The damage done by the New Partisans

Liberals keep saying that the right has moved.

No, Barry Goldwater and Victor Gold did...are/were they "liberals"?

what is your point? That the right has moved to the left? I can agree with that, sadly.

Wow, so you're telling me that cutting infrastructure, science, r&d, education in which the right once supported 30 years ago is moving left. That doesn't make any sense. A first world country takes money! You must lock yourself out in the boondocks if you believe otherwise.
It's not rocket science, liberal filth took over the Democratic party. They are liars and corrupt. Worse they have corrupted the press so there's no check and balance. More often than not the press cover for them or are out in front propagating their lies for them. Don't expect us to compromise with this liberal filth.
After the fall of the Soviet Union in the late '80's, the right no longer had the "Red Scare" to propagate, they replaced it with the "socialism/communism/progressive/leftist/green scare"

You obviously don't remember the eighties. Demonstrating the op, aren't you?

I remember the 80's and the drastic change in the Republican did Barry Goldwater and Goldwater Republicans like Goldwater aide Victor Gold...

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the Republican party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them."
Barry Goldwater

The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.


Invasion of the Party Snatchers

By Victor Gold

After four decades as a Republican insider, Victor Gold reveals how the holy-rollers and the Neo-Cons have destroyed the GOP. Now he's fighting to get his party back.

As a man who served as press aide to Barry Goldwater and speechwriter and senior advisor to George H. W. Bush (in addition to co-authoring his autobiography), Victor Gold is absolutely furious that the Neo-Cons and their strange bedfellows, the Evangelical Right, have stolen his party from him. Now he is bringing the fight to them.

Invasion of the Party Snatchers is a blistering critique not only of the Bush-Cheney administration but also of the Republican Congress. Gold is ready to tell all about the war being waged for the soul of the GOP, including the elder Bush's opinion of his sons work domestically and abroad, the significance of the newly elected Congress, and how Goldwater would have reacted to it all. Gold reveals, among other explosive disclosures, how George W. has been manipulated by his vice president and secretary of defense to become, in Lenin's famous phrase, a "useful idiot" for Neo-Conservative warmongers and Theo-Conservative religious fanatics.

Although there have been other books by dissident Republicans attacking the Bush-Cheney administrations betrayal of conservative principles, none have been by an insider whose political credentials include inner-circle status with Barry Goldwater and George H. W. Bush.

"Make no mistake: author Gold, a former speechwriter for George H.W. Bush and aide to Barry Goldwater, is one disgusted Republican. The GOP of the 2006 midterm election, he writes, is 'a party of pork-barrel ear-markers like Dennis Hastert, of political hatchet men like Karl Rove, and of Bible-thumping hypocrites like Tom Delay.' Gold looks to Goldwater, 'a straight-talking, freethinking maverick,' as the yardstick by which to measure just how far the party of Lincoln has fallen.

He traces the beginning of the end to the 1980 Republican National Convention and the presence of 'a militant new element...personified by Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.' The other half of the equation, the neoconservatives, are embodied by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, 'two cuts from the same Machiavellian cloth.' In efficient prose, Gold scrutinizes a significant swath of recent GOP history, in particular Newt Gingrich's 104th Congress and the Bush II White House, without losing momentum.

He also has choice words for 'the Coulterization of Republican rhetoric,' the revolving door between Capitol Hill and K Street, and 'sideshow' legislation like the Flag Protection Amendment. Gold sees a promising future for the Republican Party, but not until they lose some major elections and are able to keep down a slice of humble pie; for those disillusioned with the state of the GOP, this quick, uncompromising polemic provides substantial support, along with a large dose of cold comfort." Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) (Copyright Reed Business Information, Inc.)

The last real Goldwater conservative in America attacks the current state of his movement and his party.
Powell's Books - Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and Neo-Cons Destroyed the GOP by Victor Gold


Victor Gold grew up in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he attended the public schools, and Tulane University. After working as a reporter-correspondent for the BIRMINGHAM (Alabama) NEWS, he earned his law degree (J.D.) from the University of Alabama. He served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, 1950-52.

In 1958 he moved to Washington, D.C., and joined the public relations firm of Selvage & Lee. Six years later he became Deputy Press Secretary to Senator Barry Goldwater during the 1964 presidential campaign.

