The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

You are so crazy.
When you guys said "respected journal" you were referring to "Chinese Medical Association"?

How can you trust either, Chinese, or CDC, the government organization that lied to us about everything related to COVID?
Speaking of CDC, they finally released their VAERS safety monitoring analyses, because of FOIA, and results clearly shows why they tried to hide them.

Data from UK and Australia shows that people seeking emergency help and staying in hospitals are almost exclusively "vaccinated". This one is from Australia.

NSW respiratory surveillance reports

the CDC did not lie about anything except fauchi saying masks weren't necessary because he wanted to save them for medical workers. That was dumb
Got mine yesterday

COVID Booster

Good luck, Mr. RW. I'm allergic to shots that deal with viruses, the last time I took a flu shot, it put me in the hospital in a state of shock. So when Covid came along, I didn't want another trip to the ER, so I spent the last 2 years wearing the mask, avoided crowds, and by some miracle, never got exposed to the virus. I've had everything else, so my last doctor visit, I requested them to see if my horrible cough was Covid. My doctor told me not only did I not have Covid, and even though never vaxxed, she said I never had it at any earlier time. I hope you never ever have an autoimmune issue with "vaccinations." I'll never be able to travel out of the country, either, but I don't care. I'm happy living in the country because nature has always been my favorite place. Only good wishes for your health.
As a logical thinking person, there are too many red-flags that have appeared to me over this Covid madness. I'll adjust my foil hat, and here they are:

~ Event 201: an "exercise" in pandemic response just MONTHS before Covid hit.
~ The Gain of Function research and funding from Fauci (US) in China.
~ Bill Gates touting how vaccinations can counter over-population.
~ Somehow Pfizer and other pharmaceutical Co's are shielded from DAMAGES from thier product.
~ The BILLIONS of $$$ tax paying Americans are actually filing the coffers of Big-Pharma.
~ Joe Biden's family is intertwined with Chi~com CORRUPTION.
~ The DOJ is publicly defying The Congress!
~ The seemingly never-ending $$$ feeding trough of Ukraine kick-backs.
~ And, most of all, ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
There's so much more...gah!

And what's worse is how many ordinary people just ignore the "certain unease in the air.... "

LIES, after LIES and absurdity!

With this Covid madness it seems they've gone too far, but holy crap, I can't imagine what's next!
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This Golfing Gator

It's not difficult. Or, if you trust Pharma implicitly, why didn't you get all five shots, but stop at two--even with COPD?
But you also believe a majority of the nation’s physicians are in on it too? Do you know how crazy that sounds? And disrespectful to the medical profession?
I would have thought a true conservative Great American like yourself would be all for an employer or buisness being free to decide to run their buisness as they see fit. What is up with that? As for schools it was a public health emergency. So students could get vaccinated or home schooled. Again not held down and given a vaccine.
So you believe a business can deny service to blacks? You believe public schools can deny admission because a student’s family has vetted the virus issue and doesn’t want their kid put at risk by an unproven and unnecessary shot?
The motive is always profit, that is what drives Pharma and every other company.

We have a long list of meds that were tested for 10 years and on the market for another couple decades and then BOOM they are pulled due to a problem.

As for my view of Pharma, I view them the same for everything they put out, from the COVID vax to my inhaler to the aspirin on my shelf.

I stopped at two because that was all that was needed. I do not use my inhaler twice a day like I am told as I do not think it is necessary.

Yes, the mRNA technology you injected is just like aspirin, gg. That's the ticket. That's the way to be rational.
But you also believe a majority of the nation’s physicians are in on it too? Do you know how crazy that sounds? And disrespectful to the medical profession?

You realize we live in a world where, not a hundred years ago, people watched their neighbors hauled away for being the wrong religion and did and said...nothing. If they weren't actively involved, they basically did nothing. The extent of "doing nothing" was so deep that when Dachau was liberated, the soldiers made the residents of the town tour the death camp so they could SEE what was happening right under their noses.

I use this example ONLY to say, absolutely. It doesn't take the "medical profession" being complicit. As we see, it only takes their licenses being threatened for them to go along.

They get little respect from me because they deserve little. The first time I had Covid, I wasn't afraid of the virus. I was afraid I might need to be hospitalized, where they would separate me from my family and then give me treatments that are harmful against my will.

This killed a lot of people. Believe that.
You, stone cold fucking dead by 2025, you are demonstrating abject denial of reality, a predicate symptom of psychosis, a great many will be dying over the next two years, likely including yourself, Biden Booster up sweetie-pie, get that fourth or fifth jab today, and remember that Obedience mask, wear that sucker full time all the time, even to bed each night, wear that sucker as badge of psychotic fascist pride, wear it to your own funeral, which could be soon! :banana:

rightwinger bragged about getting his FOURTH booster, a Shingles shot, and a flu shot....AT THE SAME TIME.

1.1M died in the US with Covid. Almost no one has died from the vaccine... the most dangerous side effect is possible skin infection from when it breaks your skin... which is miniscule... and they have developed a no needle version now.

Groups supporting safe vaccines: Johns Hopkins, Mayo Clinic, Harvard, CDC, AMA, UNC Health.... list goes on

Groups suggesting vaccines are unsafe: Sweetsue92, Gipper, User1234, QAnon.. list goes on
Yes, the mRNA technology you injected is just like aspirin, gg. That's the ticket. That's the way to be rational.

Both are made by the same groups for the same make money.

I just fucking kills you that you cannot make everyone agree with you.

Well, get over it.

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