The Culture War: A Strange Game ...

hahaha…that’s kinda the point.
You’re scared of Christians but not barbaric savages and those with no moral compass.
That’s fucking weird.

We ARE Christians, fool. You're not following Jesus' commandments, by hating on "others". Jesus was REALLY clear about that. Read the parable of the "Good Samaritan". The non-believer who helped the injured stranger, and paid for his care out of his own pocket, expecting nothing in return, was more moral in the eyes of God that the Pharisee - a so-called "man of God", who passed the injured man and did nothing to help him.

Faith, without good works, is dead. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” You can call yourself a Christian, but if you're not walking the walk, your faith is of no value.

The only "barbaric savage" is the one who sees people in fear and suffering and says "Go back where you came from". This is what having "no moral compass" really looks like.
It IS the ultimate goal of the Left
Why do you think they are relaxing and eliminating laws against petit larceny now? This is just the beginning.
Yeah, Chicken Little told me all about it. OMG, I'm so skeered. I better vote for a douchebag, stat!
We ARE Christians, fool. You're not following Jesus' commandments, by hating on "others". Jesus was REALLY clear about that. Read the parable of the "Good Samaritan". The non-believer who helped the injured stranger, and paid for his care out of his own pocket, expecting nothing in return, was more moral in the eyes of God that the Pharisee - a so-called "man of God", who passed the injured man and did nothing to help him.

Faith, without good works, is dead. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” You can call yourself a Christian, but if you're not walking the walk, your faith is of no value.

The only "barbaric savage" is the one who sees people in fear and suffering and says "Go back where you came from". This is what having "no moral compass" really looks like.
hahahaha…..You lying sack of dogshit. NO Democrat is a Christian…..Christians never support baby killing nor do they detest law and order.

I prefer to use Genesis as an example of Gods wrath and his HATE for filthy fucks….He set faggots on fire and destroyed the whole butt-fucking city.

God also HATES illegal wetbacks.
Romans 13:1–7 makes it abundantly clear that God expects us to obey the laws of the government. The only exception to this is when a law of the government forces us to disobey a command of God (Acts 5:29). Illegal immigration is the breaking of a government’s law. There is nothing in Scripture that contradicts the idea of a sovereign nation having immigration laws. Therefore, it is rebellion against God to unlawfully enter another country. Illegal immigration is a sin.

Try harder stoned weirdo.
Evidently they both do.

Communicating and collaborating like adults so that everyone has skin in the game is just too hard.
”Can’t we all get along…..All Conservatives have to do is concede to the desires of the filthy Left….let them have all the wetbacks they want, let them normalize/glamorize faggots and chicks with dicks, let them take their guns, let them control their speech, let them take more income from the productive, let them force people to take medicine they don’t want, let them force people to wear face diapers, let them vilify law and order…this would be so easy if Conservatives would just stop fighting to preserve and protect their nation.”
Elections have consequences!
”Can’t we all get along…..All Conservatives have to do is concede to the desires of the filthy Left….let them have all the wetbacks they want, let them normalize/glamorize faggots and chicks with dicks, let them take their guns, let them control their speech, let them take more income from the productive, let them force people to take medicine they don’t want, let them force people to wear face diapers, let them vilify law and order…this would be so easy if Conservatives would just stop fighting to preserve and protect their nation.”
Translation: I'm a pathetic little bigot. I want my government to be pathetic and bigoted as well.
It IS the ultimate goal of the Left
Why do you think they are relaxing and eliminating laws against petit larceny now? This is just the beginning.

You have no more room to lock anyone up. Your jails are full. What you're doing now, calling everyone in Washington crooks and thieves, is driving the nation insane. Why should they obey the laws, which keep them poor when Trump and his crew can lie, cheat and steal and get away with it???

The ex-President is setting an example to the nation. Get it while you can. Take what you want. Fuck the establishment.
"The only winning move is not to play"
That was a nice line in a movie but actually turns out to be false in reality.

The very premise of the movie itself, MAD, was incorrect. We decided to play that game and, oddly, it seems to have worked. We are not at the end yet but we have had a pretty damned peaceful time after that policy became the standard of large, powerful nations.
I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.

The problem comes down to one side playing means, functionally, that side wins by default. If the right bowed out the left would make small gains indefinitely and would, by extension, 'win.'

So what is the answer then when the left pushes to far? It would be nice if there was a representative party that stood for actual rights but we don't have one of those and I think that the system itself does not allow for such to be the case. I am at a loss here because I do not see an actual solution.
Translation: I'm a pathetic little bigot. I want my government to be pathetic and bigoted as well.
That was a nice line in a movie but actually turns out to be false in reality.

The very premise of the movie itself, MAD, was incorrect. We decided to play that game and, oddly, it seems to have worked.
Have we? Seems we've worked very hard to avoid it. Not playing is the right call. The same goes for the "culture war" nonsense.
The problem comes down to one side playing means, functionally, that side wins by default. If the right bowed out the left would make small gains indefinitely and would, by extension, 'win.'
There is no "winner" in the culture war. We end up with bad government either way.
So what is the answer then when the left pushes to far? It would be nice if there was a representative party that stood for actual rights but we don't have one of those and I think that the system itself does not allow for such to be the case. I am at a loss here because I do not see an actual solution.
The answer is to fight back against the culture war itself. We need to reject, and fight vehemently, the idea that government should be dictating culture. But of course we won't do that. Culture war politics gets people all lathered up, and the populists can't resist it. Trying to make a principled argument about limited government to the mass of morons casting votes is rather pointless.
Have we? Seems we've worked very hard to avoid it. Not playing is the right call. The same goes for the "culture war" nonsense.
We have.