In 1965 Gold opened his own political public relations firm in Washington, listing among his clients then-Republican House leader Gerald Ford and Senator Bob Dole. At the Republican conventions of 1968 and 1976 he worked with press secretary Lyn Nofziger on behalf of the presidential candidacy of then-California Governor Ronald Reagan. During the Nixon administration he served as press secretary to Vice President Spiro T. Agnew until January, 1973.

In 1980 Gold joined the staff of Republican presidential candidate George H. W. Bush as a speechwriter and senior advisor, a position he held during the Reagan-Bush campaigns of '80 and '84. He served on the Bush vice-presidential staff in 1981, and as a Bush advisor in the campaigns of 1988 and 1992. In 1992 he received the Distinguished Achievement Award for Political Communication from his alma mater, the University of Alabama.

In 1989 Gold served as a member of President Bush's election-oversight delegation to the first free Romanian elections.

A frequent speaker on the national political and campus circuits, Gold has also appeared on numerous network television shows. His articles, covering politics and sports, have appeared in NEWSWEEK, HARPER'S, ATLANTIC MONTHLY, PLAYBOY, CONNOISSEUR, READERS' DIGEST, NATIONAL REVIEW, THE WEEKLY STANDARD, NEW REPUBLIC, THE NEW YORK TIMES, THE LOS ANGELES TIMES, and THE WASHINGTON POST.

I don't like either of you pathetic political parties. There is virtually no difference between you, and it seems to just make you angrier. But the idea it was Republicans who suddenly became angry and not Democrats is you just filling your swimming pool with kool-aid. The anger from the left since the 80s has been unbridled
Something that gets overlooked is that America didn't hear much of a conservative voice once TV came on strong. The left even got control over radio. It wasn't until the "Fairness Doctrine" got the ax that America started hearing conservatives on the airwaves. Now with talk radio, TV talk show and the internet we get more information. As the liberals lost their grip on information dissemination they had to up the ante and try to convince people that conservative values were not just wrong, but evil.

Yea, the EVIL of fairness!!!

What it was: The Fairness Doctrine, as initially laid out in the report, ”In the Matter of Editorializing by Broadcast Licensees,” required that TV and radio stations holding FCC-issued broadcast licenses to (a) devote some of their programming to controversial issues of public importance and (b) allow the airing of opposing views on those issues. This meant that programs on politics were required to include opposing opinions on the topic under discussion. Broadcasters had an active duty to determine the spectrum of views on a given issue and include those people best suited to representing those views in their programming.

Additionally, the rule mandated that broadcasters alert anyone subject to a personal attack in their programming and give them a chance to respond, and required any broadcasters who endorse political candidates to invite other candidates to respond. However, the Fairness Doctrine is different from the Equal Time rule, which is still in force and requires equal time be given to legally qualified political candidates.

Yes, fairness is not me keeping what I earned, it is you taking by force that which you didn't.

This word you keep using, fairness, I don't think it means what you think it means
-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Do not let the damn politicians which create and advance their agendas and wedge issue to be innocent...While blaming the electorate...
The politicians do not act in a civilized manor and they do not keep their mouths shut....
The biggest influx of of rracial divide was when Oblama was elected...The damn racist came out of the woodwork and their halos were dimmed...
It's a symbiotic relationship. Pols are like dogs. They react to stimulus. When they go off demonizing Republicans and get huge applause in the media and from voters and get elected they learn that behavior gets rewarded. So they do it more.
Obama did more to polarize race in this country than anyone else. He had to stick his flat nose into every local controversy, regardless of the facts. Recall his jumping into the arrest of the Harvard professor before al the facts were out. Holder is an out and out racist, who gives passes to blacks who violate election laws.
Remember the outrage when a black man was elected president, before he was even settle in office?
Holder and Oblama are no worse than what white presidents have done to acerbate the racial tension by silent proxy...


Oh, and what's wrong with you people? Why are YOU so angry?

Gotcha, dick, when the Marxist became President, our issue was his skin color. That's why we were OK with Slick, John Fing Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Read and the white liberals. I mean we tried to oppose them, but damn it, they are white, it's OK.

