The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Sweet Jeebus, what an astoundingly stupid question.

Notice how no one else is jumping on your bandwagon of stupid? You're all alone here. Even your fellow cultists find you to be embarrassing.

That's right, dumbass. Ventilators don't actually work. The modern ventilator, invented in the mid-1950s, actually never helps anyone. They're just a scam to make money by the companies that make them. Good work there, blowing open that conspiracy.
I work alone unlike you and your team.
Tiktoktiktoktiktoktok ....

Another 200 dead today in the USA from COVID, the majority of them antivaxxers ...

Yes, the trend is down, mainly due to the effectiveness of the vaccines, and because communicable diseases spread less in warm weather when people aren't packed together inside. But COVID will always be there, waiting in the wings. It's like the flu now, a permanent addition to the landscape. Just a good deal deadlier. It will be back in force next winter.
you can't prove that fool. demfks are such parroting fools.

Duh, Hi!
I'm Benjamin Singer, MD. A proud part of that awful Scientific Establishment that those anti-vaxxer numbskulls love to disparage until they read something from a non-peer reviewed, nowhere near large enough sampled, special study that, in their wildest dreams, may be interpreted to mean vaccines are bad news and that ventilators have never saved anyone's sorry ass.. given one is incredibly stupid and hell bent upon doing so.

I'm certainly no anti-vaxxer myself. Hell, I'm not even an immunologist. I usually just teach and treat people with chest problems at our hospital. I do my job, in other words. Part of which involves describing what I see.. on paper, or typed into a file, see? My new "machine learning" app makes the results look pretty darn cool, don't it though?

Here's the thing, see. Me and a few of my best buddies, Nikolay Markov; Thomas Stoeger, PhD; Anna Pawlowski; Mengjia Kang, MS; Prasanth Nannapaneni; Rogan Grant; Chiagozie Pickens ’14 MD ’17 GME, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care; James Walter, MD, assistant professor of Medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care; Jacqueline Kruser, MD; Luke Rasmussen, MS; Daniel Schneider, MS; Justin Starren, MD, PhD, chief of Health and Biomedical Informatics in the Department of Preventive Medicine; Helen Donnelly; Alvaro Donayre; Yuan Luo, PhD, director of the Center for Collaborative AI in Healthcare and associate professor of Preventive Medicine; Scott Budinger, MD, chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care in the Department of Medicine; and Alexander Misharin, MD, PhD, heh, hew, cough, cough, wow, sorry. My lungs need a rest after that..

we managed to get this nice, fat grant from the NIH to do this weird study that just happens to help the hospital pay for much needed upgrades and shit like that. Ain't government wonderful?

We looked only at people at death's door and concluded that many of them did indeed soon die despite our best efforts to save them. Truly shocking,.. believe me, I know. :rolleyes:
And lie like shit for that grant money. Thanks for proving our point. Fk, the dude admitted it if that indeed is his statement. I'm laughing thanks,
But all the science agrees with me. If it didn't, I'd change my opinion to match the science. That's how liberalism works.
naw, it doesn't, I already explained it to you that the SARS 2 was manufactured. Science told us that and yet you ignored it. hmmmmmmmmmm, the only thing science for you is what you use for.........
The study backs me up, so it's weird that you post it. You're actually trying to use "Well, COVID didn't kill them, COVID-induced pneumonia did!" as if it excuses you? The mind boggles.
why are they changing it then?
so you don't follow news? No fking wonder you can't ever follow along in here.
For the "subject supposed to know" (Lacan) there can't be any contradictions, so the science will be cherry-picked or glossed over. There's no in-depth education and many can't understand the words they're reading even if it is in their mother tongue.
And by "news", you mean "My loopy conspiracy-kook websites."

I hate to break it to you, no one outside of your perverse death-cult follows those. You're just a small pack of crazies shaking your tiny little fists at the clouds.
so you only listen to fake news, gotcha. No wonder you're always lost.
well it's fking very important. It says that man created it rather than nature. And yes I completely understand the science. The issue seems to highlight that you don't. The science says that the marker found in SARS2 was manufactured!!!!!!!!!!! I can't say it any more plain for you. You followed the fake science of Fauci. BTW, the science also says that wearing a mask to prevent a virus doesn't work. No matter how many times you want to post such nonsense.

And lockdowns don't work, but indeed make it worse and helps prolong exposure. So that was intentional if you actually followed the science.

Go away loser, your skills aren't needed here.

You know what's funny, if someone were to put you in a room with a highly infectious person with covid and there was a brand new unopened n95 mask you'd be making a beeline for that mask in a nano second. Out goes the conspiracy theories, vaccine dogma, mask dogma, everything lol
You know what's funny, if someone were to put you in a room with a highly infectious person with covid and there was a brand new unopened n95 mask you'd be making a beeline for that mask in a nano second. Out goes the conspiracy theories, vaccine dogma, mask dogma, everything lol
Why would I do that, masks don't stop viruses. Look it up. I enjoy breathing btw.
No one can ever figure out what you're babbling about. You're off in your own weirdass reality.
“I really regret having gotten the vaccine. I’m sure it’s fine, but I just wish when the state told me to do something, I’d be the sort of person who said no, but it turns out, I’m the sort of person who says, fine.” Unnamed Comedian

Hopefully you’ve learned a lesson here and won’t be a slavish serf of the State next time.
“I really regret having gotten the vaccine. I’m sure it’s fine, but I just wish when the state told me to do something, I’d be the sort of person who said no, but it turns out, I’m the sort of person who says, fine.” Unnamed Comedian

Hopefully you’ve learned a lesson here and won’t be a slavish serf of the State next time.

You are NOT an anarchist, wannabe.
“I really regret having gotten the vaccine. I’m sure it’s fine, but I just wish when the state told me to do something, I’d be the sort of person who said no, but it turns out, I’m the sort of person who says, fine.” Unnamed Comedian

Hopefully you’ve learned a lesson here and won’t be a slavish serf of the State next time.
Lesson: Sieg Heil to popular fake account posts showing some moron being a moron on TikTok and Twitter! {If you're still in Junior High and a moron}
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You know what's funny, if someone were to put you in a room with a highly infectious person with covid and there was a brand new unopened n95 mask you'd be making a beeline for that mask in a nano second. Out goes the conspiracy theories, vaccine dogma, mask dogma, everything lol
There is no way for the "vaxxed" prisoner to know if the "vaccine" is working, because it does nothing for those viruses on the surface of mouth, nose and throat. Titers found on these surfaces are the same for both "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed." Even if tested daily, there is no way for swabbing to prove the "vaccine" is working. duh

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