The damage done by the New Partisans

-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Do not let the damn politicians which create and advance their agendas and wedge issue to be innocent...While blaming the electorate...
The politicians do not act in a civilized manor and they do not keep their mouths shut....
The biggest influx of of rracial divide was when Oblama was elected...The damn racist came out of the woodwork and their halos were dimmed...

Oh yes, Ha! Ha!, Everyone who were against Obama for President is racist. Give it up, it's so old it stinks of rot
Boy talk about not seeing the forest for the trees......I had at least a dozen white folks tell me the day after he was elected how their relatives would be rollin' in their graves if they knew a niggah was in the White House...

You were at a KKK meeting?
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.
Well, in all honesty, what he is really saying is that it was when the GOP stopped being a door mat for the Democrats that the party was hijacked.
People including Reagan believed in the 80's that we needed to spend MONEY on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, etc. Today idiot on the far right believes that we shouldn't spend any MONEY on maintaining our own country, but they will BITCH at the president if we move to NUMBER TWO in ranking.
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.
Well, in all honesty, what he is really saying is that it was when the GOP stopped being a door mat for the Democrats that the party was hijacked.

Lol, anyone sane should be willing to work together on the nessurities it takes to maintain this nation as a world power. There was a time both parties would work together towards that goal. Today it is a food fight and you people don't give a damn.
"Christie questions whether Obama cares about the US -"

And this is typical of most on the partisan right, the consequence of the republican agenda being devoid of new ideas and merit, where the GOP has nothing but personal attacks, lies, and divisive politics intended to foment conflict between and among the American people.

Questioning whether the president 'cares about America' is as reprehensible as it it wrong.
"Christie questions whether Obama cares about the US -"

And this is typical of most on the partisan right, the consequence of the republican agenda being devoid of new ideas and merit, where the GOP has nothing but personal attacks, lies, and divisive politics intended to foment conflict between and among the American people.

Questioning whether the president 'cares about America' is as reprehensible as it it wrong.
Exhibit A.

The prosecution rests.
Oh for pity President has ever won with more than like 61% of the popular vote. We've always been pretty evenly split down the middle.

A good start to "fix" the problem is a Constitutional Amendment getting rid of partisan gerrymandering.
Liberals keep saying that the right has moved.

No, Barry Goldwater and Victor Gold did...are/were they "liberals"?

They understood that it took some government to maintain this country and not everything should fall to the private sector. Yes, it takes money to have a super power such as ours and you're not going to be within the top 40 nations on this planet without spending some major PUBLIC bang.
This began with Democrats, of course. I could tick off examples of Democrats demonizing Republicans for the last 10 years and exhaust the server space on this forum. We have never seen the level of lying and vitriol against Democrats by the GOP that we saw in, say, Alan Grayson's "Republicans want you to die quickly" speech on healthcare.
And Dems arent trustworthy in the least. Bush wanted the No Child Left Behind act passed. He left it up to Ted Kennedy to write. Kennedy wrote it and then denounced it on the floor of the Senate as being not generous enough.
You cannot work with people like that. You can only destroy them in every possible way. Democrats are the ISIS of the political scene.

I was driving in my care when I heard kennedy do that to Bush.....Bush had had a good relationship with democrats in Texas and thought he could get along with them in washington....but he was wrong...he invited kennedy over all the time and as you said let him draft the education bill....and then was stabbed in the back first thing....kennedy also went after Judge Bork and Thomas and it just got worse from their......

democrats thirst for power and will destroy anyone who gets in their way....
Conservatives tell the truth about democrats and they get mad.....democrats lie about repbulicans, conservatives, libertarinans and Tea Party members and we get mad....a big difference....
and the democrats in education, hollywood and the press lie as well...just ask the "White Hispanic" or the "hands up don't shoot" press about lying......
...and, so what do we get in a thread talking about the destructive nature of partisan politics creating warring tribes?

.... a bunch of warriors all lining up on one side or the other pointing fingers at the other tribe.

Unfortunately, all the rest of us (the majority) can do is ask them to stop.


Why would we stop? The democrat train is dragging the country into the abyss why in the hell would we not want to stop that trend? I am not even sure what the author wants out of people. I refuse to support what the democrats have done both politically and socially to this country in the last 8 years, just ain't gonna happen.

If O'Malley runs against Christie or Bush, I'll consider voting for O'Malley first or not voting at all. If O'Malley runs against Rubio, Jindal, Walker or Paul then I will vote for them.
This began with Democrats, of course. I could tick off examples of Democrats demonizing Republicans for the last 10 years and exhaust the server space on this forum. We have never seen the level of lying and vitriol against Democrats by the GOP that we saw in, say, Alan Grayson's "Republicans want you to die quickly" speech on healthcare.
And Dems arent trustworthy in the least. Bush wanted the No Child Left Behind act passed. He left it up to Ted Kennedy to write. Kennedy wrote it and then denounced it on the floor of the Senate as being not generous enough.
You cannot work with people like that. You can only destroy them in every possible way. Democrats are the ISIS of the political scene.
Have you forgotten the Clinton administration? We're the Conservatives welcoming President Clinton like an old lodge buddy?

Ken Starr investigations wandering around looking for something to investigate. Rush Limbaugh and other so-called pundits throwing grenades and watching their effect?

Sure! "It all started with the Democrats".

Don't speak of Conservative innocence.

The Republicans have the Tea Party & the Libertarians pulling them to the right, the Democrats have the PC Police & the Progressives pulling them to the left.

That's where most of the energy is in both parties, so that's where the influence is, unfortunately.

This began with Democrats, of course. I could tick off examples of Democrats demonizing Republicans for the last 10 years and exhaust the server space on this forum. We have never seen the level of lying and vitriol against Democrats by the GOP that we saw in, say, Alan Grayson's "Republicans want you to die quickly" speech on healthcare.
And Dems arent trustworthy in the least. Bush wanted the No Child Left Behind act passed. He left it up to Ted Kennedy to write. Kennedy wrote it and then denounced it on the floor of the Senate as being not generous enough.
You cannot work with people like that. You can only destroy them in every possible way. Democrats are the ISIS of the political scene.
Have you forgotten the Clinton administration? We're the Conservatives welcoming President Clinton like an old lodge buddy?

Ken Starr investigations wandering around looking for something to investigate. Rush Limbaugh and other so-called pundits throwing grenades and watching their effect?

Sure! "It all started with the Democrats".

Don't speak of Conservative innocence.

YOu do realize that Ken Starr only investigated what he was told to investigate by congress.....and clinton lied under oath to avoid it and lied about the people trying to investigate him.....kennedy sided with the soviet union against goes that far back....
People including Reagan believed in the 80's that we needed to spend MONEY on infrastructure, science, r&d, education, etc. Today idiot on the far right believes that we shouldn't spend any MONEY on maintaining our own country, but they will BITCH at the president if we move to NUMBER TWO in ranking.

You realize that the National Debt wasn't as big back then as it is today, it also wasn't increasing at the rate it is today. You realize that dont you? We cannot afford it today.
Oh for pity President has ever won with more than like 61% of the popular vote. We've always been pretty evenly split down the middle.

A good start to "fix" the problem is a Constitutional Amendment getting rid of partisan gerrymandering.

If gerrymandering is such a problem then how did the democrats lose so big in the mid terms? Funny that the Republicans would have to gerrymander considering the ass whooping the left received.

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