You see Bfjorn, you are an idiot, you don't see hatred on your own side, you just don't. Because you are full of hate yourself
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"
-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Do not let the damn politicians which create and advance their agendas and wedge issue to be innocent...While blaming the electorate...
The politicians do not act in a civilized manor and they do not keep their mouths shut....
The biggest influx of of rracial divide was when Oblama was elected...The damn racist came out of the woodwork and their halos were dimmed...
It's a symbiotic relationship. Pols are like dogs. They react to stimulus. When they go off demonizing Republicans and get huge applause in the media and from voters and get elected they learn that behavior gets rewarded. So they do it more.
Obama did more to polarize race in this country than anyone else. He had to stick his flat nose into every local controversy, regardless of the facts. Recall his jumping into the arrest of the Harvard professor before al the facts were out. Holder is an out and out racist, who gives passes to blacks who violate election laws.
Remember the outrage when a black man was elected president, before he was even settle in office?
Holder and Oblama are no worse than what white presidents have done to acerbate the racial tension by silent proxy...


Oh, and what's wrong with you people? Why are YOU so angry?

Gotcha, dick, when the Marxist became President, our issue was his skin color. That's why we were OK with Slick, John Fing Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Read and the white liberals. I mean we tried to oppose them, but damn it, they are white, it's OK.

You see Bfjorn, you are an idiot, you don't see hatred on your own side, you just don't. Because you are full of hate yourself
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"

Yes, because the Heritage foundation speaks for all non-leftists everywhere. Idiot
Yes, we do live in an era of hyper partisanship. Examples of this began with accusing anyone who opposed the illegal invasion of Iraq as being terrorist supporters but it began earlier than that with the crotch sniffing attacks on Bill Clinton. In essence the "politics of personal destruction" morphed into hyper partisanship.

The subsequent gerrymandering simply reinforced those mindsets and yes, that electorate is sadly misinformed by disingenuous sources that spread disinformation under the guise of "entertainment".

As far as any remediation goes it is more just a matter of letting it run it's odious course until it burns itself out. The demographic shifts will reduce this malign influence on our society and it will die off, quite literally.

The new generation of conservatives are already moving away from the partisan rhetoric and embracing things like Obamacare because they are looking at the benefits of having healthcare and marriage equality amongst their peers.

The old guard won't be around for long enough to damage this nation irreparably IMO.
Interesting how you stopped at Clinton and ignored the absolute vile vitriol leveled at Ronald Reagan for eight long years...Prior to that, it was Ford and prior to that, Nixon.

It is at Nixon that I think the hyper-partisanship began. It wasn't until the liberals lost their lock on media outlets that they became outright rabid about it, and today, the left (more specifically, progressives) are only a hairs breath away from literal foaming at the mouth when talking about people who have a different vision. Oh, and that different vision has to be lied about in order to justify their venomous reactions.

Okay, you have an exhibit. Now fill in the rest of those three years and compare them to what the left has done to any GOP President. Hands down, the left have been the worst AND the instigators of each and every escalation in vitriolic rhetoric.
-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Do not let the damn politicians which create and advance their agendas and wedge issue to be innocent...While blaming the electorate...
The politicians do not act in a civilized manor and they do not keep their mouths shut....
The biggest influx of of rracial divide was when Oblama was elected...The damn racist came out of the woodwork and their halos were dimmed...
It's a symbiotic relationship. Pols are like dogs. They react to stimulus. When they go off demonizing Republicans and get huge applause in the media and from voters and get elected they learn that behavior gets rewarded. So they do it more.
Obama did more to polarize race in this country than anyone else. He had to stick his flat nose into every local controversy, regardless of the facts. Recall his jumping into the arrest of the Harvard professor before al the facts were out. Holder is an out and out racist, who gives passes to blacks who violate election laws.
Remember the outrage when a black man was elected president, before he was even settle in office?
Holder and Oblama are no worse than what white presidents have done to acerbate the racial tension by silent proxy...


Oh, and what's wrong with you people? Why are YOU so angry?

Gotcha, dick, when the Marxist became President, our issue was his skin color. That's why we were OK with Slick, John Fing Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Read and the white liberals. I mean we tried to oppose them, but damn it, they are white, it's OK.

You see Bfjorn, you are an idiot, you don't see hatred on your own side, you just don't. Because you are full of hate yourself
Yes, I hate eggplant....
Something that gets overlooked is that America didn't hear much of a conservative voice once TV came on strong. The left even got control over radio. It wasn't until the "Fairness Doctrine" got the ax that America started hearing conservatives on the airwaves. Now with talk radio, TV talk show and the internet we get more information. As the liberals lost their grip on information dissemination they had to up the ante and try to convince people that conservative values were not just wrong, but evil.