That is a direct fact. We have not worked at all to avoid playing hence why we have thousands of nuclear warheads. We are VERY much playing MAD. The movie was, in fact, wrong. There is no way out of it.
There is no "winner" in the culture war. We end up with bad government either way.
I agree. That was not my point though. My point was where is the alternative under THIS system?

Because not playing means concession, there is no way around that.
The answer is to fight back against the culture war itself. We need to reject, and fight vehemently, the idea that government should be dictating culture. But of course we won't do that. Culture war politics gets people all lathered up, and the populists can't resist it. Trying to make a principled argument about limited government to the mass of morons casting votes is rather pointless.
Well, you both presented the solution and WHY IT WONT WORK.

So, that makes the solution presented meaningless. Where is the solution that has at least some chance of occurring, even if small. It is hard to tell the right to simply lose the culture war while at the same time not providing the actual possibility of not giving the ground completely.

You know I agree with your sentiment. My issue is how does this work in the real world. Right now, I don't think it does and I do not know what would be required to even make it a possibility. One thing time has taught me, most people DO NOT WANT FREEDOM. They just want domination they agree with. That will reflect in politics.
You have no more room to lock anyone up. Your jails are full. What you're doing now, calling everyone in Washington crooks and thieves, is driving the nation insane. Why should they obey the laws, which keep them poor when Trump and his crew can lie, cheat and steal and get away with it???

The ex-President is setting an example to the nation. Get it while you can. Take what you want. Fuck the establishment.
Sure we do. Your problem is you favor criminals over victims, including businesses who WILL NOT set up in urban shitholes because of the theft.
“When they don’t concede to our fucked up desires we’ll just scream bigot and racist in their face and eventually they will.”


We're never going to conceded to YOUR fucked up desires which are based on hate and your own feelings of inferiority and incompetence. You're a racist bigot because you're incapable of competing with black and brown people on a level playing field.

You expend so much time, energy and resources keeping non-whites "in their place" that you've missed out on the enormous potential of everyone working together for a common purpose. Instead of the hate and suspicion which the wealthy have always used to keep poor white people and poor black people from uniting, and getting a fair shake for everyone.

When plantation owners first started buying slaves in 1619, they told their indentured servants that the black slaves were "stealing their jobs", and the black man couldn't be trusted. Four hundred years later hey're still telling you the same lies and you haven't smartened up yet.

No wonder you're a broke loser.
We have.

That is a direct fact. We have not worked at all to avoid playing hence why we have thousands of nuclear warheads. We are VERY much playing MAD. The movie was, in fact, wrong. There is no way out of it.

I agree. That was not my point though. My point was where is the alternative under THIS system?

Because not playing means concession, there is no way around that.

Well, you both presented the solution and WHY IT WONT WORK.

So, that makes the solution presented meaningless. Where is the solution that has at least some chance of occurring, even if small. It is hard to tell the right to simply lose the culture war while at the same time not providing the actual possibility of not giving the ground completely.

You know I agree with your sentiment. My issue is how does this work in the real world. Right now, I don't think it does and I do not know what would be required to even make it a possibility. One thing time has taught me, most people DO NOT WANT FREEDOM. They just want domination they agree with. That will reflect in politics.
Your argument boils down to "If you can't beat 'em join 'em". Indeed, that's the general shift of the Republican party that makes it impossible for me to support their efforts. I can't really care whether the left or the right "wins" the culture war. In reality, of course, neither will win. We'll just thrash back and forth between each side implementing their social own engineering agenda, trying to force their values on the rest of society.

I guess it's also the same insidious premise of the "lesser-of-two-evils" voting strategy, where we basically concede to shitty government because we're afraid it will get shittier. As soon as you play that game, you lose.
Sure we do. Your problem is you favor criminals over victims, including businesses who WILL NOT set up in urban shitholes because of the theft.

Trying running a candidate who isn't openly stealing from the government. Why should little people obey the law when the President can steal from the people, rape women, lie, cheat, and bully people around and get away with it. Bullying, hate crimes, murders - they're all up since Trump was elected. That's a cause and effect.

I favour law and order and peace. You have none of it, and you have right wing media blasting all day long how corrupt Democrats are and lying about imaginary crimes the have no evidence for, and you have Republicans actually committing the crimes they accuse Democrats of, and being arrested after thorough investigations with mountains of evidence.

Everything is a strategy with Republicans. Where is their work on behalf of the America people? The only American they're working for is Donald Trump.

The American people want a government focussed on what the PEOPLE need, not what some old criminal trying to cling to power who is promising to jail Democrats on no charges - something he tried and failed to accomplish throughout his term as President.

The American people want women to have access to reproductive health care. The maternal death rate has already risen by 50% in the USA as a result of the Trump Presidency, and if you think American women are going to vote for the asshole who set up the overturn of Roe v Wade, or the party who continues to ban abortion across the nation, think again.

All you have is talk and no action that doesn't involve violence and cruelty. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Republicans have screwed over the country for 40 years, looking for an excuse to proclaim some white guy President for Life.

Trump wanted anarchy on January 6th so he could declare martial law, and prevent Biden's iinauguration. He's still going for anarchy here.

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