the DACA blues ..

"To all who'd ever justify #DACA : If I robbed a bank to give my kids a better life, my kids should be able to keep the money, right? (And for @realDonaldTrump and @SenateGOP I'll promise to put a better lock on the bank vault, okay?)" - Crazy Steve King
seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?
seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?
Well during your day gramps it was a lot less than it is today.
You need some moisturizer.
Last edited:
RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....
View attachment 171120
seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?
Well during your day gramps is was a lot less than it is today.
You need some moisturizer.

Another dodge, what are you afraid of?
RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....
All your worst nightmares are coming true.
seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?
Rent + utilities + cheap car and gas + phone + food. You know the things you need to live and work in our civilization.
seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator

seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?
Rent + utilities + cheap car and gas + phone + food. You know the things you need to live and work in our civilization.

LOL, you'd be hard pressed to find "poor" folks who don't already have those things.
RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....

hope in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.

seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?

The obvious answer is that it depends where you live. If living on a farm full board then it would be lower than say living in Manhattan.

Living Wage Calculator


You folks NEVER think these things through. By trying to do this "good" you would force the very things you wish to provide too expensive to purchase.
RW's must be crying on their Trump Won pillow cases.

Senators say they are 'close' to a deal on DACA, border security

100$ to a piece of bubblegum the deal wont inclued A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL ,

Not crying, but even though the deal has not been announced my ass already hurts...from the expected 'bending over' Americans are going to get. Politicians have promised Americans for decades that 'If you just agree to let us do 'THIS' then we will build the wall' a carrot on a stick.

I fully expect the completion of the wall to be promised...again...and that promise NOT exchanged for AMNESTY that will be accom0plished IMMEDIATELY. Obama's Constitutional-Violating EO and all the crimes committed by those being given Amnesty will be rewarded while the American people are lied to and bent over again....

I HOPE I will be proven wrong.....

hope in one hand, shit in the other and see which one fills up faster

Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office - damn near every one of his weak promises were nothing but pipe dreams focused on RW talking points.


You shouldn't have run the Hildabeast.
Trump fucked you and the rest of the stupid shits that put him in office
No, Trump F*ed Hillary and every idiot who actually supported / voted for that self-serving, seditious, treasonous TROLL who was under 2 FBI investigations for committing crimes she DID commit...

You losers lost your damn minds when she lost and have been pushing the Russian agenda of dividing this nation ever since.

Tell me, snowflake, how much organizing did you do for many times did you march for the Russians, as proved so many of you nut-jobs did?


Perhaps ALL snowflakes are suffering from 'BRAIN CONGESTION'... :p
seal the border first.
limit immigration to those that will improve America, not simply compete for our lowest jobs.
Surely if the Mexicans are filling the 'lowest' jobs, the WHITE workers will be pushed up the food chain?
What about the blacks?

What about the importance of entry level jobs? I get really pissed off when the old canard "jobs Americans don't want to do" comes up. It is really a matter of not paying Americans decent wages for work for which you can pay illegals nickels and dimes.Yes; the cost of that lettuce might go up a bit but it seems quite disgusting that employers are paying less than a living wage.

How much IS a living wage?
Rent + utilities + cheap car and gas + phone + food. You know the things you need to live and work in our civilization.

You left out weed and beer and cable and internet and cool kicks and a leather jacket and bottled water and McDonald's and an xBox and a laptop and Call of Duty...

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