The damaging case against James Comey

Comey was covering his ass because he knew he was dealing with a shady liar .

He was right to do so . Imagine the he said / she said if he didn't .

And can any Trump supporter seriously harp on the lynch word change compared to what trump tried to do!?
He knew he did wrong and has now been busted for it. The wrath is coming for him.

What was wrong ? Not everything is "calssified " . Especially crimes by husband superior.
Conversations with the POTUS are when you work for US Gov

Really ? So if he wished comey a happy birthday he can't repeat that ?
Wishing him a happy birthday is not in the scope of his duties.
But thanks for again validating how stupid the left are with that dumbass question.
Comey committed no crime, not one of commission nor one of omission. His testimony under oath was credible, clear, concise and not once did he emphasis a statement with, "believe me". A comment which has come to be the biggest lie of this century, passing "the check is in the mail".

Comey did not receive a severance check nor did he sign a non disclosure agreement - he is a citizen whose right to speak is protected by the 1st A. of the Constitution. Of course this does not protect Mr. Comey, not in a nation where a person who laughed was arrested for laughing:
I think everyone can agree, this should have gone through existing and proper channels.

I blame, interpersonal communications failure due to politics.
The damaging case against James Comey

1. After calling Comey a “showboat” and poor director, Comey proceeded to commit an unethical and unprofessional act in leaking damaging memos against Trump.

2. Comey described a series of ethical challenges during his term as FBI director. Yet, he almost uniformly avoided taking a firm stand in support of the professional standards of the FBI.

3, Trump allegedly asked for Comey to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn or pledge loyalty, Comey did not tell the president that he was engaging in wildly inappropriate conduct. He instead wrote a memo to file and told close aides. He now says that he wishes he had the courage or foresight to have taken a stand with the president.

4.However, the clearest violation came in the days following his termination. Comey admits that he gave the damaging memos to a friend at Columbia Law School with the full knowledge that the information would be given to the media. It was a particularly curious moment for a former director who was asked by the president to fight the leakers in the government. He proceeded in becoming one of the most consequential leakers against Trump.

. 5.He did not confer with the FBI or the Justice Department. He did not ask for any classification review despite one of the parties described being the president of the United States. He simply sent the memos to a law professor to serve as a conduit to the media.

6. Comey asked why Trump would ask everyone to leave the Oval Office to speak with Comey unless he was doing something improper. Yet, Trump could ask why Comey would use a third party to leak these memos if they were his property and there was nothing improper in their public release.

7. (Comey) is suggesting that any federal employee effectively owns documents created during federal employment in relation to an ongoing investigation so long as they address the information to themselves. FBI agents routinely write such memos in investigations. They are called 302s to memorialize field interviews or fact acquisitions. They are treated as FBI information.

8.The Justice Department routinely claims such memos as privileged and covered by the deliberative process privilege and other privileges.

He just woke up in the middle of night upset about Trump’s name calling and released the damaging information. In doing so, he used these memos not as a shield but a sword.

9. Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641

10. When Comey released the information, he knew that he was going to be called to Congress where he could disclose this information properly after giving the White House a chance to claim privilege. Instead, he decided to release the information early. Why?

11. The fact is that the leaking of the memos worked to the advantage of James Comey, not Robert Mueller. Comey was able to take over the narrative and news cycle after Trump had publicly belittled him and his record.

12. (Trump) was able to bait Comey with his tweets and cause Comey to diminish his own credibility. If the comments of Trump were grossly inappropriate, Comey’s response to those comments were equally

OPINION: The damaging case against James Comey

This puts the entire narrative in the proper perspective. When trying to attack Trump in a "he said - he said situation," Comey has put himself in a dubious position which actually makes you wonder about his integrity and ability to overcome the fight for revenge when following the rules and laws put before him as an agent of the government.
He may very well put himself in jeopardy more that he put Trump.
Afraid to discuss the real damaging case on Trump. Of course you are.

There isn't a case against Trump. Comey said so for times to Mr. Warner, two or three to Mr.Burr, Rubio, Collins and a few more. Comey is likely under investigation as he flat refuses to testify to the judicial committee under oath. So basically your wrong.
The damaging case against James Comey

1. After calling Comey a “showboat” and poor director, Comey proceeded to commit an unethical and unprofessional act in leaking damaging memos against Trump.

2. Comey described a series of ethical challenges during his term as FBI director. Yet, he almost uniformly avoided taking a firm stand in support of the professional standards of the FBI.

3, Trump allegedly asked for Comey to drop the investigation of Michael Flynn or pledge loyalty, Comey did not tell the president that he was engaging in wildly inappropriate conduct. He instead wrote a memo to file and told close aides. He now says that he wishes he had the courage or foresight to have taken a stand with the president.

