The Culture War: A Strange Game ...

Once again, you ignore the hundreds of shootings by right wing radicals and point at the ONE shooting by someone hating on Republicans, which happened 6 years ago.

The fact that you have to go back 6 years to find violence against Republicans speaks volumes.

Whose husband had his skull fractured by a Trump Cult supporter? How many racially motivatged mass shootings just this year? What about the threats and attacks on those prosecuting Donald Trump?
Hundreds of shooting by right wing radicals.... Go ahead list all the shootings and provide links, because i know you are lying your ass off. As usual.
Does either side really think they're going to "win"?
Does either side really think they're going to "win"?
You know back when the Patriots went up against the best Army in the world, did they think they were going to win? They must of, since they had God on their side..

Are you a God fearing man?

You know back when the Patriots went up against the best Army in the world, did they think they were going to win? They must of, since they had God on their side..

Are you a God fearing man?
Nope. But people who are can be pretty scary.
You’re scared of Christians but not barbaric savages and those with no moral compass.
I wouldn't say I'm scared of them. Just riffing on the silly phrase "god fearing".

Anyway - it's been fun, but you can go back in your troll box now.

Anytime we try to force social change via legal mandates.

Government should protect our freedom to create the kind of society we want, via voluntary collaboration. It shouldn't be used to decide the "right way to live", and force everyone to comply.

Exactly. I need not assimilate only follow the laws. And I was born here in america.
I'm not suggesting you stay quiet. Just don't follow their lead. Democrats think the government is there to dictate cultural and social norms. If you oppose that notion, pushing for government to dictate YOUR preferred social norms is only validating their premise. The government should butt out altogether.
Government butting out is what gave us Roe and Obergfell in the first place.
Exactly. Government butting out protects our freedom from government telling us how to live.
And those were two od the most horrific decisions made
Millions of unborn babies murdered out of pure selfishness and faggots who want to distort the only proper definition of marriage. Soon Paedophiles will clamor for their special rights and youbwill just cheerlead them along.

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