The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

You are making up stuff so you can feel like you win the discussion because you really dont know enough to debate the points. You can not tell me what I talk about, hear, or believe, so why are you trying to tell me what I believe? Might it be that is how things work on your far right wing sites?

Which one of those I listed above I made up?

Which one of those I listed you still believe it happened?
Ok, whatever. I still believe the conventional, accepted science. Because you have nothing to present to change my mind. As I expected.
Show me any study at all on this subject.
It is incredibly stupid brainwash material. There is no evidence except for a bunch of lying scumbags.
Speaking of conspiracies...

You still believe that Trump colluded with Russians, that Steele dossier is real, that if you take a jab you won't get COVID, and that Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation.

And you're calling us nut jobs? :laughing0301:

Anyways, how many shots you got so far?
Trump told the Russians to go ahead and hack hillary's emails and that won the elections- he did it in public and they started hacking a couple of hours later. The Steele dossier has never been discredited did and it sounds just like him. lol the hunter laptop is real and it doesn't mean a damn thing. I got all the shots thank you no problem whatsoever of course. This shot cuts down your chances of hospitalization and death to nothing add still cuts transmission by 50% . Everything you know is crap. Change the damn channel. You only have one in the entire world for christ's sake.
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What outrageous claim did I make? I simply asked for links to any studies supporting your claims. You can’t provide them, where are the studies?

You don't get it. Every time lefties claims things like these, that's all they got, and all conversation stops right there.

Don't you dare to ask for a proof.
It is incredibly stupid brainwash material. There is no evidence except for a bunch of lying scumbags.

Trump told the Russians to go ahead and hack hillary's emails and that won the elections- he did it in public and they started hacking a couple of hours later. The Steele dossier has never been discredited did and it sounds just like him. Go to a doctor's office lol the hunter laptop is real and it doesn't mean a damn thing. I got all the shots thank you no problem whatsoever of course. This shot cuts down your chances of hospitalization and death to nothing. Everything you know is crap. Change the damn channel. You only have one in the entire world for christ's sake

There we go... I knew you're still hooked on it. :laughing0301:

And you're calling us conspiracy theorists. LOL

Now, how many jabs you got so far?
So let's say you received your first dose, conservatively, in May 2021.

You are telling us you waited over EIGHTEEN MONTHS for your second dose?


You didn’t ask that, you asked when I got my second Booster

I got my first dose in Feb 2021
My second in April 2021

First Booster April 2022
Second Booster. Jan 23
Meanwhile you are the only people in the world that think there was election fraud or global warming hoax or vaccine hoax or that the rich pay enough in taxes or all kinds of other misinformation and ridiculous conspiracies. Pedophiles the Biden crime family- a little evidence would actually be nice... Democrats are interested in progress and justice, everyone in the world knows it except you people... the brainwashed conspiracy nut jobs.
Once again yu claim a clear fallacy. Claiming to know what all the people in the world know and think.

Step away from the MSM and look around for yourself. Speak to real people, not just the media. It would make you at least sound less stupid and bigoted.
CDC, WHO and almost all global medical professionals say otherwise

Only Conservative vaccine deniers say otherwise
And you trust those two agencies? Proven to be liars over the years and trying their best to limit the freedoms we at present still enjoy. These "professionals" say whatever they are told to say, no proof required. To claim otherwise is just naive.
It's a conspiracy, right, nut job? Lol these people are unbelievable.....
Prove it is not a conspiracy going on. If it acts like a duck, quacks like a duck and moves like a duck, it is a duck.

You continue to make claims without anything to back you up, just constant whining.
Step away from the MSM and look around for yourself. Speak to real people, not just the media. It would make you at least sound less stupid and bigoted.
Do you remember Eric Clapton saying that after getting his second dose of the vaccine, he had a reaction, that wouldn't allow him to ever play the guitar again?

Jump forward, and last year Clapton was on a concert tour and caught COVID. And being in his 70's, he was at high risk for complications and hospitalization or death had he not been vaccinated.
Prove it is not a conspiracy going on. If it acts like a duck, quacks like a duck and moves like a duck, it is a duck.

You continue to make claims without anything to back you up, just constant whining.
It looks like the sun orbits the earth. Hell, you see it every day. Science is the answer.

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