4.However, the clearest violation came in the days following his termination. Comey admits that he gave the damaging memos to a friend at Columbia Law School with the full knowledge that the information would be given to the media. It was a particularly curious moment for a former director who was asked by the president to fight the leakers in the government. He proceeded in becoming one of the most consequential leakers against Trump.

. 5.He did not confer with the FBI or the Justice Department. He did not ask for any classification review despite one of the parties described being the president of the United States. He simply sent the memos to a law professor to serve as a conduit to the media.

6. Comey asked why Trump would ask everyone to leave the Oval Office to speak with Comey unless he was doing something improper. Yet, Trump could ask why Comey would use a third party to leak these memos if they were his property and there was nothing improper in their public release.

7. (Comey) is suggesting that any federal employee effectively owns documents created during federal employment in relation to an ongoing investigation so long as they address the information to themselves. FBI agents routinely write such memos in investigations. They are called 302s to memorialize field interviews or fact acquisitions. They are treated as FBI information.

8.The Justice Department routinely claims such memos as privileged and covered by the deliberative process privilege and other privileges.

He just woke up in the middle of night upset about Trump’s name calling and released the damaging information. In doing so, he used these memos not as a shield but a sword.

9. Besides being subject to nondisclosure agreements, Comey falls under federal laws governing the disclosure of classified and unclassified information. Assuming that the memos were not classified (though it seems odd that it would not be classified even on the confidential level), there is 18 U.S.C. § 641

10. When Comey released the information, he knew that he was going to be called to Congress where he could disclose this information properly after giving the White House a chance to claim privilege. Instead, he decided to release the information early. Why?

11. The fact is that the leaking of the memos worked to the advantage of James Comey, not Robert Mueller. Comey was able to take over the narrative and news cycle after Trump had publicly belittled him and his record.

12. (Trump) was able to bait Comey with his tweets and cause Comey to diminish his own credibility. If the comments of Trump were grossly inappropriate, Comey’s response to those comments were equally

OPINION: The damaging case against James Comey

This puts the entire narrative in the proper perspective. When trying to attack Trump in a "he said - he said situation," Comey has put himself in a dubious position which actually makes you wonder about his integrity and ability to overcome the fight for revenge when following the rules and laws put before him as an agent of the government.
He may very well put himself in jeopardy more that he put Trump.

He is in jeopardy only in your dreams. The fact is that Trump is a congenital liar who would have gotten away with it gad it not been for Comey. Your points are a bunch of bullshit as only a Trump Davidian could come up with.
Trump never lied. Comey confirmed that under oath.

You can quote him saying that under oath?

See his testimony to Mr.Burr,Warner,Collins and Rubio. This is why all you never trumpers look so stupid. Yeah, this Russia thing will be a nasty diaper rash for team Trump, but if you pained attention to ALL the testimony so far from everyone you will see they question more and more about Loretta Lynch. Don't take my word for it, search up some transcripts and see for your self.
Reason escapes a reasonable when the reason is not reasonable because reasonable cant reason the reason that was not even a reason. Trump is clean, the dimshitscum are guilty of MANY felonies, obstructions, and possibly TREASON, MURDER, AIDING AND ABETTING CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, ILLEGAL TRANSFER OF FIREARMS TO KNOWN FELONS, >>>>>>>>>>> "Infinity and beyond!!!" BTW comey admitted breaking the LAW!! so he should be TOAST.
Whatever gets you through the night there short stack. Meanwhile, claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go.
laughable ignorance.... you got it down pat..

Whatever….meanwhile claiming privilege after the fact is a no-go. Per the federal bench.
It was about an ongoing investigation....Comey leaked...big trouble for him.
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.

It (Comey’s notes/memos etc….) were never classified at all; ever. Period.

IF they were never classified, tell me why his friend professor at Columbia is now in hiding.... And people around him are extremely worried he will be arrested?
You have never held a security clearance, that much is obvious.
That illegal requests have no such privilege or classification is also obvious when you’re talking to the nations’ top cop.
Comey does not have immunity... What an ignorant fool..

Yeah I agree. Only a “fool” would think I ever said something about immunity. You shouldn’t be that hard on yourself though. I’m sure it’s not easy being a Trump knob polisher.:itsok:
Poor little Alyinskite... Just using the rules for radicals and getting your butt beat by facts...

Have no idea what that means……meanwhile, you can’t claim privilege after the fact.

You can not debate with a clueless moron... I will now ignore you as you are spouting talking points that are devoid of reality.
Comey committed no crime, not one of commission nor one of omission. His testimony under oath was credible, clear, concise and not once did he emphasis a statement with, "believe me". A comment which has come to be the biggest lie of this century, passing "the check is in the mail".