Yea, the EVIL of fairness!!!

What it was: The Fairness Doctrine, as initially laid out in the report, ”In the Matter of Editorializing by Broadcast Licensees,” required that TV and radio stations holding FCC-issued broadcast licenses to (a) devote some of their programming to controversial issues of public importance and (b) allow the airing of opposing views on those issues. This meant that programs on politics were required to include opposing opinions on the topic under discussion. Broadcasters had an active duty to determine the spectrum of views on a given issue and include those people best suited to representing those views in their programming.

Additionally, the rule mandated that broadcasters alert anyone subject to a personal attack in their programming and give them a chance to respond, and required any broadcasters who endorse political candidates to invite other candidates to respond. However, the Fairness Doctrine is different from the Equal Time rule, which is still in force and requires equal time be given to legally qualified political candidates.

Yes, fairness is not me keeping what I earned, it is you taking by force that which you didn't.

This word you keep using, fairness, I don't think it means what you think it means

non sequitur ...

Fairness Doctrine had NOTHING to do with tax code.

Try to act like an adult...
-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Do not let the damn politicians which create and advance their agendas and wedge issue to be innocent...While blaming the electorate...
The politicians do not act in a civilized manor and they do not keep their mouths shut....
The biggest influx of of rracial divide was when Oblama was elected...The damn racist came out of the woodwork and their halos were dimmed...
It's a symbiotic relationship. Pols are like dogs. They react to stimulus. When they go off demonizing Republicans and get huge applause in the media and from voters and get elected they learn that behavior gets rewarded. So they do it more.
Obama did more to polarize race in this country than anyone else. He had to stick his flat nose into every local controversy, regardless of the facts. Recall his jumping into the arrest of the Harvard professor before al the facts were out. Holder is an out and out racist, who gives passes to blacks who violate election laws.
Remember the outrage when a black man was elected president, before he was even settle in office?
Holder and Oblama are no worse than what white presidents have done to acerbate the racial tension by silent proxy...


Oh, and what's wrong with you people? Why are YOU so angry?

Gotcha, dick, when the Marxist became President, our issue was his skin color. That's why we were OK with Slick, John Fing Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Read and the white liberals. I mean we tried to oppose them, but damn it, they are white, it's OK.

You see Bfjorn, you are an idiot, you don't see hatred on your own side, you just don't. Because you are full of hate yourself

It's pretty straight forward, race pimp
This began with Democrats, of course. I could tick off examples of Democrats demonizing Republicans for the last 10 years and exhaust the server space on this forum. We have never seen the level of lying and vitriol against Democrats by the GOP that we saw in, say, Alan Grayson's "Republicans want you to die quickly" speech on healthcare.
And Dems arent trustworthy in the least. Bush wanted the No Child Left Behind act passed. He left it up to Ted Kennedy to write. Kennedy wrote it and then denounced it on the floor of the Senate as being not generous enough.
You cannot work with people like that. You can only destroy them in every possible way. Democrats are the ISIS of the political scene.

You're the worst example of partisanship on this board. And I have news for you, it's Republicans, like you who are the biggest part of the problem. Democrats keep saving Republicans' asses with their failed economics policies, and unfunded wars, but you just scream "commies!" at every opportunity. You are the very definition of low information poster. People on this board refer to you as "Rabbid" for good reason.
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"

Yes, because the Heritage foundation speaks for all non-leftists everywhere. Idiot
Probably the reason the GOP told them to get lost during Boosh...
Something that gets overlooked is that America didn't hear much of a conservative voice once TV came on strong. The left even got control over radio. It wasn't until the "Fairness Doctrine" got the ax that America started hearing conservatives on the airwaves. Now with talk radio, TV talk show and the internet we get more information. As the liberals lost their grip on information dissemination they had to up the ante and try to convince people that conservative values were not just wrong, but evil.

Yea, the EVIL of fairness!!!

What it was: The Fairness Doctrine, as initially laid out in the report, ”In the Matter of Editorializing by Broadcast Licensees,” required that TV and radio stations holding FCC-issued broadcast licenses to (a) devote some of their programming to controversial issues of public importance and (b) allow the airing of opposing views on those issues. This meant that programs on politics were required to include opposing opinions on the topic under discussion. Broadcasters had an active duty to determine the spectrum of views on a given issue and include those people best suited to representing those views in their programming.

