The Culture War: A Strange Game ...

Sorry. Done with your games.
What games? Debate is a back and forth. I don't know what you mean by mob so I ask and you lash out. If that's how you react to everyone who has a different opinion than you then it's no wonder why you have a victim complex. Apparently asking you to explain yourself is an assault on your person. 😄
"The only winning move is not to play"

I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.

Cool thread….
Question…..if the “culture war” in America isn’t worth fighting is any war worth fighting?
Preserving and protecting the Constitution, our history and heritage, America’s moral order, our core principles and value system, our sovereignty and way of life should be worth dying for….no?
On a macro scale, isn’t that how/why we’ve lost so many soldiers? Haven’t they always fought and died for all that we are at our core?
Do you think conservatives should have continued to look the other way and pretend the Left wasn’t assaulting all things the American way?
"The only winning move is not to play"

I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.

Democrats didn't "start it", unless defending transgenders from attacks by right wingers can be classed as "starting it".
So…just give up and let lefties turn us into a Marxist nation. That’s not a plan.

Leftists are not and have never been "marxists". Even the most radical American leftists, are further to the right than most conservatives in other western democracies.

The Trump Cult are all just batshit crazy.
Cool thread….
Question…..if the “culture war” in America isn’t worth fighting is any war worth fighting?
Preserving and protecting the Constitution, our history and heritage, America’s moral order, our core principles and value system, our sovereignty and way of life should be worth dying for….no?
On a macro scale, isn’t that how/why we’ve lost so many soldiers? Haven’t they always fought and died for all that we are at our core?
Do you think conservatives should have continued to look the other way and pretend the Left wasn’t assaulting all things the American way?

The "Culture Wars" are the antithesis of your heritage, culture and the Constitution. The Culture Wars are the invention of Rupert Murdoch, which he uses to keep conservative voters in a state of perpetual fear and anger at the left, and its based on lies and the lies, ignorance and lack of education of people who don't know history or religion.
The "Culture Wars" are the antithesis of your heritage, culture and the Constitution. The Culture Wars are the invention of Rupert Murdoch, which he uses to keep conservative voters in a state of perpetual fear and anger at the left, and its based on lies and the lies, ignorance and lack of education of people who don't know history or religion.
Hold on….so the left really hasn’t been busting their asses assaulting the Constitution, our culture, history and heritage, America’s moral order, our core principles and value system and our sovereignty?
Rupert made it all up?
"The only winning move is not to play"

I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.
And, bingo. As with pretty much every other issue, each end of the spectrum overcompensates in its response, and it all just fucking spirals.

In this case, the Left's commitment to (and relentless pushing of) PC and Identity Politics created massive and rising resentment on the Right, and the Right responded with... Trump. And they absolutely deny it to this day. Bring up PC/Identity Politics to a lefty, and they'll summarily dismiss it as nothing.

Back and forth, back and forth. We don't fucking learn.
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"The only winning move is not to play"

I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.

If parents were ok with their children being groomed by lib perverts I suppose we could all get along just fine

Shame on me, huh?
we may be crazy but we didnt vote for that poor old senile semi idiot JOey Buydem

No you voted for the guy who killed over a million people with his failed covid response, tore up all of your trade deals increasing the trade deficit by billions of dollars, refused to deal with racial unrest and police brutality, fractured NATO, and crashed the economy.

You voted for the man who has bankrupted more companies and lost more money than any businessman in American history.

Yeah, you are crazy, and stupid.
No you voted for the guy who killed over a million people with his failed covid response, tore up all of your trade deals increasing the trade deficit by billions of dollars, refused to deal with racial unrest and police brutality, fractured NATO, and crashed the economy.

You voted for the man who has bankrupted more companies and lost more money than any businessman in American history.

Yeah, you are crazy, and stupid.
stop are worse than poor old buydem at least he is brain dead and cant help himself and the coke isnt helping one damn bit
Democrats didn't "start it", unless defending transgenders from attacks by right wingers can be classed as "starting it".
Who were shot on the baseball field again?

Who were shot on the baseball field again?

Once again, you ignore the hundreds of shootings by right wing radicals and point at the ONE shooting by someone hating on Republicans, which happened 6 years ago.

The fact that you have to go back 6 years to find violence against Republicans speaks volumes.

Whose husband had his skull fractured by a Trump Cult supporter? How many racially motivatged mass shootings just this year? What about the threats and attacks on those prosecuting Donald Trump?
Once again, you ignore the hundreds of shootings by right wing radicals and point at the ONE shooting by someone hating on Republicans, which happened 6 years ago.

The fact that you have to go back 6 years to find violence against Republicans speaks volumes.

Whose husband had his skull fractured by a Trump Cult supporter? How many racially motivatged mass shootings just this year? What about the threats and attacks on those prosecuting Donald Trump?
did you forget the hundreds gunned down in the hood every year
"The only winning move is not to play"

I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.

That is a remarkably stupid argument.

No one is "forcing" gender identity issues on anyone. They are, therefore they must be "incorporated". Primitives object to doing so for any number of reasons not limited to "gay panic", or a demand for conformity.

Republicans, looking back at the disastrous wreckage of their Supply Side dogma, need something to sell and the votes of the slack jaws too stupid to do the math required to distinguish good economic policy from bad. Trans kids make a perfect Enemy.....they are relatively few, they're visibly different without being colored, and they're unlikely to fight back
"The only winning move is not to play"

I give Rs a lot of shit over their culture war hysterics, but it's worth noting: the Democrats started it.

But that's no excuse, for either side, to perpetuate it.

For us counter-culture dudes its easy to watch the idiots run nutz.

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