Comey did not receive a severance check nor did he sign a non disclosure agreement - he is a citizen whose right to speak is protected by the 1st A. of the Constitution. Of course this does not protect Mr. Comey, not in a nation where a person who laughed was arrested for laughing:

Wrong. And if you think for a second comey doesnt have a case being made against him you are smoking Kush or something.
Reason escapes a reasonable when the reason is not reasonable because reasonable cant reason the reason that was not even a reason. Trump is clean, the dimshitscum are guilty of MANY felonies, obstructions, and possibly TREASON, MURDER, AIDING AND ABETTING CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE, ILLEGAL TRANSFER OF FIREARMS TO KNOWN FELONS, >>>>>>>>>>> "Infinity and beyond!!!" BTW comey admitted breaking the LAW!! so he should be TOAST.
Thanks for that discourse, Festus.
So, when are those charges going to be filed?

Answer: Never.

The Trump team won't file any actual charges, because, being Comey did nothing wrong or illegal, they know filing fake charges would leave them wide open to Abuse of Power complaints, which might get them disbarred.

That is, you Trumptards fell hard for a scam, like you always do. Everyone else but you sees it, which is why we're all laughing.
Comey did many things wrong, but illegal, we'll have to see regarding leaking FBI notes.
Comey committed no crime, not one of commission nor one of omission. His testimony under oath was credible, clear, concise and not once did he emphasis a statement with, "believe me". A comment which has come to be the biggest lie of this century, passing "the check is in the mail".

Comey did not receive a severance check nor did he sign a non disclosure agreement - he is a citizen whose right to speak is protected by the 1st A. of the Constitution. Of course this does not protect Mr. Comey, not in a nation where a person who laughed was arrested for laughing:

Wrong. And if you think for a second comey doesnt have a case being made against him you are smoking Kush or something.

Not yet, and I won't ever smoke anything. Now, when brownies become available next year...

Now, as for Mr. Comey, what crime are you suggesting he committed? He is a private citizen, he wrote the notes in question, they are not classified and they did not disclose anything secret or confidential.

The notes are documentary evidence which the ultimate trier of facts - the US Senate - may consider probative, if an article of impeachment is passed by the H. or Rep. and Trump is tried in the Senate.

The only things we can be sure of is that Trump is the President for now, and chaos will continue to rage.
Comey committed no crime, not one of commission nor one of omission. His testimony under oath was credible, clear, concise and not once did he emphasis a statement with, "believe me". A comment which has come to be the biggest lie of this century, passing "the check is in the mail".

Comey did not receive a severance check nor did he sign a non disclosure agreement - he is a citizen whose right to speak is protected by the 1st A. of the Constitution. Of course this does not protect Mr. Comey, not in a nation where a person who laughed was arrested for laughing:

Wrong. And if you think for a second comey doesnt have a case being made against him you are smoking Kush or something.
Comey testified before congress, under oath, Three separate times, that he had no knowledge of anyone leaking classified or privileged information. Comey, at a minimum, lied to Congress under oath.. Comey buried himself ADMITTING HE HIMSELF WAS LEAKING CLASSIFIED OR PRIVILEGED INFORMATION...
Last edited:
18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

Not sure why, you cut and paste a bunch of stuff from a manual without applying it to current events….

He also neglects the first part "converts to his use" means taking something someone else did, and now makes use of it. Which in Comeys case there was no conversion. Comey used his own creation, not that of someone else.

And the second part, without authority. The director of the FBI is the authority for all thngs FBI. Comey needed permission from himself to use the memos. And he received that permission.

Na, not really. He is still an employee of the FBI subjects to ALL the same rules as anyone else. If he did what you are saying, then he will be in the exact same spot trump is.

Well Comey was fired so none of it would apply. Or do you still wear your McDonalds hat to work when you are delivering pizza for Dominos
Your an Idoit...

The employment agreement holds him to standard for two years AFTER LEAVING OR BEING TERMINATED.

You should stop.. Your ignorance is stunning..
That illegal requests have no such privilege or classification is also obvious when you’re talking to the nations’ top cop.
Comey does not have immunity... What an ignorant fool..

Yeah I agree. Only a “fool” would think I ever said something about immunity. You shouldn’t be that hard on yourself though. I’m sure it’s not easy being a Trump knob polisher.:itsok:
Poor little Alyinskite... Just using the rules for radicals and getting your butt beat by facts...

Have no idea what that means……meanwhile, you can’t claim privilege after the fact.

You can not debate with a clueless moron... I will now ignore you as you are spouting talking points that are devoid of reality.

But i can help them out. Here is ALLLLL comey testimony that was sooo damning against Trump. including the multiple times he said Trump was not under investigation.
18 U.S. Code § 641 - Public money, property or records

Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or

Not sure why, you cut and paste a bunch of stuff from a manual without applying it to current events….

