The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

There is no way for the "vaxxed" prisoner to know if the "vaccine" is working, because it does nothing for those viruses on the surface of mouth, nose and throat. Titers found on these surfaces are the same for both "vaxxed" and "unvaxxed." Even if tested daily, there is no way for swabbing to prove the "vaccine" is working. duh

Under that logic, how do you know any vaccine is "working?" This is how believing in conspiracy makes you stupid.
Carol Patty -- "I got it because nobody around me would. I don't regret it."

Sorry you just can't bring yourself to laugh at that joke with me.
Never forget what these fucking assholes said.


Too bad you got guys got fooled and were too feeble minded to see the fraud.

Only two short years ago the Unvaxxed were vilified and denounced…

…And worse…

Prominent voices, said,

“You Are The Problem.”


Screw Your Freedom.”

Lest we forget, please watch and share this collection of historical record media clips.

Never forget what these fucking assholes said.
I get it. You don't actually watch those "fucking assholes" any more than we do because it's such obvious corporate bread and circuses for the masses. But you'll watch a different asshole on Twitter show a selection of clips, cherry picked from hindsight and way back mostly from those same corporate news assholes and then think it proves you were smarter and righteously mad all along, just like Jimmy. The truth is you never listened to actual reason from day one. Btw, your Twitter links are broken, but the image in front of the last one is quite funny.

The thing you'll apparently never understand is that good people abound who continue to march every day. Keep their heads down, take no bribes, roll with the punches, hold others accountable, and perform quality work because there's actually far more to life than accumulating wealth and expensive things. They fuck up now and then just like everyone else. Nothing shocking about that. Just finished watching Better Call Saul to the bitter end. Same point. You think there must be some absolute rules or easy answers. There aren't. Just tons of assholes. Humans, iow. Provides no excuse.
I get it. You don't actually watch those "fucking assholes" any more than we do because it's such obvious corporate bread and circuses for the masses. But you'll watch a different asshole on Twitter show a selection of clips, cherry picked from hindsight and way back mostly from those same corporate news assholes and then think it proves you were smarter and righteously mad all along, just like Jimmy. The truth is you never listened to actual reason from day one. Btw, your Twitter links are broken, but the image in front of the last one is quite funny.

The thing you'll apparently never understand is that good people abound who continue to march every day. Keep their heads down, take no bribes, roll with the punches, hold others accountable, and perform quality work because there's actually far more to life than accumulating wealth and expensive things. They fuck up now and then just like everyone else. Nothing shocking about that. Just finished watching Better Call Saul to the bitter end. Same point. You think there must be some absolute rules or easy answers. There aren't. Just tons of assholes. Humans, iow. Provides no excuse.
Lol. Were you one of those assholes who believed the unvaxxed are dangerous and should be imprisoned? After all only the unvaxxed died of covid lol.
Lol. Were you one of those assholes who believed the unvaxxed are dangerous and should be imprisoned? After all only the unvaxxed died of covid lol.

He absolutely was and now is saying, "nevermind it was just bad science or a mistake"

I was for the vaccine mandates when people were dying due to their 1st or 2nd exposure. In 2023, I see vaccines as more of a matter of personal choice, but I still intend to get boosted every possible time.

The whole anti-vaxx reaction is not only hurting us in our fight against COVID, it's causing people to have doubts about all vaccines. People are worn out with crap information and outright lies. We're bringing back diseases we long ago contained - measles, polio, and others.

We're the country that developed the science that ended a pandemic. And people are turning against that science. Sad, really.
Lol. Were you one of those assholes who believed the unvaxxed are dangerous and should be imprisoned? After all only the unvaxxed died of covid lol.

Unvaxxed people who also refused to wear masks and have large gatherings? I don't see how mass imprisonment solves the problem if we're trying to slow the spread of disease, but a citation/fine is certainly in order.
gipper and Typhoid sittin' a tree
one lies about vaccines
so the other takes a pee
tee hee ha ha
golly gee
such a cute couple
boring as can be
never grew up
anyone can see
I was for the vaccine mandates when people were dying due to their 1st or 2nd exposure. In 2023, I see vaccines as more of a matter of personal choice, but I still intend to get boosted every possible time.

The whole anti-vaxx reaction is not only hurting us in our fight against COVID, it's causing people to have doubts about all vaccines. People are worn out with crap information and outright lies. We're bringing back diseases we long ago contained - measles, polio, and others.

We're the country that developed the science that ended a pandemic. And people are turning against that science. Sad, really.
A major generic drug manufacturer now pays my daughter to design tests screening for adverse and allergic reactions to their products. Otherwise smart people like gipper, Sue, and Jimmy Dore clearly lack personal experience with working, dedicated scientists.

I find it particularly sad and ironic in Jimmy's case. That guy has busted his ass creating his own space and earned his reputation for cutting through the crap. Now he's doing some laugh at COVID tour or something. Incredibly oblivious.
Unvaxxed people who also refused to wear masks and have large gatherings? I don't see how mass imprisonment solves the problem if we're trying to slow the spread of disease, but a citation/fine is certainly in order.


There are actually people who STILL thinks masks worked?

gipper and Typhoid sittin' a tree
one lies about vaccines
so the other takes a pee
tee hee ha ha
golly gee
such a cute couple
boring as can be
never grew up
anyone can see

We were right about everything. All of it.
I was for the vaccine mandates when people were dying due to their 1st or 2nd exposure. In 2023, I see vaccines as more of a matter of personal choice, but I still intend to get boosted every possible time.

The whole anti-vaxx reaction is not only hurting us in our fight against COVID, it's causing people to have doubts about all vaccines. People are worn out with crap information and outright lies. We're bringing back diseases we long ago contained - measles, polio, and others.

We're the country that developed the science that ended a pandemic. And people are turning against that science. Sad, really.
Another dupe capable of ignoring the facts and accepting the propaganda. Jesus!

Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Court enter an order requiring the FDA to produce all documents and data submitted by Pfizer on a rolling basis such that all of it shall be produced on or before March 3, 2022, which is 108 days from today. To require less is to render FOIA meaningless, the FDA’s promise of transparency a lie, and to send a signal to every American that while the federal executive branch is shielding Pfizer from any liability for injuries from its product and requiring employers, schools, hospitals and the military to expel those that don’t receive this product, it is protecting the very documents Pfizer provided to our taxpayer-funded health agency to obtain licensure to be able to sell this product. That simply should not be and highlights why FOIA and equity demand the relief Plaintiff requests herein.

A major generic drug manufacturer now pays my daughter to design tests screening for adverse and allergic reactions to their products. Otherwise smart people like gipper, Sue, and Jimmy Dore clearly lack personal experience with working, dedicated scientists.

I find it particularly sad and ironic in Jimmy's case. That guy has busted his ass creating his own space and earned his reputation for cutting through the crap. Now he's doing some laugh at COVID tour or something. Incredibly oblivious.
You lack awareness, totally. You ignore the numerous crimes and corruption by pharma, government, and media. Then totally ignore the facts as they came forward and all the lies. How does one become so ignorant? Are you too alone in life with nothing to live for?

There are actually people who STILL thinks masks worked?


They do. They work better if everyone wears them, which they don't, so they're not as effective as they otherwise would be. They still reduce viral load, though, so in tandem with everything else - vaccination, diet, exercise, sleep, etc - they work.

Ventilation and air filtration also work -- better than masks -- and yet there's been little to no discussion about it. For one of the most advanced societies on the planet, we're pretty fucken dumb sometimes. But that's what happens when people get their science from Fox News.

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