden. Talk about “touchy-feely,” this creep takes the cake.


Democrats have no issues with cross-dressing, sodomy, same-sex marriage, and sexual ambiguity. In fact, they openly support those things. So it only makes sense that they would elect a pedophile to represent them. It's the natural progression of the Democrat Party.
If the truth were to be known it would be that the pedophile Joe Biden wants to "help" Ukraine for the same reasons he wants an open border with Mexico. Those reasons would be sex and human trafficking.
Take note that not a single Lib has joined the Pedo Joe discussion. Turn on the light and the roaches scurry back to darkness.

If someone posted a montage of Trump kissing and inappropriately touching girls, boys, other men's wives, etc. they'd flock here in droves.
Take note that not a single Lib has joined the Pedo Joe discussion. Turn on the light and the roaches scurry back to darkness.

If someone posted a montage of Trump kissing and inappropriately touching girls, boys, other men's wives, etc. they'd flock here in droves.

I have no other recourse than to accept their silence as tacit approval of their President's pedophilic behavior.
The Marxist Dems are up in arms because some zombie comes out of the woodwork and claims Trump touched her inappropriately 24 years ago. They quickly change New York law so that the hag can file charges. They hurriedly throw together a Kangaroo Court and find him “guilty” based on the word of a psycho.

In the meantime, Pedo Joe is getting his jollies off touching just about anything with two legs, and the Marxists suddenly become deaf and dumb. Well … they were already dumb.

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