The Culture War: A Strange Game ...

Your argument boils down to "If you can't beat 'em join 'em". Indeed, that's the general shift of the Republican party that makes it impossible for me to support their efforts. I can't really care whether the left or the right "wins" the culture war. In reality, of course, neither will win. We'll just thrash back and forth between each side implementing their social own engineering agenda, trying to force their values on the rest of society.

I guess it's also the same insidious premise of the "lesser-of-two-evils" voting strategy, where we basically concede to shitty government because we're afraid it will get shittier. As soon as you play that game, you lose.
Your argument is….”If I don’t play….the teams I hate can’t and won’t win.”
Your argument boils down to "If you can't beat 'em join 'em". Indeed, that's the general shift of the Republican party that makes it impossible for me to support their efforts. I can't really care whether the left or the right "wins" the culture war. In reality, of course, neither will win. We'll just thrash back and forth between each side implementing their social own engineering agenda, trying to force their values on the rest of society.

I guess it's also the same insidious premise of the "lesser-of-two-evils" voting strategy, where we basically concede to shitty government because we're afraid it will get shittier. As soon as you play that game, you lose.

One of the things I learned in dealing with people who are completely dysfunctional, is that you do have to meet them where they are and bring them along slowly. You can't just tell them that they have to give up all of their belief system at once. It unhinges and frightens them further. You go out on the ledge with them, and talk them into coming in.

They have to be able to relate to your behaviour as not that different than theirs.
One of the things I learned in dealing with people who are completely dysfunctional, is that you do have to meet them where they are and bring them along slowly. You can't just tell them that they have to give up all of their belief system at once. It unhinges and frightens them further. You go out on the ledge with them, and talk them into coming in.

They have to be able to relate to your behaviour as not that different than theirs.
Yeah dblack listen to the crazy foreign stoner lady….She is the voice of reason…just ask her.

One of the things I learned in dealing with people who are completely dysfunctional, is that you do have to meet them where they are and bring them along slowly. You can't just tell them that they have to give up all of their belief system at once. It unhinges and frightens them further. You go out on the ledge with them, and talk them into coming in.

They have to be able to relate to your behaviour as not that different than theirs.
Screw you Canuck. Real Christians will never compromise their faith.
Not at all, you love it when an anchor baby is dropped on our soil, just so you can get paid more. Sounds just like Joe Biden, a traitor to the country.
You're a lying sack of crap, and there is no such thing as an "anchor baby."
Like most teachers in all brown shitholes…. Unkotare wouldn’t have a job if it weren’t for anchor babies fucking over Americans.
You stupid sack of shit. I've told you many times that the great majority of students in ESL classes in America's public schools are citizens who were born right here. And teachers don't get paid per student, dumb fuck.
You stupid sack of shit. I've told you many times that the great majority of students in ESL classes in America's public schools are citizens who were born right here. And teachers don't get paid per student, dumb fuck.
I’ll say it again since you lack comprehension skills you retarded fucked in the head bastard.
You filthy pieces of indoctrinating dogshit wouldn’t have a job if it weren’t for silver tooth money trees/anchor babies….OFCOURSE you support Mexico’s invasion.
"Most U.S. public school students with limited English proficiency are U.S. citizens, according to estimates from the Census Bureau’s 2016 American Community Survey. Among public school students ages 5 to 17 who report speaking English “less than very well,” 72% were born in the United States, compared with 28% who were foreign born.

Yet the latter group also includes students born abroad to American parents and naturalized citizens. Only 23% of limited English proficiency students ages 5 to 17 are not U.S. citizens. Older public school students are more likely to be noncitizens. Around a third (32%) of limited English proficiency students in grades 6-12 are noncitizens, compared with 17% of students in grades K-5."


there is no such things as an “anchor baby” defense to deportation:

For illegal immigrant parents, being the parent of a U.S. citizen child almost never forms the core of a successful defense in an immigration court. In short, if the undocumented parent of a U.S.-born child is caught in the United States, he or she legally faces the very same risk of deportation as any other immigrant.
The only thing that a so-called anchor baby can do to assist either of their undocumented parents involves such a long game that it’s not a practical immigration strategy, said Greg Chen, an immigration law expert and director of The American Immigration Lawyers Association, a trade group that also advocates for immigrant-friendly reforms. That long game is this: If and when a U.S. citizen reaches the age of 21, he or she can then apply for a parent to obtain a visa and green card and eventually enter the United States legally.
If a person has lived in the United States unlawfully for a period of more than 180 days but less than one year, there is an automatic three-year bar on that person ever reentering the United States — and that’s before any wait time for a visa. So that’s a minimum of 21 years for the child to mature, plus the three-year wait.
And, for the vast majority of these parents, a longer wait also applies. If a person has lived in the United States illegally for a year or more, there is a 10-year ban on that person reentering the United States. So, in that case, there would be the 21-year wait for the child to mature to adulthood, plus the 10-year wait.
All told, the parents of the so-called anchor baby face a 24-to-31-year wait to even enter the United States, much less obtain a visa and green card or become a citizen.
More directly, if an undocumented immigrant is caught by authorities and put in deportation proceedings, the fact that they have a child who is an American citizen will not help them:

You stupid sack of shit. I've told you many times that the great majority of students in ESL classes in America's public schools are citizens who were born right here. And teachers don't get paid per student, dumb fuck.
Ah yes, citizens that once their illegal parents crossed the border, dropped their anchors right in the free emergency rooms. Got it, then when it is called out that our healthcare services and now public schools are overwhelmed, you whiny bitches say "we need more funding, because there are just too many of them here". I saw that shit in Manassas, where when i first got there, the area was about 60 percent white, 25 percent black and the rest were brown and yellow. After 5 years it was 75 percent brown, no blacks and 5 percent yellow. Why? Because of KKK hoodie Ralphie Northam who wanted Va to be a Sanctuary state. Manasses turned into a Mexico shithole with beer bottles outside pepboys and most signage converted to Spanglish.


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