Additionally, the rule mandated that broadcasters alert anyone subject to a personal attack in their programming and give them a chance to respond, and required any broadcasters who endorse political candidates to invite other candidates to respond. However, the Fairness Doctrine is different from the Equal Time rule, which is still in force and requires equal time be given to legally qualified political candidates.

Yes, fairness is not me keeping what I earned, it is you taking by force that which you didn't.

This word you keep using, fairness, I don't think it means what you think it means

non sequitur ...

Fairness Doctrine had NOTHING to do with tax code.

Try to act like an adult...

What are you talking about? I didn't say anything about the fairness doctrine. Try to read like an adult
Do not let the damn politicians which create and advance their agendas and wedge issue to be innocent...While blaming the electorate...
The politicians do not act in a civilized manor and they do not keep their mouths shut....
The biggest influx of of rracial divide was when Oblama was elected...The damn racist came out of the woodwork and their halos were dimmed...
It's a symbiotic relationship. Pols are like dogs. They react to stimulus. When they go off demonizing Republicans and get huge applause in the media and from voters and get elected they learn that behavior gets rewarded. So they do it more.
Obama did more to polarize race in this country than anyone else. He had to stick his flat nose into every local controversy, regardless of the facts. Recall his jumping into the arrest of the Harvard professor before al the facts were out. Holder is an out and out racist, who gives passes to blacks who violate election laws.
Remember the outrage when a black man was elected president, before he was even settle in office?
Holder and Oblama are no worse than what white presidents have done to acerbate the racial tension by silent proxy...


Oh, and what's wrong with you people? Why are YOU so angry?

Gotcha, dick, when the Marxist became President, our issue was his skin color. That's why we were OK with Slick, John Fing Kerry, Gore, Pelosi, Read and the white liberals. I mean we tried to oppose them, but damn it, they are white, it's OK.

You see Bfjorn, you are an idiot, you don't see hatred on your own side, you just don't. Because you are full of hate yourself

It's pretty straight forward, race pimp
I just report, if you don't like it tough shit...

I wonder if, at any point in this thread, any partisans will have the nerve to stop pointing the finger at the other guys and engage in a little honest, humble, sincere self-examination.

I've always been willing to do that. In fact, I have been vocal about GOP nonsense. Its one of the reasons I left the GOP.....However, as I will always say to those who attacked Me first. You want civil debate......You first.

You in this context means the left.
The only party that has been hijacked was the Republican party by the far right.
Yeah right, Retardo. It was the right that introduced gay marriage, legalized pot, illegal aliens voting, obamacare, massive business regulations, union demands, etc. etc.

Go drool in your spittle cup.

No, the right introduced legalized unconstitutional discrimination (Marriage Act), marijuana as a Schedule 1 narcotic in the same category as heroin, deregulation that crashed our economy, unconstitutional racial profiling laws...

But Republicans DID introduce "Obamacare" in 1993 including the Heritage Foundation's "individual mandate"

Yes, because the Heritage foundation speaks for all non-leftists everywhere. Idiot
Probably the reason the GOP told them to get lost during Boosh...

More idiotic rantings from an idiot

Good piece by Dana Milbank: America s new cycle of partisan hatred - The Washington Post

A few points from it:

-- Up until the mid-1980s, the typical American held the view that partisans on the other side operated with good intentions. But that has changed in dramatic fashion, as a study published last year by Stanford and Princeton researchers demonstrates.

It has long been agreed that race is the deepest divide in American society. But that is no longer true, say Shanto Iyengar and Sean Westwood, the academics who led the study. Using a variety of social science methods (for example, having study participants review résumés of people that make both their race and party affiliation clear), they document that “the level of partisan animus in the American public exceeds racial hostility.”

-- This leads to a grim conclusion: The problem with politics isn’t Washington but the electorate. Members of Congress, most of whom come from safely gerrymandered districts, are behaving in a perfectly rational way when they avoid cooperation with the other party and instead try to build support within their own tribe.

Elected officials and professional partisans then reinforce the tribal tendency in the electorate with overheated rhetoric, perpetual campaigns, negative ads and increasingly partisan media outlets. “The individuals who hold more hostility are then given the green light to hold these more hostile positions,” Westwood explained.

So does he see a way out of this tribal cycle of hatred? “Sadly, no.”

Sadly, indeed.


Race only divides us as it is used to divide class.

The history of America is the history of class warfare with the upper classes using race to divide the lowers classes.

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