He also neglects the first part "converts to his use" means taking something someone else did, and now makes use of it. Which in Comeys case there was no conversion. Comey used his own creation, not that of someone else.

And the second part, without authority. The director of the FBI is the authority for all thngs FBI. Comey needed permission from himself to use the memos. And he received that permission.

Na, not really. He is still an employee of the FBI subjects to ALL the same rules as anyone else. If he did what you are saying, then he will be in the exact same spot trump is.

Well Comey was fired so none of it would apply. Or do you still wear your McDonalds hat to work when you are delivering pizza for Dominos
Your an Idoit...

The employment agreement holds him to standard for two years AFTER LEAVING OR BEING TERMINATED.

You should stop.. Your ignorance is stunning..

It was 7 years for us when I worked for DOT.
Comey does not have immunity... What an ignorant fool..

Yeah I agree. Only a “fool” would think I ever said something about immunity. You shouldn’t be that hard on yourself though. I’m sure it’s not easy being a Trump knob polisher.:itsok:
Poor little Alyinskite... Just using the rules for radicals and getting your butt beat by facts...

Have no idea what that means……meanwhile, you can’t claim privilege after the fact.

You can not debate with a clueless moron... I will now ignore you as you are spouting talking points that are devoid of reality.

But i can help them out. Here is ALLLLL comey testimony that was sooo damning against Trump. including the multiple times he said Trump was not under investigation.
Not sure why, you cut and paste a bunch of stuff from a manual without applying it to current events….

He also neglects the first part "converts to his use" means taking something someone else did, and now makes use of it. Which in Comeys case there was no conversion. Comey used his own creation, not that of someone else.

And the second part, without authority. The director of the FBI is the authority for all thngs FBI. Comey needed permission from himself to use the memos. And he received that permission.

Na, not really. He is still an employee of the FBI subjects to ALL the same rules as anyone else. If he did what you are saying, then he will be in the exact same spot trump is.

Well Comey was fired so none of it would apply. Or do you still wear your McDonalds hat to work when you are delivering pizza for Dominos
Your an Idoit...

The employment agreement holds him to standard for two years AFTER LEAVING OR BEING TERMINATED.

You should stop.. Your ignorance is stunning..

It was 7 years for us when I worked for DOT.
Depending on the sensitivity of the information, you can be required to sign more stringent agreements. Most NSA and FBI supervisory staff sign agreements lasting 10 - 20 years and life time for exposure of constitutionally protected individual rights.

Comey is in deep shit!

Whom he also did not advise of an investigation when he should have,,,,,,,crime upon crime
Typical fake news/lies upon lies from Attkisson, Comey stated UNDER OATH that he turned over his memos to the Justice Department special counsel, Mr. Mueller.

Whom he also did not advise of an investigation when he should have,,,,,,,crime upon crime
SO if he can not produce the document now, why did he destroy government records? Does the leaking NY Times still hold the records? Did his Colombia Attorney friend do his due diligence and save the record he leaked?
Another :asshole: stupid enough to believe Attkisson's habitual lies.

Whom he also did not advise of an investigation when he should have,,,,,,,crime upon crime
SO if he can not produce the document now, why did he destroy government records? Does the leaking NY Times still hold the records? Did his Colombia Attorney friend do his due diligence and save the record he leaked?
Another :asshole: stupid enough to believe Attkisson's habitual lies.

Another idiot... Comey stated under oath that he no longer has the memo and that he can not find them to give to anyone.. so who is lying here You or Comey?

Even the Senate committee has subpoenaed his computer he used in an attempt to recover the information.. Mueller is pissed about it...all I can do is laugh that Comey is taking a page from the Clinton play book... Its going to back fire, FBI laptops are backed up many times a day..
Mueller is pissed! Mueller gave him the ok to release it in the hearing, Mueller did not give him permission to leak the information meaning it was still classified at time of release/leak.
Comey released it BEFORE Mueller was made special counsel.

Whom he also did not advise of an investigation when he should have,,,,,,,crime upon crime
SO if he can not produce the document now, why did he destroy government records? Does the leaking NY Times still hold the records? Did his Colombia Attorney friend do his due diligence and save the record he leaked?
Another :asshole: stupid enough to believe Attkisson's habitual lies.

Another idiot... Comey stated under oath that he no longer has the memo and that he can not find them to give to anyone.. so who is lying here You or Comey?
As usual, when caught lying, the Right simply lies some more rather than admit the truth.
Comey stated that he turned over his ORIGINAL memos to Mueller, he was then asked about the COPY of his memos he gave to his friend, which he assumed he still had, and said he would ask him to give them to the Senate Committee.
So it is neither me nor Comey that is lying, but YOU lying as usual.

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